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Hall’s ROH TV Review 12.5.24

December 6, 2024 | Posted by Thomas Hall
Matt Cardona ROH TV 12-5-24 Image Credit: ROH
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Hall’s ROH TV Review 12.5.24  

Ring Of Honor
Date: December 5, 2024
Location: MVP Arena, Albany, New York
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We’re just over two weeks away from Final Battle and that means it is time to set up the card. For once, that means we are going to be seeing the World Champion actually show up around here, with Chris Jericho announcing his challenger for Final Battle. That could go in a variety of directions so let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

We run down the card.

The Grizzled Young Veterans complain that the extras are eating before they get to catering. Think before you act next time.

Alex Reynolds vs. Katsuyori Shibata

Evil Uno is here with Reynolds and Shibata takes him to the mat to start without much trouble. A figure four necklock has Reynolds in trouble but a rope breaks that up rather quickly. The cross armbreaker goes to the arm again but Uno offers a distraction, allowing Reynolds to hit a boot to the face. Reynolds gets two off a DDT and grabs a neck crank. Back up and Shibata gets annoyed at being chopped so he hits a running dropkick in the corner. A Death Valley Driver into the Octopus Stretch makes Reynolds tap at 5:46.

Rating: C. This wasn’t exactly great and Shibata hasn’t been doing much lately so this was little more than him absorbing what Reynolds threw at him and then winning. It was nice to see him use something other than the PK for a change though, but there was only so much of a reason to think Reynolds would have a chance. Shibata continues to be his usual self, and I’m not sure what he might have going forward.

JD Drake/Beef vs. Waves And Curls

Beef has to get out of Jordan’s waistlock to start and it’s time to dance. Some running shoulders put Jordan down and Drake comes in for a headbutt. Brayden comes in, gets knocked down, setting up a spinebuster into the Beef Brigade for the win at 2:28. Total dominance.

Buy Outrunners merch! No you should as it seems awesome.

Jeff Jarrett and company have merch too. They’re no Outrunners, and QT Marshall comes in to brag about his success in Full Gear. Marshall offers a match with Jay Lethal but Lethal declines, saying he wants bigger fish.

Trish Adora vs. Rachael Ellering

Shane Taylor Promotions and the Infantry are here with Adora. They fight over arm control to start before an exchange of shoulders goes nowhere. Ellering takes over and chops away in the corner but Adora goes back to the arm for a breather. The arm gets stomped onto the mat but Ellering is fine enough to snap off a suplex. The backsplash connects to give Ellering two and an uppercut gets the same. Adora manages a German suplex though and Lariat Tubman finishes Ellering at 5:51.

Rating: C+. This was close to a hoss fight with both of them hitting each other rather hard. As usual, Ellering is able to make someone else look good and Adora is…well odds are she’s not going anywhere anytime soon, as almost anyone involved with Shane Taylor Promotions or the Infantry pretty much never does. At least they had a decent match here.

And now, for the first time in a good while, the Ring Of Honor World Champion is actually here, with Chris Jericho and Bryan Keith coming out for TV Time. Big Bill is off on a pilgrimage but Jericho is here to announce his challenger at Final Battle. He’s going to face someone from New York City (“The Windy City”). Maybe it’s Frank Sinatra….or maybe it’s Matt Cardona, who interrupts. Jericho: “If it isn’t Zack.” Cardona: “Zack is dead.” The title match is officially on, and Cardona knocks Jericho’s hat off to make it personal.

This is why the weekly ROH show is the biggest waste of time in wrestling. Cardona has never appeared on that show, and yet here he is getting a World Title shot on one of the biggest events of the year. Meanwhile, in the months leading up to and in the months following Final Battle, commentary will continue talking about how wrestlers are trying to get into contention for a title shot. These title shots will never come because the challengers will either be someone from AEW or someone from out of absolutely nowhere like this. All this for a show you have to regularly pay to see.

Jon Silver is asked where he was earlier, but he’s been busy stealing the Grizzled Young Veterans’ scarves. So there’s a Final Battle pre-show match.

Griff Garrison/Preston Vance vs. Gates Of Agony

Garrison and Vance jump them to start and a delayed suplex puts Kaun down. Kaun gets choked down in the corner and a big boot gives Garrison two. Riccaboni: “We’ve seen this team of Vance and Garrison growing week after week.” This is their second match ever as a team. Anyway Vance drops an elbow and garrison pulls Kaun back into the corner. Kaun Rock Bottoms his way out of said corner and the tag brings Liona in to pick up the pace. Everything breaks down and Liona is sent into the steps, setting up a slingshot spear to Kaun. Back up and Kaun hits a quick Pedigree for the pin on Garrison at 5:49.

Rating: C. Am I supposed to cheer for the Gates Of Agony? I only ask because this match made it seem like I’m supposed to cheer for the Gates Of Agony. I’m not sure who in the world thinks that’s a good idea, but this is the same promotion that thinks Dustin Rhodes and Sammy Guevara are the best option for the top of the tag division.

Harley Cameron interrupts Rachael Ellering and was cheering for her tonight. Cameron pulls a dog trophy from her pants, because Ellering is the top dog. They hug, with Lexi Nair in the middle. Ellering thinks there might be something to Cameron.

