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Ricardo Rodriguez Recalls Being Taken Out of The Ascension in FCW

Ricardo Rodriguez was a founding member of The Ascension in FCW before they came to WWE, and he recently recalled his exit from the group. Rodriguez appeared on Developmentally Speaking for a new interview and you can check out some highlights below, per Wrestling Inc:
On Dusty Rhodes telling him he was out of the group: “I get pulled into the office by Dusty. He goes ‘Oh, Ricardo baby, I’ve got to talk to you.’ So I go into the office … and he straight up just goes ‘You’re out of The Ascension.’ I was like ‘What? Huh? What?’ ‘Yeah. You’re out of The Ascension, baby. It contradicts what you’re doing on TV.’ And I’m just like, ‘What the f**k? What?’ So I got kicked out of The Ascension, the group I created, right? And at the time, I didn’t get it. I was upset, ’cause I was like ‘Dude, you kicked me out of the thing I made.’ But to his credit, I guess he had bigger plans for them, and then it was contradicting what I was doing on TV, on ‘Raw’ and ‘SmackDown.'”
On the situation ultimately working out for the best: “It turned out very well for them because the stuff they did in FCW and NXT was awesome. As time went on, obviously they broke up and stuff, but when it became Viktor and Konnor, that was awesome what they did in ‘NXT.’ The whole presentation.”
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