wrestling / Video Reviews
Leighty’s Retro Review: WWF Survivor Series 1989
-We are getting close to finishing up the year that was 1989. This the last PPV for the WWF for the year and we will close with a final Saturday Night’s Main Event. For now, it’s time for some classic Survivor Series action. Let’s get to it!
-Announce Team: Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura
-Date: Nov. 25, 1989
-Location: Rosemont Horizon, Rosemont, IL
-Attendance: 15294
-PPV Buys: 385000
Survivor Series Elimination Match: The Enforcers (Capt: Big Boss Man, Rick Martel, Bad News Brown, and The Honky Tonk Man) w/ Slick and Jimmy Hart vs. The Dream Team (Capt: Dusty Rhodes, Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake, Tito Santana, and The Red Rooster)
-Dusty gets his own entrance and music separate from his team. I’ll allow it because that song is a BANGER. They all should have just come out to Dusty’s song. Also, the teams having names is fantastic and something we missed in later editions of this PPV. Tito and Honky Tonk Man get us started as Ventura and Monsoon note HTM is the longest reigning IC Champion of all time. Somewhere 2-year-old GUNTHER heard that and took it personally. HTM gets out quickly and we get Strike Force exploding as Martel gets the tag. Santana blocks an atomic drop and gets one of his own for two. All eight men get in the ring for a stare down and then we go again between Tito and Martel. Boss Man in and that brings Dusty in as well. The crowd pops for Dusty as he starts to flip, flop, and fly. Boss Man works over Dusty in the corner, but gets caught with another elbow. Tag to Beefcake and he drops a double ax to the arm. Boss Man turns it around and hooks a sleeper. Tag to HTM and he misses a fist drop. Beefcake fights back, but a blind tag is made to Martel. Back breaker from Martel gets a two count. Beefcake lands a right hand and now Rooster gets his time to shine. Backdrop gets a two count. Charge in the corner is blocked as Martel gets up both knees. HTM man in to shake his hips for a bit. Boss Man back in and he lands some right hands. Rooster tries to punch back and easily loses that exchange. Monsoon and Ventura both rightly question that strategy from Rooster. See, he does need Heenan out there! Martel gets the tag and drops a knee a few times for a two count. Rooster with a small package for two, but can’t get the tag as HTM cuts it off. Sunset flip from Rooster gets a two count. Both men get knocked down and each man is able to make a tag and it’s Martel vs. Tito again. Tito runs wild as the crowd pops! Middle rope elbow from Tito! Backdrop sends Martel flying. Martel counters a figure-four and ends up getting a slam. He misses an elbow, but reverses a roll-up and Martel uses the tights to eliminate Tito at 9:17.
-Dusty in as we see a Dusty fan at ringside in polka dots. That would be Sapphire and would be paid off later. DUSTY HITS A DROPKICK to the shock of Jesse. Beefcake back in and he stomps The Model in the face. Rooster now and he hooks a side headlock. Martel drops him and the tag is made to The Boss Man. He lands a back elbow as we are nearing 12 minutes, and Bad News has been on the apron the entire time. The man is a notorious loner! Boss Man hooks a bear hug which gets the crowd to rally behind Rooster. He’s been the designated punching bag in this one. Rooster with a head-butt and then some biting to break. Bad News gets tagged, but doesn’t want to come in. Rooster slings him into the ring and pays for it as Bad News hits a forearm to the back. No finesse here as Bad News just lands punch after punch. Bad News accidentally gets decked by Boss Man and since he is a loner anyways, that’s all he needed to try to fight all his teammates. Bad News decides to leave and gets counted out at 15:28.
-We are back to even at 3-3! Boss Man and Barber are back in the ring and Boss Man lands an elbow coming out of the corner. Tag to HTM who drops a series of forearms to the back. Suplex gets a two count! HTM goes to the eyes and then pounds away in the corner. Beefcake starts to fight back and HTM goes right back to the eyes. Brutus reverses a whip and hits the high knee for the pin at 17:24.
