wrestling / Video Reviews
Guerrilla Reviewfare: PWG DDT4 2012
We are TAPED in Reseda, CA. This is my first review after my house burned down, so if it isn’t up to par I apologize. But if you’re ever in any danger of that, be thankful of the resources that you have. The firefighters and helicopters fighting these fires did all they could to try and salvage our things, but alas it was not to be. Due to a shortage of resources here in Stillwater, OK, my childhood home burnt to the ground as the house me and my fiancé are building is still standing. So in the interim, I’m staying at my grandmother’s and since I’ve been doing mmy last 5-6 reviews on my iPhone, I have a computer at my disposal now. It’s weird and awful stuff, but there are always silver linings in it. One of them is starting a whole new collection of wrestling DVD’s, but that can come later. Ha.
Your hosts are Excalibur and whoever decides to join him on commentary.
DDT4 First Round Match: The Fightin’ Taylor Boys vs. The RockNES Monsters
This is a rematch of these four’s stunning tag match all the way back at Steen Wolf, so I’m pretty sure this will be a satisfying opener if history has anything to say about it.
I don’t know if anyone’s thought about it, but you would have to think Excalibur is the nerdiest son of a bitch to ever live, even outside of wrestling. I love the guy, but he seems like he’s just a skinny wrestling nerd. The two teams start with a Pier Six brawl. Cage-Taylor drops Goodtime facefirst on the apron and Goodtime eats a tope suicida on top of it. Johnny Yuma nails a pescado on Cage-Taylor, but Cage just gets up holding the guy. MOONSAULT PRESS BY JOHNNY GOODTIME! Does anyone else think that Johnny Yuma looks a bit like Jay from the Kevin Smith movies? Cage-Taylor heaves Goodtime up and SQUATS WHILE IN A VERTICAL SUPLEX! WWE has to be knocking on his door, right? The Taylor Boys isolate Goodtime in the ring. CAGE-TAYLOR WITH A DOUBLE SPRINGBOARD MOONSAULT! This guy…wow. Johnny Goodtime gets the tag and suplexes Cage-Taylor and they get a mushroom stomp! Goodtime puts Yuma on his shoulders in a fireman’s carry, BUT CAGE-TAYLOR SUPLEXES GOODTIME AND SENDS YUMA BACK!! Ho-lee shit. Manhattan Drop/Discus Lariat! Yuma kicks out! EXPLOSIVE AMNESIA! RockNES Monsters advance in 13 minutes. ***1/2 Brian Cage-Taylor certainly is a fucking machine. Not as good as Steen Wolf but a damn good successor.
DDT4 First Round Match: The Dynasty vs. Future Shock
Joey Ryan is in this match, so it’s already awesome. Sans porno stache though, which guts me. I hope Kyle O’Reilly doesn’t stiff PWG for money, that little pussy.
They don’t exactly start with precise organization here, but The Dynasty takes control. Awesome psychology early, as The Dynasty tries to finish Future Shock early. Future Shock stops that, as Adam Cole comes in and saves the guy that would go on to tear his mouth up. Seeing Future Shock so fluid in the ring pisses me off that ROH broke them up for a stupid angle. The Dynasty takes control over Adam Cole now. O’Reilly tags in and cleans house. BACK SUPERPLEX FROM O’REILLY! SUPERFLY SPLASH FROM COLE! Scorpio breaks up the pin. Kevin Steen: “Just like Tamina Snuka.” That made my day. REGALPLEX FROM O’REILLY! Sky barely kicks out. Double Superkick from Future Shock, but O’Reilly nearly falls to a crucifix. RIDE THE LIGHTNING! That gets Future Shock the pinfall in 11 minutes. *** Believe it or not, this actually started to drag right before the finish. I’m glad it didn’t overstay its welcome too long though. I hate criticizing Joey Ryan.
