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Leighty’s Retro Review: WWF Royal Rumble 1991

February 1, 2025 | Posted by Robert Leighty Jr.
WWE Royal Rumble 1991 Image Credit: WWE
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Leighty’s Retro Review: WWF Royal Rumble 1991  

-Welcome to 1991! As I mentioned before, once I finished 1989, my plan was to jump to 1992 because that is one of my favorite years, but some commented that they wanted me to just keep going in order. We finished 1990 and here you can find my ranking of every PPV match the WWF and NWA had. We roll along to 1991 and The Royal Rumble is first up. As we left 1990, Randy Savage was all about getting a chance at The Ultimate Warrior’s Title and while that feud is getting heated, it’s Iraqi Sympathizer, Sgt. Slaughter getting the Title Match. Let’s get to it!

-Announce Team: Gorilla Monsoon and Roddy Piper
-Date: Jan. 19, 1991
-Miami Arena, Miami, FL
-Attendance: 16,000
-PPV Buys: 440,000

-The National Anthem is played as we were very much a Nation full of patriotism with the Persian Gulf War happening. The Super Bowl eight days later would have the GREATEST ANTHEM EVER with Whitney Houston in Tampa. Should have been my Niners going for a three-peat, but Roger Craig had to fumble against The Giants. That was my first taste of being disappointed as a sports fan. The Pittsburgh Pirates would top that one in 1992 with Sid Bream sliding at home.

-Opening where they run down every single person in The Royal Rumble plus all the matches we will be seeing tonight. I wonder if that was a final hard sell for the people watching the opening few minutes on PPV before the feed got scrambled. I used to love getting the first 10 or so minutes free and sometimes it would go a little longer. From there, I would listen through the scrambled lines and make out what I could.

The Orient Express (w./ Mr. Fuji) vs. The Rockers

-Kato is Paul diamond under a mask and funny enough I just did a review of the first episode of RAW and Diamond (as Max Moon) faced Shawn Michaels for the IC Title. Tanka knocks Marty off the ropes before the bell and then Shawn GOES FLYING off a double backdrop. Marty back in with a dropkick to Kato and then a super kick to Tanaka. Double Slam by The Rockers as this crowd is ready to go here! The Express slow things down on the floor, so the Rockers hit stereo suicide dives to pop the crowd. Cool! The crowd starts a USA chant which kind of works I guess as Diamond was born in Croatia. Marty and Kato start and they fly all over the ring trading escapes and holds. Kato rolls over into a pin, but Marty up with a bridge and then into a backslide for two. Again, Cool! Tanaka gets a shove from the apron which lets Kato land a right hand. Blind tag, but Marty gets a leap frog and the Express run into each other. Marty with an armdrag on Tanaka and makes the tag to Shawn who comes off the top with a shot to the twisted arm. Shawn stays on the arm with an armbar and then drops a knee to the arm. Tanaka shoves off, but Shawn runs him down. Tanaka catches Shawn off the ropes with a flying forearm for two. Tanka hooks a chinlock as the crowd is all over Fuji at ringside. The crowd rallies Shawn but another blind tag. The Express nearly collide again, but put on the brakes. Shawn runs them into each other and then hits a high knee on Tanaka for two. Tanaka is the illegal man, but they are just rolling with it. Shawn with a sleeper, but Kato suckers Marty into coming in which draws the ref over. That lets Kato come off the top with a double ax to break the sleeper. Leg Sweep from Tanaka! They start trading blows and Marty gets pulled into the ring again. Shawn with a moonsault onto Kato and all four men are in the ring. The Rockers flip out of stereo atomic drops and hit stereo dropkicks. Shawn actually pulls out the fake that Rey used in WCW that became the 6-1-9. That’s awesome! Shawn off the top to the floor with a crossbody on Kato. That gets two back in the ring. Marty back in and double team elbow gets two. Shawn back in with a vertical suplex for two. He tries a monkey flip in the corner, but Marty gets sucked into taking the ref and that lets Kato grab Shawn and we get a stun-gun. Fuji gets a cane shot to the throat for good measure as Marty being a hot head keeps costing Shawn here. No wonder he tossed him into a window! Express with a leap-frog splash that gets two. Tanaka with a shot to the throat and then hooks a nerve hold. He is clean and sober now, but I chuckled when Piper said about Shawn, “he drugged himself in the ring.” Allegedly there were nights when that was true. Kato in and Shawn takes a Flair Flip in the corner. Tanaka superkicks him back into the ring and then a double clothesline has Shawn doing a 360 sell. That’s our early 90s Shawn! Shawn plants Tanaka face first to block a backdrop. No tag though as Kato cuts him off. Shawn avoids a double team move and the HOT TAG is made to Marty. He goes crazy with slams and right hands as the crowd is losing it. Powerslam on Kato gets two! Leaping back elbow gets one as Tanaka makes the save. Shawn is back in and takes Tanaka to the floor. Marty and Kato fight over a backslide and Tanaka is on with a kick to the chest to help Kato win the battle. The backslide gets two! Shawn trips Kato from the floor and Marty gets a two count. All four men back in the ring and The Rockers hit a double super kick. ROCKET LAUNCHER is aborted as Tanaka kicks Shawn off the top rope. Slingshot into a chop which probably sounded better on paper than it looked. Another slingshot, but Shawn decks Tanaka to double him over and Marty slings over with a roll-up for the pin at 19:15.

