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Join 411’s Live WWE Smackdown Coverage

March 19, 2021 | Posted by Robert Winfree
WWE Smackdown

Keep Refreshing For The Latest Results

Another Friday, another episode of WWE Smackdown. This is our go home show for Fastlane. Tonight for the first time in a little over ten years Edge will have a match on Smackdown, he’ll battle Jey Uso with the winner becoming the special enforcer for the Universal title match between Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan at Fastlane. Big E and Apollo Crews will almost certainly continue their rivalry, last week Shinsuke Nakamura gave Seth Rollins a very dirty look after Rollins ambushed Cesaro so we might get something between the two of them tonight as well. And I’m sure Reginald will show up when Nia Jax battles Sasha Banks for the Smackdown Women’s title, because Reginald has become the Triple H Poochy for the Smackdown women.

We’re going to open with the women’s title match.

Match #1 – Smackdown Women’s Title Match: (c) Sasha Banks vs. Nia Jax w/ Shayna Baszler

No sign of Reginald right now, apparently Jax gave him a spa day to prepare for the celebration later. Banks jumps Jax early, laying in strikes and hits a meteora but can’t lock in the Bank Statement. Jax lands a back elbow to drop Banks and take over. Military press from Jax and she drops Banks face first to the mat then gets a 2 count. Scoop slam from Jax, then a running elbow drop for another 2 count. Jax hits a body block, and the Samoa drop follows but still only gets 2 on the cover. Here comes Bianca Belair as we head to commercial break. We come back with Jax still on offense. Banks starts fighting free of a chin lock, but gets caught in a spinning side slam for another 2 count. Jax grabs a stretch muffler, and she then swings Banks into the corner for another near fall. Modified STF from Jax, she’s folding Banks up like a pretzel then goes for another stretch muffler. Banks flips over and tries a sunset flip, and avoids a banzai drop. Meteora to the back of the neck from Banks but that only gets 2. Jax tosses Banks out of the ring, but Banks kicks her as they get back in the ring. Jax tries a second Samoan drop, but Banks fights free with elbows, then counters into a DDT. Banks statement as Belair and Baszler get into it. Baszler in the right, tries to punt Banks but misses and hits Jax. Banks then hits a jackknife cover and pins Jax.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Sasha Banks retained the Smackdown Women’s Title

Rating: 2.5 stars

The distraction based finish knocks this down a peg, but Banks is good about being folded up into various positions and Jax didn’t injure anyone so that’s a positive.

We get a recap of stuff from last week that sets up the main event tonight. Funny little thing I observed, Bryan got a little more selfish/motivated after spending time with the Alpha Academy preparing for the Royal Rumble. One wonders what would have happened if Bryan spent more time with them, I mean Gable got Otis to go heel and seems to have had some kind of influence on Bryan.

To the back where Kayla has Edge. She asks him about his first Smackdown match in a decade, he says some of the greatest moments of his career have happened on Smackdown. But the worst night was here as well when he had to drop the title and retire, so while this feels a little surreal but also right. He says Bryan needs a fair shake at Fastlane and he thinks he’s the only one who can guarantee that. He puts over Jey, but feels Jey can’t mature as a talent until he steps out of Roman’s shadow.

Back to the ring, and here comes Seth Rollins. A much better suit this week for him. He makes it all the way to the ring, he’ll be talking after this break.

In the back Jax and Baszler bicker, Baszler promises to get a match with Belair tonight and kick her head off to make up for what just happened.

Back to Rollins, he once again rehashes the last couple of weeks of his issues with Cesaro. He says he’s finally figured Cesaro out, Cesaro is jealous of him and all that he’s accomplished, that Rollins is a WrestleMania main eventer while Cesaro is an abject failure. Rollins will always get up after being knocked down, while Cesaro can’t say the same. Video recap of the stomps to Cesaro last week. He mocks Cesaro and his inability to reach the brass ring, then says Cesaro swung him around 22 times a few weeks ago and he will never do anything like that again. Because he’s Seth Rollins, while Cesaro is the biggest waste of potential in WWE history. Shinsuke Nakamura shows up to interrupt him. Rollins tries to talk him down, Nakamura heads into the ring. Now some ego appeals from Rollins, Nakamura takes the mic from him and tells him to shut up. Kick from Nakamura, then Rollins bails to avoid a Kinshasha. Rollins back into the ring, runs into an STO then eats a Kinshasha. Nakamura heads up the ramp while Rollins tries to process what just happened.

Announcement that Eric Bischoff will be in the 2021 Hall of Fame class, and here come the Street Profits. The Profits will have a match with the Mysterio clan after the break.

Back from break, Ziggler and Roode have joined commentary for the match.

