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Trey Miguel Discusses the Importance Of the X Division To Rising Stars In Impact Wrestling

October 19, 2021 | Posted by Blake Lovell
Trey Miguel IMpact Wrestling Image Credit: Impact Wrestling

In a recent interview with Stephanie Chase of Digital Spy, Trey Miguel discussed the importance of the X Division to rising stars in Impact Wrestling, his plans for the title if he wins at Bound for Glory, and much more. Here’s what he had to say:

Trey Miguel on the importance of the X Division to Impact: “[The X Division] is one of the most essential attributes of Impact Wrestling because, as you’ve seen, it literally was the catalyst to Josh Alexander becoming the number one contender challenging for our biggest pay-per-view’s main event this year. I remember when Austin Aries turned on Option C, that being one of the most mind-blowing and pivotal moments in wrestling history to me because it was like, ‘Wow this can be whatever you want it to be,’ this could be a means to something else, or it could be your golden egg. It’s my golden egg. I don’t look at the X Division as a means to becoming a world champ. The X Division is my World Championship. I think it skyrocketed Josh, I think it gave Josh the opportunity to show the world, Impact Wrestling, AEW, WWE, NXT, anyone inside of the wrestling world, what we offer and what we’re about.”

On wanting to win the title at Bound for Glory and defend it against non-contracted talent: “What I’d love more than anything is to, this isn’t as much as in my control as I would like it to be, but when I was a big fan of the X Division as a child who was just getting hip to things, one of my favourite aspects about the X Division was getting introduced to professional wrestlers that didn’t have an Impact contract. You would see some guy off the Indies that you had no idea about but he gets his stuff in and he gets to show his stuff and it was always an X Division match or an X Division Championship match. What I would love more than anything is to give an opportunity to an unrecognised, high-performing talent who doesn’t have a contract and give the fans fresh faces and fresh matches and high-flying action and unpredictability, like we had before. This is no knock towards Impact but I feel like Impact or the X Division is smaller than it’s ever been and that’s not the field I want to run on. I want as much competition and as many best matches as I can have in my catalogue as the X Division Champion if it were to happen. So, if I get voted Class President I want to challenge all students of all schools, private, or public to come challenge. If I could do anything, that would be it.”