wrestling / News
Jeff Jarrett & GFE Denied Expedited Discovery In GFW Master Tapes Lawsuit
Yesterday, Jeff Jarrett and Global Wrestling Entertainment were seeking an order from the United States District Court of Tennessee regarding the Global Force Wrestling master copies, requesting an expedited discovery regarding the masters while also requesting ruling requiring Impact Wrestling’s parent company Anthem Sports & Entertainment to allow them access to the masters so they can be copied as Jarrett’s side has filed a copyright on each hour of footage. According to Pwinsider.com, the court denied that order, ruling that it has not even been confirmed that Anthem has even been officially served with the lawsuit. The site adds that the motion wasn’t even sent to Anthem’s attorney, but a registered agent for Anthem. The court noted that even if they ruled in Jarrett’s favor, they would have no idea who to send the order to, since there are not attorneys attached to the Anthem side. The court also ruled that the original motion featured no “memorandum of law” attached that would prove GFE and Jarrett’s arguments.