-Dream Team up 3-2! Martel in and he goes to a choke and then hooks a chinlock. That goes on for bit longer than you would think for a multi-man match, but the fans get behind Beefcake, so it worked. Beefcake starts to rally, but gets cut off. Martel runs Beefcake into the top buckle, but gets caught with a sunset flip to eliminate him at 20:13.
-Dream Team up 3-1! Boss Man is all alone and luckily for him gets Rooster first. Boss Man Slam eliminates him at 21:00.
-Dream Team up 2-1! Dusty and Brutus make quick tags as they stick and move on Boss Man. Sound strategy! Beefcake hits a knee to the face and Dusty hits a cross-body for the pin at 22:02.
Winners: The Dream Team (Survivors: Dusty Rhodes and Brutus Beefcake) at 22:02
-This was fine as there was enough star power to keep the crowd invested. The ending wrapped up quickly and I was enjoying Taylor being the punching bag for Boss Man and company. Dusty and Beefcake getting the win made sense. **1/2
-Boss Man attacks after the match and is able to cuff Dusty to the ropes and beats on him with the nightstick for a bit before Brutus makes the save. Dusty is bleeding from the head which is likely a Thanksgiving tradition in The Rhodes Family.
-Boss Man cuts a promo as he walks through the curtain and I like that shot as you can see the ring and crowd behind them. Boss Man notes justice has been served and calls Dusty a stupid puke.
-The 4x4s get promo time backstage with Gene. They have team unity as they each have a 2×4.
The 4x4s (Capt: Jim Duggan, Bret Hart, Hercules, and Ronnie Garvin) vs. The King’s Court (Capt: “Macho King” Randy Savage, Greg Valentine, Dino Bravo, and Earthquake) w/ Queen Sherri and Jimmy Hart
-The purple tights with white boots combo is pretty awesome on Savage. Savage stalls but Duggan follows him to the floor and lands a right hand. Back in the ring Hercules delivers a clothesline and then a Press Slam where he tossed Savage to his corner. Not real smart there! Valentine gets the tag and gets caught with an atomic drop and does a dramatic sell. Monsoon works in his classic line about Valentine needing 15 minutes to get warmed up. I kind of want to see what Valentine could do if WWE Speed was around in the 80s. Garvin with the tag and he chops Valentine HARD! Sleeper from Garvin, but Valentine falls to his corner and makes the tag to Bravo. Reverse atomic drop, but Bravo misses an elbow. Tag to Hercules and he delivers a knee-lift followed by a series of clotheslines. Whip to the corner, but Bravo reverses and Hercules goes bouncing. Quick tag to Earthquake and he hits his Butt Splash to eliminate Hercules at 4:00. Thanks for coming Herc!
-King’s Court 4-3! Duggan in and he doesn’t have much luck until Bret gets behind Quake to help trip him up. Garvin lands punches and goes for a cover, but Quake kicks out rather easily. Valentine in and he drops an elbow for a two count. Valentine turns the shin guard around, but Garvin kicks off to counter the figure-four. He gets a roll-up for two, but no tag as Valentine cuts him off. Savage in and he drops a double ax from the top. Back to Bravo who nearly gets pinned off a backslide. Savage back in and he punches away in the corner. Quick tag to Valentine and now he gets to land some HEAVY CHOPS! Garvin fires back as they just lay into each other. Cool! Duggan gets the blind tag and delivers a clothesline to eliminate Valentine at 7:33.
-Tied at 3! Savage drapes Duggan’s neck over the top rope and then makes the tag to Quake. He pounds away in the corner and hits a slam. He misses an elbow though and Duggan makes the tag to Garvin. He rakes the back and then hits Bravo with a head-butt. GARVIN STOMP! Bravo blocks the figure-four by going to the eyes. Tag to Savage and tag to Bret and this is what I have been waiting to see. The crowd is into this one as well! Hit Man with a reverse atomic drop and he delivers a kick to the gut. Sadly, Savage tags out to Bravo. BOOO! Snapmare for Bret as the crowd starts a USA chant. Both Canadians, but I understand what they are trying. Garvin in and he runs into a side suplex to eliminate him at 11:20.
