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Join 411’s Live WWE Smackdown Coverage

October 7, 2022 | Posted by Robert Winfree
WWE Smackdown Image Credit: WWE

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Hey there people, another Friday night and another episode of Smackdown. Tonight is the season premier (though the existence of a season tacitly implies an off season) of Smackdown. So naturally we’re getting a lot of quality stuff to hype the show, like Logan Paul! Because sweet sweet Saudi Blood Money calls, and they’re still building his program with Roman Reigns. On the wrestling side of things we’re set for a rematch, Gunther will defend his Intercontinental title against Sheamus again. These two had a classic bout at Clash at the Castle and now they’re running it back and I, for one, can’t wait. Tonight is technically the go home show for Extreme Rules, an event so forgettable this year they waited until the last 10 days or so to actually fill out the card. But on that card we’ll get Ronda Rousey vs. Liv Morgan again, and those two had a pull apart brawl last week so this week there will probably be some kind of continuation. Drew McIntyre and Karrion Kross are headed for a Strap Match, and might have one more interaction tonight to sell it. I’m optimistic bout Drew and Kross, though optimism bites me in the butt more often than not. We’ve also got Ricochet taking on Solo Sikoa after Solo wiped out Madcap Moss with hip attacks last week. So that’s the preamble, let’s get to the action.

We open with Triple H in the ring. Trips says there will come a time we believe everything is finished, but that is the beginning. Welcome to Fox, and welcome to the season premier of Smackdown. That brings out our Tribal Chief, the Head of the Table, and Undisputed WWE Universal Champion, Roman Reigns. The Bloodline, and Sami Zayn, are with Roman. Michael Cole welcomes Wade Barrett to commentary, and Wade jokes about Cole having more husbands than Elizabeth Taylor. Roman gets a mic from Paul Heyman, and then gets the crowd to acknowledge him. Before things go further, here comes Logan Paul to a serious chorus of boos. Logan gets onto the ring apron and kind of hangs out there before Roman says this is his show, the crowd agrees, and that makes Logan his guest so the ring is a safe place for him. Pretty loud “Logan sucks” chant as he gets in the ring. Roman then says the crowd did the same thing to him years ago, and now he’s the greatest of all time. Nice little adlib from Roman there. He says they have a lot to potentially teach Logan, then hands the mic to Heyman to smarten Logan up. Heyman, as special counsel to the tribal chief, is here to drop some pearls of wisdom. Roman asked him who Logan Paul was a few days ago, and Heyman realized that Logan is this generations version of Mr. T and Cindy Lauper. The outside celebrity that’s number one on pop culture platforms, who’s brought in just to bring more eyeballs to their product. All of this so more people can acknowledge Roman Reigns. They were wondering which pseudo-famous male Kardashian would be here to be smashed by Roman. First they thought about Jordan Peterson, but Dr. Peterson wouldn’t fight with Roman. Maybe his fellow Hebrew Ben Shapiro, and Heyman would love to debate him, but Shapiro wouldn’t fight Roman. Andrew Tate doesn’t even deserve a mention beyond acknowledge his lack of balls. So at the end of the day they settled for Logan Paul. Jake Paul’s schmucky brother. Someone who’d look for a moment to provide his youtube audience a moment of getting smashed by Roman. So when Logan is in the hospital after the match, with a breathing tube and a catheter, creating content off of getting smashed by Roman Reigns then Logan Paul will not be offering predictions, just spoilers. It’s not fair how good Heyman is at this. Logan can’t argue with that, Heyman really is a wise man. But he’s got one question, when he says Roman is going to smash him does he mean Roman Reigns or the Tribal Chief Jey Uso. Jey objects to this and they start yelling at each other. Jimmy is holding Jey back, while Logan claims he can’t tell the difference between Roman and Jey. Roman starts giving Jey the side eye then slowly turns to face him. Sami Zayn grabs a mic to try and calm this down, Jey is still staring at Logan rather than Roman. Sami strokes Roman’s ego a bit and reminds us that Roman is the tribal chief and no one is questioning or challenging that, this is family and Jey did nothing wrong. The only person doing anything is this fake youtuber who badly wants to be a wrestler, who’s going to get smashed worse than anyone ever has. He calls Logan the biggest two of them all. Logan is amused by this juvenile humor. The Bloodline will still be here after Roman destroys Logan, and Sami tries the “we the ones” line. The sudden tension between Roman and Jey came a little bit out of nowhere but makes all kinds of sense from a character perspective. We got to break, with Ricochet vs. Solo Sikoa on deck.