Winners: The Rockers via pin at 19:15
-This was fantastic! Just a great tag match with a hot crowd to kick off the show. I liked the story of The Express using Marty’s temper to stay in control of the match. Just lots of cool double teams and some stuff we weren’t used to seeing. The finish was pretty slick as well. ****1/4

-Sean Mooney is backstage with Macho King Randy Savage and he is watching on a monitor as Queen Sherri is heading to the arena floor with Gene Okerlund.

-Sherri tells Gene that Sgt. Slaughter has promised our Macho King a WWE Title Match should he win tonight. Sherri hopes Warrior is as honorable, but she has her doubts. She calls Warrior out and he is here decked out in Red, White, and Blue face paint and leather USA jacket. Sherri has no fear and asks Warrior if he is willing to give Savage a Title Match. Warrior is a dick here and just ignores her. She tries to use her womanly ways as the crowd is into this. She pulls his jacket down as we see Savage watching from the back. She asks Warrior again, but he still won’t say anything. Again, jerk! She tries to kiss Warrior, but he pulls away like I did when my first girlfriend leaned in to kiss me on our first date. I was 16! Sherri gets down on her knees and the perverts in the crowd pop. She begs for the Title Match, but Warrior screams “No,” and SAVAGE IS PISSED. Well, Warrior kind of deserved what was coming later. Savage storms out to the stage, but Warrior is already gone.

The Barbarian (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. The Big Boss Man

