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Hall’s AEW Rampage Review – 10.25.24

October 26, 2024 | Posted by Thomas Hall
Konosuke Takeshita AEW Rampage 10-25-24 Image Credit: AEW
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Hall’s AEW Rampage Review – 10.25.24  

Date: October 25, 2024
Location: Maverik Center, Salt Lake City, Utah
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Matt Menard

We’re closing in on the end of this series and in a way that’s sad to see. The show is a marked difference than Dynamite and Collision as it’s usually a light, easy to watch series. You won’t get much in the way of major storyline development, but it lets AEW do what it does best with a focus on the in-ring side of things. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Kingdom vs. Gates Of Agony vs. Shane Taylor Promotions

Roderick Strong is on commentary. Moriarty takes Taven down by the arm to start as commentary admits that these things can be kind of messy. Taven grabs a cradle for two and it’s off to Bennett, who gets elbowed in the face by Kaun. A standing moonsault gives Kaun two but it’s Taylor coming in with a Baldo Bomb for two on Bennett.

We take a break and come back with Taven cleaning house as commentary talks about ll the former Ring Of Honor champions involved here. Everything breaks down and Toa Samoan drops Moriarty and Bennett at the same time. Open The Gates plants Moriarty but Bennett makes the save. Taven’s frog splash pins Moriarty at 9:01.

Rating: C+. You have six people in this match, meaning four people were eligible to take the pin. Who takes it? The one person in the match who happens to hold a championship. It’s not like Ring Of Honor means much these days, but I’ll never understand the seemingly going out of the way to make the thing look less important.

Beef is ready for The Beast Mortos, but the returning JD Drake comes in to wish him luck.

The Undisputed Kingdom tries to get The Beast Mortos to stay on their side, saying if Mortos beats Beef tonight, Mortos can eat him!

Anna Jay vs. Leila Grey

Commentary again talks about Jay’s time in Japan, saying you get better over there by wrestling more days than you have off. Given that she had 8 matches over 21 days, it would seem that she didn’t get much out of it. They fight over a headlock to start until Jay hits a running shoulder and some knees to the ribs. Grey gets two off a neckbreaker, followed by a CM Punk running knee into the corner and a bulldog back out of it for two more. An exchange of forearms goes to Jay and she Iconoclasms Grey down. The Gory Bomb finishes Grey at 3:12.

Rating: C. Jay is coming up on a Women’s Title shot in the near future so it makes sense to give her a quick win here. There’s nothing wrong with that, as Grey isn’t going to lose any status by taking a fall against a bigger star. It wasn’t exactly a top level back and forth match, but it gives Jay the momentum that she needs.

Quick Dynamite recap.

The Beast Mortos vs. Beef

JD Drake is here with Beef and they shove each other around to start. They trade shoulders until Mortos takes him down, followed by a chop block for two. Mortos misses a backsplash though as commentary talks about energy drinks. A hard headbutt puts Beef down…and we take a break? In this match?

Back with Beef flipping out of a belly to back suplex and hitting something like a running crossbody. Beef’s corner splash into a bulldog gets two but the pop up Samoan drop gives Mortos the same. Mortos’ twisting Swanton connects for two more but Beef enziguris him into the ropes. Beef goes up but Dralistico distracts the referee so Rush can crotch him down, allowing Mortos to hit his spinning piledriver for the pin at 10:05.

Rating: D+. So Jake Roberts is going to fire Mortos now yes? It just took him ten minutes to beat a comedy goof who is popular because the fans like chanting his funny name. Mortos is coming off a featured pay per view match with Hologram and he needs ten minutes to beat Beef? I have no idea what AEW was thinking here, but this made Mortos look pathetic, which I can’t imagine was the plan.

Post match the beatdown is on, with Rush choking JD Drake as well. Are they seriously going to have La Faccion Ingobernable fight the Workhorsemen/Beef? If that’s their idea of a featured match, just release all of them, plus the person who thinks it’s a good idea.

Harley Cameron asks Renee Paquette if Thunder Rosa has ever punched her in the face. Renee says no, so Cameron declares her special. After squeaking, Cameron says she’s attractive and threatens to get violent with Rosa. Whatever Renee is being paid, it should be doubled after she kept a straight face during this whole thing. Cameron is hysterical.

Ricochet vs. Nick Wayne

Wayne bails to the floor to start and walks around ringside, saying it’s on his time. Back in and Wayne knocks him into the corner but Ricochet fires off some dropkicks. They go outside, where Mother Wayne offers a distraction, allowing Nick to get in a cheap shot as we take a break.

Back with Ricochet hitting a springboard missile dropkick to send him outside, meaning it’s a big dive to drop Nick again. Nick rakes the eyes on top and a Stunner out of the corner sets up a rollup for two, even with Nick grabbing the ropes. Wayne’s World is broken up and Ricochet kicks him in the face, setting up a German suplex for two. They trade kicks to the head until Wayne hits a double underhook Canadian Destroyer for two of his own. Ricochet knees him down, hits Vertigo, and adds a running elbow for the pin at 13:18.

Rating: B-. You kind of know what you’re getting here, with both guys getting in their normal stuff for an entertaining match. Ricochet is likely on his way to a showdown with Konosuke Takeshita for the International Title so much like Anna Jay earlier, it was smart to give him a win in a match like this. Fine enough main event here, even with little doubt as to the result.

Konosuke Takeshita comes out for the staredown with Ricochet to end the show.


Kingdom b. Gates Of Agony and Shane Taylor Promotions – Frog splash to Moriarty
Anna Jay b. Leila Grey – Gory Bomb
The Beast Mortos b. Beef – Spinning piledriver
Ricochet b. Nick Wayne – Running elbow



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The 411
I’m still trying to get my head around that Mortos match, but the rest of the show worked well enough. As usual, it’s nice to keep things moving around here and build things up a bit, which is what we got with Ricochet and Jay. That’s a perfectly fine way to go with this show, but spend less time cooking the Beef next time. Otherwise it’s just tough.

article topics :

AEW Rampage, Thomas Hall