wrestling / Video Reviews
Leighty’s Retro Review: NWA Clash of Champions X: Texas Shootout
-We last left the NWA with Ric Flair still as the World Champion, but suffering a loss at the end of Starrcade to Sting. It seemed there was tension as Arn Anderson returned to the promotion and Ole Anderson was dusted off, but Flair still seems cool with Sting. Almost like the 4 of them could form a group or something. Let’s get to it!
-Announce Team: Jim Ross and James Cornette
-Memorial Coliseum, Corpus Christi, TX
-Feb. 6, 1990
-Attendance: 3000
-TBS Rating: 4.5
-Jim Ross and James Cornette welcome us to the show and throw it to Terry Funk, who will be doing interviews on the floor and will have The Horsemen and Sting later in the show.
-To the back where Gordon Solie is with The Road Warriors. They have The Skyscrapers tonight!
The Samoan Savage (w/ The Big Kahuna) vs. “Dr. Death” Steve Williams
-Oh man, the cheese with Dr. Death having a pre-taped segment before his entrance where he tries to save someone in an ambulance. He is a doctor you see! Doc jumps The Savage before the bell, so he bails to the floor. Doc throws some forearms on the apron and those ropes are making a unique sound. Not sure if it’s because they are too tight or perhaps too loose. Doc with a series of clothesline as Cornette questions if they play football in Samoa. The lineage of pro-football players with Samoan lineage would indicate they are pretty great at football. Savage dumps Doc to the floor as Woman takes a seat at ringside. I guess she is scouting for more talent. Running knee from The Savage and then he chokes with his bare foot. Double thrust to the throat and then he hooks a nerve hold. Creative sign in the crowd: “Doom is Doomed.” Brilliant! The crowds for these Clash shows have been small for the NWA, but they make up for it with how loud they are. Doc fights to his feet, but gets caught with a powerslam for two and then back to the nerve hold. The fans rally Doc again and he elbows his way out. Sunset flip, but Savage punches Doc in the face. Doc shakes it off and gets a clothesline, but misses an elbow. Chinlock from Savage, which lets Ross run down Doc’s football background at Oklahoma University. Cornette thinks there needs to be an equal number of Samoan fans in the crowd. Don’t worry, you could say there is a Bloodline coming on the horizon. Kahuna gets in a cheap shot from the floor. Back in the ring Savage gets a sidewalk slam and heads up top. He misses the splash and Doc starts his comeback with a mule kick. He throws right hands and gets a Gorilla Press Slam! He walks The Savage around the ring before slamming him down. Dropkick from Doc! He sets too early on a backdrop and eats a foot to the face. Doc reverses a whip and gets a backslide for the win at 7:55.
Winner: “Dr. Death” Steve Williams via pin at 7:55
-Solid match with good heat from the crowd. Not a fan of the ending as I was hoping for something more decisive than a backslide, but that’s a minor thing. **
-Wrestle War 90: Wild Thing commercial! NWA is totally hip as they break out the new rap music that is the latest craze with the kids today. We were still 5 months from Ice Ice Baby!
-Terry Funk is in the ring and says in the 90s World Championship Wrestling is here to stay and the Horsemen will be hard to beat. Well, World Championship Wrestling did last the entire 90s. The Horsemen are out to some awful overdubbed music. Couldn’t they have used the Horsemen music they own? Flair notes The Horsemen are going to make a statement and he makes sure to emphasis THE. Ole tells Sting he is the reason they are here tonight. He kicks Sting out of the group and says it is over for him being a Horseman tonight. Well, you can’t say Ole was being subtle. Sting is confused and isn’t very good at reading the room. Ole says he and Arn were called in by Ric to get rid of Sting, but he had to go and help Ric in his battle with Funk and Muta. That bought Sting some time. They were going to bury Sting at Starrcade after he won, but Ric called it off. They credit Sting for being a good Horsemen, but he signed his death warrant when he signed the contract to face Flair at Wrestle War. Sting is gone, but they will let him live if he cancels the match with Flair. Again, Sting isn’t great at reading the room even with Ole reminding him there are three of them. They give Sting until the end of the show to call off the match. Sting refuses and Flair tries to explain that he bought him more time, but Ole feels Flair is being too nice. Sting makes the mistake of putting his hands on Ole! Flair punches Sting in the face and then Ole and Arn hold his arms back. Flair slaps Sting in the face as he is right back to being the cocky, dick, heel that we all know and love. Flair with another slap as he tells Sting to smarten up! This was great and another one of those core memories I have as a kid watching pro-wrestling.
The MOD Squad vs. Brian Pillman and The Z Man
-Pillman starts with Spike (thanks JR). Pillman gets a one count off a knee drop. Spike lands a forearm, but gets caught with a hip-toss and a dropkick. Z-Man in and he works the arm. Spike pulls the hair and makes the tag to Basher. He rushes in and gets caught with an arm-drag. Basher with a shoulder tackle, but gets caught with a monkey flip. Pillman back in with a chop to the chest and then a Pump Kick. Zenk with the tag and he gets an enziguiri for two as Spike makes the save. Zenk sling-shots Pillman into the ring to hit a shoulder tackle on both members of The MOD Squad. The Squad take a powder on the floor and then we go again with Pillman and Spike. Backdrop from Pillman and he gets a heel kick, that doesn’t connect at all, so Cornette have to cover for it and does a solid job. The MOD Squad cheat behind the ref’s back as the crowd freaks out. Simple and always works! Spike sends Pillman into the corner and gets the ref out of place so they can double team again. Basher back in with a clothesline for two as Zenk makes the save. That gets the ref out of position again for more double teaming. Cornette rightly points out The Horsemen have turned on plenty of people and Sting should have seen this coming. Man has a point! Ross finally gets to Pillman’s career with The Bengals. I was waiting for that! Cornette continues to talk about Sting and The Horsemen which is fine as there isn’t much going on here. Pillman elbows out of a chinlock, but gets caught with a knee from Basher. Spike back in to continue the chinlock. Pillman is able to escape and gets a leaping elbow, but Basher cuts off the tag. Pillman gets a crucifix for two as Spike makes the save. Slam from Spike and he heads up top. Pillman moves to avoid the elbow and the hot tag is made to Zenk. Listen to the high-pitched squeals. Zenk with a backdrop and he sends the MOD Squad into each other. Zenk comes off the middle rope with a cross-body and Pillman hits a dropkick on Spike to keep him from making the save. Zenk gets the three count at 9:55.
Winner: Brian Pillman and The Z Man via pin at 9:55
-This was pretty dull when the MOD Squad was in control, but the crowd was into it. **
Cactus Jack Manson vs. Mil Mascaras
-Capetta announces him as “Captain” Jack Manson which is kind of funny. Poor jobber is never going to recover and have a career after that. I recommend reading Foley’s first book to get the inside story about this match and the angle that followed. I can only imagine what people would think if you went back and mentioned this Jack guy was going to be a multi-time WWF Champion. Good on Mick! Test of strength and Mascaras breaks Cactus down to his knees and then gets a head scissors. Flying headbutt from Mil followed by a dropkick. Jack chases Capetta and I don’t blame him after that “Captain,” mistake. Ross is all over Cactus here as he calls him an idiot. Cactus trips over a chair at ringside as the camera shows off the book Cactus brings to rinsgide: “I Am in Urgent Need of Advice.” Cactus gets some kicks in the corner and sends Mil into the corner. He dumps Mil to the floor and gets a backbreaker. Cactus heads up to the apron as Mil quickly gets in the ring. He knocks Cactus off, and he SPLATS off the concrete in a SICK BUMP. Good Lord! Cornette does an amazing job of putting over how tough Cactus is for getting back into the ring. Mil comes off the top rope with a cross-body for the win at 4:59 as Cornette notes, “Cactus is the real winner here.”
Winner: Mil Mascaras via pin at 4:59
-No heat to this one and just not good. Credit to Cornette though for realize that Cactus was the one that should be pushed in this one and he made him sound like a monster after surviving that bump. I assume they felt putting Mil in Texas would help the attendance, but he had nothing here. * for Cactus being able to walk away after SMACKING his head on the concrete.
-Cactus attacks someone from the in house band to again make sure the focus is on him even after losing the match to Mil.
-Gordon Solie is with Norman The Lunatic and explains to him what Falls Count Anywhere means.
Falls Count Anywhere In The Building: Kevin Sullivan vs. Norman The Lunatic
-I am reviewing this show only a week after Kevin’s passing. RIP sir! We get video of Norman at the Zoo where he is looking for Teddy Bears. He then notes one of the pigs looks like Kevin Sullivan: “fat with short legs and a little bald up here.” Sullivan attacks at the bell and takes things to the floor. Sullivan gets tossed into ROOS post and then SQUASHES Sullivan back in the ring. Sullivan blocks a splash in the corner as he gets his boot up. Sullivan goes up top and gets slammed down. Norman off the middle rope but he misses a splash. Sullivan with a dropkick to send Norman to the floor and then he SLAMS Norman. We got LUCHA-SULLIVAN and HULK-SULLIVAN within 30 seconds. Belly to back suplex on the floor gets two. Visually that didn’t look as impressive as the slam. Norman gets his psych ward shirt ripped off and then Sullivan goes to the eyes. Norman starts slapping himself in the head as Sullivan just waits for him back in the ring. “Norman” chant from the crowd. He starts fighting back and connects with a headbutt to turn the tide. He uses what’s left of his shirt to choke Sullivan and then they start heading up the aisle. Norman gets a two count out there after sending Sullivan into the railing. Sullivan with a backdrop on the ramp for two. The brawl heads to the back and then crowd BOOS because they can’t see anything now. Sullivan ends up in the women’s bathroom, but Norman is a gentleman and waits until the ladies clear out before heading in. Somewhere in there Norman apparently gets the pin and wins the match at 7:15. Weak!
