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Join 411’s Live AEW Double Or Nothing 2024 Coverage

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Hello everyone and welcome to 411mania’s LIVE coverage of AEW Double or Nothing, I’m Robert Winfree and I’ll be your host for the event. It’s been a bit of a rocky road for AEW over the last couple months, but there’s nothing like a high profile PPV to catalyze turning that around. This card in particular is pretty solid on paper, Jon Moxley vs. Konosuke Takeshita has a ton of potential, Roderick Strong vs. Will Ospreay is the kind of match where both guys would have to actively sabotage each other for it to be bad, Adam Copeland and Malakai Black are going to bring all kinds of violence, and there’s the wildness of Anarchy in the Arena. Plus Swerve Strickland and Christian Cage which will probably be good, Mercedes Mone is finally healthy and will take on Willow Nightingale, Toni Storm and Serena Deeb have done everything they can to get that match over, and Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta are still at each other’s throats. Oh, and Chris Jericho will continue to bring “that doesn’t work for me brother” into the year 2024 I’m sure. If there’s a minor worry it’s just how stuffed the card is, there’s a lot of matches here and AEW PPVs have something of a reputation of brake neck speed going through these bigger cards. But we’ll just have to see how they handle that this time around. Anyway that’s the preamble, let’s get to the action.
Kick-off show results:
– Deonna Purrazzo defeated Thunder Rosa
– The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn beat Cage of Agony
Match #1 – AEW International Title Match: (c) Roderick Strong w/ The Kingdom (Matt Taven and Mike Bennett) vs. Will Ospreay
Strong avoids a Hidden Blade at the bell and they brawl right away. They head to the floor and Ospreay deals with Bennett and Taven but gets kneed by Strong. Ospreay eats a chop but then flips onto Taven and Bennett yet again. Double leg from Ospreay on the floor and some punches as he starts unloading on Strong, then catapults him into the ring post. Back into the ring now Ospreay hits a backbreaker. Some chops from Ospreay then he gets tripped by Taven and Bennett with the ref distracted including a doomsday move on the floor with a very bad landing from Ospreay. That was a poorly conceived spot and Ospreay landed almost right on his head and the ref had to behave like a total idiot to not see Taven running the ropes for the dive part of that move. Guess he can continue as Strong sends him back into the ring and starts landing punches. Strong keeps working the neck and head of Ospreay. They start trading strikes then Ospreay grabs an abdominal stretch but Strong quickly counters with a hip toss then looks for a Crippler Crossface but Ospreay is blocking that. Chop from Strong but Ospreay looks to fire up off of that and they start trading chops. More punches from Strong then a backbreaker. Ospreay starts landing chops of his own then avoids a backbreaker and hits a corkscrew kick to put both men down. Helluva kick in the corner from Ospreay then Bennett and Taven nearly get involved, the ref deals with them but here’s Wardlow from behind but the ref sees him. The ref doesn’t eject anyone though. Ospreay catches Strong in the corner with a kick that sends him out of the ring then Ospreay with a Sky Twister Press onto everyone on the floor. Wait, Wardlow wasn’t there and he comes over to menace Ospreay and the ref finally ejects everyone from ringside. Back in the ring Ospreay with a springboard forearm for a 2 count. More strikes go back and forth then Ospreay lands an enziguri then a Perfect-plex for a 2 count. Ospreay heads up top but Strong crotches him for the cut off. Strong climbs up with Ospreay, Ospreay elbows him back to the mat and lands on his feet trying a Sky Twister press then still lands a super kick. Ospreay wants the Hidden Blade but Strong counters into a Half Crab then switches to a Texas Cloverleaf.
It takes Ospreay a moment or two but he crawls to the ropes to break that hold. Strong with more strikes as he’s got Ospreay on the ropes then hits a back suplex into a facebuster for a 2 count. Strong puts Ospreay on the top rope and then climbs up with him, he wants a superplex and hits it then rolls through for a Torture Rack into a backbreaker for a near fall. Gut buster from Strong but his Sick Kick is countered with an Ospreay powerbomb and both men are down. They start trading strikes again, ultimately Ospreay with a hook kick but Strong kicks the knee then Ospreay tries a Styles Clash but Strong blocks it only for Ospreay to hit an Osp Cutter but he can’t cover in time and when he does he only gets 2. The ref has to check on Strong, Callis gets up from commentary to tell Ospreay to use the Tiger Driver ’91 and fires up Ospreay to do that. Ospreay then tosses the ref aside and thinks about the move, but ultimately can’t pull the trigger. Strong with an Olympic Slam then a fireman’s carry gut buster then Sick Kick but all that only for a near fall. Ospreay counters End of Heartache with a rana but only 2 on the pin. Knee from Strong, but Ospreay flips out of End of Heartache and hits a Hidden Blade. Storm Breaker follows and Ospreay gets the pin.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Will Ospreay won the title in 17:40
Rating: 3.5 stars
Thoughts: A bit overbooked for my personal taste, but it’s Strong and Ospreay just let them work and they’ll give you something good. A few points knocked off for that early scary spot on the floor, the overbooked first half, and the dodgy selling from Ospreay for the final stretch.