We come back and Wade Barret continues the long British and Irish rivalry but not liking Mr. O’Shea.

Match #1: Ricochet vs. Solo Sikoa

Solo jumps Ricochet just before the bell. Ricochet starts throwing hands with Solo, then runs into a right hand from Solo. Ricochet low bridges Solo then hits a suicide dive. Back in the ring a cross body from Ricochet then a Lionsault for a 2 count. Solo rolls out of the ring, then Ricochet hits a triangle drop kick to keep him there before faking a dive and posing. Solo breaks the count but remains outside the ring. Back in the ring now and Ricochet lands a knee that sends Solo back out. Solo loses his mind and gets a chair but just throws it into the ring steps. Solo snaps Ricochet over the top rope then lands a headbutt. Ricochet takes the Brett Hart corner chest bump, and Solo lays in a chop to follow up. Some punches from Ricochet but Solo sends him to the apron. Ricochet tries a springboard, but Solo punches him off the top rope and Ricochet drops to the floor as we head to break.

We come back to Solo working the dreaded nerve hold. There’s a replay of the bump Ricochet took before the break, that looks even worse on replay. Solo sets for a hip attack but Ricochet boots him down. Ricochet wit strikes, then they hit the ropes and Ricochet hits a head scissors. Solo avoids a flying nothing, but Ricochet lands a step up knee then a super kick and a wheel kick that finally drops Solo. Ricochet heads up top, but Solo stands and catches a Shooting Star Press into the Spinning Solo to pick up the pin.


Rating: 3 stars

Scary bump from Ricochet aside he and Solo work well together, Ricochet’s pinball style making up for some of Solo’s mobility issues.

In the locker room the Bloodline watch TV. Sami Zayn talks, and Jey objects to Sami claiming to have taken Solo under his wing as he’s their brother. Sami calls Jey a hot head, and all this annoys Roman. Roman calls Jey a hot head, something they’ve been dealing with their whole lives. This has been a problem for a long time, but it’s no longer going to be Roman’s problem. Now Jey is Sami’s problem. And the plot thickens. Sami is less than pleased, Jimmy is slightly bemused, and Heyman just loves chaos almost as much as he loves Roman.

Elsewhere in the back Hit Row show up, say a couple of catchphrases and threaten to be up in some capacity after this break.

In the back Sami walks behind Jimmy and Jey, Jimmy is annoyed by Sami now and tells Sami to chill. They walk into New Day, who are amused then mock Jey from going from main event Jey to a guy answering to Sam Zayn. Sami challenges them to a trios match, New Day says everyone loves them so they’ll find someone easily. Woods calls Sami Zayn not a step daddy, but the dad who stepped up. Jimmy quietly reminds Sami Zayn he has to make this right soon.

To the ring, and here come Hit Row for reasons. Michael Cole and Wade Barrett arguing about which of them is more in touch with hip hop is either the greatest thing ever, or the worst. Here come Legado Del Fantasma to attack Hit Row from behind, they’re masked but that’s who it is. They lay out Hit Row, then here comes blonde Zelina Vega to take out B-Fab. Ashante takes a Landslide, then Dolla eats a Shining Wizard. Double splash to Dollah as the obvious face reveals follow. Vega has a mic, says she’s back and didn’t come alone. This is Legado Del Fantasma, and this is there house now. Be safe.

Before heading to break a White Rabbit video plays, the poor bunny falls down a hole to hell, then we’re told something will happen tomorrow night. That sends us to break.

