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Lineup, Special Start Time Announced For This Week’s AEW Dark

October 17, 2022 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
AEW Dark 10-18-22 Image Credit: AEW

This week’s episode of AEW Dark has a special start time due to AEW Dynamite airing tomorrow, and the lineup has been revealed. AEW announced that Dark will air at 12 PM ET tomorrow due to Dynamite’s airing on Tuesday instead of Wednesday, and the lineup is below:

* Ari Daivari vs. Brandon Cutler
* Hikaru Shida vs. Vanessa Kraven
* Evil Uno, John Silver, Alex Reynolds, & 10 vs. Tyler Tirva, Shayne Hawke, Zak Patterson, & Jordano
* Willow Nightingale vs. Seleziya Sparx
* Orange Cassidy, Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta vs. Kobe Durst, Steven Mainz, & Jessie V
* Dante Martin vs. QT Marshall
* Eddie Kingston & Ortiz vs. Mo Jabari & Jake O’Reilly

article topics :

AEW Dark, Jeremy Thomas