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Kenny Omega’s Heel Turn & Dark Order Tries To Impress Hangman Page In Newest Being The Elite (Recap)

December 7, 2020 | Posted by Blake Lovell
Kenny Omega AEW Dynamite 12-2-20 Image Credit: AEW

The newest edition of Being the Elite is available, and it features Kenny Omega’s heel turn, the Dark Order trying to impress Hangman Page, and much more. Here are the highlights:

* Behind the scenes look at Sting’s entrance on AEW Dynamite.

* John Silver and Evil Uno reveal a No. 1 contender’s challenge for the BTE Championship, with Shawn Dean getting the win over Trent, Aaron Solow, and Chuck Taylor.

* Highlights of The Acclaimed appearing on Dynamite and taunting the Young Bucks, with Nick Jackson commenting on the big ratings for the segment.

* Silver and Alex Reynolds do their best to lure Hangman Page into the Dark Order’s hangout. Colt Cabana doesn’t want to drink, but Silver says this is for Hangman.

* Frankie Kazarian is still angry and gets mad at Brandon Cutler wearing a “Do Ya?” shirt.

* Matt Hardy continues his new character with a shot at Marko Stunt after Stunt talks about how old his outfit is. Hardy then runs down the Young Bucks’ attitude.

* More Dark Order drinking with 5 doing a body shot off of 10 during the festivities.

* Fuego Del Sol tells Brandon Cutler he’s gonna end his winning streak on AEW Dark.

* Hardy and Private Party discuss the events from the battle royal on Dynamite, with Matt once again trying to calm them down for being frustrated with him. He claims he has something to show them in the locker room.

* Matt and Nick Jackson run into Kenny Omega before the AEW World title match with Jon Moxley, with Omega not quite acting like himself.

* Hangman enters the Dark Order hangout and they’ve been drinking a lot. Silver compliments Hangman before Evil Uno gives him a hug and reads a poem. Hangman hears the sound of Omega’s music and leaves the room.

* Matt and Nick Jackson are trying to figure out what happened with Omega and Don Callis after the match, with Matt saying that Omega finally turned heel.