-King’s Court up 3-2! Duggan and Quake have a go and Duggan holds his own for a bit. Bret gets the tag and they drop Quake with a double clothesline. He is able to get up and make the tag to Savage. It’s time for Bret/Savage II and Jesse is drooling over it. Bret with a kick to the gut and Savage sells his ass off for it. Savage gets tied up in the ropes and Duggan cheats as he blasts Savage from the apron. Savage goes to the eyes, but misses a knee drop. Back breaker from Bret gets two! Small Package gets two! Savage reverses a whip, but runs into a boot. Bret heads to the middle rope, but misses and that lets Savage make the tag to Bravo. He drops an elbow and goes to a bear hug. That goes for a bit before a tag is made to Earthquake. He lifts Bret off the mat with a choke and slams him down. Elbow drops gets two! Bravo in and things get a little wonky. Thankfully, Savage is back in though he accidentally knees Bravo in the face. That has happened in both matches so far. Hot tag to Duggan and Savage tries to beg off. Slam from Duggan, but an elbow misses. Bret with the tag and Savage runs him into Dino’s boot. Tag to Bravo and Bret ends up going shoulder first into the ring post. Shoulder breaker from Bravo and Savage gets the tag. He comes off the top with The Flying Elbow to send Bret packing at 19:07. Jesse notes that nobody will get up from that. I mean, WrestleMania V was only 7 months ago! ALso, that shows how much they thought of Bret as he gets eliminated by Savage’s finisher instead of a clothesline or roll-up like others.
-King’s Court is up 3-1! Duggan is pretty much screwed here! He avoids a splash from Quake in the corner and blasts Savage coming off the top. He sends Savage into Earthquake and does the same with Bravo. He clears the ring to pop the crowd and Jesse notes with all the success he hasn’t eliminated anyone. Savage lands a boot to the gut, but he and Bravo miss a double clothesline. Hacksaw clotheslines both men, but Quake mows him down. Quake with a slam and he drops an elbow for two. Tag to Bravo as a USA chant begins. Savage off the top with a double axe. Savage misses and gets caught up in the ropes. Atomic Drop on Savage as Bravo gets the ref. Sherri low bridges Duggan as he spills to the floor and Quake hits him while he is out there. Duggan gets counted out at 23:25.
Winners: The King’s Court (Survivors: Randy Savage, Earthquake, and Dino Bravo) at 23:25
-That ending was weak sauce. Duggan was down 3-1 to the new monster heel that was about to have a program with Hogan, and RANDY SAVAGE and couldn’t get pinned? Have him beat Bravo to get one more win before getting steamrolled. The match itself didn’t have as much heat as the opener as well. The right team won though. **
-Duggan hits Savage with his 2×4 to get his heat back. That’s two straight matches where that’s happened as well.
-Mean Gene gives us an update on the condition of Dusty Rhodes!
Survivor Series Elimination Match: The Million Dollar Team (Capt: Ted Dibiase, The Powers of Pain, and Zeus) vs. The Hulk-a-maniacs (Capt: Hulk Hogan, Demolition, and Jake “The Snake” Roberts)
-Everyone on Hogan’s team get their own entrance and theme music played, while Dibiase’s team is already in the ring. The crowd really, really likes Hogan. Roberts lets Damian out of the bag to clear the ring of The Million Dollar Team. Zeus is ready to start and it looks like Jake, but Zeus wants Hogan and calls him out. The crowd wants to see it, so Hogan gets the tag. Hogan chant as they stare each other down. Hogan tries a shoulder block, but nothing doing as he bounces off and falls on his ass. Another loud Hogan chant! Hogan throws right hands and tries a clothesline and again, nothing. A high knee and Zeus is still standing. Hogan goes to the eyes and gets a slam, but Zeus is up again. Hogan gets decked from someone on the apron and that lets Zeus hit the neck snap. Zeus goes to a choke as the Hogan chants rings out again. Zeus shoves the ref across the ring and gets disqualified at 3:18. Weak!
-Team Hogan up 4-3! The Million Dollar Team have to pull Zeus off Hogan to get him to finally leave. I guess that was the best way to keep heat on their cage match in December. Dibiase in and he chokes Hogan on the top rope. Hogan gets up a boot in the corner to block a charge and makes the diving tag to Roberts. He sends Dibiase to the floor with a clothesline. Jake follows and they brawl on the floor for a bit. Dibiase gets shoved into the post and steps before heading back inside. Ax gets the tag and pounds Dibiase down into a pile of go. Here comes the Smasher and we get double clubbering (as Dusty would say years later). Tag to Hogan who comes off the middle ropes with a double ax. LUCHA HULK! Hogan delivers a running back elbow in the corner. Eh, I like the running corner clothesline better. Ax in and he misses a clothesline which lets Dibiase connect with an elbow. Tag made to Warlord and some cool chemistry here as Fuji turned on Demolition and joined The Powers of Pain a year earlier at Survivor Series. Barbarian in with a shoulder breaker, but he misses an elbow from the middle rope. Warlord gets the tag and eats an elbow followed by a clothesline. Fuji trips up Ax and Wardlord drops an elbow to eliminate him at 9:50.
-Tied at 3! Smash in and he sends Warlord into Hogan’s boot. Hogan back in with a clothesline and a slam. Jake with the tag as the crowd starts to chant for the DDT. Tag back to Smash though. Warlord drops down, but Smash drops an elbow. Warlord goes to the eyes and makes the tag to Barbarian. He tries a big boot, but Smash catches it. He slugs Barbarian down, but misses an elbow. Dibiase comes off the middle ropes with a double ax to the back. Fist drops from Dibiase gets two. He hooks a reverse chinlock and that goes on for a bit. Smash is able to get to his feet, but Dibiase knocks him back down. Middle rope fist drop misses. Smash gets a Stun-gun, but a blind tag was made to Barbarian. He comes off the top with a clothesline for the pin at 13:40.
-3-2 Million Dollar Team! Jake in and he keeps trying for a DDT, but Barbarian is too strong and powers out. Jake gets thrown around the ring from corner to corner. Back breaker from Barbarian! Warlord throws some clubbing blows and another whip to the corner. Jake starts throwing punches at air and starts to crawl, but Dibiase cuts him off. Barbarian off the middle ropes with a right hand. Dibiase in and he hits a sweet piledriver, but Jake gets his bottom foot on the ropes. Should have dropped an elbow on him apparently. Jake is taking a shit kicking here, but the crowd is pretty subdued. Barbarian up top, but misses the flying head-butt. Jake starts to crawl again and the HOT TAG is made to Hogan. They all line up for Hogan to run wild. Clothesline to Barbarian and three elbows, but Barbarian is out at two. Suplex gets a two count! The POP double team Hogan as Warlord comes in from behind. Hogan clotheslines both men, but they are up to their feet first. SPIKE PILEDRIVER ON HOGAN! For some reason both members are disqualified at 19:55. What is this?
-Team Hogan up 2-1! That was weird as I can understand not wanting Zeus to get pinned, but we have to protect The Powers of Pain? From losing to HULK HOGAN? The match continues as Dibiase hooks The Million Dollar Dream and the crowd is into this one now. Hogan’s arm drops twice, but Jake makes the save. There is a lot of saving Hogan in this match. Dibiase goes back to the Million Dollar Dream as Jesse continues to rant about the shoddy job being done by the ref. Hogan runs Dibiase into the corner to break. Dibiase tries a double ax off the middle ropes, but Hogan catches him in the gut with a punch. Hot Tag to Jake and he sends Dibiase flying with a backdrop. Jake snaps Dibiase throat first over the top and Ted BOUNCES back in epic fashion. Cool! Virgil heads down, but Jake drags him into the ring and hits a DDT. Dibiase blasts Jake from behind and puts his feet on the ropes to get the pin at 23:55.
-Tied at 1! Hogan’s arm and shoulder are hanging, so Dibiase attacks. Clothesline and Hogan starts doing his seizure sell. Dibiase hooks a chinlock as we get another Hogan chant. He starts to make his comeback, but a double clothesline leaves both me down. Nice! Atomic Drop from Hogan isn’t countered as Dibiase gets a belly to back. Hogan no sells, hits the big boot, and leg drop for the pin at 27:30.
Winners: The Hulk-a-maniacs (Sole Survivor: Hulk Hogan) at 27:30
-The last few minutes with Jake and Hogan against Dibiase worked well as did the Zeus/Hogan opening few minutes. The rest was kind of plodding and I have no idea why POP needed to be disqualified. A DDT or Leg Drop should have been sufficient enough for them to take a pin. **1/4
-We hype The No Holds Barred PPV with Savage and Zeus getting interviewed and then Hogan and Beefcake. Sherri shows up and throws powder at Beefcake and Hogan. Zeus and Savage burst in and attack. The PPV isn’t on The Network, but it’s just The No Holds Barred movie followed by a Steel Cage Match (taped on Dec 12.) between Hogan/Beefcake and Savage/Zeus. There were a bunch of dark matches on the card as well, and it would be nice to see the entire show.
-Intermission so we get interviews from Rude’s team and Piper’s Team.
Survivor Series Elimination Match: Rude’s Brood (Capt: Rick Rude, Mr. Perfect, and The Rougeau Brothers) w/ Jimmy Hart and The Genius vs. Roddy’s Rowdies (Capt: Roddy Piper, Jimmy Snuka, and The Bushwhackers)
-Perfect starts with Luke, who quickly tags Butch. He bites Perfect’s leg and then Piper bites his arm and sure, Snuka bites as well. Ventura is pissed on commentary and notes Monsoon condones this because he is named after an animal. Perfect tags in Jacques and he does some flips and kip ups while Snuka barks. Snuka sets too early on a backdrop, so Jacques flips over his back and celebrates. Dropkick from Snuka and then a chop after two leap-frogs. Snuka with a backbreaker and then he drops a fist to the face. Slam from Snuka and he heads up to and hits the splash to eliminate Jacques at 4:02.
-Rowdies up 4-3! Rude in and he swivels his hips as Team Rude is too focused on showing off and it is costing them. Rude and Perfect get into it as Rude accidentally low-bridged Rude. I hate seeing best friends fight! Snuka rams their heads together and Piper is back in with a knee-lift to Perfect. Luke in as Perfect starts bouncing all over the ring. Butch in and then Snuka as Perfect continues to fly for anyone that breaths on him. More biting as this has been a tough night for Perfect. Butch sets too early on a backdrop and gets kicked in the face, but quickly tags piper. Atomic Drop sends Perfect to his corner which lets Raymond make the tag. He and Piper trade blows and Piper ends up getting a sunset flip for two. Superkick from Raymond! Couldn’t tell if he slapped the leg. Piper back with a piledriver and Raymond is gone at 7:40.
-Rowdies up 4-2! Jacques and Raymond were pretty worthless to their team. Perfect back in and he is able to get a neck snap for two. Piper tries to get to his corner, but Perfect cuts him off and hooks a front facelock. Loud “Rowdy” chant from the crowd. Piper ends up getting a slingshot and you don’t have to ask Perfect to oversell that one. Piper makes the tag and Butch gets several two counts. Piper back in and he unloads with right hands and taunts Rude by swiveling his hips. 360 sell job by Perfect off a right hand. Butch bites Perfect on the ass, but celebrates and Perfect with a roll-up to eliminated him at 10:45.