DDT4 First Round Match: 2 Husky Black Guys vs. Sami Callihan and Roderick Strong
2 Husky Black Guys (the best name for anything, ever) are El Generico and Willie Mack. This is Sami Callihan’s debut in Pro Wrestling Guerrilla and what a debut he has.
This is actually the only time I’ve seen Sami outside of his matches with Finlay, which were AWESOME. Mack and Roddy start and get dueling chants. Kevin Steen and Excalibur are SCATTING on commentary. Awesome. Willie Mack starts hot, hitting an enzuigiri. Sami Callihan saves him though. Sami and Roddy just massacre Willie. Sami tags in and he commits so many hate crimes it’s hard to count. Generico tags in and takes down Callihan in exciting fashion. Willie Mack tries to dance on Callihan (homage to Human Tornado) but Roddy stops him. Generico comes in and they both do it! Only in PWG. Callihan can’t hit a sunset powerbomb so he KICKS WILLIE’S LEG OUT FROM UNDER HIM, dropping him on his head. Yuck. Roddy hits a kneebreaker on Mack on the apron. Mack is playing Ricky Morton, which is racist. Mack gets enough energy to get the hot tag to Generico, who cleans house. Blue Thunder Bomb on Callihan gets 2. Shit starts breaking down here as Generico shuffles through Roddy to get a half and half suplex for a two count. Callihan’s like “I can top that bitch” and hits a disgusting deadlift backdrop driver. SUPERKICK FROM CALLIHAN! REGALPLEX BACKBREAKER FROM STRONG! GENERICO KICKS OUT! Wow. Roddy eats a brainbuster from Generico soon after and gets the win for his team in 18 minutes. After the match, Sami Callihan says he’s pissed and says he didn’t come to lose one match and leave. He calls out Kevin Steen, saying “I’ll eat you for fucking lunch” and takes Steen’s open challenge. Tell us what you really think, Sami. ***3/4 As Ryan Rozanski said in his review of this same show, this is a match you will only see in PWG. Jim Cornette and his stubborn ass won’t anything like this go on in ROH, but fuck him. We’ve got PWG. This was very, very unique, energetic, and hard hitting. Can’t get more fun than this one, really.
DDT4 First Round Match: Super Smash Brothers vs. The Young Bucks
Ugh, the Young Bucks. I hate them more (in an X-Pac way) every time I see them. Honestly at this point, I would rather see the Bravados because they have real charisma and don’t have repetitive matches. Now the Super Smash Brothers? Oh I was wrong about any criticisms I had about them.
Stupefied and Nick start. Nick stalls because he’s an idiot. Stupefied tries comedy and does remarkably better. Stupefied starts hot and tags in Player Uno. The SSB’s taunt is just so awesome. Matt tags in and eats a sweet looking shoulder separator from Uno. The Bucks take control over Uno, who surprisingly plays a hell of a face in peril. Nick Jackson almost falls off of the top rope. Take out that almost and this is a five star match. Matt shoves Stupefied off of the apron so Uno can’t tag. Soon after, he does that very thing as Stupefied comes in and cleans house. The Bucks take control and hit Uno with Early Onset Alzheimers. THEY HIT IT ON STUPEFIED IN MID KIP UP! SPRINGBOARD DIAMOND DUST! Stupefied kicks out. You don’t see the Diamond Dust anymore. REVERSE RANA! WHEELBARROW LUNG BLOWER ON NICK! Close, close nearfall. Matt and Uno trade shots in the ring and Uno sets up for Fatality. The Bucks hit a low blow on Uno! BUCKLE BOMB/ENZUIGIRI! SPIKE TOMBSTONE ON STUPEFIED! UNO BREAKS THE PINFALL! Holy shit, this is awesome. CRUCIFIX PIN FROM STUPEFIED! Super Smash Brothers get an upset win in 15 minutes. **** Man, the Super Smash Brothers are something special. I may rag on the Young Bucks a lot too, but damned if they didn’t work their asses off here. Amazing match, especially during the finishing stretch.
