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Hey there everyone, Winfree tagging in for this weeks episode of Impact Wrestling. It’s been a while since I’ve been here in the Impact Zone, hopefully I’m not too rusty. The ongoing cooperative relationship between AEW and Impact continues tonight, plus we’re on the heels of Impact’s Final Resolution event when Sami Callihan continued his feud with Eddie Edwards, Hernandez got gypped on payment for taking out Fallah Bahh, and Rich Swann defended the TNA World Title. Let’s see what tonight has in store as far as setting up feuds going forward.
We open with a recap of the Omega and Callis relationship and the results from Final Resolution. Kaleb is in the ring to get us going, he plans to drop premium content and then introduces Tenille Dashwood. She’ll be in our first match.
Match #1: Tenille Dashwood w/ Kaleb vs. Alisha w/ Eddie Edwards
They talk trash at first, then Dashwood with a misdirection and a forearm. Thez press from Alisha, then Dashwood blocks a flatliner. Alisha catches a kick and face plants Dashwood then hits a senton for a 2 count. Tilt a whirl headscissors from Alisha, then Dashwood avoids a corner rush to hit a neck breaker. Double underhook slam from Dashwood gets another 2 count. Stomps from Dashwood in the corner, then a snapmare and a chin lock and a noogie. Dashwood applies a full nelson, Alisha escapes but eats a sidewalk slam for another near fall. Alisha with a back elbow in the corner, then a slow motion knee strike. Alisha in control now with forearms, then a running hip attack in the corner but Dashwood avoids a bulldog attempt. A second attempt gets the bulldog for Alisha but only a t2 count and Kaleb saves Dashwood. Kaleb with a fanny pack shot to Eddie on the outside, then Alisha flies onto him but runs into a spotlight kick back in the ring to end things.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Tenille Dashwood pinned Alisha
Rating: 1.5 stars
Alisha is still a little rough in the ring.
Post match we get a fake out from Sami Callihan, then he appears in video format. He mocks Eddie’s inability to figure out where he’s coming from, then notes they could play the ambush game forever but he’d rather settle things man to man. Callihan tells Eddie to spend the holidays with his family, because it might be the last time he gets to.
Commentary lets us know that Kenny Omega’s RV/bus is here with Don Callis and might appear later. In the back Sabin and Shelley are interviewed, Shelley runs down their process back to the tag team titles. Tonight Sabin takes on Karl Anderson, who reminds Anderson and Gallows that neither of the Machine Guns were pinned to lose those titles and they’ll be exercising their rematch clause in the future but tonight Anderson gets a preview of that upcoming match.
In the bus with Anderson, Callis, and Omega. Omega mocks the lack of Japanese accomplishments from the Guns, and fires up Anderson by pointing out they stole his nickname then sends him out to get Sabin. Melissa Santos is doing out commercial break hosting.
Karl Anderson runs into Rich Swann, he’s looking for Sabin. Swann asks why he’s looking for Sabin right now, both the Guns show up, and Anderson heads out, deciding Swann was correct about waiting for their official match.
Back to the ring, and Moose is here with his perfunctory title. Moose gets a mic, he provides an injury update on Willie Mack, Mack will be out for a couple of weeks. He says he hurt Mack because that’s what he does, hurt people. The people at home don’t understand what Moose is capable of, and is annoyed no one talks about him and instead focus on Swann. He says Swann stays hurt while Moose hurts people. He asks Swann to call up Mack and ask what pain feels like. I’m guessing it feels like pain, that’s a bad line from Moose. Mack shows up, security gets between them. Moose asks Mack if he really wants to make Moose angry. Mack says he’s not mad about what Moose did, he’s mad that the ref stopped their fight. He promises to take matters into his own hands, he and Moose will fight in an I Quit match at Genesis. Moose asks if that’s a smart move, Mack just came to deliver the message, then gets into the right and we get a pull apart brawl. Moose starts laying into security people, one of the security goons tore his suit.
In the back Moose gets interviewed, he’s tired of indy wrestlers trying to make their name at the expense of a signed talent like him. He warns all future talent taking jobs as security and what not to not touch him ever again. The next one to do so will get hurt.
Rohit gets visited by Bey in the back, Bey mocks his loss of the X-Division title. Rohit points out he wasn’t the only one who lost at Final Resolution, and he’ll get a rematch for his title while Bey gets nothing. A little reverse psychology from Bey that Rohit buys into, he wants Rohit to prove Manik is actually TJP which will get him his title back without even having to have a match. Bey asks Rohit to be ringside for his match with Manik, Rohit agrees and we head to break.