Billie Starkz vs. Lady Frost

Frost wins an early power off but gets pulled down into a rollup for two. Starkz misses a kick to the head and gets taken down with an anklescissors before being sent into the corner. Back up and Starkz kicks her in the face, followed by another to the head to cut Frost down again. Frost’s spinning kick misses and Starkz rolls her up for the pin at 4:05.

Rating: C+. Unless they do something quick in the next two weeks, we’re not getting Starkz vs. Athena for the Women’s Title at Final Battle, which is the only story that makes sense for the title at the moment. Odds are we’ll get some random title challenger and Starkz will be left on the sideline, which is annoying when her getting another shot at Athena has been built up. This worked well enough, though you can only do so much with four minutes and a quick ending.

Video on Dustin Rhodes/Sammy Guevara vs. the Righteous, which is official in a bull rope match for the Tag Team Titles at Final Battle. Guevara might as well not even be part of the team given the story they’ve been telling.

From Final Battle 2008.

Ring Of Honor World Title: Nigel McGuinness vs. Naomichi Marufuji

McGuinness is defending and they go with some grappling to start. A cravate takes Marufuji down but he’s back up with an elbow to the face. The rebound lariat misses for McGuinness and they trade rollups for two each into a standoff. McGuinness catches him in the corner but Marufuji comes out with a spinning suplex. They hit the mat with Marufuji bouncing out of a headscissors and hitting a low superkick.

A running double stomp has McGuinness in more trouble and Marufuji grabs a figure our necklock. Back up and McGuinness kicks him out to the floor, where Marufuji is back with a superkick into Sliced Bread off the barricade. They get back in and McGuinness catches him on top for a hammerlock powerslam with Marufuji rolling outside. McGuinness spends too much time yelling at the fans though and gets dropkicked in the ropes, followed by a running clothesline for two.

A cobra clutch into a Backstabber gives Marufuji two but another Sliced Bread is broken up. McGuinness takes too long loading up a middle rope clothesline and gets dropkicked to the floor. Now the Sliced Bread can connect on the apron, meaning it’s a rather delayed cover for two.

Marufuji misses a Coast To Coast and the Tower Of London (or close enough) to the apron connects. Back in and one heck of a lariat gives McGuinness two as his right arm seems banged up. Another Tower Of London (traditional version) is blocked and Marufuji hits a Coast To Coast in the Tree of Woe. Some kicks to the head rock McGuinness but he comes back with the rebound lariat for the pin to retain at 18:16.

Rating: B+. As is the case with most of these classic matches, it’s a heck of a fight and they beat each other up, with Marufuji being his usual good self. At the same time, you really can see the greatness in McGuinness and he was one of the best in the world in his time. It’s no wonder WWE was interested and he looked great here, with these two beating the daylights out of each other until McGuinness hit one of his big shots for the win.

Matt Taven wants Lee Moriarty and the Pure Rules Title. The match is on for next week.

Shane Taylor Promotions vs. Action Andretti/Top Flight

The infantry and Trish Adora are here with the Promotions while Leila Grey is in the other corner. Riccaboni: “Of course in our retro match this week, we saw Matt Taven and Adam Cole.” No Ian, we didn’t. Andretti and Dean start things off with Andretti climbing the corner for a wristdrag. A basement dropkick gives Darius two and it’s off to Bravo, who is quickly kneed in the face.

The double backbreaker gets two on Bravo but Dean trips Andretti up on the floor for a Stunner on the apron. Taylor crushes Andretti as well and then knocks him down into the corner. Andretti fights up with a handspring elbow and Darius comes in with a kick to Dean’s head. Everything breaks down and Taylor gets triple teamed down but Bravo plants Darius for two. Boot Camp is broken up with a double superkick and Dante adds a top rope splash to pin Bravo at 5:56.

Rating: C+. Yeah remember a few weeks ago when Shane Taylor Promotions seemed to be coming after the Six Man Tag Team Titles? Ring Of Honor doesn’t seem to either. I like Andretti and Top Flight but there is no reason to believe that they’re going to get a title shot anytime soon. Granted it might be easier to believe if the titles had been defended in four months. This felt like a match that has been done over and over in some combination, which isn’t a good way to go.


Katsuyori Shibata b. Alex Reynolds – Octopus Stretch
JD Drake/Beef b. Waves And Curls – Beef Brigade to Brayden
Trish Adora b. Rachael Ellering – Lariat Tubman
Gates Of Agony b. Griff Garrison/Preston Vance – Pedigree to Garrison
Billie Starkz b. Lady Frost – Rollup
Action Andretti/Top Flight b. Shane Taylor Promotions – Top rope splash to Bravo



Head over to my website at kbwrestlingreviews.com with thousands of reviews from around the world and throughout wrestling history.

The final score: review Good
The 411
I do appreciate that they’re actually setting up some things for Final Battle, but the show still isn’t looking overly interesting. You have Cardona getting the title shot without having wrestled in ROH before, Dustin Rhodes defending his dad’s memory or something and a random Women’s TV Title match. I need a bit more than that to make me want to watch a four hour show, and Ring Of Honor doesn’t seem interested in investing that much time in the show. Not a bad show here as it did build up the big card a bit more, but ultimately, Ring Of Honor isn’t very interesting and that needs to change.

article topics :

ROH TV, Thomas Hall