Post match here comes Adam Cole for some reason. Cole gets in the ring and gets a mic, he wants to know if we’re ready for story time, no sir I have a whole other event and don’t want to sleep yet. Some cheap crowd work from Cole pissing on the crowd and complaining about all his rehab and the disrespect. He’s got the devil mask and says there’s a little devil in all of us. When he’s 100% you’ll be forced to give the devil his due. The lights cut out briefly then we get a video on the big screen, long shot down a hallway then we find we’re in MJF’s house, and there’s every chance he’s coming back. Back to live the music of MJF hits to a pretty good pop and he heads to the ring. MJF sees the devil mask on the mat then goes face to face with Cole, Cole wants to hug it out and MJF hugs him then takes him to dick kick city and smirks. Brainbuster from MJF then he gets a mic and insults Cole as noodle armed and bobble headed then officials come to help Cole to the back. MJF gave Cole his trust, and because of Cole that’s never happening again. Cole thought he took out MJF, but all he did was wake up MJF. Now he remembers who he is, the greatest wrestler on God’s green Earth, he’s better than you and you know it. Unlike Cole and the other schmucks in the back, he doesn’t need a New Japan or a Vince McMahon, MJF made MJF. So no more friendship, kangaroo kicks, or bullshit. He’s driven by hate now, and no one is safe. MJF picks up the devil mask, calls it stupid and that masks are worn by cowards, he’s done being afraid, or being humble, or apologizing for being the best. No one has everything you need in this business like he does, and everyone else pales in comparison to him. He doesn’t need a mask to prove that no one is on his level, and this dumb mask and everything it symbolizes can go to hell. For good measure he pulls a Flair and elbow drops it. In regards to his contract he shows off an AEW tattoo about betting on yourself. Just call him the wolf of wrestling because he’s not leaving. A little bit odd to have that in this spot on the show but that was necessary overall.
Match #2 – Unified Trios Title Match: (c) Bang Bang Gang (Jay White, Austen Gunn, and Colten Gunn) vs. Death Triangle (Pac, Rey Fenix, and Penta el Zero Miedo) w/ Alex Abrahantes
Pac and White start us off, but White begs off and tags in Colten. Pac hip tosses Colten then shoulder blocks him down. Rope running and Pac tosses Colten again then Austin tags in and gets hit with more of the same from Pac. Pac clotheslines Austin out of the ring and we get a bit stare off. Penta tags in now, and hits a Sling Blade then another one as Fenix tags in so Austin can take some tandem offense. Colten takes some corner offense from all of Death Triangle including a bunch of kicks then a triple dropkick. Austin gets kicked around as White makes a blind tag then Austin takes a dropkick to the ass. Fenix and Penta then hit dives onto Austin and Colten but when Pac sets to dive White intercepts him and hits a DDT, and Pac’s DDT selling is always great. White with a neckbreaker to begin working the head of Pac. Colten tags in and lands a few stomps then tags in Austin who then tags in White fairly quickly. White with some chops. Pac fights out of the heel corner but White stops a tag then catapults Pac into the bottom rope. Half Crab from White but Pac is able to kick him away. Colten tags in but gets kicked so Austin tags in but Pac makes the tag to Penta. Penta runs wild on Austin and Colten for a bit and tags in Fenix. Fenix with a superkick to Colten then runs across the ropes to punt Austin in the head. White then has to break up a pin. White tags in now and postures at the ref for a few moments only for Fenix to kick him in the head. Penta tags back in and White takes a combination of kicks before Penta hits a modified F5 for a 2 count.
Pac wants in and gets tagged, his chest visibly has the handprint of White on it. A flurry of strikes from Pac but White lands a chop only to take a rebound German suplex. Austin with a lariat to Pac, everyone gets a chance to get their stuff in and everyone’s down by the end of it. Pac with a thrust kick to White, then he heads up top only to have to bail as Colten comes in to eventually get a German suplex. Rebound suplex to Austin as well then White takes a flurry of corner offense from Death Triangle, Fenix and Penta with the double stomp Fear Factor, Fenix dives onto Austin and Colten but Juice Robinson appears to trip up Pac and allow White to hit the Blade Runner and retain the titles.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Bang Bang Gang retained the titles in 12:21
Rating: 3 stars
Thoughts: Not exactly my cup of tea personally, but if you like this style of match you’ll probably rate it higher. I’m also just generally bored by the Bang Bang Gang so individual mileage will vary a lot on this match.
Match #3 – AEW Women’s Title Match: (c) Toni Storm w/ Mariah May and Luther vs. Serena Deeb
Some circling, then they tie up and fight for position before they trade headlocks and escapes for a standoff. Another tie up, Toni then mocks Deeb on the break so Deeb slaps her then hits a double leg and ties up Toni with a Paradise Lock and sits on her, then lands a dropkick to the hip. Toni gets kicked in the corner but levels Deeb with an elbow that sends Deeb to the apron then Toni with a hip attack to send her to the floor. Getting back into the ring Deeb hits a Dragon Screw through the ropes then sends Toni out of the ring again. Deeb with a twisting neckbreaker on the floor then they head back into the ring. Octopus Hold from Deeb now but Toni gets to the ropes to break it. Abdominal Stretch now from Deeb but Toni fights free with a hip toss. Deeb with another Dragon Screw, then another one for good measure. Toni blocks a Dragon Screw and they trade pinning positions for a bit until Toni lands a headbutt and both women drop. Deeb gets caught in the corner with a Backstabber then Toni with a DDT then a bridging Fisherman’s Suplex for a 2 count. Armbar from Deeb, Toni tries to fight it off but Deeb transitions to a triangle choke. Toni hoists Deeb up and slams her down then grabs a Texas Cloverleaf. Deeb has to crawl towards the ropes, and eventually she gets there to force the break. Some strikes from Deeb now as she fires up then hits the ropes and lands a jumping clothesline. Corner work from Deeb then a neckbreaker through the ropes. Toni avoids a few suplexes but Deeb hits a twisting neckbreaker. Some more standing switches then Deeb hits a rebound German suplex and a Pepsi Twist for a near fall.