DDT4 Semifinal: RockNES Monsters vs. 2 Husky Black Guys
Man, the Husky Black Guys are working their asses off tonight. Love how they’re selling the injuries. You never see that in the indies.The RockNES Monsters had three matches and intermission to rest. The Black Guys had one match and intermission.
We start slow with some good comedy early. For some stupid reason, they tease dissension in the Monsters. Goodtime flinches at a chop and Willie yells “TWO FOR FLINCHIN” and gives him two stiff chops. Have I ever mentoned that I LOVE WILLIE MACK? Generico tags in and hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for a 2 count. The Monsters make Mack play Ricky Morton, but Mack and Generico do stereo dives! Have I ever mentioned THAT I FUCKING LOVE WILLIE MACK?! Mack heads in the ring and hits a cravat ace crusher for 2. Moonsault! Goodtime breaks up the pin. Explosive Amnesia gets an apathetic nearfall. The Monsters try all they can to pin Mack, but Willie hits a RIKISHI DRIVER on Yuma for the pinfall in 12 minutes.***1/4 They didn’t have the crowd for all of the match, but they had an exciting match without totally draining Mack and Generico for their DDT4 Final.
DDT4 Semifinal: Future Shock vs. Super Smash Brothers
Oh, this is going to fucking rule.
Adam Cole gets pissed at Player Uno and stomps on his foot. O’Reilly cracks Uno in the face with a dropkick and tags in his partner to further punish the big man. Stupefied comes in and turns the tide a bit with a back suplex on Cole. O’Reilly tags in and eats an awesome tornado DDT for a 2 count. Uno tags in and throws some stiff strikes at O’Reilly, who then takes the Bret Hart bump into the turnbuckle. O’Reilly hits some pathetic slaps and Uno basically tells him that by hitting an enzuigiri. Cole and Stupefied step in and trade strikes of their own and they dive onto their respective opponents. That was pretty sweet. Meteora from Stupefied gets two. STEREO PUNTS TO THE HEAD! STUPEFIED KICKS OUT! Uno comes in and HITS A MOTHERFUCKING MOONSAULT! COLE KICKS OUT! I said this was going to “fucking rule” and it does, it really does. O’Reilly comes in and Cole hits a wheelbarrow sprung by O’Reilly’s feet! Uno and Stupefied are alone in the ring and UNO HITS A REVERSE DDT BOMB! O’Reilly breaks up the pinfall. STUPEFIED KIPS UP TO DODGE KICK AND HITS A DOUBLE PELE! DOUBLE GUILLOTINE CHOKES FROM FUTURE SHOCK! DOUBLE NORTHERN LIGHTS! BACK INTO GUILLOTINES! Uno knocks Cole off the top and STUPEFIED HITS SLICED BREAD NUMBER TWO OFF THE TOP ONTO O’REILLY! FATALITY! That gets the win in a fucking wild 20 minutes. ****1/2 Jesus H. Christ, that was insane. You just cannot get this anywhere else but PWG, which makes this promotion so damn great. The Smash Brothers and Future Shock are two drop dead fantastic teams and if you need any evidence, then this match is your best friend. This is a high-end MOTYC and my number 2 MOTY behind Elgin/Richards. It’s fantastic, balls to the wall action that everyone should no doubt love.
PWG World Title: Kevin Steen © vs. Sami Callihan
Callihan called Mr. Wrestling out. This match is the result.
