wrestling / TV Reports
Hall’s AEW Dynamite Review 4.12.23

Date: April 12, 2023
Location: UW-Milwaukee Panther Arena, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz
We’re getting closer to Double Or Nothing and the main story continues to be the Four Pillars coming together. While the other three all want MJF’s title, there hasn’t been much of the other three going after each other, which could make for an interesting dynamic on its own. Let’s get to it.
Opening sequence.
Swerve Strickland vs. Darby Allin
Allin starts fast with the rolling Stunner and tries the Coffin Drop but Swerve is on the floor instead. That’s fine with Allin, who hits a top rope flip dive and a whip into the barricade. Swerve gets in a shot of his own though and takes Allin’s belt for a whipping back inside. Allin trips the legs and hammers away but Swerve ties him in the ropes. A low superkick knocks Allin to the floor for a stomp, which hurts Swerve’s ankle as we take a break.
Back with Swerve hitting a rolling Downward Spiral but getting tied in the corner. Allin takes the boot off the bad ankle and bites the foot (because he’s weird like that) before grabbing a kneebar. Allin’s springboard is countered into a German suplex but Allin reveres a suplex into a reverse DDT (that was sweet). He goes up top and knocks Swerve down, setting up the Coffin Drop but here is Prince Nana to put the foot on the rope.
Allin gives chase but runs into Brian Cage, allowing Swerve to kick him in the head. The Swerve Stomp gets two, as he hurts his ankle and delays the cover. Cage trips Allin and gets ejected, allowing Swerve to grab a chair. That takes too long so Allin grabs a Code Red for two, followed by the Last Supper for the pin at 14:41.
Rating: B-. I’m not wild on Swerve taking a fall but Allin getting the pin makes more sense out of the two options. That being said, this is a match that either shouldn’t have happened or should have ended in some kind of a screwy finish, as Allin is likely on his way to headlining a pay per view and Swerve is being rebuilt. The action was good, but I could have done without one of them getting pinned.
Post match and post break here is MJF to say that was a great match. He praises Allin as a great talent but….SHUT UP WITH SAYING HIS CATCHPHRASE WITH HIM! The two words he has for Allin are “headlock takeover” because he beat him with a move that simple. Maybe it’s the 30 concussions but Allin is not on the level of the devil. Allin asks if MJF is happy. Has anything he has ever done made him happy?
They met six years ago, wrestling in front of thirty people. Now MJF is the World Champion and nothing has changed, because all he got are material things. Allin got to national TV and checked himself into therapy and he learned about how much he can do for everyone else. His AEW contract have helped him buy his parents a house and let his dad retire. MJF says morals kill a wrestling career and knows he might die alone and not go to Heaven.
As long as he goes with his title though, that’s all that matters. His legacy will be World Champion, but Allin’s legacy is “Sting’s b****.” Cue Sting to say he isn’t taking care of Allin, because he sees himself like a cheerleader. Sting pulls some pom poms (four of them) out of his jacket and throws them at MJF. He promises to stop if MJF will stop with the “Cody daycare” stuff. Sting: “I SAID CODY!!!”
MJF had a cheerleader and support system in Cody, just like Allin has in him. Sting had a support system in Ric Flair and praises him….and the Outsiders for Wolfpac Sting of all thing. He has a hunger for things but not the World Title, because showtime is almost over. Showtime is just starting for Allin though, because Allin is going to be World Champion. MJF spits at Allin and leaves in a hurry. This was another long and very good exchange, as Allin continues to feel the most interesting of the three potential challenges (though not by a long shot).
TNT Title: Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Silas Young
Hobbs is defending and Town Business retains the title at 43 seconds.
Post match Hobbs carries Young out but we cut to Wardlow in the parking lot with a lead pipe, wrecking the car that Hobbs bought with Wardlow’s credit card. Then he uses a forklift to turn the car over. Back in the arena, Hobbs loads up a powerbomb through two tables but here is Wardlow for the brawl. Wrestlers try to break it up, with Aaron Solo being put through the table instead.
Jay White promises Bullet Club success.
International Title: Buddy Matthews vs. Orange Cassidy
Matthews, with Julia Hart, is challenging and Cassidy’s hand is banged up. They stare at each other to start with Cassidy making him miss and spinning around into a headscissors. Cassidy sends him outside for the suicide dive, followed by a high crossbody, which is pulled out of the air. A tornado DDT plants Matthews but Cassidy hits the Orange Punch, meaning it’s time to check on the hand. Matthews stomps on the hand and we take a break.
Back with Cassidy’s dive being pulled out of the air. The tornado DDT is blocked and they head to the apron for an exchange of superkicks. The Beach Break drops Matthews on the apron and they both have to beat the count. Back in and Matthews stomps on the hand but Cassidy begs off….and puts the hands in the pocket.
Matthews hits him in the face anyway but walks into the Stundog Millionaire. They both go up top for a super tornado DDT, followed by a diving one to the floor. Back in and a top rope DDT gets two so the Orange Punch connects for the same. Matthews hits a pop up knee to the face and the Stomp gets two. What used to be Murphy’s Law is loaded up but Cassidy reverses into the Mousetrap to retain at 14:12.
