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Shawn Spears On How His Return to WWE NXT Was Kept Secret

October 6, 2024 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Shawn Spears WWE NXT 2-27-24 Image Credit: WWE

Shawn Spears recently talked about how his return to WWE NXT in February was kept under the radar. Spears made his return to WWE on the February 27th episode of NXT, attacking Ridge Holland. He spoke with Chris Van Vliet on Insight about how he kept the return secret, and you can see highlights below (h/t to Wrestling Inc):

On the return being kept secret: “You have the team around you. You know who the team is and you keep your mouth shut. That is the only way to keep a secret nowadays. Keep your mouth shut; just don’t tell anybody. I knew, Matt Bloom, Shawn Michaels, and Triple H [knew], that was it, I’m guessing. I knew Shawn for sure, Bloom for sure.”

On not telling anyone he was coming back: “I didn’t tell anybody, because in an excitement stage, some people that want you to see you do really well get really excited for you. With excitement comes loose lips sometimes. The same thing with someone who kind of wants to see you fail, it’s much easier to have loose lips, so I went the safe route by keeping my mouth shut. They kept me in a room the majority of the day. I didn’t even tell Cody [Rhodes].”

article topics :

Shawn Spears, WWE NXT, Jeremy Thomas