They start trading strikes, looks like someone lost their place so they repeat a rope running spot so Toni can hit a chokebomb. Deeb avoids a hip attack and grabs the Half Crab. Toni crawls to the ropes but has to kick Deeb away only for Deeb to land a knee. Deeb back to the knee of Toni and locks in the Half Crab. May and Luther fight over throwing in the towel, Toni gets to the ropes during that and forces the break. Toni rolls out of the ring to recover but Deeb follows her only to eat a headbutt. Toni sees that Luther is holding the towel and curses him out then throws the towel away. Back in the ring Deeb with a Small Package for 2 only to take a German suplex. Deeb blocks Storm Zero with a roll up but Toni follows through and hits Storm Zero for a near fall. They head to the apron, but Toni can’t hit Storm Zero. Deeb then hits three Dragon Screw’s in the ropes and hits Detox on the apron. Another Detox in the ring but only a near fall. Deeb goes up top, Toni meets her there because it’s not like she took a flurry of offense or anything. Toni hits an avalanche Storm Zero then another one in the ring and that’ll do it.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Toni Storm retained the title in 15:38
Rating: 3 stars
Thoughts: A decent technician vs. more of a bruiser style match, and they had the fans really with them down the stretch but this did feel a little overlong and I generally dislike the spot where you take several finishers then pop up to get your own off and win the match. That’s a bigger gripe than just this match but it was present here.
Match #4: Trent Beretta vs. Orange Cassidy
Cassidy is wearing dark blue trunks because he’s in a dark mood, and we get brawling right away from both men. Eventually they knock each other down with elbows then resume trading elbows. Trent eventually hits a cross chop to stifle the flurry of Cassidy then lay in chops. Cassidy to the apron and bounces Trent into the corners for a bit then he heads up top for a crossbody. Around the world DDT from Cassidy and Trent rolls out of the ring so Cassidy can then hit a suicide dive. Some ringside brawling now as Cassidy lays in strikes then a modified 10 punch in the corner of the barricade. Trent goes to the eyes of Cassidy to shut him down again, then he slingshots Cassidy into the bottom turnbuckle. Mounted punches from Trent now that they’re back in the ring. German suplex from Trent and he feels pretty good about himself thus far. Trent with another German suplex. Cassidy blocks a half nelson suplex then winds up getting pulled into a Saito suplex and Trent follows with another German suplex. Trent with more elbows as Cassidy works to fire up, but Trent slaps him down in a corner and calls him on. Cassidy puts his hands in his pockets so Trent just unloads with elbows and chops until Cassidy falls down. Cassidy avoids a clothesline and hits a dropkick then one in the corner as well. The usual Cassidy stomps in the corner give way to real stomps then another basement dropkick. Now Cassidy goes up top, but Trent rolls to the apron so Cassidy jumps at him there into a kick. Trent wants an apron piledriver, they fight over that spot and Trent eventually hits a Gotch piledriver on the apron and Cassidy slumps to the floor.
Trent gets the ring steps in play on the floor, but Cassidy yanks him down onto them then hits a Beach Break on the floor. The ref starts counting as both men are down on the floor, but they both beat the count. Cassidy offers the hug then drops Trent with a Michinoku Driver when Trent falls for that mind game. Penalty Kick from Cassidy, but then Trent lays into him with an elbow. Trent blocks a Stunner, they trade counters until Trent finally hits a half nelson suplex and a lariat. Strong Zero from Trent but that’s only a 2 count. Now it’s Trent that offers the hug for mind games but he runs into a right hand then Cassidy with a Beach Break for a 2 count. Cassidy now sets for the Orange Punch, but Trent counters with a Codebreaker into the Gogoplata. Cassidy then counters with a jackknife pin for the win.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Orange Cassidy won in 13:54
Rating: 3.5 stars
Thoughts: Another good example of how to wrestle like you hate each other, they had a heated exchange here and that’s exactly what this feud called for.
Trent looks shell shocked at the ending then stalks away and walks by Rocky Romero and tells Rene Paquette that he’s done. Next he exits through the crowd while Cassidy is helped to his feet in the ring.