Post break, Sonya Deville and Xia Li are in the ring and a team because heels. Here come Shotzi and Raquel to oppose them.

Match #2 – Tag Team Match: Raquel Rodriguez and Shotzi vs. Sonya Deville and Xia Li

Shotzi and Sonya start us off. Li distracts and that allows Sonya to get early control. Knee strike from Sonya gets a 2 count. Li tags in chops at Shotzi then they slightly botch her step up elbow. Exploder suplex from Li gets a 2 count. Sonya tags back in and Shotzi avoids a double suplex but they seem to mess something up as Li kicks her down then Raquel comes in to break up a pin. Shotzi avoids them and tags in Raquel. Raquel runs wild including a twisting Vader Bomb to Sonya. Shotzi hits Li with an assisted Shiranui then Raquel kills Sonya with a Tejana Bomb to win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Raquel Rodriguez and Shotzi won

Rating: 1.5 stars

Sloppy in places, and would almost have been better as a full squash since Li and Sonya aren’t exactly doing anything.

We get a series of tweets from former Intercontinental champions hyping up the main event. In the back Butch and Ridge Holland work to help Sheamus warm up as we head to break.

As we come back we get a video package for Ronda Rousey vs. Liv Morgan.

After that here comes Karrion Kross and Scarlett. Drew shows up behind Kross in the ring and the brawl is on again. Nice visual there as Drew rose in the red light. Drew gets the strap and tries to connect himself to Kross but security is here to complicate things. Security is able to drag Drew away, Drew then fights them off. Drew then gets yanked into the ring post by Kross. Kross posts Drew a few more times then hauls Drew to his feet and whips him with the strap before and stands tall and walking back with Scarlett. Nice little segment there, these two have decent chemistry. That sends us to break.

Viking Raiders video. Only the foolish conflate absence with weakness. They’ve been watching and growing stronger. The voice of Sarah Logan comes in to finish it, warning that Valhalla awaits.

To the ring, here come the Usos and Sami Zayn. New Day follow, then wait for their partner who is Braun Strowman. Jimmy’s face is priceless.

Match #3 – Trios Match: The Usos (Jimmy and Jey) and Sami Zayn vs. New Day (Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston) and Braun Strowman

Sami and Woods start things off. Sami grabs a side headlock then shoulder blocks Woods down. Woods now grabs a side headlock, then shoulder blocks Sami down. Kofi with a blind tag and hits a crossbody for a 2 count. They hit the ropes and Sami tags in Jey, much to Jey’s annoyance. Jey yells at Sami, and then gets drop kicked by Kofi. Jimmy gets tossed as well setting up a double dive from Kofi and Woods. Sami tries to rally them and there’s more arguing as we head to break.

Jimmy is in control of Kofi as we come back. Jey in with some stomps, he’s fired up and tags Jimmy back in. Jimmy mocks Braun then lays into Kofi in the corner. Stomps from Jimmy then he tags in Sami. Punches from Sami then a clothesline, and Jey violently tags in via a back slap. Jey lands a back suplex and chokes Kofi in the ropes to allow a Jimmy cheap shot. Jimmy tags in and resumes working Kofi over then tags in Sami. Sami holds Kofi and offers a tag to Jey, Jey tags in and super kicks Kofi in the body. Jimmy tags in and they hit a wishbone splitter on Kofi. Sami and Jey argue on the apron, this allows Kofi to fight back and drop Jimmy after Jimmy took out Woods. Braun is free and tags in, then proceeds to run wild on everyone. Chokeslam to Jimmy while Sami and Jey argue more on the floor. Kofi tags in as Braun runs around the ring then runs over both Jey and Sami. That leaves Jimmy alone to take a Double Stomp Decapitation and pin Jimmy.

OFFICIAL RESULT: New Day and Braun Strowman won

Rating: 2.5 stars

The character interaction here was good, the action not quite as good as the control segments were more about drama than compelling work. I’m not sure I’m interested in another New Day vs. Usos program, but it makes sense for New Day to try and stop the Usos from overtaking their title reign.

