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Pro Wrestling EVE: Bigger Than SHEsus Results

April 13, 2019 | Posted by Joseph Lee
Pro Wrestling EVE

Pro Wrestling EVE ran their event “Bigger Than SHEsus” from The Resistance Gallery in London, U.K. Here are results, via Wrestling With Demons:

Laura Di Matteo won a 4-Way over Roxxy, Charli Evans and Gisele Shaw. Shaw was trained by Lance Storm and appeared in WOW as “Azteca”.

Erin Angel pinned Chakara after a splash.

It will be EVE Champion Kay Lee Ray vs. Nina Samuels on 4/26/19 at the Kris Wolf Retirement Show which will air live on EVE On Demand.

Mercedes Martinez pinned NightShade.

Rebel Kinney pinned Mercedes Blaze after a sidewalk slam.

Su Yung pinned Session Moth Martina after the Panic Switch.

Emi Sakura pinned Jamie Hayter.

Originally it was supposed to be Charlie Morgan vs. Sakura but Morgan is out of action with a broken ankle.

article topics :

Pro Wrestling EVE, Joseph Lee