Rating: B. I liked the match and Cassidy fighting underneath like the underdog that he is will almost always work. That being said, Cassidy is going to have to lose the title soon, maybe to Malakai Black, before this starts losing its impact. Kind of like the DDT did, after three enhanced versions in a row only got a two count on Matthews.
Christian Cage and Luchasaurus say some things are changing.
Orange Cassidy is banged up but the Best friends want Aussie Open for the IWGP Tag Team Titles on Rampage.
Here is Ethan Page to complain about Matt Hardy. Cue Isiah Kassidy and Hardy to set up a future match for Hardy’s freedom. The rest of the Firm comes down and the beatdown is on, with Hook’s save not working (he looked like he got banged up somewhere in there). Cue JEFF HARDY for the big save and reunion. The people certainly reacted and while that’s great, having him back again doesn’t exactly seem like the best idea.
We look at the Blackpool Combat Club’s recent violence.
A serious Kenny Omega promises vengeance. For Omega, this was pretty good talking and he stayed to the point.
Blackpool Combat Club vs. Michael Nakazawa/Brandon Cutler
The Club jumps them to start and Nakazawa is bleeding before the bell. Nakazawa tries to fight back but gets caught in the Swing, setting up the Sharpshooter from Castagnoli. That’s actually broken up and it’s Cutler coming in instead. Moxley hammers away and bites the forehead to bust Cutler open too. Some clotheslines have no effect as Moxley hits the King Kong Lariat into the Death Rider. The bulldog choke is broken up but the Club’s strike’s to the head finish at 3:05.
Rating: C. That was just about the only way it should have gone and they didn’t do anything ridiculous here. Nakazawa and Cutler barely ever wrestle on TV so there was no reason for them to be anything but plucky cannon fodder here. The Club beat them up, sold just a hair and then finished strong. As it should have been
Post match the beatdown is on but Kenny Omega comes out for the staredown. The Young Bucks retain and jump the Club, with Omega whipping out a screwdriver to go after Moxley. The Club bails.
Swerve Strickland isn’t happy with Darby Allin beating him but promises to settle some scores.
Sky Blue/Riho vs. Ruby Soho/Toni Storm
Saraya is in Soho/Storm’s corner. It’s a brawl to start with Blue in trouble but Riho comes in for some dropkicks. Stereo dropkicks send Soho outside and a forearm drops Storm, setting up Riho’s dive from the top onto Soho as we take a break. Back with Riho rolling away from Soho and bringing Blue back in. Storm comes in as but gets sent to the floor for a kick to the face.
Blue snaps off a hurricanrana from the apron, followed by a high crossbody for two back inside. Everything breaks down and Blue superkicks Soho into a crucifix bomb. Storm German suplexes Blue and hits the running hip attack, setting up Storm Zero for the pin at 6:19. Not enough shown to rate due to the break but there was a lot of action packed into not a lot of time.
Post match the bating is on but Jamie Hayter and Britt Baker runs in for the save.
Keith Lee vs. Chris Jericho
Daniel Garcia is here with Jericho, whose early chops have no effect. Lee runs him over with a shoulder and takes it into the corner. The Grizzly Magnum is blocked so Lee unloads in another corner instead. Lee powers Jericho into the corner to start but the Grizzly Magnum is blocked. Jericho send Lee outside though and we take a break.
Back with Jericho hitting the Lionsault for two but Lee is back up. Lee blocks a charge and blasts him with a clothesline but Lee’s middle rope moonsault hits knees. That just huts Jericho even more so it’s a spinebuster to drop Jericho again. Jericho rakes the eyes to escape the powerbomb though and the Walls go on.
The long crawl lets Lee make the rope and there’s the Uncle Phil toss. Jericho grabs the referee to escape the Big Bang Catastrophe but Garcia’s interference doesn’t work. The Codebreaker is countered into the Spirit Bomb but Garcia offers another distraction, allowing Swerve Strickland to come in and deck Lee, giving Jericho the pin at 14:04.
Rating: B-. Lee got to do some of his impressive stuff here and at least they are finally getting back to Lee vs. Strickland, meaning we might even get to their blowoff match after so many months of waiting. The Garcia interference got a bit repetitive, but they certainly kept Lee looking strong. I’m not sure this needed to be the main event, but at least they did it well enough.
Post match Adam Cole comes out to check on Lee, complete with the over the shoulder look at Jericho ala Jericho a few weeks ago. Staring, but no violence, ensues to end the show.
Darby Allin b. Swerve Strickland – Last Supper
Powerhouse Hobbs b. Silas Young – Town Business
Orange Cassidy b. Buddy Matthews – Orange Punch
Blackpool Combat Club b. Michael Nakazawa/Brandon Cutler via referee stoppage
Toni Storm/Ruby Soho b. Riho/Skye Blue – Storm Zero to Blue
Chris Jericho b. Keith Lee – Belt shot from Swerve Strickland
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