Match #5 – Triple Threat FTW Title Match: (c) Chris Jericho vs. Hook vs. Katsuyori Shibata
Jericho attacks Hook then winds up trading chops with Shibata. Hook then hits Jericho with a German suplex and a t-bone suplex for Shibata. Now Hook goes for the plunder, he’s got a table which he sets up on the floor. Jericho on the apron now then Shibata kicks both him and Hook off but they both miss the table. Shibata with a punt kick to Jericho then Hook tosses Shibata into the barricade. Jericho with a suplex to Hook. Jericho gets a bag from under the ring, he takes it into the ring and it’s full of dice that he dumps on the mat. Hook then with a t-bone to Jericho onto the dice, then Shibata with a suplex to Jericho on the dice. Shibata and Hook just throw dice at Jericho then hit a double back suplex. Hook and Shibata trade suplexes onto the dice now and everyone’s down. Hook rolls out of the ring for more weaponry, he and Shibata both get kendo sticks, Shibata dual wielding though and tosses one of them into the ring. Shibata and Hook square off with sticks, then Jericho gets one as well and wants in on this. Jericho hits Hook and Shibata but they no sell then unload on him with them. Double shot to Jericho then Shibata with an STO to Hook. Shibata looks for weapons and pulls out another table which he sends into the ring where he sets it up. Jericho attacks Shibata then sets to powerbomb Hook through the table but Hook with a Northern Lights suplex. Hook puts Jericho on the table the heads up top, Shibata tosses dice at him though then climbs up and picks up Hook for a Death Valley Driver onto Jericho but that table wants us to know “I am the table” because it does not break. Jericho puts the table in the corner and gets tossed through it by Shibata so it will break, then Shibata with a follow up dropkick for a 2 count. Shibata with kicks to Jericho then he tries a Boston Crab but settles for a Muta Lock while also grabbing an Ankle Lock on Hook but Hook kicks free and knocks Shibata over to put more torque on the knee of Jericho. Hook talks with Jericho to find his spot then hits some throws on Shibata only for Jericho to catch him with a Codebreaker for a 2 count.
Hook counters a Judas Effect with Redrum, he jumps to the back with it and Jericho thinks about tapping but here’s Big Bill to break up the hold. Bill unloads on Hook then insults the crowd. Hook and Bill on the apron now, and Hook blocks a chokeslam then hits Bill with a T-Bone through the table. Back in the ring Shibata with chops to Jericho but Jericho grabs the Walls of Jericho. Shibata crawls for the ropes but Jericho pulls him back only for Shibata to counter into a Figure Four. Hook then grabs Redrum on Jericho as well, but here’s a masked man to attack both Jericho and Shibata with a trashcan. The mask comes off to reveal Bryan Keith, Hook disposes of him but that allows Jericho to hit Hook with the Judas Effect then pin Shibata who got stuck in a trashcan.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Chris Jericho retained the title in 12:38
Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: I don’t mind plunder matches but even for that this was more than a little overbooked and just kind of a spot fest. Also another match that probably could have been a couple of minutes shorter.
Post match Hook lays out security then chases Jericho to the back.
Match #6: Jon Moxley vs. Konosuke Takeshita
If Takeshita wins here he’ll get a shot at Moxley’s IWGP Heavyweight title. Moxley’s left arm is heavily taped up, to be expected after getting attacked recently. Moxley backs up Takeshita and lands strikes but Takeshita turns that around and they start trading strikes before Takeshita attacks the arm of Moxley with an armbreaker. More arm work from Takeshita then he rakes the eyes of Moxley. Back elbow from Moxley but Takeshita hits the ropes and hits his jumping clothesline. Takeshita goes back to the arm work, then he pulls the tape off of Moxley’s fingers and starts snapping at them. Hammerlock scoop slam from Takeshita then he stomps on the arm for a bit. Takeshita up top but Moxley comes alive and clobbers him to knock him to the apron. Moxley follows him out there and wants a piledriver but his left arm wont let him then Takeshita with an arm screw that drops Moxley on the apron. Takeshita starts pulling the bandage off of Moxley’s arm as they head around the ringside area. For good measure Takeshita chokes him with it but Moxley fires up and lands punches then bites Takeshita. Knee strike from Moxley but Takeshita then sits him in a chair and bites him before kicking the chair into Moxley’s arm. Takeshita then hammerlocks Moxley again and shoves his shoulder into the ring steps. Back into the ring Moxley tries chops but Takeshita just absorbs them then levels Moxley with an elbow strike. Takeshita with a bulldog on the arm instead of the head, nice little move there. Some more strikes to the arm from Takeshita, Moxley tries to fire up but Takeshita with a deadlift suplex then grabs a hold of the arm. Moxley fights free but wants more from Takeshita who obliges with strikes but Moxley starts firing back. They trade elbows for a bit then Moxley lands kicks and some headbutts only to run into a big boot but he catches a charging Takeshita with a Cutter.