We come back to Tony Khan and Tony Schiavone’s paid bit where they mock Impact. There’s a dig at AXS TV, then mocks Don Callis’s plan as Omega popped their rating and now Kenny Omega is giving AEW free publicity. Another dig at AXS, and Schiovane runs down the Dynamite card tomorrow. Schiovane sneaks in another dig, that will basically close it. Eric Young promo, he wants to teach people about life and death and everything in between. He talks about sickness needing to be destroyed, and his true purpose here in Impact is to baptize Cody Deaner in the holy waters of change.
Back to the ring where Chris Bey is coming to the ring.
Match #2: Chris Bey w/ Rohit Rajou vs. Manik
Bey jumps Manik at the bell and starts laying into him. Strikes from Bey in the corner for a bit, then Manik avoids a corner rush and hits a head scissors takedown. Tilt a whirl into a torture rack from Manik then he flapjacks Bey. Manik baits a dive from Bey to the outside, then hits a diving cross body to the outside as we get another commercial break.
We come back to Manik beating on Bey in the corner. Bey tosses Manik to the apron, they both miss blows then Bey hits a couple of kicks and a diving elbow for a near fall. Bey starts attacking the mask, he hits a few uppercuts then a running kick for a 2 count. A chin lock now from Bey, Manik fights out with elbows to the body then hits a running kick. Bey hits a back elbow, then some blows on the mat and gets another near fall. Manik fights back up to his feet, hits a belly to back suplex then Bey counters a move with a victory roll for a near fall. Wheel kick then a drop kick from Bey send Manik out of the ring. Manik heads under the ring, no one can find him so the ref starts counting. Manik back, onto the top rope behind Bey and the ref then flies in with a cross body. Running double knee strike, modified go to sleep then Bey hits a low blow behind the refs back. Rohit into the ring, Bey yells at him and they come to blows.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Chris Bey wins via Disqualification
Rating: 2 stars
Fairly well executed, but the finish and post match angle fell flat. Rohit is confused, Bey is happy to have scored the win and potentially lobby for a real title shot in the future.
In the back Ethan Page is apologizing to Josh Alexander. Alexander says he’s been best friends with Page for a while, but tells Page to figure out what’s going on. Page says he’ll get help, but “we’ll” always have your back. Page heads out, Brian Meyers shows up and asks Alexander to team up with him. Alexander says he’d rather kick Meyers’s ass. That sends us to break.
Back to the Omega bus, Anderson is still there. They try to fire up Anderson, he heads out again. Omega is pissed at Rich Swann trying to run things, he’s going to handle him later apparently.
Match #3 – Tag Team Bout: Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz vs. Taya Valkyrie and Rosemary
Steelz and Taya start us off, Taya with a cross body and kicks. Steelz counters a corner rush with a kick then avoids Taya for a bit. Taya catches Steelz and lands kicks and a slam for a near fall. Rosemary tagged in, they double team Steelz for a bit and Steelz tags out. Hogan runs into a spinning sidewalk slam then mounted forearms. Rosemary tosses Hogan around. Steelz kicks Rosemary behind the refs back, then Hogan with a neck breaker for a near fall. They isolate Rosemary for a bit with kicks and quick tags. Hogan baits Taya into distracting the ref so they double team Rosemary more. Steelz in, hits a flurry of offense, tags in Hogan and Hogan hits a running kick for a 2 count. Rosemary fights back, Steelz cuts that off but Hogan isn’t on the apron. Rosemary with a choke over the ropes to put both of them down. Hogan takes Taya down on the apron to keep Rosemary isolated. Steelz jumps for a sleeper hold, but Rosemary slams her into the corner a few times to break the hold. Steelz back onto it, Rosemary flips her over and slams her down. Steelz sent to the apron, blocks a kick but Steelz is up top and back into the ring but runs into a spear from Rosemary. Both women tag out, and Taya hits a spinebuster then lays into Hogan. Spear from Taya, then a blue thunder bomb but Steelz saves the match. Kimber Lee and Purrazzo jump Rosemary on the outside to distract Taya. That lets Hogan hit a super kick, then the fisherman’s neckbreaker to win.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz won
Rating: 1.5 stars
Not much there, formulaic though I’m not sure what they’re heading towards with Lee and Purrazzo as it relates to Valkyrie and Rosemary.
Eric Young is still appealing to a handcuffed Cody Deaner in a video package. Young warns Deaner that professional wrestling is sick with a disease, talks about what Deaner has sacrificed for wrestling but wrestling isn’t giving back to him. A disease cannot give back, it can only take. Deaner seems to be coming around to Young’s way of thinking as we head to break.
