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Hall’s WWE Raw Review 10.2.23

October 2, 2023 | Posted by Thomas Hall
Gunther WWE Raw Image Credit: WWE
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Hall’s WWE Raw Review 10.2.23  

Monday Night Raw
Date: October 2, 2023
Location: SAP Center, San Jose, California
Commentators: Michael Cole, Wade Barrett

It’s the last Raw before Fastlane and thankfully the card has crown a bit. Granted by grown I mean there are now four matches so there are still quite a few slots that need to be filled. There is a good chance that some of those spots can be filled this week, as they’re kind of out of time otherwise. Let’s get to it.

We join the show with a fight in progress between Shayna Baszler and Nia Jax, who are scheduled to face each other tonight. They get in the ring with Baszler grabbing the Kirifuda Clutch but being driven into the corner to break it up. Raquel Rodriguez runs in to brawl with Jax but stops to go after Baszler, allowing Jax to drop her.

Cue Rhea Ripley (looking like a superhero) to double leg Jax but Rodriguez jumps her as well. Agents and security run in to break it up, with Ripley being left in the ring to a heck of a MAMI chant. She says she’s not done yet and orders Judgment Day to get out here for a talk. Cue Judgment Day (minus Finn Balor) and after a break, Ripley says they have some business to tend to.

There is no leader in the Judgment Day but they all have responsibilities. Right Dom? She left her responsibility to Priest, and look what happened. He’s not medically cleared to compete tonight, Finn Balor is hurt, and Dom LOST at No Mercy. Priest says people are coming for the titles but he’s going to shove back harder. He has his titles and his briefcase, but where is Dom’s title? The fans want to know as well, but Ripley says you’re welcome for his rematch tomorrow night on NXT.

Either win the title, or don’t bother coming home. Cue Jey Uso to interrupt but Priest isn’t interested. Jey says Ripley has more testicular fortitude than Roman Reigns ever did, but Priest is tired of hearing him open his mouth. Dominik says he’s got this so Priest goes to the floor, leaving Jey to drop Mysterio for a superkick. Cue JD McDonagh to jump Jey and the double teaming is on. House is cleared, and Adam Pearce comes in to make Judgment Day vs. Uso/Rhodes for the Tag Team Titles at Fastlane.

Alpha Academy vs. Imperium

Maxxine Dupri is here too. Gable and Kaiser trade headlocks to start with Kaiser getting the better of things. Vinci comes in and gets suplexed but Kaiser pulls him to the floor. Otis backdrops Gable most of the way to the floor (that didn’t look great) and we take a break. Back with Gable being sent shoulder first into the post so a running dropkick can put him on the floor.

Vinci drops Gable with a hard clothesline and Kaiser grabs the chinlock. Gable fights up and grabs the ankle lock before handing it off to Otis to clean house. The Caterpillar is broken up by Vinci but Otis plants him down and Caterpillars Kaiser anyway. Vinci breaks up a super fall away slam though and Kaiser kicks Otis in the face for the pin at 10:38.

Rating: C+. Imperium gets back on track after some rough weeks and it would be nice to see them built up for a title shot once Judgment Day loses the titles. For now though, beating Alpha Academy is a good way to go, though they need to beat some bigger teams as well. I’m not sure how many options they have though.

We look at Becky Lynch retaining the NXT Women’s Title at No Mercy. Lynch has suffered an elbow injury and she needed eleven stitches to close it. As a result, she is not medically cleared to compete tonight.

Tegan Nox is disappointed that her match with Lynch is off, but Chelsea Green comes in to say Nox should be happy that she isn’t going to lose. A match seems to be made for later.

Bronson Reed vs. Cedric Alexander

Alexander jumps him to start and manages a knock out to the floor. Back in and Reed knocks him out of the air, only to get caught with the Neuralizer for two. Reed is back with a crossbody into a backsplash. The Tsunami finishes Alexander at 2:14.

Drew McIntyre doesn’t want to hear about the right thing because he doesn’t remember anyone doing “the right thing” when the Bloodline was beating him down.

