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Hall’s NXT Halloween Havoc 2024 Review

October 28, 2024 | Posted by Thomas Hall
Zaria NXT Halloween Havoc Image Credit: WWE
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Hall’s NXT Halloween Havoc 2024 Review  

Halloween Havoc 2024
Date: October 27, 2024
Location: Giant Center, Hershey, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T

It’s another big time show on the road as we have one of the most obvious WCW shows being brought back to the big time. That means a bunch of Spin The Wheel, Make The Deal matches, which could make for an interesting card. The main event is another Trick Williams defending the NXT Title against Ethan Page, which isn’t so interesting. Let’s get to it.

Gigi Dolin hosts the opening video, which is focusing on people being different tonight for one night of the year. The matches involved get attention too.

The set looks GREAT with a bunch of Halloween themed pieces, ala the old WCW sets (no big pumpkin though). Even ring announcer Mike Rome is dressed as Beetlejuice.

North American Title: Oba Femi vs. Tony D’Angelo

D’Angelo is defending in a Tables, Ladders and Scares match, meaning street fight with pinfalls or submissions. D’Angelo breaks up the Big Match Intros and they go straight to the brawl, with D’Angelo taking him outside for a spear through the barricade. The weapons are busted out, with a ladder being bridged between the ring and the apron, allowing Femi to chair D’Angelo in the back.

A chokeslam onto a chair gives Femi two and he puts a chair over D’Angelo in the corner. D’Angelo kicks his way out and they go out to the floor, where Femi sends him into the apron. There’s a slam onto the ladder back inside and it’s already table time. Femi blasts him through said table for two and then wraps a crowbar around D’Angelo’s face. A powerbomb is loaded up but D’Angelo reverses into a backdrop, followed by the spinebuster for two.

Back up and Femi throws him again, with D’Angelo coming up holding his leg. Femi busts out a zip tie to tie D’Angelo to the corner, but he has to stop and beat up the D’Angelo Family. Riz gets stalked to the apron, where she grabs the crowbar, which Femi snatches away without much trouble. D’Angelo rips off the tie and spears Femi through the bridged ladder but Femi is right back up with the pop up powerbomb for two. Riz is back in with the crowbar and the Family hits a Shatter Machine with a chair. The spinebuster through the table gives D’Angelo the pin at 15:33.

Rating: B. They beat the fire out of each other here and it made for a good opener, with D’Angelo retaining via some interference in the end. I get that Femi was threatening Riz, but having a bunch of people come in to help D’Angelo beat a monster doesn’t make me want to cheer him. The good/bad stuff has been all over the place in this feud, though in theory this is it for them.

Lexis King still needs a corner man for his Heritage Cup match but no one trusts him. William Regal comes in to say he knew King’s father and hopes the apple didn’t fall far from the tree. Regal will be the corner man. Oh dear.

Fatal Influence has decided that Kelani Jordan will defend the Women’s North American Title in a gauntlet match.

Cora Jade/Roxanne Perez vs. Giulia/Stephanie Vaquer

Vaquer cranks on Jade’s arms to start and hands it off to Giulia for a top rope ax handle to one of those arms. Perez comes in and gets caught in a headlock before she and Vaquer trade rollups for two each. Giulia sets up Vaquer’s 619, followed by a double elbow to Jade as this is one sided early on. Perez’s crossface attempt doesn’t work as Giulia pulls her into an STF, with Vaquer adding the same thing on Jade.

Giulia’s missile dropkick puts Perez down for two more but Jade grabs the leg to take over. A running elbow to the back gets two on Giulia and Jade grabs the chinlock. Back up and Giulia and Perez both knock the other down, allowing the tag back to Vaquer. A high crossbody puts Perez down again but Jade comes in, only to get headbutted into the corner. Vaquer dragon screws Perez’s leg as everything breaks down again.

The rapid fire headbutts have the villains in trouble but they’re back with stereo superkicks. Perez hits the dive to take them both out on the floor, with Jade adding a Darby Allin Coffin Drop to drop them both on the floor. Back in and Perez snaps off a super hurricanrana, with Jade adding a Swanton for two. Giulia is back in with a spinning piledriver to plant Vaquer, followed by a running knee to Jade. Perez superplexes Perez and Vaquer adds a huge corkscrew moonsault for the pin at 14:37.

Rating: B. This was more of a showcase for Giulia and Vaquer, which isn’t a bad idea at all. They’re the new stars in the women’s division and are likely o take the title from Perez rather soon. At some point you can only keep the title off of them or so long and we might be reaching that point. Jade was trying to hang in there with three more talented stars and did well enough, but this was about everyone else.

Post match Zaria pops up in a box to stare at everyone else.

Cedric Alexander talks to Je’Von Evans, who isn’t sure if he should have slapped Nathan Frazier. Alexander tells him to keep his cool….but they did get a Tag Team Title shot out of it so maybe snap on occasion. Works for Evans, who wants the titles.

Busted Open Radio’s Dave LaGreca and Bubba Ray Dudley are here and recap/preview the show.

We recap Ridge Holland vs. Andre Chase. Holland joined Chase U and won the Tag Team Titles, only to turn on them when they lost. He put Chase in an ambulance, so now it’s an ambulance match. Makes sense.

Andre Chase vs. Ridge Holland

Ambulance match, meaning you put your opponent in an ambulance and shut the door to win. Chase starts fast with a clothesline out to the floor, setting up a running flip dive off the apron. Holland drives him over the barricade though and Chase is knocked silly. They go up to the ambulance, with Holland pulling out the stretcher (lazy ambulance people not clearing things out) but Chase is back with a blast from a fire extinguisher.

