wrestling / News
John Cena on How the Rock Broke Down Barriers For Wrestlers in Hollywood

– John Cena spoke with CinemaBlend for a new interview and discussed his move into Hollywood, The Rock breaking down doors for wrestlers and more. Highlights are below:
On the attitude toward wrestlers changing in Hollywood: “It definitely has changed, and I think that rests on the already broad shoulders of Dwayne Johnson. He just made it acceptable to be something other than your wrestling persona. If you look at the correlation of wrestlers or WWE personalities in movies, they essentially played extensions of their WWE personality. I think Dwayne was one of the first ones to break that mold, and do it on such a grand scale that he couldn’t be ignored.”
On more talent in WWE who could break out: “What we do in WWE is we tell stories – we just tell most of it through a physical nature of a narrative. And it is over the top, and a very Shakespearean form, but it is storytelling. I just think we have a lot of talented individuals that could be good in other avenues. It’s just by being on every week without a break, perception is reality. ‘I know this person for being this person and this person alone.’ It’s very much like your favorite [television show], like Seinfeld.”
On The Rock breaking the idea what wrestlers could do in fims: