wrestling / TV Reports
Leighty’s NXT Level Up Review 7.14.23
-I was sent the travel packages for Mania today (early release) and yeah, those cost a lot more than when I went to Mania XXV, XXVI, and XXVII. I believe it was Mania XXIX in Miami where they started charging a lot more. The cheapest package with a hotel right now is a tad over 2000 per person if you have 4 people. There are some packages that start at 14,000 per person. I paid $494 for the travel package to Mania XXVI in Arizona and I think a little over $600 for Atlanta. I may just find my own hotel, make the drive across the state, and get Mania tickets on the secondary market. Now to 205 Live as I think we are back to the three match format this week.
-Announce Team: Blake Howard and Byron Saxton
-Taped: WWE PC, Orlando, FL
Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen (w/Fallon Henley) vs. Kale Dixon and Luca Crusifino
-Jensen and Dixon start off with a lock-up and they jockey for position with nobody gaining the advantage, so a clean break. We start again and Dixon decides to side step and makes a tag to Luca. Jensen brings him in over the top rope and Luca tries to beg off, but gets caught and pulled into a side headlock. Bling tag by Briggs and he gets a double leg that lets Jensen hit an elbow drop. Briggs hooks an arm and takes Luca to the mat where he stomps the arm. Jensen gets the tag and they take turns dropping elbows and that gets a two count. Luca avoids a slam and the tag is made by Dixon who lands a kick to the back. Dixon lays the boots to the back and throws Jensen into the corner. Kale starts grinding which makes Byron a fan. Luca back in and he gets a two count. He hooks a bearhug which gets the crowd into the match. Dixon back in and Jensen lands on his feet off a double backdrop and makes the hot tag to Briggs. He runs wild and hits a running clothesline on Kale. Luca gets knocked to the floor and Dixon gets finished with a version of The Hart Attack for the pin at 4:46.
Winner: Briggs and Jensen via pin at 4:46
-Just a quick tag match that followed the tag formula. It was too short to build any drama to the hot tag, but it was okay and an easy watch. *1/2
-Lola Vice has words for Valentina Feroz. They meet later tonight!
-WWE Live commercial!
Valentina Feroz (w/ Yulisa Leon) vs. Lola Vice (w/ Elektra Lopez)
-Black Belt in Judo and Jujitsu vs. Black Belt in Tae-Kwon-Do! Mat sequence to start and Valentina controls with a side headlock. The crowd is pretty pumped for this one! Lola gets a slam and lands a stomp to the back for two. European uppercuts from Vice! She sends Feroz into the corner and gets a spin kick to the gut and then a butt splash to the face in the corner. She chokes on the ropes, but Feroz escapes and gets a roll-up for two. Vice turns that into a rear naked choke, but Feroz escapes. Meteora from Feroz and she follows with a head kick. Another meteora in the corner and then a head scissors take down. Another meteora gets two and the kick-out sends Feroz to the floor. Lopez tries to get involved but Leon makes the save. Vice misses a pump kick and that lets Feroz get a sunset flip for the pin at 5:17. The crowd actually boos that as they were behind Vice in this one.
Winner: Valentina Feroz via pin at 5:17
-This was a fun little match that the crowd was excited to see. I enjoyed this. **
-NXT Great American Bash commercial!
-Shop WWE commercial! Tonight only 20% off orders!
Axiom vs. Tavion Heights
-We are back to the three match format after a few weeks of only two matches. Grappler vs. High Flyer! Heights quickly takes it to the mat and gets a waist-lock. Axiom counters into a head scissors, which is escaped by Heights with a kip up. Heights goes to the arm and gets things back to the match as he controls. Axiom is able to flip his way out and gets another head scissors. Heights shoots in, but gets countered with a sunset flip for two. They exchange pin attempts and Axiom gets a back slide for two. Head kick from Axiom gets a one count. Axiom fires off some chops, but gets his head ripped off with a sick clothesline! Great sell by Axiom there! Forearms in the corner from Heights and then he throws some chops. The crowd wants another, so Heights throws another chop. Knee to the gut followed by a nice gut-wrench suplex for two. This is working for Heights as he has someone to toss around the ring. Heights rolls into a fireman’s carry, but Axiom slides off and gets an enziguiri. They trade blows and that doesn’t go well for Axiom. He does avoid a suplex and catches Heights with a dropkick that sends him to the floor. Axiom with a suicide dive! Axiom up top and he comes off with a crossbody. Crucifix gets a two, but Heights rolls over and has Axiom on his shoulders and just tosses him in the air. Doctor Bomb gets two! I thought that was it! Level Up chant from the crowd and it’s deserved in this case. Doctor Bomb countered into a head scissors take over for two. Heights gets caught with a knee and Golden Ratio finishes at 7:05.
Winner: Axiom via pin at 7:05
-This was one of the better matches we have had on this show in some time. Very good big man vs little man match and I enjoyed this. This was the best Heights has looked as he hung in there with Axiom. Check this match out! ***
-Thanks for reading!