-This is part of Boss Man’s feud against Bobby Heenan and his family over jokes that Heenan has been making about Boss Man’s Mom. Again, Boss Man must have learned from The Brain as years later he did much worse when it came to Big Show’s Dad. Some stalling to start as they are letting the crowd get their “Weasel” chants out of the way. Lockup at 1:47 and Barbarian buries a knee to the ribs. He fires off a series of uppercuts, but a reversal lets Boss Man hit a big boot and then his own uppercut. Barbarian bails to the floor and I reminded that just a few weeks after this show, I attended my first wrestling show with my late step-dad and Barbarian faced Tito Santana. I remember Barbarian being there because my step-dad was amazed at how huge Barbarian was. I really wish that show was available somewhere. I love you Jeff! Sorry, Barbarian comes off the top with a double axe, but Boss Man is back and sends him to the floor with a clothesline. He spits on Heenan as well which seems kind of excessive. Back in the ring Boss Man lands a chop, but Barbarian with a reversal of a whip and gets a suplex. Heavy clothesline from Barbarian! Boss Man eats a right and his foot gets trapped in the ropes in a happy accident. That lets Barbarian pound away as the ref tries to feet his foot. Barbarian actually takes some shots at it to cover for the fact he is trying to free Boss Man. More power from Barbarian as he runs Boss Man back first into the post. This a HOSS FIGHT here! Heenan lands a kick which I mean Boss Man did spot on him, so that seems fair no matter how outraged Piper and Gorilla are on commentary. Back in the ring Barbarian gets a backbreaker for two! Bear Hug which works in getting the crowd fired up and behind Boss Man. He clubs his way out of the hold, but gets knocked down with a chop to the throat. A series of elbows gets a two count! Back to the Bear Hug and Boss Man sells the desperation by scratching at Barbarian’s back. The ref checks the arm, but Boss Man rallies and starts firing off head butts and then bites to break the hold. Effective! He tries another Big Boot, but Barbarian catches him and that lets Boss Man casually snap off an enziguiri. Mind blowing stuff for 1991! Boss Man misses a charge in the corner and Barbarian gets a roll-up for two. Boss Man back with a stun-gun for two and the crowd bought that one as the finish. The collide heads and both are down. Barbarian is up first and heads to the top which freaks out the crowd. He hits the shoulder block, but Boss Man gets his bottom foot on the ropes at two. Boss Man reverses a whip and hits The Boss Man Slam! He delays and Barbarian is able to get his finger tip on the bottom rope at two. Nice! Barbarian with a finger to the eye and then a PILEDRIVER! Boss Man flopped like a fish on that one. Barbarian up top again and he hits a cross-body, but Boss Man rolls through and gets the pin at 14:15.

Winner: The Big Boss Man via pin at 14:15
-This was a pleasant surprise as both men were working hard here and delivered a darn fine HOSS FIGHT. The crowd was into it and they traded blows until it took one last reversal from Boss Man to get out with the win. ***1/4

-Sean Mooney is backstage with Sgt. Slaughter and General Adnan. He promises turmoil like we have never seem before when he becomes WWF Champion.

-Mean Gene is backstage with The Ultimate Warrior. He gives no orders and only takes them from the Warriors that ride his back. Ironic, that Sting broke out his patriotic face paint when he won The World Title and his former partner is going down (SPOILER) sporting a similar patriotic face paint.

WWF Championship: The Ultimate Warrior (c) vs. Sgt. Slaughter (w/ General Adnan)

-Gorilla makes sure to note the thoughts of Slaughter and Adnan doesn’t represent any views of anyone in the WWF, Arbas around the world, or Arab Americans. I am sure there was a lawyer all over making sure that was said. Piper goes over that Slaughter is free to say whatever he wants, but someone can shut him up in the ring. Really strong reaction to Warrior which is good to see, but too late for his runs as Champion. Warrior sprints to the ring and Slaughter and Adnan try to clothesline him with the flagpole, but he ducks and hits both men with a clothesline. He sends them to the floor and rips up the Iraqi flag to a MONSTER pop from the crowd. Warrior uses remnants of the flagpole which could be a DQ, but not tonight. He shoves the flag down Slaughter’s throat as we get a massive USA chant. Warrior chokes with the flag and sends Slaughter flying across the ring. Slaughter is bumping all over the place as he gets sent into the corner. Another crazy bump as he goes flying over the corner and to the floor. Here’s Sherri! Warrior uses the flag to choke on the floor and then hits a series of running shoulders in the ring. A third one is blocked by Sherri, so Warrior stupidly chases after her and SAVAGE DECKS HIM FROM THE SHADOWS. He sends Warrior into the railing and then drills him with a light stand before sprinting to the back. That’s fantastic! Slaughter stops the count as Warrior struggles to his feet in the aisle. This crowd is white hot as they continue “USA” chants. Slaughter pitches Warrior back into the ring and starts kicking away with his spiked boots. Backbreaker and then he spits on Warrior as Piper calls him a pig. Where was that for Boss Man when he spit on Heenan? Slaughter sends Warrior into his spiked boot and then we get a double clothesline. Slaughter is the better of the two and goes to a Bear Hug. Probably would have been more effective if we didn’t have a go for 2-3 minutes the previous match. USA chant rings out from the crowd! Warrior feeds off the crowd and breaks the hold and gets a slam, but his back is gone. Slaughter drops a series of elbows to the back as he preps for the Camel Clutch. Backbreaker and then he stomps at the back before hooking The Camel Clutch. Warrior’s feet are outside the ropes, but the ref doesn’t see it for a bit. He finally does and forces a break but Slaughter celebrates like he won the match. That lets Warrior get to the ropes and he starts shaking and we get a Warrior-Up! Right hand, clothesline, and another one! Running shoulder tackle and here’s Sherri again. Warrior goes after her on the apron and drags her into the ring. Press Slam as he fires her onto Savage who was sprinting to ringside. Big pop for that but Slaughter buries a knee to the back and then chokes Warrior on the middle rope. RANDY SAVAGE BLASTS WARRIOR IN THE HEAD WITH THE SCEPTER! Slaughter drops an elbow and we have a New WWF Champion at 12:45. This crowd is pissed! One of the first times I can remember a “bullshit” chant from a WWF crowd.