Moxley wants a piledriver but Takeshita counters into a Fujiwara armbar. Takeshita cranks on the hold but Moxley is able to roll free and catch a triangle choke. Takeshita gouges the eyes then hoists Moxley up for a Last Ride powerbomb then into Becky’s Disarmer. Moxley crawls for the ropes and is able to get there and save the match. Moxley sends Takeshita to the floor then hits a suicide dive. Back into the ring Moxley lands a lariat. Takeshita blocks a Death Rider and hits the belly to belly tombstone into the wheelbarrow suplex. Moxley then counters a Zahi with a Death Rider and both men are down. They start trading headbutts then strikes. Elbow strikes go back and forth, Takeshita is getting the better of things then clocks the arm of Moxley and another elbow to the head floors Moxley. Takeshita wants the Zahi, and connects but only a near fall. Now Takeshita removes his elbow pad and starts clobbering Moxley but Moxley avoids one and looks for a sleeper into the Bulldog choke, then he wraps the bandage around the neck so the ref forces the break. Moxley tries the Death Rider again but that arm wont work and Takeshita posts Moxley on the bad shoulder then clobbers him with another elbow strike. Takeshita with a Death Rider of his own but again only a near fall. This is getting a little ridiculous. Takeshita goes under the ring for a chair, he finds a few which he toss into the ring. But when Takeshita gets back in the ring Moxley with a Stomp onto the chair then a Death Rider to get the pin.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Jon Moxley won in 17:21
Rating: 3.5 stars
Thoughts: Was thinking four but that finishing sequence got too silly. Felt like a great spot for Takeshita to get a big win and instead he choked. Booking decisions aside, this was good hard hitting stuff apart from a slightly overwrought finishing sequence. I like Takeshita but the man needs to win a match of consequence as his last big matches vs. Ospreay and now Moxley he’s come up short.
For our next match Adam Copeland comes out more or less as Brood Edge minus the sun glasses.
Match #7 – Barbed Wire Cage TNT Title Match: (c) Adam Copeland vs. Malakai Black
There are chairs and tables in the ring to start. They both grab chairs and start hitting them then both men avoid chair assisted finishers before Adam hits a flapjack. Boot into the cage from Adam then he gets some of the barbed wire loose but Black attacks from behind, though Adam then rakes the wire against his face. Well we knew blood was coming and it’s already here on Black then Adam hits a diving shoulder block. Adam wraps barbed wire around the top turnbuckle then he and Black fight over getting sent into it face first, neither of them does though. Adam powerbombs Black into the fence then rebounds for one in the cage for a 2 count. That cage moved a lot on that spot. Some kicks from Adam but Black catches on of them and lands a tomahawk elbow only to then miss The End and take an Impaler DDT. Adam wants the Spear, but Black with a kick then he catapults Adam towards the barbed wire and Black winds up sending him face first into that corner. That’s Adam now bleeding. Black goes after the cut on Adam but Adam fights back only to eat a head kick. Black gets a barbed wire bat off of the cage wall, I hadn’t seen that one pre-match, and he starts grinding it into Adam’s head. Black sets Adam’s head on a chair and goes for a Bat-chair-to but Adam moves aside then gets the bat and hits Black with it. Another bat shot from Adam, this one to the head then he grinds the wire into Black’s face for a bit. Adam sets up the table now then whacks Black with a chair. Headbutt from Adam then he sets Black on the table before climbing the ropes only for Black to kick his legs out and Adam crotches himself on the top rope. Black climbs up with Adam and rakes his face on the fence but Adam returns that favor. They fight over a spot and Black hits a Sunset Powerbomb through the table but only a 2 count.
Adam pulled a strand of barbed wire down with him on that spot, something to keep in mind. Black wants The End but Adam hits a Spear for a near fall. There’s still another table if anyone wants it, and Adam does set it up in the ring. Piledriver from Adam then he puts Black on the table and ties him there with barbed wire to our first “you sick fuck” chant. Adam climbs all the way to the top of the cage, then crushes Black through the table with an elbow drop and Adam landed almost on his feet for a rough landing. The cover is slow and only gets 2. Both men slowly pull themselves up but Adam’s Spear is countered with The End but Black’s cover is slow enough to allow Adam to kick at 2. Black pulls down a part of the cage scaffolding covered in barbed wire, he tries to stab Adam with it but Adam moves. A flurry of strikes from Black drive Adam back to the apron then Black unloads with kicks to the body. Black boots Adam through the door and out of the ring but there are no escape rules, has to be pinfall or submission so we’re still going. Black looks to follow Adam but eats a Spear on the floor and again both men are down. Brody King and Buddy Matthews stalk towards the ring, they stand beside Black then move to stand beside Adam against Black. Black is shocked but then King levels Adam with a lariat. Back in the ring now King and Buddy join the violence and King wraps Adam in barbed wire. Black, now wearing the wedding ring of Adam around his neck puts a crown of barbed wire on Adam’s head then goes for The End but the lights flash red and everyone’s confused. From under the ring comes Gangrel to blood mist Buddy and hit King with an Impaler DDT. Impaler for Buddy as well but Black kicks Gangrel with The End only to turn into a Spear from a barbed wire covered Adam. Adam then uses the crown of barbed wire to lock in the Crippler Crossface and that’ll get Black to pass out.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Adam Copeland retained the title in 20:18
Rating: 3.5 stars
Thoughts: 20 minutes was a bit much, but I enjoy a good bloodbath match and these two delivered. Gangrel was a nice surprise as well to help handle the numbers game.
Post match Adam and Gangrel hug as Adam is visibly limping. I have to imagine that landing on the elbow drop from the cage did his knees no favors and some damage, hopefully nothing too serious.
In the back Lexi talks with Don Callis, she recaps the mixed bag for the Callis Family and Callis says it’s been great as they’ve got gold now. He fully expects Orange Cassidy to join him and will make an official offer to Cassidy on Dynamite.