The stretcher is taken to ringside, with Chase being bounced off of it before they go back inside. Holland snaps off an overhead belly to belly, followed by some chair shots. They both grab kendo sticks, with Chase getting the better of things and hitting the spelling stomps. The fight heads back to the floor, with Chase countering the Redeemer and hitting a DDT onto the announcers’ table.

Holland fights back up and puts him onto the stretcher but can’t put him into the ambulance. It’s time for a pumpkin (the ans REALLY like that) but Chase hits him with the backboard. The pumpkin hits Holland and a flip dive off the ambulance puts him down again. That’s still not enough to close the ambulance though as Holland fights out and hits the Redeemer on the stage for the win at 14:28.

Rating: B-. That’s probably the right result but dang it’s rough to see Chase lose again. I’m not sure what is next for him but this definitely feels like the end of the feud. Holland is likely moving on to something bigger while Chase is off to do whatever he has planned. It was a good fight and a nice return for Chase, though Holland winning opens more doors.

Nathan Frazier was training this week when Axiom interrupted. Axiom wasn’t happy with Frazier going all mad on NXT and they argue. Again. With Axiom saying Frazier is condescending.

Ava is fired up for various things coming up on NXT. This includes Lola Vice vs. Jaida Parker, with ECW legend Dawn Marie as guest referee. Sure. And we’ll make it a hardcore match. Sure again.

Women’s North American Title: Fatal Influence vs. Kelani Jordan

Jordan is defending in a gauntlet match, with Jazmyn Nyx up first. Jordan works on a wristlock to start and sends her to the floor for a moonsault. Back in and Nyx kicks her down and grabs a fisherman’s suplex for two. Another one is blocked though and Jordan puts her down, setting up a 450 for the pin at 3:32.

Jacy Jayne is in next with a running hurricanrana, only to be sent out to the floor. Jayne misses a charge to the floor though and Jordan hammers away. Back in and One Of A Kind is broken up, allowing Jayne to hit a Cannonball in the Tree of Woe. Jayne’s running knee gets two but Jordan elbows her way out of trouble. A rollup gives Jayne two more and she drops Jordan with a neckbreaker. Back up and Jordan grabs a quick neckbreaker for the pin at 7:58 total.

Jayne drops Jordan in between falls though and here is Fallon Henley as the final opponent to get a quick two. A spinning suplex out of the corner gives Henley two but Jordan is back with a standing legdrop for two of her own. Jordan kicks away but gets caught with a swinging faceplant for two more. Cue Nyx for a distraction though, allowing Henley to get her knees up to block a 450. The running knee gives Henley the title at 14:14 total.

Rating: C. This was only so good and the win fits Fatal Influence pretty well: they barely win but get to brag about getting some gold. That had to happen at some point, as Henley and company can only brag so much while piling up the losses. Jordan is well protected with the loss, but the match itself just wasn’t very good.

Post match Fatal Influence talks about that being a statement made but here is Zaria to lay them all out. Well that was effective.

Tony D’Angelo is happy with his win. Riz knows who attacked her and is coming for revenge on Tuesday.

Bubba Ray Dudley and Dave LaGreca talk about the show when Ridge Holland interrupts. Ray doesn’t like it and a match seems likely. In Philadelphia.

Booker T. is on the stage and showing the various places the main event could end. Tatum Paxley pops out of a box and says she wants Wendy Choo on Tuesday. Ava makes the match, but Paxley spins the wheel to make it a casket match.

We recap Ethan Page vs. Trick Williams for the NXT Title. They’ve traded the title, so now it’s time to go all violent to wrap it up.

NXT Title: Trick Williams vs. Ethan Page

Williams is defending in a Devil’s Playground match, meaning anything goes and falls count anywhere. Page jumps him to start but they both grab chairs, with Williams’ knocking Page’s out of his hands. Williams puts a pumpkin over Page’s head and nails a spinning kick for two before it’s time to go back to the floor. They fight into the crowd with both of them hitting each other with various things before going back to ringside.

Page flips him off the top for two back inside but a quick Trick Shot gives Williams two…as Page was in the ropes, despite it being falls count anywhere. Commentary has to point out that it was a bad call as Page fights back. The announcers’ table is cleared off as Williams is bleeding from the mouth.

Ego’s Edge off the steps and through the announcers’ table gets two on the floor and they’re both down. Medics come out to check on Williams, but he waves them off, leaving Page to plant him hard onto the steps back inside. Williams avoids a big crushing with the steps but gets kicked low to cut him off again. Another low blow cuts Page off though and the Trick Shot retains the title at 15:54.

Rating: B. The match was good and violent, but there was only so much more that could be wrung out from this feud. Williams beat him definitively before so this was only going to be so good. Now that being said, they worked hard here and beat each other up and it was better than I was expecting. Not a classic, but a good enough main event.

Post match Ridge Holland runs in to jump Williams, with Bubba Ray Dudley making the save. Yes it’s an ECW moment, because the show is going to Philadelphia next month and therefore we must do something with ECW, because a promotion that closed 23 and a half years ago must be remembered forever.


Tony D’Angelo b. Oba Femi – Spinebuster through a table
Giulia/Stephanie Vaquer b. Cora Jade/Roxanne Perez – Corkscrew moonsault to Perez
Ridge Holland b. Andre Chase – Holland shut Chase in an ambulance
Fatal Influence b. Kelani Jordan – Running knee
Trick Williams b. Ethan Page – Trick Shot



Head over to my website at kbwrestlingreviews.com with thousands of reviews from around the world and throughout wrestling history.

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
This was a pretty strong show, with the worst match being the decent gauntlet match. While there might not be anything worth going out of your way to see, you have about three hours of entertaining wrestling with some big moments. Quite a bit of Ridge Holland, but if you’re cool with him, it’s worth a look if you have the time.

article topics :

NXT Halloween Havoc, Thomas Hall