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Join 411’s Live TNA Impact Coverage

March 14, 2024 | Posted by Himanshu Doi
TNA Impact Image Credit: TNA

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Hey there, TNA fans! It’s Thursday and that means it’s time for another episode of iMPACT! I’m Himanshu (you can follow me on Twitter @Himanshu_Doi) and you know how this works. Tonight on iMPACT!, Experience the fallout from Sacrifice as the road to Rebellion begins as we have Nemeth and Speedball Mountain vs. Maclin and Rascalz and more. So let’s jump right in!

As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.


Date: March 14th, 2024
Location: St. Clair College, Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matt Rehwoldt

Match 1: Mustafa Ali vs. Chris Sabin for the TNA X-Division Championship

Chris Sabin kicks Mustafa Ali who floats over the ropes and kicks Sabin and goes for a roll through the ropes but Sabin superkicks him and they’re both down. Both get up and Ali picks Sabin on his shoulders but Sabin gets out of it and climbs onto the top turnbuckle. Ali follows him but Sabin gets out of there. Ali hits a moonsault for two. Ali tries to get to the ropes but Sabin pulls him away. Ali goes to get his belt but Sabin hits him with Clothesline from Hell’s Michigan. Sabin gets the belt and goes to hit Ali with it but Ali moves out of it and pins him with his feet on the ropes for the win.

Result: Mustafa Ali def. Chris Sabin by pinfall to retain the TNA X-Division Championship
Rating: ***½

Ali celebrates with the title outside the ring after the match.

Gia Miller is backstage with Nick Nemeth, Mike Bailey and Trent Seven. Nemeth says they’re not gentlemen. Trent says he’s come from the British shores to bring some gentlemanliness. Bailey says they’re Speedball Mountain and the Wanted Man and Nemeth says they’re going to the Danger Zone.

Josh Alexander comes out to the ring and gets Walking Weapon chants. Josh asks why people call him the Walking Weapon. He says it’s because when he’s locked in, he’s the best wrestler on the planet. He says he proved that when he beat Will Ospreay and he proved it when he became the longest reigning champion in history. He talked about relinquishing the title with tears in his eyes and he says he’s going to get it back. He says he opened the door for Hammerstone in TNA and he had a fight so good that he got signed to TNA and he was happy for Hammerstone. He says Hammerstone kicked him in the nuts and pinned him. He says Hammerstone also tapped out in the middle of the ring. He says another thing he did was he picked his headgear like it was a trophy. He said Hammerstone thinks his headgear is his identity but it’s his heart that his identity. He says for the first time, he’s focused on something other than winning the World Championship, he’s focused on kicking his ass. He calls out Hammerstone.

Dirty Dango music plays and Johnny Bravo and Oleg Prudius come out. Bravo says Alexander can say that he lost to Hammerstone but everyone knows he lost because Dango softened him up. Alexander asks where Dango is. Dango comes up from behind and attacks Alexander but Alexander fights him off and throws him out. Oleg Prudius and Josh Alexander get into a brawl and security pull them apart. Santino comes out and calls out a referee and books them in a match immediately.

Match 2: Josh Alexander vs. Oleg Prudius

Josh goes for the Ankle Lock and Prudius taps out.

Result: Josh Alexander def. Oleg Prudius by submission
Rating: NR

Crazzy Steve comes out and says who he is is simple, what he is is complicated. He says a lot of people are recognising that including Tommy Dreamer, Rhino and Joe Hendry, all of whom he defeated. He says he is the only one in the roster who every time he comes out to the ring, he defends his title. He says there’s not a human alive who can handle that kind of pressure.

PCO’s music plays and PCO goes face-to-face with Crazzy Steve. Crazzy Steve retreats to the back.

Match 3: Ace Austin vs. Frankie Kazarian

Before the match, Kazarian had Jade Chung announce that he’s the King of Professional Wrestling. Ace Austin attacks Kazarian and flips him over with the Monkey Flip. Ace hits Kaz with a forearm followed by a springboard single-leg kick for two. He goes for the Fold but Kaz picks him him for a Fade To Black but Ace gets out of it for a pin for two. Kazarian runs towards Ace in the corner but Ace moves out of the way and jumps to the middle rope but Kazarian catches him and hits the Japanese Ocean Suplex for two. Ace is thrown into the ropes and Kazarian picks him over his shoulders for a Fade To Black but Ace gets out of it and tries for a bridging pin but Kazarian locks in a chickenwing and Ace taps.

Result: Frankie Kazarian def. Ace Austin by pinfall
Rating: ***½

After the match, Kazarian attacks Bey but Eric Young runs in for the save and Kazarian bails from the ring.