Elsewhere in the back Swerve Strickland warms up as does Christian Cage.
Match #8 – TBS Title Match: (c) Willow Nightingale w/ Stokely Hathaway and Kris Statlander vs. Mercedes Mone
Willow charges right away and Mone hides in the ropes. More running and hiding from Mone then she lands a cheap shot. Unable to whip Willow Mone resumes running around the ring. Back in the ring Mone with a few stomps but Willow shoves her away. Knee from Mone then a very convoluted armdrag. Crucifix from Mone gets a 2 count. Some chops from Mone then she tries an armdrag but Willow blocks it and headbutts her. Willow starts laying in strikes now but Mone avoids a crossbody and Willow falls out of the ring. Mone misses a flying nothing and Willow kicks her in the butt. Kick from Mone then she tries a baseball slide but Willow blocks and has a gutwrench, then hits Babe with the Powerbomb on the ring apron. Logically that should about end things but it wont. Back in the ring Willow hits a suplex for a 2 count. Mone gets caught in an Electric Chair and Willow then transitions to a German suplex. Willow wants an avalanche Doctor Bomb but Mone slips free and ties up Willow’s leg in the rope and stomps it. Leg work now from Mone then a low angle Meteora for a 2 count. Some more leg work from Mone, not exactly compelling stuff from Mone but she’s able to float over into an Achille’s Lock. They start trading strikes from 50/50 guard before Mone starts landing kicks to get the edge. Dragon Screw from Mone then an overly convoluted set up into an Ankle Lock but Willow is able to slam her way out of that. Backstabber from Mone gets a 2 count. Willow blocks a Money Maker but Mone is able to catch an Octopus Hold, sort of but let’s give her the benefit of the doubt. Willow counters into an Ankle Lock, Mone is able to roll free but then runs into a Pounce from Willow.
Both women are down and slowly regain their feet. Corner attacks from Willow, but Mone lands a slap then jumps at Willow only to get caught with a spinebuster for 2. Mone fights off Babe with the Powerbomb, then lands a knee strike only to run into a roll up and Willow powers Mone up for a one armed powerbomb. Fisherman’s suplex from Willow gets a 2 count. Willow puts Mone on the top rope, she wants a superplex but Mone is able to fight that off and slip free then powerbomb Willow for 2 count. Mone with a straight ankle lock but Willow scoots to the ropes to break the hold. Willow rolls to the apron so naturally Mone goes up top but misses a double stomp. Willow sweeps the leg then hits a shin breaker on the apron, deliciously mean from Willow there. Back in the ring Willow grabs a King Kong Clutch and spins with it just to be mean. Willow then with a modified Death Valley Driver into the corner but Mone avoids a cannonball senton then stomps the leg of Willow. Mone with a front kick then a Meteora for a near fall. Mone kicks Willow to the floor then hits a Meteora from the apron to the floor. Now Mone shoves Statlander, they get into it briefly and the ref is distracted by all of this but Willow hits Babe with the Powerbomb for the visual win but the ref is still distracted so Mone is able to kick out when the count eventually comes in. Stokely and Statlander stare at each other. Willow tries another Babe with the Powerbomb but Mone rolls through into an STF version and Willow has to grab the ropes to save herself. Mone back to the leg of Willow then she climbs the ropes but Willow clocks her. They fight over the corner spot then Mone flips forward and hits the Mone Maker, sort of as that’s kind of a stupid move, but it’s enough to get the pin.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Mercedes Mone won the title in 18:00
Rating: 3 stars
Thoughts: These two have decent chemistry but the match felt like they painted themselves into a corner to begin with as Willow got cut off at the knees here. Mone looked a little rusty in spots but that should get knocked off with reps.
Post match Stokely is pissed so Statlander shoves him down then leaves with Willow, only to slam Willow head first onto the ramp as Stokely cackles. Discus lariat from Statlander to follow up and Statlander poses with Stokely.
Prince Nana calls out Swerve with a Warriors bottle spot, that’s actually cool but you’re on the wrong side of the country for it to really land. Swerve is wearing Warriors inspired gear though.
Match #9 – AEW World Title Match: (c) Swerve Strickland w/ Prince Nana vs. Christian Cage w/ the circus (Nick Wayne, Unprettier I mean Killswitch, and Shana Wayne)
They stare early then Cage jaw jacks with the crowd. Eventually the tie up and fight for position through the ropes before settling into the corner. We get a clean break after that and both men reset. Another tie up, again they hit the corner and Swerve with a fake cheap shot on the break to get Cage flinching. Cage gets back to circling then they start trading punches and Swerve grabs a side headlock. Swerve keeps working the headlock then lands a shoulder block and steps on the back of Cage. Cage avoids a suplex and hits a reverse DDT then lays in some mounted punches. Cage up top but Swerve avoids his flying splash and he eats canvas then Swerve grabs an an armbar but Cage rolls out of the ring. Swerve then kicks Cage into the barricade and follows up with a kick from the apron. Swerve up top, this seems ill advised and indeed Cage avoids the flying nothing and Swerve eats barricade. Cage tosses Swerve into the barricade. Back in the ring Cage retains control with some strikes then poses. Some kicks from Cage now then a facelock and a neck crank. Swerve fights up with strikes only for Cage to poke the eye then hit a tornado DDT. Cage up top, Frog Splash gets a 2 count.