We start off with a big brawl to get things. Callihan goes up top and Steen knocks him down, afterwards brawling a bit on the floor. Sami Callihan throws a water bottle at Steen, because he’s a dick. Steen crotches Sami on the ringpost and kisses him. It’s okay, because he has a kid and a wife. We finally get back to the ring. This is just a shitkicking, earning some chops by yelling “Fuck you!” at Steen. Callihan nails Steen in the back of the head with an enzuigiri and hits his splash using ropes for momentum. Callihan builds more momentum with a heat seeking missile, but he eats a powerbomb on the apron. Steen eats Callihan’s knees on a Swanton Bomb. DEADLIFT BACKDROP DRIVER! The two trade strikes on the apron, where they counter various moves until Steen hits a Michinoku Driver on the apron. Callihan kicks out of two powerbombs on the apron. SLEEPER SUPLEX! Nearfall! Callihan spits in Steen’s face and eats a Package Piledriver for his troubles in 13 minutes. Steen roasts on a fan after the match: “Sit down and drink your beer before I shove my cock in your throat.” Kevin tells a story and says he didn’t like Sami when he first met him. He said that after this match he likes Sami a little, but he hates Sami a little too. So he says they go back to their respective promotions and they will meet again in PWG down the line. The crowd tells Callihan to come back as Steen shakes his hand. That was a really good way to put Sami over and he’s slowly becoming one of the better wrestlers I’ve seen come down the indy pike. *** It started well, but it just dragged the rest of the way. However, there were some really cool spots in between the tedium, which just earned the three star rating. They had the unfortunate task of following that cracking tag match, but they did well considering that’s what they had to do.
DDT4 Finals: Super Smash Brothers vs. 2 Husky Black Guys
I have a feeling this one is going to rule too.
Stupefied and Generico start slow and Stupefied gives a clean break. Generico slips up on an armbar and tags in Mack soon after. Player Uno and Willie Mack trade some shots and both end up going down. SSB gets a double suplex and Uno works over Mack. Generico looks like his back is legit hurt. Willie blasts Stupefied with a dropkick and tags in Generico. Mexican Moonsault gets 2 for Generico. The Husky Black Guys do an awesome taunt. Generico looks really hurt. Generico eats an enzuigiri and Stupefied tags in and hits an AWESOME tope con hilo. Willie Mack comes off the top rope with a dive and Stupefied hits a nice swanton dive of his own. Generico does his dive and fucking Excalibur yells “EL GENERICO IS A BIG BOY~!” causing me to pause the match because I couldn’t contain my laughter. Kevin Steen and Excalibur are speechless too. That just stole the match from these four. Mack nails the slingshot dropkick and hits an Exploder for a 2 count. Stupefied FLIPS LIKE FUCKING CRAZY after eating a lariat from Mack. However, Stupefied HITS A GET OVER HERE EXPLODER ON GENERICO FROM RINGSIDE TO WILLIE MACK! Stupefied reverses the brainbuster into a roll up! GENERICO KICKS OUT! Willie Mack nails TWO MOONSAULTS! UNO KICKS OUT! Stupefied counters a turnbuckle brainbuster INTO A SUPER REVERSE RANA! FATALITY! Super Smash Brothers win DDT4 2012 in 18 minutes. **** With no fatigue between the teams, this match had the potential to be even better than Future Shock/Smash Brothers. However, I can’t complain about what was a very, very satisfying conclusion to a stunning tournament. ROH and Chikara blew their opportunities with SSB, but damn it, PWG hasn’t. This was an extremely exciting match given how tired all four men were.
Post-Match: The Young Bucks attack the Smash Brothers and Kevin Steen runs them off. The Bucks say they want a rematch with Steen and “Super Faggot”. Welp, expect some people to get butthurt over that. Me and my sophomoric sense of humor think it’s hilarious. Kevin Steen says that once Super Dragon is healed up, they will gladly beat the shit out of the Young Bucks. Steen kills the Young Bucks on the mic. It’s great. Steen puts the Smash Brothers over hard. He puts Mack over big time as well, but he calls Generico a piece of shit and leaves. I always love that continuity in different promotions. The Smash Brothers celebrate to end the show.
The 411: This show is tremendous. There's not much to do but praise this for its consistency and give the obligatory thumbs up. Hell, Future Shock/SSB is worth price of admission alone. If you love tag team wrestling, this is the show to get. STRONG recommendation. |
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Final Score: 9.5 [ Amazing ] legend |