-Rowdies up 3-2! So far we have learned that celebrating is a death sentence in this match. Luke with a poke to the eyes and a head-butt to the abs for two. Perfect lands a right hand and takes Rude, who comes off the top, but gets punched in the gut. More biting as I guess they didn’t want to leave Rude out. Rude hits a kick and Rude Awakening gets the pin to eliminate Luke at 12:18.
-Tied at 2! We are down to four men that are no longer with us. Piper and Snuka depending on each other still seems weird. I believe they explained why they are cool teaming with each other somewhere in the build to this match. Beautiful dropkick by Perfect, but Snuka kicks out with ease at two. Perfect sets too early on a backdrop and takes a kick to the face and sells it better than most who take that spot. Rude is close enough to get the tag and hooks a chinlock which gets the crowd going. Snuka shows some life, so Rude goes to the eyes. Double chop to the throat and Perfect is back in. Snuka gets a small package out of nowhere for a close two count. Good near fall! Ventura marks out over Perfect raking Snuka’s face off his boot laces. Perfect talks trash and slaps Snuka, which isn’t the smartest move. They collide heads and both men are down. Perfect wins the race and makes the tag first, but Snuka leaps and it’s hot tag to Piper. Here we go! They slug it out and Rude loses that exchange. Backdrop sends Rude flying. Perfect eats a right hand and bounces to the floor because, why not? Rude and Piper fight up the aisle and you can see where this is going. Both men get counted out at 18:38.
-Tied at 1! Piper and Rude fight to the back as that’s how you eliminate Piper without him taking a pin. Snuka with a shoulder block, but Perfect back with a hip-toss, arm-drag, and dropkick to send Snuka to the floor. Suplex from Perfect gets a two count! Perfect with a roll-up for two and then Snuka with his own which is countered by Perfect into a pin attempt for two. Snuka off the middle ropes with a cross-body and Perfect rolls through for two. Perfect-plex wins it at 21:27.
Winner: Rude’s Brood (Sole Survivor: Mr. Perfect) at 21:27
-That was a solid little match between Snuka and Perfect in the final moments. This was just fun as the crowd was way into Piper and Snuka and Perfect was there to bump for everyone before getting the win. ***
-Snuka is a sore loser with anger issues and attacks after the match. A lot of that on this show tonight. Perfect pulls Genius out to save him.
-Rude’s Brood celebrate in the back as Mooney questions where Heenan is, but Rude tells him not worry about it.
-Warrior’s team cuts a promo backstage. Well, it’s Warrior doing his normal while the rest try to make sense of what he is saying. It works for Warrior.
Survivor Series Elimination Match: The Ultimate Warriors (Capt: The Ultimate Warrior, The Rockers, and Jim Neidhart) vs. The Heenan Family (Capt: Andre The Giant, Haku, Arn Anderson, and Bobby “The Brain” Heenan)
-Heenan is subbing for Tully Blanchard, who was fired for a failed cocaine test. Speaking of cocaine, The Rockers save Anvil from getting attacked before the bell. The bell sounds as The Warrior runs into the ring. He hits Andre with a clothesline that sends him over the top and to the floor. Andre is out on the floor and is counted out at 0:30. Andre couldn’t do much and sadly, this was probably for the best to get him out of there.
-Warriors up 4-3! Arn is going to have to do a lot of heavy lifting here I would assume. Neidhart gets a running shoulder in the corner. Arn goes to the knee and tags in Haku. Anvil drops him with a shoulder as Andre is forced to the back. Lucky for everyone else in the match. Haku goes to the eyes and brings Arn back into the match. Heenan chokes from the apron as Arn has the ref. Classic! Heenan rocking a singlet like Andre’s is pretty perfect! Haku lands a superkick on Anvil and he is pinned at 3:39.