Swerve takes a Nick cheap shot then Cage goes on with more strikes. Swerve then launches Cage into the corner and Cage takes the Hitman corner bump for good measure. Cage lands a back elbow then climbs up top but Swerve punches him and then climbs up with him. They fight over the top rope spot and Cage hits a Sunset Powerbomb but his Spear is countered with a powerbomb into a powerslam from Swerve for a near fall. Punches go back and forth now with Swerve getting the better of things, then hits a diving uppercut to the back. Swerve pulls the turtleneck up and hits a neckbreaker, then another one and he holds on to set Cage on the apron and then hit one more neckbreaker through the ropes. Cage slumps to the floor and Swerve hits a Fosbury Flop. Back in the ring Swerve goes up top, and crossbody for a 2 count. Cage avoids a House Call and wants a Sharpshooter which he locks in. Swerve crawls for the ropes but Cage pulls him back and cinches it in tighter, so Swerve rolls through and grabs a Small Package for 2. They then run into each other and both men are down.
Nana and Mother Wayne fight over the title belt, but the ref sees Nana with it and ejects him. Well that’s unfortunate and gets a “ref you suck” chant. Cage then tosses Swerve out of the ring where he’s mugged by Killswitch and Nick. Back in the ring Cage gets a 2 count on a cover. They distract the ref again but Swerve avoids a Killswitch headbutt that lays out Cage, then a double stomp to Killswitch on the apron. Swerve tosses Nick but misses a Swerve Stomp in the ring then Cage hits a Spear for a near fall. Nick distracts the ref but the ref sees Killswitch getting involved and ejects the circus. Now down to just Swerve and Cage, Swerve lands a knee then a rolling Flatliner for 2. Swerve grabs a gator roll to the floor then hits Cage with a suplex. Now Swerve gets the steps in play, he picks up Cage but Cage avoids him and tries to escape but Swerve cuts him off. Swerve stalks Cage, picks him up but Cage slides free and tries a powerbomb from the apron only to eat a double stomp. Malicious Swerve has been activated and they head into the ring but Cage avoids a corner attack. Cage wants to suplex Swerve onto the steps but Swerve fights free and chops Cage a few times but Cage avoids a dive and Swerve goes more or less face first into the ring steps. A nice bit of camera work there, Swerve isn’t dumb enough to take that spot. Cage distracts the ref and Nick flies in with a Cutter off the steps. A Killswitch from Cage back in the ring but only a near fall. Cage is befuddled but Nana runs down with a pipe to chase off Nick. Swerve rolls to the floor and Cage starts setting up the Spanish announce table for a spot. Cage and Swerve fight on the table, some slaps from Cage then he tries the Killswitch but Swerve fights free and hits a leaping Swerve Stomp on the table which does not give one inch.
The ref starts counting as both men crawl to the ring and barely beat the count. Cage wants a Killswitch then counters a JML Driver with a roll up for 2. Cage avoids a House Call and snaps Swerve over the top rope. Now Cage wants another Spear but Swerve counters with a kick then hits the ropes intercepts a jumping Cage with a House Call. Nice spot. Swerve up top, Swerve Stomp connects then another House Call for good measure and that’ll do it.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Swerve Strickland retained the title in 24:50
Rating: 4 stars
Thoughts: You knew the overbooking was coming but they handled it well, and I for one applaud Cage’s commitment to being a heel that is just universally hated. Almost 25 minutes might have been a tad long but they started deliberate and built well. Also nice to see the correct outcome in one of these matches tonight.
Match #10 – Anarchy in the Arena: The Elite [Jack Perry, The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson), and Kazuchika Okada] vs. Team AEW [Darby Allin, FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler), and Bryan Danielson]
The good guys jump the Elite before Perry can make his way to the ring and we’re off and running with chaos. Darby is wearing a protective face mask but no flamethrower so I’m already severely disappointed. If anything goes just bring the lethal weaponry and have done with it. Everyone’s brawling, Perry and Dax do wind up in the ring for a bit. Darby’s mask has thumbtacks on it, because why not. Okada and Bryan square off as Matt gets a mic. Matt has an idea, he wants good music and they play the new Bucks theme. Bryan attacks Matt to shut him up, tells the truck to turn that crap off and play the greatest theme song in wrestling history, apparently Khan busted out the checkbook again because here’s The Final Countdown to play over the violence. Dax and Matt battle on the stairs as Bryan and Okada keep squaring off. Looks like we’ve got Bryan and Okada, Dax and Matt, Cash and Nick, and Perry and Darby all squared off around the arena. Dax has a couple of beers and mimics Stone Cold before continuing to lay into Matt. Darby hits a wild Coffin Drop onto a pile of bodies. Bryan and Okada brawl up the stairs into the crowd. Darby keeps after Perry in the crowd as Nick and Cash make their way back to the ringside area. Matt gets a mic and wants the music cut because it costs an arm and a leg and they’ve got a budget. Perry and Darby are in the back while Dax and Matt fight towards the ring. Nick and Cash are still fighting ringside. The crowd wants music apparently.
