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Various News: Hulk Hogan Announces He Has Divorced His Second Wife, ROH Celebrates CM Punk, MJF PPV Debuts Tomorrow

February 28, 2022 | Posted by Joseph Lee
Hulk Hogan WWF Wrestling Challenge 10-11-1986, Hulkamania Image Credit: WWE/Peacock

– In a post on Twitter, Hulk Hogan confirmed that he divorced Jennifer McDaniel and is currently dating someone news. Footage of Hogan introducing his new girlfriend to Poison singer Bret Michaels went viral over the weekend.

Hogan started dating McDaniel in 2008 and they were married in 2010.

He wrote: “Yo Maniacs just for the record,the Facebook and Instagram posts are of me and my girlfriend Sky,I am officially divorced, sorry I thought everyone already knew,love my Maniacs4Life

– ROH has posted a new video celebrating the career of CM Punk. Punk was named for the ROH Hall of Fame along with The Briscoes, Bryan Danielson and Samoa Joe.

– Stonecutter Media’s next PPV, MJF: Scars and Scarves, will debut tomorrow.

article topics :

CM Punk, Hulk Hogan, MJF, ROH, Joseph Lee