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Leighty’s WWE Main Event Review 6.15.23

June 15, 2023 | Posted by Robert Leighty Jr.
WWE Main Event Tegan Nox Image Credit: WWE
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Leighty’s WWE Main Event Review 6.15.23  

-Announce Team: Kevin Patrick and Byron Saxton
-Taped: Intrust Bank Arena, Wichita, KS

Natalya vs. Tegan Nox

-Lockup to start and Nattie gets an early roll-up for two. Another go and Natties grabs the leg and Nox has to scramble to the ropes. Nox lands a shot to the stomach and points to her head to show how smart she is. Nattie avoids a charge in the corner and they go through a rope running sequence leading to Nattie getting another roll-up for two. Nattie goes for the Sharpshooter, but Nox bails to the floor and mocks the crowd. Nattie gives chase and back in the ring Nox begs off in the corner. It was just a ploy though as she hurls Nattie into the corner buckle. Nox stomps away in the corner and then uses the middle rope to choke. She pats Nattie on the head to mock her as she has really been leaning into this heel character and I appreciate that. Nox hooks a reverse chinlock, but Nattie quickly elbows only. Nox gets a hair takedown and then rams Nattie’s face off the canvas. She throws some strikes and then hooks a body scissors. Nattie rolls over and gets a two count, but Nox rolls back to take control. Nattie is able to rotate and gets the mount as she throws down punches. Nox postures us and gets a guillotine. Nattie is able to get a slam to break. Nox misses a charge in the corner, but lands a back elbow. Nattie hits a clothesline followed by a German Suplex. She goes for the Sharpshooter again, but Nox escapes. They trade roll-ups before Nox hits a sit-out suplex. She misses The Shining Wizard and now Nattie gets The Sharpshooter and Nox taps at 6:01.

Winner: Natalya via pin at 6:01
-This was solid as they got a little bit of time. I liked the middle portion with the MMA stuff. Nox continues to get used on this show, which may be a good sign for her as it’s better than not being used. **

-Back to RAW as Prison Dom celebrates with Rhea as she is named Woman’s World Champion. Cody Rhodes interrupts and a match between Cody and Prison Dom is made for Money in The Bank. Miz tries to get involved which lets Prison Dom hit and run.

-WWE and Special Olympics commercial!

-Hulu commercials!

-Back to RAW as Cody Rhodes gets a win over The Miz as he should. Cody keeps winning and Miz can get his heat back the next week just buy talking.

-Back to RAW a few weeks ago as we get a highlight package of Rollin’s win over Damian Priest!

-Hulu commercials!

-Back to RAW as Finn Balor calls out Seth Rollins. They discuss their history as the crowd hums Seth’s theme song. It’s Rollins defending against Balor at Money in The Bank!

-Rhea Ripley video package!

-Hulu commercials!

-Back to SmackDown as Asuka is no longer RAW Woman’s Champion and is instead, WWE Woman’s Champion. Charlotte Flair returns and naturally she gets a Title Match.

-Speaking of Titles, we are unifying the Women’s Tag and NXT Women’s Tag Titles in a few weeks on SmackDown!

-As for this Friday it’s a 5 Team Gauntlet Match to crown #1 contenders for KO and Sami’s Tag Titles.

Riddick Moss (w/ Emma) vs. Apollo Crews

-Congrats to Emma and Moss on their engagement! Lockup to start and Moss gets a waist lock. He repeatedly takes Crews down, but he keeps popping back up and gets a reversal before taking Crews down. They go through a series of standing switches and Moss eventually hits a shoulder tackle and then another one as he ran right through Apollo. Rope running sequence with leap frogs and drop downs ends with Crews getting a dropkick and then hooking a side headlock. Moss shoves off and Emma decides to grab Crews’ leg. That lets Moss to get another shoulder tackle as he seems confused by what happened. Moss beats on Crews in the corner and then gets a kiss from Emma as we head to commercial at 2:55.

-WWE Superstar Sunday on A&E commercial!

-Hulu commercials!

-Back at 4:55 with Moss still on control. Crews starts firing back with chops, but gets caught with a spinebuster for two. He throws down some right hands and yells as he is getting frustrated. Moss misses a charge in the corner and just obliterates the middle buckle as he took a heck of a bump. Crews lands a leaping clothesline and gets a Stinger Splash in the corner. Crews comes off the top with a crossbody for two. The crowd is getting into this a bit. Crews gets a step-up enziguiri, but Moss catches him with a one arm slam for two. The crowd starts a “Lets Go Apollo” chant. They start trading blows in the middle of the ring and Moss wins the exchange. He buries some knees to the ribs and tries a suplex, but Apollo slides out. Another step-up enziguiri from Crews and the Fall-a-way Samoan Drop finishes at 9:39.

Winner: Apollo Crews via pin at 9:39
-Fun little match as they beat each up other well enough and got the crowd into the match by the end. Good stuff here! **1/2

-Back to SmackDown as Jey Uso is pissed and wants answers from Solo. Heyman immediately plays mind games and gas lights Jey to get him back on the side of Roman. Apparently Roman wants to groom Jey as the next Tribal Chief and even gets a US Title Match against Austin Theory.

-Later in the show, Austin Theory retains as Jimmy accidentally super kicks Jey in a match that also had interference from Solo and Pretty Deadly. Jey walks away from Jimmy and walks away from Heyman and Solo as well.

-Roman Reigns returns this Friday on SmackDown!

-Money in The Bank commercial!

-Hulu commercials!

-RAW this week will see Seth Rollins defend The World Title in another open challenge, Nakamura vs. Reed, and Logan Paul returns. Are we getting Cena vs. Paul at SummerSlam?

-Back to RAW as Kaiser and GUNTHER challenge Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn for their Tag Titles. This match got a lot of time and was a strong match as you would assume with the talent involved. Kaiser eats the pin because that’s what Imperium is there for when GUNTHER needs to not be on the winning side of a match.

-Thanks for reading!

The final score: review Average
The 411
I found both matches enjoyable which makes this show a winner this week. I still wish they had the NXT vs. RAW format, but at least we are getting new faces on the show thanks to The Draft.