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Oba Femi Will Meet Moose Face-to-Face on Next Week’s TNA Impact

March 1, 2025 | Posted by Jeffrey Harris
TNA Impact - Oba Femi Moose confrontation Image Credit: TNA

– TNA Wrestling announced that WWE NXT Champion Oba Femi will be appearing on next week’s TNA Impact, where he will confront his rival, TNA X-Division Champion Moose, before the two face off for their NXT Championship Match at NXT Roadblock on March 11.

The two champions will meet face-to-face on Thursday, March 6 on Impact. The show will air on AXS TV at 8:00 pm EST. Here’s the updated lineup:

* The Hardys vs. The Colons
* Xia Brookside vs. Savannah Evans
* Mike Santana vs. John Skyler
* Ace Austin & The Rascalz vs. The Northern Armory
* Oba Femi meets Moose face-to-face

article topics :

Moose, NXT, Oba Femi, TNA, WWE, Jeffrey Harris