We see a video package for The System where Moose says if you put together everyone in the roster, it still doesn’t add up to the accomplishments of The System. A graphic pops up at the bottom of the screen that lists out all the accomplishments of each member as they say it. They say people should trust The System.

Gia Miller is backstage with Motorcity Machine Guns and Kushida and she asks what happened last week. GYV walk in and say the top trio and found out that they’re not the top team in TNA anymore. Shelley says he doesn’t need this and says if they want to prove they’re the best team then they can take on the Time Splitters.

Match 4: Joe Hendry vs. AJ Francis

Before the match, Joe Hendry gets in the mic and says on paper he should be scared of AJ because he is a giant. But he says AJ is also an artist. He says they’re tough on the outside but on the inside, they’re sensitive. He says it’s okay to cry when people say horrible things like “AJ sucks” and the fans chant “AJ sucks”. He says the way to turn around is by chanting “We believe” because they believe in 6’5″, 260 lbs. of pure motivation. AJ Francis attacks Joe Hendry and the bell rings.

Joe Hendry goes for a suplex but Francis reverses it into one of his own. Francis hits a knee strike on Joe Hendry in the corner. He stretches Hendry’s arms against the ring post from the outside. Francis hits a belly-to-back suplex for two. Francis gets a chin lock but Hendry fights out of it and picks Francis up but Francis drops onto him for two. Hendry hits short arm clotheslines and runs off the ropes but Francis drops him with one of his own. Hendry hits a DDT and hits a shoulder block off the ropes followed by a power slam for two. Hendry runs at Francis in the corner but Francis pulls the referee towards him who gets squashed. Francis gets a steel chair from under the ring and looks to hit Hendry with it but Hendry hits a dropkick and the chair falls. Rich Swann comes out and picks up the chair. He teases hitting Francis with it but hits Hendry with it instead. Francis hits a chokeslam and gets the three.

Result: AJ Francis def. Joe Hendry by pinfall
Rating: ***

We get Alan Angels’ Soundcheck and Ash by Elegance walks in with George Iceman who is offended that the place isn’t as good as the email said it would be. Alan Angels welcomes Ash and asks her what her scoop is. Ash says next week she will have her third match in TNA and she walks off with George as Alan Angels looks pleased.

Match 5: Jody Threat and Dani Luna vs. Beaa Moss and Vanna Black

Before the match begins, the lighting turns red and MK Ultra come out and then it goes black and Decay come out too. Jody Threat and Dani Luna hit a basement dropkick followed by a splash and Dani Luna hits an Exploder Suplex. Dani Luna hits a double suplex. Jody Threat gets the tag and they hit a double team move when Threat throws Vanna Black over from a fireman’s carry into a spinebuster from Dani and Threat pins Black for the win.

Result: Jody Threat and Dani Luna def. Beaa Moss and Vanna Black by pinfall
Rating: ***

Tasha comes out to the commentary booth and picks up and says she has something to say. She says that last week she was never pinned. She says if Jordynne Grace if really is a Juggernaut, she will go one on one with Tasha and she will take what is rightfully hers.

Match 6: Nic Nemeth and Speedball Mountain vs. Steve Maclin and The Rascalz

Maclin gets an ankle hold on Trent Seven but Trent kick him off. Wentz gets the tag but Trent slaps him away and Trent goes for the tag to Bailey but Miguel pulls Bailey away. Miguel gets the tag who goes for a piledriver but Trent flips him over and hits a superplex on Wentz. Nemeth gets the tag who hits an Olympic Slam on Maclin and hits dropkicks on The Rascalz. He hits splashes in the corner on Miguel and Maclin and hits a neckbreakers on everyone. He hits 10 elbow drops in a row on Maclin and goes for a pin but Miguel breaks it up. Nemeth throws Miguel outside the ring and hits a jumping DDT on Maclin. Bailey hits a moonsault double knee on Miguel. Maclin flips Nemeth outside the ring. Maclin goes for a suicide dive on Nemeth but hits Miguel instead. Bailey hits a moonsault on Maclin outside the ring and Bailey and Trent hits the superkick-full Nelson suplex combination and Nemeth hits the Danger Zone for the win.

Result: Nic Nemeth and Speedball Mountain def. Steve Maclin and The Rascalz by pinfall
Rating: ***¾

After the match, the System run down to the ring for the attack and Moose hits them all with a belt shot in the face. The System all pose in the ring with their titles held high to end the show.

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TNA Impact, Himanshu Doi