Back from break and Rich Swann is talking about overcoming obstacles as part of a promo for Hard to Kill. Hogan and Steelz in the back are celebrating going to the tag team title finals. Hogan wants to know where the money is, Steelz doesn’t know and they argue about the money and lack of it. Johnny Swinger is here asking if they’re ready to party with him, they take his beer and leave. Swinger finds the blinged out fanny pack, and opens it to find the money in a secret pouch. Presumably he steals it.
Back to the ring for action next.
Match #4: Josh Alexander vs. Brian Myers
Alexander looks to be aggressive at the bell, Myers slowing things down. They tie up and break, then tie up again and Myers starts working an arm wringer. Alexander escapes, Page shows up to support Alexander and Myers shoves him into the ring post on the outside. Alexander attacks Myers, but Myers grounds him and starts landing blows. Myers takes over, Alexander fires back with blows but walks into a drop toe hold. Some chin lock work from Myers, Alexander back up with blows to the body then he hits a back elbow. Running boot from Alexander takes Myers down, but Myers gouges the eyes and hits a back suplex. Myers sets, but the Karate Man Ethan Page is here. He kicks the crap out of Myers to cause the DQ.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Brian Myers won via Disqualification
Rating: 1.5 stars
Page with a seated tornado kick and Myers is gone. Page and Alexander stare at each other then Alexander heads out. More about the angle than the match, which wasn’t anything special.
Young and Deaner again, Young offers the truth. The truth that fans are just jeering at you, Deaner admits to having the disease. Young proclaims Deaner changed and free. This world doesn’t belong to “them”, it belongs to “us”. That sends us to break. Those packages have been fairly well put together from a technical perspective if nothing else.
Tommy Dreamer is in the back, for some reason. Dreamer mentions he got Larry D in jail for shooting him, he asks Larry’s friend to prove Larr’s innocence. Rhino is talking to Jake Deaner. Dreamer asks if they’re afraid, they’re not, and asks for the two of them to team up and stop the spreading issues of Eric Young.
Main event time. Or it will be, after this commercial break.
Match #5: Karl Anderson vs. Chris Sabin w/ Alex Shelley
We join the match in progress. Sabin working a rear waist lock, Anderson escapes, side headlock takover, then a headscissors and escape to get both men to stand off. Anderson after the arm of Sabin, Sabin escapes and hits an arm drag for another stand-off. Sabin with a side headlock, then he takes Anderson down with a shoulder block. Drop kick to the knee from Sabin, but Anderson avoids a rollup attempt and they stare at each other again. They tie up, Anderson gets Sabin to the corner and starts laying in strikes. Anderson starts tearing at the face of Sabin, then sends Sabin into the corner. They start trading punches but Anderson gets the better of that. Anderson with kicks and stomps. Sabin hits a tilt a whirl headscissors to the outside, he tries a punt kick from the apron but Anderson catches it and face plants him to send us to another break.
We come back to Sabin hitting a stunner but running into a back elbow. More elbows from Anderson, then he starts working the leg of Sabin. Anderson abandons that for more chin locks. Sabin tries to fight back, but gets slammed to the mat. Sabin with an arm drag but Anderson cuts him off with a clothesline. Some punches from Sabin, minor feed glitch and both men are down. They get up, and Sabin with an inverted atomic drop into a series of clotheslines. Running elbow from Sabin, then heads up top and hits a diving cross body for a near fall. Sabin tries the future shock, Anderson escapes but eats a running kick in the corner. Tornado DDT from Sabin gets another 2 count. Anderson blocks another future shock attempt and they start trading forearms. Sabin gets the better, but tries a roaring elbow and runs into a blow. They hit stereo clotheslines a few time and both men are down again. Anderson is up first and they’re trading blows again. Anderson avoids a corner rush, but runs into a boot. Sabin runs into a spinebuster for a 2 count. Anderson tries the gun stun, Sabin with a backslide for a near fall. They trade go behinds, Anderson gets a roll up with the tights grabbed to win.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Karl Anderson pinned Chris Sabin
Rating: 2 stars
The commercial breaks really hurt this.
Post match Swann comes down and he and Anderson trade words. Omega leaves his bus and jumps Swann in the backstage area. We get a full brawl as the Good Brothers attack the Guns, Swann takes out Gallows then Omega smacks Swann with a yellow sign to down him. Omega says everyone who’s a wrestler is just living in his world. The three of them reference the bullet club, Callis makes a six man tag match between Omega and Good brothers taking on Swann and the Guns. That ends the show.
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