wrestling / TV Reports
Leighty’s NXT Level Up Review 4.19.24

-WWE releases are happening as I review this show and so far the big name is Jinder Mahal. The other two confirmed are Xia Li and Xyon Quinn. Those two I had the chance to review quite a bit of their matches whether on Main Event or Level Up. Best of luck to all of those released. Let’s get to it!
-Announce Team: Blake Howard and Byron Saxton
-Taped: WWE PC, Orlando, FL
Riley Osborn vs. Kale Dixon
-Handshake to start! Riley controls the arm, but gets backed into the corner. Dixon with a float over and hits a dropkick that sends Osborn to the floor. Dixon holds the ropes open and invites him back in the ring. Lockup and Osborn hooks a side headlock. Dixon breaks and counters with one of his own. Osborn runs him into the corner to break and then gets an armdrag and a dropkick that sends Dixon to the floor. Now Osborn holds the ropes open for Dixon, who accepts and then boots Riley in the chest. Smart! Osborn back with a chop and then he heads up top. Dixon moves and catches Osborn with a kick to the chest. Whip to the corner and Dixon gets a tight cover for a two count. He uses his boot to choke Riley on the bottom rope. He hooks a submission, but, but Osborn escapes. He starts to pick up the pace and gets a head scissors. Uppercut in the corner! Dixon runs into a knee and Osborn heads up and hits a Shooting Star Press for the pin at 6:17.
Winner: Riley Osborn via pin at 6:17
-Not much to this one as it was kind of slow and then ended quickly. Dixon is working his way back, so I can understand they getting him ring work without pushing him too much. *1/2
-Karmen Petrovic gets promo time backstage! She faces Wren Sinclair next!
-NXT Shop commercial!
Karmen Petrovic vs. Wren Sinclair
-Sinclair shoots in for a leg, but Karmen stuffs it and gets a side headlock. Sinclair tries to push off, but Karmen hangs on and grinds her to the mat. Sinclair gets a one count as she rolls to a cover, but Karmen is out and maintains control. We end up with a stalemate and they start again. Sinclair offers a high-five, so Karmen goes to work on her arm. They trade roll-ups and Karmen is back to the side headlock. Sinclair escapes and gets a leg trip and another for a two count. Karmen gets a neck snap fot a two count! They clothesline each other and it looked a little rough as the ref checks on both women. This crowd is so quiet! Wren gets a chinlock and modifies it by putting a knee in the back and bending backwards. Karmen slips out and floats over for a two count. Karmen starts firing off kicks and hits a nice running clothesline. She connects with a kick in the corner and then a leg sweep followed by another kick for the pin at 4:58.
Winner: Karmen Petrovic via pin at 4:58
-Not a fan of this one as the crowd was dead for whatever reason and things were slow. Much like the opener it had a brief comeback and then a quick win to close. 1/2*
-Backlash: France commercial!
-WWE and Make-A-Wish commercial!
Hank Walker and Tank Ledger vs. Javier Bernal and Drake Morreaux
-Tank is like a cross of Rhyno and Hugh Morrus to me with a touch of Johnny Grunge. He starts with Drake and gets mowed down with a shoulder. Hank wants some and we all know he looks like Seth Rogen. Drake mows him down as well and makes the tag to Bernal. He gets caught by Hank and slammed. Tag to Tank and he sling shots in with a splash for two. More tandem offense from Hank and Tank as they squash Bernal in the corner over and over. Drake in and they slam him on Bernal for good measure. Meet in The Middle Splash to both Drake and Bernal. We settle back down to Drake and Hank. Hank comes off the top, but Drake avoids and gets a clothesline. Tag to Bernal and he pounds away on the mat. Head scissors from Bernal and a tag back to Drake. Bernal with a superkick on the apron which lets Drake get a belly to back suplex for two. Drake eats a boot to the face off a charge and is able to make the tag to Tank. He runs wild and gets an atomic drop on Bernal followed by a shoulder tackle off the middle ropes. Blind tag to Drake and Tank doesn’t see him as he tries a splash in the corner. Drake cuts him off with a clothesline that sends him to the floor. Bernal with a blind tag and he comes off the top with a crossbody for two as Hank made the save. Drake gets sent to the floor, which lets Hank and Tank hit Collision Course for the win at 6:29.
Winner: Tank Ledger and Hank Walker via pin at 6:29
-Match of the night as this was a solid tag match that finally woke the crowd up a bit. Hank and Tank are turning into a solid tag team, and rightly got the win here. **1/4
-Thanks for reading!
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