Match #2 – Tag Team Match: Street Profits (Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins) vs. Rey and Dominik Mysterio

Ford and Dominik start us off. They do some mat wrestling early, trade arm wringer escapes then trade arm drags and both kip up to stare off. Some kicks from Ford, Rey tags in and drop kicks Ford down. Kick from Fey, Dawkins tags in and drop kicks Rey then they double team Rey. Dawkins tags out, Rey avoids a corner rush then hits a head scissors to Ford and tags out. Dawkins smacks Rey down, Dominik runs into a Ford clothesline then an Orega Tau from Ford. Dawkins tags in, they want a doomsday move as he’s got Dominik on his shoulders but Rey breaks that up and Dominick with a victory roll to win the match.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Rey and Dominik Mysterio won

Rating: 1.5 stars

Way too short to have meant much, and I genuinely have no idea what they’re doing with the tag team scene.

Gable and Otis are here after that. Gable has a mic, he says that win doesn’t get the Mysterio’s ahead of them in terms of getting to the titles. Double drop kicks from the Mysterios, then Dominik jumps onto both of them and that little bit of chaos sends us to break.

Match #3 – Tag Team Match: Chad Gable and Otis vs. Rey and Dominik Mysterio

This got made during the break, and the Profits are on commentary as well now. Gable and Rey are fighting on the top rope, Rey knocks him down then hits a seated senton and a head scissors. 619 from Rey to Gable, Dominik drops Otis but Otis back up and crotches Rey on the top rope. Otis tags in, Gable with a suplex then a falling headbutt from from Otis. Scoop slam from Otis. Otis with the old Polish hammer to the chest. Bearhug from Otis, Rey has to bite out of it but runs into another slam from Otis. Rey avoids a running headbutt, then hits a drop kick and both men tag out. Dominik runs wild on Gable for a bit, gets a sunset flip but just a 2 count. Gable tosses Dominik onto the second rope but Dominik with a tornado DDT for a near fall. Rey jumps Otis, they fight out of the ring, while Dominik hangs up Gable but Gable counters a 619. Blind tag from Otis, Gable with a German suplex then Otis hits a second rope splash and pins to win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Otis and Chad Gable won

Rating: 2 stars

Better action than the last match, they had much more urgency and Otis in particular knows how to work with the other participants. All four teams jaw jack at each other as the segment ends.

To the back where Sami Zayn talks to his camera’s about having a match with Corbin tonight that he never signed up for. Kevin Owens shows up, he’s still not sure about the documentary. Zayn says Logan Paul has expressed interest in his documentary. Owens asks if Zayn has considered that he’s twisting facts to fit the narrative instead of the other way around. He says that in all the years he’s known Zayn he’s never heard Zayn take responsibility for his actions, then asks who “They” are. Zayn can’t believe Owens wont see the truth, then invites him to be ringside for the Corbin match and if Owens doesn’t see anything suspicious out there Zayn will drop all of this.

Back to the ring, here comes Daniel Bryan in street clothes. He’ll address us all after the break.

Bryan is still in the ring and he’s got a mic. He gives us a reminder about the main event tonight, then says we all know that if Jey wins Jey will do everything in his power to make sure Roman wins. On the other hand there’s Edge, the Ultimate Opportunist who will do anything to get what he wants, and what he wants seems to be Roman at Mania. Bryan gets it, Edge doesn’t want to face him. Edge thinks he can beat Roman, while Bryan knows he can beat Roman, and promises to make Roman tap out. Roman doesn’t seem to like that, as here’s his music and here comes Roman and Paul Heyman. They stay at the top of the entrance ramp, and Heyman hands Roman a mic. Roman laughs at the notion that Bryan will tap him out, he can deal with the lies about Bryan’s ambition or whatnot, but he wont take his name being dragged. He says Bryan has a better chance of growing wings than tapping Roman out, Roman has never tapped out and would rather lose his arm than tap out to any man. He’d rather die than tap out to someone like Bryan. Bryan says that’s some pretty strong language, and while Roman wants to talk about lies Bryan reminds him that Roman is living a lie. Everyone thinks they’re invincible until they’re not, everyone thinks they’ll never tap until they do. Bryan isn’t going to make Roman quit, he’s going to break him of his beliefs and delusions. He hopes Roman doesn’t die in their match, but one way or the other he’s beating him for the belt at Fastlane. It’s a serious credit to Roman that he can find wrinkles in his character to play off of anyone, and Bryan playing the agitator is a nice little shift for him.

Zayn and Corbin are in the ring as we come back, Kevin Owens is on commentary.