Winner: Norman The Lunatic by pin at 7:15
-Not a lot of Falls Count Anywhere in this match, but it was a solid brawl. Sullivan dominated and then lost off camera. Sullivan obviously had the right idea here and would perfect it later down the line. **
-Terry Funk out for another interview segment as he felt bad about what happened earlier with Sting and The Horsemen. He brings out US Champion, Lex Luger and that theme still SLAPS! Luger and Funk heel on the crowd and then Luger advises Sting to know his place and he should be the once facing Flair. Luger rambles and Funk tries to keep him on task before trying to get him to wrap things up. Luger tells him he is on a roll and keeps rambling. Funk finally interjects and wraps up the segment. Live TV!
The Skyscrapers (w/ Teddy Long) vs. The Road Warriors (w/ Paul Ellerig)
-That Mean Mark guy replacing Sid in the Skyscrapers has a big task to UNDERTAKE here. Yes, I went there! Hawk and Dan start and Hawk gets a clothesline after being tossed to the floor. Dan uses Mark to avoid a move and knocks Hawk down. Clothesline misses and Hawk gets a just shoulder tackle. More football backgrounds from Ross! Mark and Animal in and they have a go. Mark begs off in the ropes which is kind of wild to see knowing what character he would become. Mark with running shoulders, but Animal just stares at him. Mark tries a high crossbody, but Animal ducks and Mark crashes on the mat. They tag out and Hawk and Dan have another go. Hawk misses a charge in the corner and goes into the post and to the floor. Dan sends him shoulder first into the ROOS post. They have a body part to attack now and a Hawk with a damaged wing is a problem. Yes, I went there again! Mark in and he goes OLD SCHOOL, well, NEW SCHOOL? He walked the ropes and dropped the forearm! Hawk starts to fight back but tries to clothesline with the bar arm and Mark grabs it and takes him to the mat. JR promises Sting will wrestle Flair at Wrestle War and we need to order the show now. Yeah, about that Jim! Hot tag is made to Animal and he hits both Scrapers with a dropkick. POWERSLAM on Spivey! Nice! Elbow gets a two count. Double clothesline to The Scrapers as Animal flipped out of a double belly to back. Clothesline sends Mark to the floor. Doomsday Device connects, but Mark comes off the top with a chair to the back of Animal’s head. Ellerig punches Teddy Long as the ref gets bumped somewhere. All four men start brawling and Hawk gets spike piledriven, but they completely miss the chair. Ross rightly points out they missed the chair. The Scrapers beat the piss out of both Warriors with a chair and then leave to many boos as I guess this one is over at 7:25. I checked online and I guess the official result was The Skyscrapers winning by DQ as Hawk bumped the ref.
Winners: The Skyscrapers via DQ at 7:25
-Weird finish aside, this was a solid HOSS FIGHT. That Mean Mark fellow looked good, but I bet nobody will ever pay money to see him. **
NWA World Tag Team Titles vs. Masks: The Steiner Brothers (c) vs. Doom
-Scott starts with Doom 1 (Simmons) as Jim Ross is even acknowledging the idea that Doom’s identity is the worst kept secret. Cornette says the mask is more about confidence vs. hiding their identity. Sure! Doom 1 with a side headlock and then gets a shoulder tackle. He gets caught with a powerslam running the ropes and Scott goes to amateur wrestling. Doom 1 gets the bottom rope to break, but gets caught and sent flying off a belly to back suplex. Doom 2 gets the tag and decided to flex as Jim Ross tells us the importance of getting a college degree. Cornette goes to the jokes as he notes it takes Rick an hour and a half to watch sixty minutes. I used to use that joke when we did “Your Mama” jokes in junior high. Doom regroups on the floor as they can’t get out of neutral in this one so far. Scott tries to rip the mask off Doom 2, but no dice. Rick Steiner gets the tag and we get a lot of barking. He gets on all fours, so Doom 2 decides to wait on the middle ropes. Lockup and Doom 2 with a kick to the gut followed by a knee-lift. Right hands in the corner, but a whip is reversed. Rick gets a backdrop and goes for the mask, but Doom 2 rolls to the floor. Doom 1 back in and he lays the bad mouth on Rick and then punches him in the face. He misses a charge in the corner and Rick gets an overhead belly to belly. Scott back in as we have a battle of future WCW World Champions! Cornette goes on a rant about Nick Patrick having favorites as a ref. Guess that explains the nWo. Doom 2 in and Scott looks for another suplex, but Doom 2 runs into the ropes and Doom 1 lands a clothesline from the apron. Doom 1 back in and he drops a leg and then sends Scott into Doom 2’s foot. Clothesline as again, I have to note how sweet those ropes sound. It’s like a swish on a basketball net! To the floor where Scott gets dropped on the security railing. SWEET SPINEBUSTER FROM DOOM 2. That was fantastic! Double backdrop from Doom! Scott gets a flash backslide for two and then gets slugged back down. SWANK piledriver as Scott BOUNCED off the mat. A clothesline sends Scott over the top and to the floor. Doom 1 out to meet him and they start trading blows, but Doom wins the exchange. Back in the ring, Scott avoids a backdrop and gets a sunset flip for two. He can’t get the tag though and Doom 2 gets a neckbreaker for two. Scott gets a FRANKENSTEINER out of nowhere out of desperation and makes the hot tag to Rick. Atomic Drop and Steiner-Line! PowerSlam! Steiner-Line to Doom 1 on the apron. Rick rips the mask off Doom 2 and surprise, surprise it’s Butch Reed. He gets run into Doom1 and Rick gets a roll-up for the pin at 13:10.