In the back Max Dupri has laid out the Models. He tells Maxxine to not call him Max anymore, he’s LA Knight yeah.

Imperium are helping Gunther warm up. That title match should be up next as we head to break.

We come back to announce that Sami Zayn will wrestle Kofi Kingston, and LA Knight will take on Mansoor. That’s followed by a hype package for Gunther vs. Sheamus 2. After that, here comes Sheamus for the main event, he sends Ridge Holland Butch to the back on the entrance ramp. Gunther and Imperium are up next, they pose on the entrance ramp then Gunther sends Kaiser and Vinci to the back as well. I love how these two have been booked against each other, all hoss and no quit in either of them. Special in ring introductions for both men.

Match #4 – Intercontinental Title Match: (c) Gunther w/ Imperium (Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci) vs. Sheamus

They start brawling right away, then Gunther goes in for a chop and Sheamus responds with a clothesline. They head out of the ring, Gunther drops Sheamus on the apron but Sheamus sends him into the barricade, then again. Another barricade shot from Sheamus sends us to break. Hopefully that’s our only break in the action.

That same White Rabbit video plays to remind us of tomorrow night as we come back. Sheamus lands a clothesline then gets sent to the apron but snaps Gunther over the top rope. Sheamus up top and hits a flying clothesline. Gunther lands a boot but runs into a tilt a whirl powerslam. Sheamus sets for the Brogue Kick, but Gunther rolls to the apron which allows Sheamus to try his chest beats, but Gunther catches it. They trade punches on the apron now, Sheamus goes for a suplex, but Gunther blocks it and chops Sheamus then shoves him into the ring post. Gunther exposes part of the turnbuckle and pulls Sheamus chest first into the exposed metal. Sheamus is selling the ribs on the floor as the ref starts counting. Gunther would take the count out, but sees Sheamus recovering and pulls him into the ring then floors him with an uppercut. They start trading strikes again, Gunther grabs a Sleeper hold and Sheamus starts fading on the mat, but Sheamus is able to power his way up only to eat a chop. More strikes go back and forth, they’re just smacking the crap out of each other then Gunther avoids a punch and hits a German suplex to send us on what I must assume is our final commercial break.

Sheamus is down as we come back. Gunther lays in some strikes, the chest of Sheamus has to be seen to be believed. A flurry of strikes from Gunther, but Sheamus fires up and strikes back at him but gets caught in another Sleeper. They hit the corner, Sheamus then lands elbows and batters Gunther to the mat. Sheamus gets to hit his 10 Beats, then 10 more from the second rope, and 10 more across the bottom rope. Nice little twist on that spot. Corner attack from Sheamus, then hoists Gunther up and goes for a second rope White Noise, which he hits for a near fall. “This is awesome” chant, and I agree. Gunther with some kicks then a shotgun dropkick, he follows up with the Powerbomb for a near fall. Some knee drops from Gunther, he’s going after the neck of Sheamus now. Gunther goes up top and hits a Splash to the back of Sheamus for another near fall. Sheamus blocks a kick then hits an Irish Curse and locks in the Cloverleaf. Gunther fakes a tap and grabs the rope to force the break. Sheamus heard a tap and is confused. These two did not need that weirdness. Imperium run in to motivate Gunther, Butch and Ridge Holland follow and those four men brawl at ringside. Back in the ring Gunther lands a chop but Sheamus comes off the ropes with a knee strike. Sheamus wants the Brogue, but Kaiser slipped a shillelagh to Gunther, and he uses it to assist his Lariat as the ref is distracted and that gets the win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Gunther retained the title

Rating: 4 stars

Not as good as their Clash at the Castle match, the commercial breaks hurt this and frankly these two didn’t need the overbooked finish. Everyone brawls as Gunther poses over Sheamus with the title and the episode ends. That said, it’s Gunther and Sheamus beating the crap out of each other and it takes work to make that anything less than great.

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WWE Smackdown, Robert Winfree