Winner and New WWF Champion: Sgt. Slaughter via pin at 12:45
-Solid match with Warrior dominating until Savage turned the tide. Tremendous heat for the match which isn’t shocking. ***

-Warrior runs to the back and we get a delay from The Fink before announcing Slaughter as the New Champion and man, did that only piss the crowd off even more. Piper and Monsoon are just losing it on commentary

-WrestleMania VII: LA Coliseum! I bet the second Slaughter won the WWF Title, the bomb threats started piling in to ruin Vince’s plans. Weird they don’t block out the number or say it’s no longer active. 213-480-3232! Looking up the number it is for Ticketmaster on LA.

Koko B. Ware (w/ Frankie) vs. The Mountie (w/ Jimmy Hart)

-Lockup to start as these two have to follow Warrior losing the WWF Title to an Iraqi Sympathizer. Piper and Monsoon can’t get past it, so this is going to be an uphill battle. Mountie lands a kick to the gut, but misses an elbow which lets Koko hit a dropkick. Mountie bails to the floor to regroup with Jimmy. Piper notes that he knows The Mountie really well. FORESHADOWING! Not really, but we all know what happened a year later at The Rumble. Koko gets an armdrag and hooks an armbar as we see Frankie at ringside. I know parrots can live a long time, so I wonder if he is still alive? Mountie with a backdrop that sends Koko flying over the top to the floor. Oh man, I checked and Frankie died in 2002 in a house fire. Now I am sad! Mountie nearly gets pinned with a sunset flip, but Koko has nothing to back it up. Mountie sends Koko to the floor in a weird bump. Jimmy Hart gets in the face of Frankie as nothing else is really happening. Piledriver is countered with a backdrop, but Mountie continues to land heavy blows to the back. Mountie with a punt to the ribs. He tries another backdrop and Koko counters with a neckbreaker. He is 1 for 3 using that move tonight. Koko with a headbutt and then a slam. He heads up top and hits a dropkick while landing on his feet. Hart distracts Koko, but he sucks The Mountie in and delivers a right hand. Koko with a cross-body from the middle rope for two. Mountie hits a kind of choke slam thing for the pin at 9:11.

Winner: The Mountie via pin at 9:11
-Bad spot for these two and this wasn’t good. Way too long, but perhaps they just wanted to kill as much time as possible to let the crowd get over the Slaughter Title Win. 3/4*

-Sean Mooney is backstage and his attention is now on Slaughter, but Warrior is trying to beat the door down, so Savage bails.

-Gene is backstage with the New WWF Champion, Sgt. Slaughter, and General Adnan. That Lavender belt strap is not a good look. 

-Piper goes off on a rant about goats and spits on the floor and Monsoon is pissed as well. Well, you can’t say they weren’t selling the hatred.

-We get fans wishing The Troops in the Middle East all the best. These were recorded earlier in the day, outside the arena.

-Interview-o-rama as we get rapid fire words from various people in The Rumble. I sometimes forget these early PPVs had intermissions.

-Sean Mooney is backstage with Ted Dibiase and Virgil. Ted explains why Virgil does everything he asks and it’s because of the money.

”The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes and Dustin Rhodes vs. “The Million Dollar Man” Ted Dibiase and Virgil

-This was a feud with some heat as Dibiase beat the piss out of Dustin and made him bleed in front of Dusty not too long ago, but the story is now about how Dibiase treats Virgil and involves Piper trying to get Virgil to stand up for himself. For the better as Dusty was bound for WCW sooner than later. Thirty four years later and Dustin is still active and Dusty’s other son is WWF Champion. The Rhodes Family dominates early which sends Ted and Virgil to the floor. Ted orders Virgil into the ring and he starts with Dustin. He misses wildly on a clothesline and Dustin hits a leaping clothesline. Virgil bails to the floor and Dibiase yells at him. Back in the ring Virgil buries a knee to the ribs, but gets run over again. Dustin stomps the face and hits a clothesline that sends Virgil to the floor. Ted yells about Virgil embarrassing him and wants the tag. Clothesline from Dibiase and he runs Dustin into the corner. Chop from Dibiase followed by a backdrop. Ted drops a fist and makes sure to taunt Dusty any chance he gets as well. He sets too early on a backdrop and Dustin slams him face first into the mat. The Rhodes Family bounce Ted back and forth with elbows to pop the crowd as they are getting back into things after the Slaughter win. Tag to Dream and now the crowd is alive again. He goes crazy with elbows in the corner and hooks a sleeper. Virgil in to break! Dustin back in and he hits a dropkick, but Virgil makes the save again. Dibiase goes to the eyes and makes the tag to Virgil. Dustin misses a knee in the corner and starts selling like it’s blown out. Virgil, smartly, goes after the knee and then hits a heavy clothesline. Virgil wraps the knee around the ring post for good measure. Tag to Dibiase and he wraps the knee around the post as well. Another one because, why not? Here’s another one from Virgil! They draw Dusty into the ring again to get the ref’s attention and try to double team Dustin, but Virgil accidentally decks Dibiase. Ted blasts Virgil and sends him to the floor. All this lets Dustin make the hot tag, but he misses an elbow in the corner and Dibiase gets a roll-up for the pin at 9:58.

Winners: Ted Dibiase and Virgil via pin at 9:58
-Dusty was off to WCW soon, so the result was not a surprise and they had to pivot to something else for Ted. Dustin looked solid but seemed to get gassed. Having them destroy his knee in front of Dusty was a cool story and Dusty ends up doing the job on his way back down south. **

-Now to the real story as Dbiase grabs a mic to let us all know that everyone has a price. He then yells at Virgil and demands he put the Million Dollar Title around his waist. They milk this for all it’s worth, which has the crowd in a frenzy. Virgil throws the title down as someone throws garbage at Dibiase. Ted reminds Virgil about his family and his mother as Piper goes crazy on commentary. Virgil bends down and grabs the title while Dibiase laughs, but the crowd is hip to what’s going to happen and sure enough, Virgil uses the belt to deck Dibiase to a THUNDEROUS POP.

-Gene is with Hulk Hogan and he talks about all the Armed Forces being behind him. Gene gets news that Slaughter has defaced the American Flag. Hogan gets so fired up he loses track of his thought and Gene has to try to help cover. That was funny, but kind of works as they explained it that he was so angered over whatever Slaughter did to the Flag. This basically told you what was going to Main Event WrestleMania!

30 Man Royal Rumble

-Bret Hart is #1 and Dino Bravo is #2 to start the Rumble this year. Bret gets shoved off but hits a forearm and then a dropkick. Atomic Drop and a clothesline sends Dino over the top, but he is able to use the apron to push himself back. He lands an elbow as Gorilla notes neither of these men has a chance to win. Bravo misses an elbow as the clock starts ticking down on score. The timer is dead on to start at Greg Valentine is #3 at 2:00. He goes right for Bravo as there are no friends. They tear into each other to give Bret a breather and Jimmy Hart start yelling at The Hammer. Bravo decks him from behind as they continue to battle. Bravo gets dumped by The Hammer at 3:08. He shoves Hart off the apron for good measure as well. Bret with an inverted atomic drop and then a clothesline. Ten seconds to go as again, the timer is perfect and Paul Roma is #4 at 4:00. Roma and Hammer double team Bret for a brief second before Roma turns. Slick is now at ringside as he came down with Roma. Bret runs both men into each other and tries to dump Roma, but Hammer makes the save. The crowd shrieks as Bret nearly gets tossed. That’s pretty cool to hear an invested crowd. Hammer fires off a chop to Roma and they go at it while Bret just decides to wait in the corner. Cool little story there! The Texas Tornado is #5 at 6:01 and gets a great reaction. I just watched The Iron Claw this weekend and I was a fan. Tornado lands a discus punch and pairs off with Hammer while Bret misses a middle rope elbow on Roma. Standing dropkick from Roma on Tornado. The Model Rick Martel is in as #6 at 8:01. He goe after Bret, Roma and nearly gets Roma tossed. Tornado and Bret double team Hammer. Bret turns his attention to Model and nearly has him tossed as again the crowd is just going crazy for all these elimination teases. Romeo decks Martel with a clothesline. The timer is a little slower as Saba Simba is #7 at 10:03. It’s Tony Atlas and we will just go with that. Tornado nearly has Martel out and probably should see someone tossed sooner than later. Tornado misses a discus punch, so he teases going for The Claw. He gets it on Roma as Butch is #8 at 12:03. Atlas is gone at 12:40 trying to send The Model out, but he hung on and pulled Atlas out behind him. Gorilla wants to change the rules as he thinks Martel should be gone for going over the top rope. They made this man President? The crowd loves Butch as he chokes away on Valentine. Hammer teases throwing out Tornado which freaks out the crowd. Jake Roberts is #9 at 14:04 and he goes right after The Model as the crowd is just losing it. Awesome! DDT chant rings out as Jake hits the short arm clothesline. Martel slides under the ropes to escape and Jake chases by going through the ropes. Martel runs back in and lets Valentine cut off Jake. Martel is back on the apron and Jake starts firing off right hands. He hangs on and gets back in the ring as Hercules is next at #10 at 16:04. We have our first tag team in there as Power and Glory work together. We get a pile up of five guys in a corner trying to eliminate each other, but nobody gets dumped. Jake gets tied in the ropes, so Martel starts to choke him but Tornado makes the save. Tito Santana is #11 at 18:08 and as we cut back to the ring Roma gets tossed at 18:12 from missing a dive at Jake. Thankfully, Tito goes right for Martel. All is right in the world! Not too much happening but the crowd is into it right now. #12 is The Undertaker at 20:05 though he doesn’t get into the ring until 20:28. That’s actually quick for later day Taker. He eliminates Bret at 20:44 to end a good showing for him. Taker chokes away on Tornado and after watching The Iron Claw it feels weird seeing Kerry fight off a dead man. Jimmy Snuka is next at 13 at 22:10. Butch gets tossed by Taker at 22:35 to clear the ring a little. We currently have 8 in the ring I believe with 5 eliminations. Hammer is the longest in the ring at the moment and he has surpassed what Bret was able to do to take the current Iron Man honors. The British Bulldog is 14 at 24:12 and sprints to the ring. A lot of sweat in that ring! Again, not too much happening as The Hammer is approaching 24 minutes. Smash is #15 at 26:14 as we have reached the halfway point. We are up to nine men in the ring as Bulldog runs Smash down with a clothesline. Jake goes for a DDT on Martel, but he slides out to the floor again. He gets on the apron and pulls Jake over the top and out at 27:15 to build heat on their match at Mania. Piper wants to see Fuji attack Brother Love on the floor and that would be fun. Hawk is 16 at 28:14 and he just throws bombs at anyone that is near him. Hercules, Smash, and Taker gang up on him to slow him down. They leave him alone with Hercules though and Hawk starts firing off bombs again. Hawk runs Hammer into Hercules while Taker hits an inverted atomic drop on Tito. Weird to see that move from him. Taker with a boot to Hawk! Shane Douglas is #17 at 30:12 and he goes after Smash. Tornado and Snuka get tossed in rapid succession at 30:32 and 30:34 or so. That takes us back to nine which still might be a little too many, but that happened in these early Rumbles at times. Martel and Tito continue to torment each other which is fantastic to see. Hawk with a clothesline on Hercules as Valentine just hit 30 minutes. We have a no show