Match #4: King Corbin vs. Sami “Crossing the Desert” Zayn

Zayn tries a side headlock, Corbin slams him down. Some more strikes from Zayn, but Corbin hits a clothesline and starts laying in strikes on the mat. Zayn with a thumb to the eye, then avoids a corner rush and rolls up Corbin but the ref sees Zayn try to use the ropes for leverage and wont finish the count. Zayn starts trying to take off the turnbuckle pad, the ref wont let him and Corbin hits End of Days to win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: King Corbin won

Rating: DUD

More angle than match. Zayn complains post match, then appeals to Kevin Owens about his persecution. Owens didn’t see anything out of line, they argue and Zayn continues to melt down. Zayn blindsides Owens with a Helluva kick, yelling that Owens is blind.

Up after the break a remote interview between Big E and Apollo Crews.

We come back and they announce that at Fastlane we’ll get Shinsuke Nakamura taking on Seth Rollins, as well as confirming that Big E will put the IC title on the line against Apollo Crews. That dovetails into the interview between Big E and Crews. Big E says everything for Crews is over, there will be no reconciliation between them, all Big E wants is vengeance. He says Crews has just 2 days to appreciate his life, because after Fastlane his future is dark and bleak. This Sunday Big E will retain his title, and give Crews everything he deserves. Crews says he’d think twice before talking to royalty with such disrespect. This whole thing reminds him of an old Nigerian proverb, you fill your mouth with aggression and you’ll spit blood. Sunday that’s exactly what will happen to Big E, he will crack his face open and finally take what he deserves. He’ll stand over the mangled body of Big E as the new champion. Big E says there’s no waiting for Sunday, he takes off his mic, as does Crews and they go looking for each other. Big E gets a golf cart and goes looking for Crews. Crews is wandering around looking for Big E, they run into each other and Crews runs away from the golf cart. Big E gets out of it and they start laying into each other. Big E gets a trash can and beats the crap out of Crews with it before bouncing him off of various walls and such like a pinball. Eventually some refs and other personnel show up and break things up. Crews gets into the golf cart and high tails it away.

Back to the ring for our next match, Bianca Belair shows up and after this break she’ll take on Shayna Baszler.

We come back, Belair is in the ring awaiting her opponent while commentary runs down the upcoming Fastlane card. Oh, here comes Banks as well.

Match #5: Bianca Belair vs. Shayna Baszler w/ Nia Jax

Oh, Banks decides to head to the back. Kicks from Baszler early, she lays into Belair then tosses her out of the ring. Jax just kind of stares at Belair then walks out. So we’ve got 2 teams that can’t get along? I’m sure Vince Russo just spontaneously got happy. Here come Tamina and Natalya and we’ve got a non finish.


Rating: DUD

Angle, not a match. Natalya and Tamina toss Baszler over the announce table, then Tamina hits Belair with a Catatonic to stand tall.

Edge’s music hits and he’s out for the main event. Our main event will start after this commercial break.

Edge is hanging out in the ring as we come back. And here comes Jey Uso, also Daniel Bryan is on commentary.

Match #6: Jey Uso vs. Edge

They tie up, Edge with a front headlock takeover into a cover for 2. Jey gets a side headlock, Edge counters then hits a shoulder block. Edge tries a crippler crossface but Jey slips free quickly. Strikes from Edge, then a running knee strike to drop Jey. Edge goes to work on the arm of Jey. Chicken wing crossface from Edge, Jey elbows out of that and they head out of the ring. Jey shoves Edge rib first into the steel steps. Jey into the ring suicide dive and he’s in control as we head to commercial.

Both men trading blows as we come back, Jey still in control and hangs up Edge on the top rope. Jey knocks Edge off of the apron. Jey sends Edge back into the ring and resumes stomping. Edge back to his feet, but Jey sends him ribs first under the ropes and into a ring post. Jey continues working the ribs and trash talking Edge. Edge tries to fight back with rights but his ribs are too painful, and Jey hits an enziguri to the body. Jey up top, misses the flying nothing and they collide on running cross bodies. Both men down, they fight back up and Edge kicks Jey down with a big boot. Edge slams the arm of Jey into the corner, then with a flying knee off the second rope. Jey with a headbutt to the ribs, then a Samoan drop for a near fall. Jey up top but Edge intercepts him. Both men up top, Edge with a top rope hurricanrana just because he can. Back up and Edge counters a super kick with an Edge-ecution DDT. Edge wants the spear, but runs into a super kick. Jey up top, splash but his shoulder gives out and he can’t cover right away and when he does Edge is able to kick out. Edge snaps the arm down, then hits the spear and wins.


Rating: 3 stars

I might be a little generous there, but both men sold like champs and given how rare that is these days I feel it should be rewarded. Both men played off of each other well, and they told a solid story of the crafty veteran out thinking the younger guy but gave Jey more than enough to look like he could have won under different circumstances.

Edge celebrates, but turns into a spear from Roman. Roman asks Bryan to get in the ring, Bryan goes to but Jey jumps him and sends him into the ring to eat a spear. Roman trash talks Bryan while holding the belt to close the show.

article topics :

WWE Smackdown, Robert Winfree