Cash takes a trashcan lid shot to the head. Okada has a Rainmaker Drive road sign then hits a leaping crossbody over the barricade and onto Bryan. Perry and Darby have fought all the way tot he production trucks and Darby tries to drown Perry in an ice bath before Perry fights free. There’s a pile of junk and Perry finds a metal pipe and lays into Darby with it. In the ring FTR and Bucks square off then hit a Shatter Machine on Dax for a 2 count. Somewhere in all this Dax is now bleeding. Bryan fights off Nick and Matt, getting them to kick Okada. Bryan sets for a dive after that but flies into an Okada chair shot then Nick throws a chair into his head. Okada throws a chair as well. In the back Perry drives a blacked out RV through the pile of junk and we’re supposed to believe Darby was in that. Casual vehicular homicide there I guess. Anyway Matt keeps landing chair shots to Dax. Dax cares not for selling and he and Cash fight off Nick on the apron and level him with a spike piledriver on the apron. Matt is still hung up on the top rope and takes the superplex followed by the splash Power and Glory spot but Okada breaks up the pin. Okada with a gorgeous dropkick to Dax then a boot to Cash. Air raid neckbreaker to Dax, Bryan is bleeding as well on the floor. Okada up top, elbow drop connects and he flips off the crowd. Cash starts biting the middle finger of Okada but then runs into a dropkick. Tombstone from Okada to Cash, he wants the Rainmaker though and Cash fights that off as Darby staggers back to ringside. Darby in the ring and starts trading with Okada, that goes poorly and Okada stomps his bad ankle but Darby avoids a Tombstone and hits a Code Red for a 2 count.
Darby gets tripped by the Bucks then powerbombed onto a four set of chairs. Nick and Matt drag Darby onto the stage while Bryan wipes out Okada with a flying knee in a corner. Matt and Nick want Darby to be removed via a platform and he descends out of sight. Bryan starts brawling with Nick and Matt, then gets tossed to the floor. Matt bounces Bryan on the poker chip decoration then alms him into it. The Bucks set for a TK Driver on the chips and hit it. Cash enters the frame but is back suplexed onto a poker chip by Nick only for Dax to come up DDT Matt onto the chip. Cash launches Nick into the slot machine display then hits a piledriver that’s not really caught on camera.
Superkicks get hit for a bit then Cash wanders to the back for a table which he sets up on the stage. Okada shows up to DDT Cash on the stage. They set Cash on the table as the crowd chants “we want fire”. Nick up on the entrance stage, Okada elbow drops Dax through another table then Nick hits a Swanton Bomb on Cash through the table. Perry wanders in the back and finds Tony Khan, then starts dragging him presumably towards the ring. Darby re-enters the frame with his flamethrower to the delight of the crowd but Perry brings out Tony only for Darby to light him on fire but Nick and Matt have fire extinguishers to put him out before things got out of hand. Nick and Matt drag Darby to the ring and get a trashcan as well. Matt removes the protective mask from Darby, then sets him on the can so Nick can hit a 450 splash but Darby rolls free and Nick eats can. Okada misses a Rainmaker on Darby who then takes Okada to dick kick city. Darby up top, Coffin Drop to Okada but Nick and Matt break up the pin.
Matt rams Darby into the trashcan face first. Okada has a chain as Matt and Nick call for a cable to descend from the ceiling. They then hang Darby by his legs while Dax and Cash are prevented from getting involved. Eventually though Dax fights through the numbers and hits Okada with a brainbuster. Nick takes a Shatter Machine but Okada cares not for selling and breaks up the pin. Dax chops Okada and Nick but Matt brains him with an exploding chair. Superkick to Cash to neutralize him. Okada has a thumbtack covered sleeve, he then levels Cash with a thumbtack Rainmaker. Naturally there are thumbtack shoes which Okada pulls from under the ring and gives to the Bucks, then they suspend Darby upside down. Darby tries to fight back but he gets hit into submission then the double thumbtack superkick connects to the face of Darby. Bryan crawls into the ring but it’s 3 on 1 and he avoids a superkick so Matt kicks Nick, then a Busaiku Knee to Okada. Bryan takes the shoe off of Matt and starts laying into him and Nick with the tacks. Kicks from Bryan to Matt and Nick and he stands fairly tall. Bryan wants to stomp Matt’s head in and starts doing so then gets a chair and wants a chair Busaiku Knee to Nick which connects but Okada breaks up the pin.
Okada with a Rainmaker to Bryan, then an EVP Trigger to Bryan as well. The crowd want people to help Darby, Bryan then takes a running knee from Perry and that’ll do it.
OFFICIAL RESULT: The Elite won in 30:29
Rating: 3 stars
Thoughts: I’m not squeamish and I appreciate the wilder spots but 30 minutes was way too long for this and after a certain point nothing matters anymore which makes it almost impossible to invest beyond morbid curiosity of the car crash. It’s not that that doesn’t have value, spectacle cane be awesome, but once it’s just spectacle for the sake of it I think most people check out. This lacked an emotional core, and jumped the proverbial shark at least twice between alleged running over with a bus or RV then human immolation leading to the burned guy getting the pin. The tradition of heels winning Anarchy only to set up the loss at Blood and Guts continues I guess.
The Elite pose to end the show.
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