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Sanders’ AEW Rampage Review 7.22.22

Hey guys! Lee Sanders here and what a busy day in the world of wrestling as Vince McMahon retires from WWE! I’ll be live doing a special post show on multiple outlets including Youtube, after AEW RAMPAGE reacting to the news and tackling the big question of what’s next for the company?! AEW FYTER FEST officially concludes with this Friday edition of RAMPAGE as we’ve got some pretty solid matches lined up for tonight! Let’s go baby!
Match 1: Hangman Adam Page & John Silver vs The Butcher & Blade
We join this match as all participants are at ringside without proper entrances. Johnny Huggie is the legal man and he’s getting his ass handed to him by Butcher and Blade in the opening minutes. Silver manages to reverse a suplex by the Blade as Hangman gets the tag. Page comes in with a punch to the face of Blade, followed by a lariat to Butcher to send him off the ropes. Page connects with a fall-away slam on Blade as he follows up on Butcher with a body splash from over the top rope! A tope suicida to Blade on the outside as Page tosses him back in the ring. Page with with a flying lariat from the top rope now as he goes for a cover and it’s a near fall. Butcher manages to grab onto the ankles of Hangman to drag him outside the ring. Butcher slams Page into the barricades repeatedly as we head into our first set of ad breaks. John Silver receives the tag now as he delivers a big uppercut to Blade. Silver follows up with a capture-side suplex and goes for the cover as it’s a near fall. Butcher manages to break up the pin in time as both men plant him with a gutbuster and a powerbomb as Blade gets a near fall. Blade is busted open as he tags in Butcher now as Johnny tags in Hangman Page. Page sends Blade over the top rope crashing. Hangman and Butcher are trading clotheslines on each other but no one is giving out. Butcher tries to go for a german suplex as Page lands on his feet to connect with a running lariat! Butcher gets a boot from Page as Silver gets in a leaping enziguri to help Page connect with a buckshot lariat as this one is over!
Winner: Hangman Page and John Silver (9:55)
Rating: **
Nice little opener. Just the right amount of time for this one. Silver continues to win me over with his renewed spirit and athleticism. Physically, Silver is a beast! This win was a nice rebound for Hangman but I’m still wondering what’s his future. He just seems to be going without a purpose right now since losing the AEW World title.
Video package of Daniel Garcia and Wheeler Yuta is shown as their match for the ROH Pure championship is this Saturday.
Cesaro aka Claudio is in the ring now as he tells the crowd he’s aware how a World heavyweight championship has escaped him his entire career. He believes that he is the best because the fans support him and believe in him, which gets a nice pop from the crowd. Claudio tells Gresham that Gresham may be the foundation but that he’s about to crack as the next chapter will begin! Claudio proclaims himself the new ROH World heavyweight champion as high in the rafters Gresham with Tully, and Tully Enterprises look on upset.
Wardlow video package is shown as he promises to beat the s*it out of anyone from AEW, Ring of Honor or any promotion for that matter. You want some Wardlow? Come get some folks!
Match 2: Dante Martin vs Lee Morarity
Both men begin with a series of holds, just trying to get a feel for one another. Nice heel trip attempt by Lee but he misses as Dante comes off of the ropes and connects with a adjusted high-rise dropkick! One sweet and pretty dropkick Dante executed as we head into a commercial break. We’re back now as Stokley Hathaway appears at the top of the stage ramp. Dante climbs to the top rope and connects with an elevated crossbody-pin for a near fall. Dante clubs at the back of Lee as Lee fights him off with a back elbow and sets Lee up for a backlside pin that gets reversed. Lee manages to maintain control during the reversal attempt as he applies the Border City stretch hold as Dante appears to be fading. Dante gets to the rope in time but barely as Stokely looks on quite pleased. Dante connects with a half and half suplex for a near fall. Dante quickly heads to the tope rope and leaps off of it as he gets Lee in a rollup. Lee reverses the rollup with his own rollup as he takes his right hand and grabs the ropes for the victory. Sadly the referee does not see Lee grab the ropes.
Winner: Lee Morarity (9:00)
Rating: ***
I can watch these two guys go at it all night They have such great chemistry together that I’m surprised Tony Khan and crew haven’t done an ongoing feud with these two. Best match of the night so far for RAMPAGE and I gotta say I’ve never had a problem with these men wrestling as anytime they are on I’m always entertained. Bright careers ahead for these kids as I feel they will be breakout stars in AEW & ROH contrary to how some people may feel.
Matt Sydal is not pleased with what he saw as he’s so mad he wants to fight Lee…Next week! Stokely looks on smiling as he tries to give his business card to Lee. Lee smiles at Stokely and walks away as this chapter is to be continued…
Match 3: Sky Blue and Ashley D’Amboise vs Jamie Hayter and Britt Baker
Baker wrenches on the arm of Sky Blue, followed by a hair takedown. Britt follows up with forearm strikes to Sky’s face. Britt now with a thrust kick to the face of Sky Blue as Hayter gets the tag. Multiple kicks and stomps to the body of Sky Blue as Hayter delivers a charging clothesline to Ashley. Britt sweeps the leg of Sky as she manages to pull off a twisted neckbreaker from off the side apron as Britt was able to get a tag in the process from Hayter. Britt is being relentless with elbow strikes to to back of Sky Blue. Sky barely manages to get in a low spinning kick on Britt to tag in Ashley as Ashley and a legal Jaime Hayter are going at it now. Ashley tries to go for a neckbreaker and misses as Britt connects with a thrust kick, followed by a ripcord elbow strike as Hayter connects with a backbreaker! Hayter tags in Britt as she connects with a double underhook suplex! Hayter connects with a running clothesline to the back of the head as Britt sets up Ashley for the lockjaw to end this one.
Winner: Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter (5:00)
Rating: **
I can’t believe my girl Sky Blue barely got in any offense. Ashley is pretty good as well in her own right as she’s coming along but even she got off more than Sky did here. This was really about the fact that Britt and Hayter had not gotten a victory yet as a tag team. Well they finally got it and they looked pretty damn good doing it as Tony Khan and crew stumbled upon something special here. To my point, could we be looking at the future AEW Women’s Tag Team Champions?
Back from ad breaks as Lil Scrap or Lil Scrappy (whoever that is folks) is here to present the rap battle between Max Caster and Austin Gunn. This involves writing word for word what these guys are saying so I’m going to skip typing this one up and apply a video link for you all to watch if and when it becomes available. Austin I must say has been killing it so far and I gotta say I’m impressed. Max rebounded very good though after the first round though I’ve gotta say. Austin ends up choking as Acclaim win but it turns ugly as Billy Gunn attacks Scrappy while the Gunn Boys attack Caster and Bowens. Austin manages to get ahold of a trash can and takes it to the head of Max Caster to end this nice throwdown. Reminded me a lot of the show YO MAMA from back in the day.
Match 4: Jay Lethal vs Christopher Daniels
Daniels gets a nice cheer from the crowd as Jay and Daniels quickly go for one another before the bell rings as Caprice Coleman is at ringside on commentary. Daniels with an elbow drop on Lethal. Daniels looks for a pin but it’s a one count. Daniels goes in for another quick cover but it’s a one count yet again. Lethal on the offense now with chops, and forearm strikes to Daniels chest. Into the ropes now as Daniels gets in a step-up side kick to Jay’s face. Daniels tries to slingshot himself outside the ring and onto Jay but misses as Lethal charges at Daniels in-between the ropes to send Daniels to the canvas as we head into our final ad break. We’re back now as Lethal tried to look for Samoa Joe’s muscle buster on Daniels. Daniels pushes him off and tries to go for a dropkick but misses as Lethal gets in a thrust kick to the head of Daniels. Daniels goes off the ropes as Lethal tried to look for a arm drag but Daniels manages to deliver a knee to the head of Lethal! Great spot right there as Daniels drags himself to his feet to deliver a series of clotheslines and forearm strikes. Daniels gets Lethal in the corner as he’s looking for multiple punches to the face, followed by a blue thunder bomb that’s a near fall. Daniels tried looking for BME as Lethal counters with a lethal combination. Lethal on the top rope now as he tries looking for his flying elbow drop. Daniels gets a boot up but Lethal stops himself short from landing into that boot as he grabs the leg. Daniels grabs him somehow and tries for a rollup as Lethal kicks out. Lethal tries looking for Lethal injection but Daniels has it scouted as he’s looking for Angel’s Wings which gets countered by Lethal who connects with Lethal Injection to score the dub.
Winner: Jay Lethal (11:00)
Rating: ***
It always a smile on my face seeing Christopher Daniels. I’ve been a supporter of his for many years and I’ve legit missed seeing him on TV. Reminds me, thanks to those of you who told me about the status of his eye from last week. Daniels may be slowing down these days physically but the man can still go. Daniels and Lethal flowed pretty good here as this was a decent main event. You figured Daniels was going to lose but I’m a bit surprised that Samoa Joe has yet to appear. I mean Lethal has been doing a lot of trash talking in recent weeks and there’s been not one peep from Samoa Joe. Makes you wonder…
Post-match Satnam drops Daniels from high above his head as Lethal applies a sleeper on Daniels as we head off the air.
End of Show
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