-Tied at 3! Shawn in and Haku mows him down. Shawn avoids a head-butt and makes the tag to Marty. Quick tags with The Rockers as Jesse calls out the illegal double teaming. Monsoon asks “what’s wrong with that?” Well, Jesse did say it was illegal! Haku catches Marty, but Shawn hits a dropkick so Marty can fall on top for a two count. Arn back in and he slugs Marty down. He tries for a suplex, but Marty blocks, so Haku gets a blind tag. Double suplex is blocked as Shawn catches Marty. Double superkick! Warrior gets the tag and the crowd pops! Haku goes to the eyes as I realize that’s not done enough in today’s wrestling. Heenan directs traffic as he tells Haku to tag Arn. That’s why he’s the Brain! Warrior powers Arn to his corner and tags in Marty, who works the arm. Arn pulls him to his corner and makes the tag to Haku. “Weasel” chant! Heenan gets the tag, gets punched in the gut and tags out as Jesse laughs. That’s fantastic! I feel sorry for the people who didn’t get to experience Heenan. Haku takes over, hits a superkick and tags in Heenan to drop a knee and get the pin to eliminate Marty at 8:54. Brilliant!
-Heenan Family up 3-2! Warrior and Arn have a go and Warrior gets a bear-hug. Arn breaks by going to the eyes, tags in Haku, and he gets caught with a bear-hug. Shawn in and covers for a two count. Great dropkick from Shawn gets two. Haku dumps him to the floor, but Warrior runs over to save and pulls Shawn back to their corner. Shawn goes head first into the buckle and Heenan gets in more shots from the apron behind the ref’s back. Shawn flips over off whip to the corner and rubs Arn’s face on the mat. Double punch from Warrior and Shawn. Arn begs off in the corner, but Warrior gets a slam. Rocket Launcher gets two! Arn lands a shot and makes the tag to Haku. Loud chop to Shawn! Haku misses a cross-body and Shawn comes off the top with a cross-body for the pin at 12:52.
-Tied at 2! Heenan in and he punches away on Shawn. That’s great! Warriors charges in and the ref forces him back to the corner. HEENAN UP TOP, but changes his mind and climbs back down. Fantastic! Arn nearly gets pinned off a sunset flip and yells at Heenan for not reaching out for the tag. Heenan in and he takes a punch, so quickly tags back out. Shawn catches Arn with a flying forearm and both men are down. They trade punches from their knees, but Arn goes to the eyes. Shawn blocks an atomic drop, but gets PLANTED WITH A SPINEBUSTER and he is gone off a pin at 15:42.
-Heenan Family 2-1! Warrior in and Arn avoids a charge and sends him to the floor. HEENAN UP TOP AGAIN, but the ref stops him. Warrior is lucky there as Heenan was going to hit a corkscrew 900! Arn needs a breather, but Heenan wants no parts of Warrior and tags back out. This is great man! Arn works Warrior over in the corner as Heenan pulls his hair. Warrior chokes Heenan to pop the crowd. Heenan gets knocked off the apron as Warrior sends Arn into him. Gorilla Press and Splash eliminates Arn at 18:19.
-Warriors up 2-1! Not a good time to be Bobby Heenan! Heenan yells for Arn to come back to the ring as Warrior is just waiting in the ring. Great facial reaction from Heenan when he turns around. Jesse and Gorilla are great on commentary here as well. Heenan takes an upside down bump in the corner and then takes one over the top to the floor. Heenan is taking a walk, but Warrior follows and sends him back into the ring. Flying tackle and Splash end it at 20:28.
Winners: The Ultimate Warriors (Sole Survivor: The Ultimate Warrior) at 20:28
-This was wonderful and ended up being more entertaining with Heenan in there versus it being a regular match with Tully. Arn carried things for his side as suspected, but Heenan was tremendous with his cheating, facial reactions, tagging out so quickly, and teasing coming off the top to the floor. Other matches were probably better from an in-ring standpoint, but this was so entertaining. ***1/2
-Warrior is a jerk and clothesline Heenan as he runs back up the aisle. Thanks for reading!
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