Winners and Still NWA Tag Team Champions: The Steiner Brothers via pin at 13:10
-Fun, hard hitting match with the right outcome. These teams had some great chemistry as they were all content with just throwing each other around the ring and hitting each other really hard. ***1/2
-Doom 1 is forced to unmask and DAMN, it’s Ron Simmons!
-Let’s go back to early in the night when The Horsemen turfed Sting from the group. Ah, the days when microphones had cords on them.
-Gordon Solie is backstage with The Horsemen and Ole says he explained everything clearly. They have let Sting slide twice and they won’t let him slide again. Flair yells and tells Sting he has one last chance to sign his release and then hits the catchphrases.
Steel Cage Match: The Horsemen (Ric Flair, Ole Anderson, and Arn Anderson) vs. The Great Muta, Buzz Sawyer, and The Dragon Master
-So this was supposed to be Sting teaming with Flair and Arn, but he was turfed from the group and Ole is taking his place. Even the pre-match graphic still has Sting on Team Horsemen. Nice touch! Jim Ross says Flair/Sting is still going to happen at Wrestle War in February. Oh, fate is going to screw over the NWA in about 10 minutes. This is the last gasp of Flair’s feud with Gary Hart’s stable and nobody really cares as now the fans just want to boo The Horsemen for what they did earlier. “WE WANT STING,” chant! Arn starts with Sawyer and the chops start flying. Sawyer bites Arn, but ends up going head first into the cage. Buzz gets a boot up in the corner and the crowd cheers. Flair in to save Arn and he throws some chops. A very unique cage as it’s not mesh, and looks like a smaller version of WWF’s Blue Bar Cage. Flair and Buzz throw blows at each other and Flair wins the exchange. Tag to Dragon Master, but Flair goes to the eyes. Heavy chops in the corner! Back elbow by Flair and the tag is made to Ole. He throws elbows in the corner but Dragon Master goes to the eyes. He fights back and again, the crowd cheers because they really really hate The Horsemen. Tag to Muta and the place explodes because HE IS AWESOME! Handspring Elbow to Arn and the fans pop. Here comes Sting and he climbs the cage, but gets pulled down by officials. He and Flair throw punches at each other. Pillman and Z-Man are out as well to help pull Sting back to the dressing room. “WE WANT STING.” Buzz takes a NASTY bump off a backdrop into the cage. Buzz is out here to destroy himself for our enjoyment because he is probably having the time of his life out there. Sting runs back down and climbs the cage again as this is chaos and the match is secondary. Buzz with a suplex on Arn and we cut back to Sting looking hobbled. UH OH! Buzz comes OFF THE TOP OF THE CAGE, but misses a splash. Back to Sting and he can’t put any weight on his knee. That is crazy! Back in the ring Arn hits Dragon Master with a DDT for the pin at 6:08.
Winners: The Horsemen via pin at 6:08
-Buzz tried everything in his power to make this match entertaining and I applaud him for it. The crowd just wanted to see anyone beat up The Horsemen and then went nuclear for Sting. Once he was out the match was secondary even if Buzz was determined to steal the show. The fans were also dying to cheer Muta full throat and got that chance here. **1/2 all for Buzz being a one man show!
-Flair sprints from the cage and dives on Sting and all the officials as the credits start to roll. “WE WANT STING.” Super hot finish, but sadly, Sting destroyed his knee getting down from the cage and everything had to be put on hold and plans had to change, but we will get there.
-Thanks for reading!
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