at 18 and that ended up being Randy Savage, who is probably on a plane to get as far away as possible from Warrior. Piper mentions 18 isn’t officially eliminated until 19 is released and here he comes as it is Animal at 34:08. He goes after Taker who has been beating on Hawk. A double clothesline sends Taker out at 34:46. Hawk then gets dumped by Martel from behind at 34:50. That’s a strong way to eliminate Taker and protect him. Martel and Tito are still at each other’s throats which is making me happy. Gorilla mentions it takes 15 minutes to get The Hammer’s attention. Crush is 20 at 36:08 as we have another Tag Team in the match. Tito nearly has Martel out, but he uses the apron to keep himself in the match. Bulldog gets a neckb reaker on Smash. Douglas and Hammer team up to lay in some chops on Martel. Speaking of Martel he just passed 30 minutes in the match. Jim Duggan is 21 and the crowd pops huge for him. He pounds away on Smash and then goes after The Model. Animal with a bear hug on Martel, but a thumb to the eye stops that. Tito comes off the second rope with a right hand on Crush. We are currently at 10 in the ring as we approach 40 minutes. Earthquake is 22 and this may clear the ring some. Animal trades blows with him and loses that battle. He tries a series of clotheslines, but Quake backdrops him out at 40:55. Duggan is next to try his hand and Quake chokes him out in the corner. The Hammer just hit 40 minutes as we are waiting for 23. That’s apparently a Perfect number as Mr. Perfect is here at 42:14. He takes his time and takes in the boos from the crowd. We get the perfect towel toss that Heenan catches behind his back without looking. That was tremendous! Duggan gets backdropped out by Perfect at 43:06. Dropkick from Perfect to Smash. The crowd cheers Duggan as he talks his leave to the back. 24 is Hulk Hogan and the place just goes crazy. Lets start counting bodies! Smash is gone at 44:40! Hogan goes right after Quake as that feud is still burning and drawing money around the country. Quake starts squashing Hogan in the corner as we get a loud Hogan chant. Next at 25 is Haku and everyone in the ring should just run. Valentine gets tossed by Hogan at 46:28 or so which puts him just shy of 45 minutes in the match. The Model is now the current longest in the ring and has 6 minutes to catch up and pass Valentine’s run. I don’t like his chances if he keeps going after Haku though. Perfect throws chops at Quake and that doesn’t go well. The Anvil is 26 as we are back up to 11 in the ring. Tito tries his best against Quake ad gets tossed at 48:44. I kind of wanted Martel to eliminate him if he was going first. Haku saves Hogan from Perfect which is kind of weird. Hogan repays Haku with an elbow to the face. Martel is a little over three minutes away from passing Valentine. Luke is 27 and is in and then out by Quake at 50:45. He came in one side, went out the other, and then strutted himself right to the back in a famous spot. Perfect and Quake double team Hogan as I realize Shane Douglas and Hogan are in the ring together which I don’t remember happening much. Maybe in 2000 WCW before the Russo/Hogan stuff. Brian Knobbs is 28 and he gets mugged by five different people. Hercules gets dumped at 54:00 and Warlord is in as #29. Crush gets dumped by Hogan at 54:58 in a nice bump! Martel has surpassed the longevity record as Warlord gets dumped by Hogan at 56:00. Tugboat is #30 which lets everyone know Savage was 18 and didn’t make it out. Perfect bumps around with Anvil and teases being eliminated to pop the crowd. Shane Douglas gets eliminated at 56:50 or so. Tugboat has Martel lifted off the mat in a choke and he has to go to the eyes to break. We are down to nine men left in the ring. Martel just hit 50 minutes in the match as Quake steps on the chest of Perfect. I always enjoyed the every man for himself aspect of this match. To prove a point, Tugboat squashes Hogan in the corner to many boos. Hogan survives and dumps Tugboat at 59:00. Perfect goes a few seconds later. The crowd turned on Boat there like he was Hulk Hogan on Netflix. The Anvil gets tossed by The Model at 59:30. Haku gets backdropped out at 59:45. We are down to five! We have passed the one hour mark of the match as Martel pairs off with Bulldog while Knobbs and Quake work over Hogan. Martel goes up top, and Bulldog crotches him and knocks him to the floor at 1:00:36. Fantastic run by Martel as we are down to our Final Four. Well, Final Three as Bulldog is gone at 1:01:15. Hogan is left alone with Quake and Knobbs as the crowd chants for Hogan. He starts quivering as Quake hits him with a splash. Knobbs drops a series of elbows! Quake hits the fat ass splash, but Hogan is up to pop the crowd. Double clothesline! Big Boot and Knobbs is gone at 1:02:30. The crowd is unglued now as Quake eats a Big Boot! Jimmy Hart takes a right hand to knock him off the apron. Hogan tries a slam, but Quake falls back on him to suck the breath out of the crowd. Quaker drops a series of elbows and then flexes as Hogan quivers on the mat. Powerslam from Quake and he goes for a pin, which is dumb and even Gorilla calls him out for it. It’s really just an excuse for Hogan to kick out and Hulk-Up! YOU! Right Hand! Right Hand! Right Hand! Big Boot! BODY SLAM! A clothesline sends Quake over the top to end this one at 1:05:16.