Here are Tommaso Ciampa and Gunther for a contract signing for their Intercontinental Title match next week. Ciampa is about to sign but stops to talk about how Gunther has been served five star meals since he got here. On the other hand, Ciampa is the kind of guy who is expected to turn roadkill into fillet and then makes it happen. Next week Ciampa gets to fight for something he has wanted since he was five years old and he will have his family in the front row. Ciampa is fighting for himself and signs the contract.

Gunther, wearing a suit, criticizes Ciampa for wearing less than professional clothes and says the title is the most prestigious in all of wrestling. Ciampa is ready to beat him tonight, so Gunther says Ciampa should prove it. Gunther signs and the match is on for tonight. A slap to Ciampa is enough to make him jump the table, which Gunther throws over the top. Ciampa chucks a chair at Gunther’s face and Gunther bails. Heck of a promo here from Ciampa, and he can back it up in the ring as well.

Damian Priest is yelling at the rest of Judgment Day but Rhea Ripley calms him down and JD McDonagh says focus on the Tag Team Titles and dividing their opponents. Priest says that’s not bad but needs to think about it.

Xavier Woods vs. Ivar

Kofi Kingston is on commentary and Valhalla is here with Ivar. Woods goes after him to start but Ivar gets a drive into the corner. Ivar crushes him and takes it to the floor, where Ivar misses a charge. A dropkick off of the barricade hits Ivar and we take a break. Back with Woods getting planted again but avoiding a top rope splash. A small package finishes Ivar at 7:35.

Rating: C+. I know they’re going for Ivar as a monster, but it might be better if he wasn’t losing every singles match he has. Pushing Ivar as a singles star is an interesting idea, but that doesn’t work so well without winning something. Woods winning here only makes so much sense anyway, as Ivar already lost to Kofi a few weeks back. Not a bad match, but kind of a puzzling decision.

Post match Ivar jumps Woods and takes out Kofi for trying to make the save. Ivar stacks them up and hits a moonsault for a double crushing. As always: this might be a bit more impressive if he hadn’t just lost.

Video on Seth Rollins vs. Shinsuke Nakamura.

Here is Rollins for a chat. He’s rather fired up (as usual) and even praises Michael Cole for conducting the interview. Cole talks about calling most of Rollins’ career but thinks that Shinsuke Nakamura is playing Rollins this time. He asks what Rollins is doing, because Rollins might not understand what he’s getting himself into. Cole brings up Rollins’ bad back and how many weapons Nakamura will have at his disposal.

Rollins asks how many years Cole has been behind that desk (26) and how many shows he has missed (2). After some applause for those numbers, Rollins says Cole is addicted to this. That’s what he’s going through as well, because this ring is how he makes a living, how he met his wife and why he has a beautiful baby girl. That’s the best he has because it’s a feeling instead of words.

Shinsuke Nakamura pops up on screen to accuse Rollins of faking his back injury. As Nakamura keeps talking, the real Nakamura comes in to jump Rollins from behind. Kinshasa connects as the taped Nakamura counts…..until Rollins gets up. Nakamura puts him through a chair and hits another Kinshasa before counting his own ten. In other words, the same way every segment before a Last Man Standing match ends.

Becky Lynch’s arm is in a sling but she tells Tegan Nox she’s ready for a fight later on. Natalya comes in to say Nox will get her chance.

Chelsea Green vs. Tegan Nox

Piper Niven is here with Green, who jumps Nox to start and goes for a tag. With that not working, Nox fights back but Niven offers a distraction. Cue Natalya, allowing Nox to knock Green off the ropes. The Shiniest Wizard finishes for Nox at 1:59.

Jey Uso is good with teaming with Cody Rhodes. He darts away.

Here is Drew McIntyre for a chat. Drew: “San Jose….what should we talk about?” He’s tired of getting involved in other people’s fights so he’s done with that. Cue Miz to suggest he was right, but McIntyre tells him to shut up again. Miz thinks McIntyre is taking a stand, so why not embrace who he really is? McIntyre: “Shut up Miz.”

McIntyre isn’t going to be the bad guy and suggests a match right now. Miz says that isn’t going to happen because they aren’t dressed for it. They don’t like each other, with Miz saying McIntyre isn’t worth his time. McIntyre says time’s up and it’s time to fight, so the kilt goes off and he’s ready to go. Miz goes for a cheap shot but gets drives into the corner as referees come in to break it up.

Miz vs. Drew McIntyre

Miz is in a suit and bails to the floor to start. Back in and Miz scores with a quick shot, allowing him to rip at McIntyre’s face. The running corner clothesline connects but Miz takes too long unhooking a buckle. The Glasgow Kiss looks to set up the Claymore….but McIntyre grabs the sword instead. McIntyre rips off a buckle pad, sends Miz into it, and hits the Future Shock for the pin at 3:49.

Rating: C. This was more of an illustration of the new McIntyre than anything else and that made for an interesting situation. McIntyre seems to be on his way to a big heel turn and that might be a very good thing for him, as he has felt a bit stale for awhile now. He certainly has the skill to make it work, though it appears to be a bit of a slow process.

Post match McIntyre says he’s a different man than he was 30 seconds ago. McIntyre: “Now I’m on my way to being forgiven! YEAH!” Then he leaves, high fiving fans along the way.

We look at Trick Williams becoming North American Champion.

Trick Williams introduces himself but Judgment Day interrupts, promising that Dominik Mysterio gets the title back tomorrow night.

Here is Cody Rhodes for a chat. He is ok with teaming with Jey Uso, because the Judgment Day got themselves into this trouble. The team’s plan is to be at Smackdown this week, so Cody will be there too, along with Jey. Then they’re on to Fastlane to win the titles.

Fastlane rundown, still with only five matches.

Chad Gable gets very intense when swearing revenge for the Alpha Academy’s setbacks.

Intercontinental Title: Tommaso Ciampa vs. Gunther

Ciampa is challenging and goes right after him to start. Some clotheslines against the ropes look to set up a jumping knee but Gunther reverses into a Boston crab. Ciampa makes the ropes and gets to the floor where he hits a Thesz press. Back in and Ciampa grabs some kind of a choke and it’s Gunther bailing to the floor this time as we take a break.

We come back with Ciampa being sent into the corner, followed by the sleeper. Gunther breaks the grip as the fans are doing Bray Wyatt’s fireflies deal for some reason. Gunther scores with a big boot for two and the sleeper goes on again. Ciampa fights up again, only to get sent hard into the corner as we take another break.

Back with Gunther taking it to the floor but chopping the announcers’ table by mistake. That’s enough for Ciampa to hit Willow’s Bell for two but the Fairy Tale Ending is blocked. Instead, Ciampa stomps away but the running knee is cut off by Gunther’s big dropkick for two. Ciampa hits the running knee, only to have Gunther come back with the sleeper suplex for two.

The big clothesline is cut off with a shot to the bad hand and the Sicilian Stretch goes on. Gunther can’t stack him up for a cover so Ciampa cranks away again until a boot gets the rope break. They chop it out but Gunther’s hand is done and he falls back into the corner. Gunther manages a gutwrench powerbomb though and the regular version plants Ciampa again. The sleeper goes on and Ciampa is out at 22:49.

Rating: B. I know Gunther gets praise for his power and overall demeanor, but he is a heck of a seller too. He looks like he is being tortured in there and that makes his ability to survive all the more impressive. When he hits that other level, it’s a special moment and the kind of thing that makes him feel like that much bigger of a star. Heck of a performance from both here, with Ciampa throwing everything he had at Gunther but coming up short, like so many others have.

Post match Imperium comes in to beat down Ciampa as Gunther leaves. Cue Johnny Gargano for the save and Ciampa is very happy. They load up Meet In The Middle…and the show ends before it happens.


Imperium b. Alpha Academy – Kick to the face to Otis
Bronson Reed b. Cedric Alexander – Tsunami
Xavier Woods b. Ivar – Small package
Tegan Nox b. Chelsea Green – Shiniest Wizard
Drew McIntyre b. The Miz – Future Shock
Gunther b. Tommaso Ciampa – Sleeper



Head over to my website at kbwrestlingreviews.com with thousands of reviews from around the world and throughout wrestling history.

The final score: review Good
The 411
The wrestling was mostly just ok though until the main event bailed it off. At the same time, they st up something for Fastlane and nothing on here was anything resembling bad. Three hours is still a very long show, but when it’s moving at this pace and has Rhea Ripley looking like the biggest star around, it’s a pretty good night.

article topics :

RAW, WWE, Thomas Hall