Winner: Hulk Hogan at 1:05:16
-Not as much fun as last year, but it was enjoyable. The crowd was hot for the entire thing and we had two great performances from Hammer and Martel. I loved Martel and Tito going at each other as much as possible. The ending made sense as once Slaughter beat Warrior, you needed a happy ending and Hogan being next for Slaughter made all the sense in the world. The winner going to Mania stipulation wasn’t a thing yet, but that’s how this was booked. I love The Rumble and even so so ones are fun to watch. ***

-Hogan celebrates with a “Peace in The Middle East” sign and then one that reads, “Saddam and Slaughter Will Surrender,” which pops Piper and Monsoon on commentary. Hogan then celebrates with an American Flag to really drive home the point of what is next for Slaughter and what our WrestleMania Main Event is going to be.

-Thanks for reading!

The final score: review Good
The 411
The Rumble isn't the best, but again, all Rumbles are worth watching to me. Three good matches and a great opener easily make this a good show. The only down spot was the Mountie match but again, they had to follow Slaughter's Title Win and that was a tough spot. Some are rightly annoyed about using The Persian Gulf War to further a wrestling angle, and I totally get that. With that said, I remember this show more for Savage's shocking attack on Warrior costing him the title and what that led to. These shows are usually judged on The Rumble and the rest is gravy, but here we got a strong undercard and a decent rumble with a winner that sent the crowd home happy and set the stage for WrestleMania.