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Winfree’s MLW: Fusion (Ep. 113) Review 12.09.20

Hey everyone, Winfree here for the latest episode of MLW Fusion. On this episode the Opera Cup continues with Richard Holliday battling Low Ki and Contra Unit gets a tag team title shot when MLW world champion Jacob Fatu teams with Simon Gotch against the MLW tag team champions the Von Erich’s. I’m pretty sure there will be a squash in here somewhere as well.
We open with Contra Unit and a video, Josef Samael talks about how far he is from the palatial headquarters of MLW (he gets kudos for saying that with a straight face) but that Contra hasn’t lost control of MLW. Contra has accomplished all of their goals, they’ll bring the mightiest to their knees and win this war. He’s readying a new wave of Contra soldiers, noting that Davey Boy Smith Jr. never recovered from the beating Fatu gave him and Hammerstone isn’t quite so mighty after his encounter with Krugger. Tonight another legacy dies when they take out the Von Erich’s and their titles.
Usual video intro follows.
We head right to the ring. Starting a wrestling show with a wrestling match, what a concept.
Match #1: Zenshi vs. Calvin Tankman
They circle a bit, Zenshi tries some wrestling but Tankman shoves him away. Zenshi tries a leg sweep, Tankman no sells it. Tankamn catches Zenshi, but can’t keep a hold of him. Dropkick from Zenshi, Tankman no sells again. Tankman catches Zenshi, Zenshi with a headscissors (that’s a generous definition) then Tankman with a leapfrog and resumes using his size. Zenshi runs into a drop kick. High angle spinebuster from Tankman, only gets 2. Strikes from Tankman then he throws Zenshi out of the corner. A few leg kicks from Zenshi, Tankman mostly no sells them, tries a suplex but Zenshi counters with kicks. There’s a headbutt from Tankman, Zenshi tried a handspring off the ropes but had 0 momentum and just wound up in a handstand for a few seconds before going for a Pele kick. Zenshi hits a 619 to a standing Tankman, but as he tries to fly at Tankman he runs into a back elbow. Tankman driver finishes things.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Calvin Tankman won at 3:44
Rating: Gem. . . SQUASH
Sloppy, and probably a bit too long if we’re still just having Tankman no sell people a few size categories smaller than he is.
Post match in the back Tankman tells you this was just a taste of what heavyweight hustle is all about. He’ll knockdown everyone in front of him, he’s here now and invites anyone to test themselves against him.
Back and we see Selina del la Renta, she’s at some Aztec ruins looking for a new wrestler. She talks about this man being in Mexico City during the big earthquake, but his hate of all life prompted his return at the behest of a witch. Now he wanders the earth, until now. She summons Pascual Mendoza (Lucha Underground fans might recognize him better by the name Mil Muertes). He doesn’t show up yet, but that could be valuable addition to the roster.
Dan Lambert video now, he runs down Low Ki and wonders why King Mo is stuck as an alternate while that CTE riddled Low Ki is allowed to continue wrestling.
Tag team action next.
Match #2 – Tag Team Bout: Violence is Forever (Dominick Garrini and Kevin Ku) w/ Tom Lawlor vs. Dugan and Martyr
Garrini and Dugan start, Garrini just rag dolls Dugan for a bit. Armbar attempt from Garrini but Dugan gets the ropes to break. Dugan tags out, as does Garrini. Ku lays in chops to Martyr, then hits a back suplex. Garrini tagged in, he hits a gutwrench suplex as Ku hits kick to the head. Dugan tags in, but gets stalled out. Double team from Ku and Garrini, a kick assisted brainbuster ends things.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Violence is Forever won at 1:54
Rating: Pattypan. . . SQUASH
Standard tag team introduction, will need to see a lot more from both guys but the squash served the intended purpose.
Low Ki promo, he says his strategy against Holliday is simple because Holliday is a simple wrestler. He says he’s got a lot of ways to win, you’ll just have to wait and see which one he uses.
Holliday video, he reminds everyone that he dedicated that first win in the tournament to Hammerstone. Now he’s focusing on Low Ki, and hopes the Ki bravado can handle his rarified air.
Video from Lio Rush, he says he doesn’t need an introduction. He’s here in his expensive car heading to the studio to make a hit but he’s doing this video at the request of the MLW board of directors. He has a few things to get off of his chest, he says Myron Reed has forgotten that Rush decides things for Rush, not Reed. The suggested date from Reed doesn’t work for him, and then says Reed has been a naughty little champion. But he will fight Reed in January, and he’s coming to collect. In the mean time Reed can eat off brand cereal in his cheap apartment, but that title is coming to a real money maker. Solid promo from Rush, nothing exceptional but that could have been much worse.
Update on Alex Hammerstone, the openweight champion is being interviewed via Zoom. He thanks the fans for wishing him the best, then moves on to Krugger. Kurgger debuted last week, and Hammerstone puts him over as a big monster who hit him harder than he’s ever been hit. But that the just motivates him to be better and work harder. He has been cleared to return to the ring, and wants a match with Krugger. He wants all of Contra, but Krugger is the first step. A Contra video interrupts, Krugger and a voice modifier are talking. He says what Hammerstone wants doesn’t matter, the only thing that matters is what he has planned for Hammerstone – pain.
Opera Cup action coming up next.
Match #3 – Opera Cup Bout: Richard Holliday vs. Low Ki
Ki with an early leg kick, Holliday forces things to the corner and starts landing stomps. Punches from Holliday, and a back elbow. Holliday tries to start a rope running sequence, Ki stops that and they reset. Holliday with shoulders to the stomach, Ki with a mule kick then a running forearm to take over. Elbows from Ki then a chop. Ki avoids a chop, and lands one of his own. Holliday with a stun gun into the corner to stop Ki’s momentum and both men take a moment to recover. They hit the ropes and Holliday with an elbow for a 1 count. Garvin style stomps from Holliday, then an elbow to the leg. Back suplex from Holliday for a 2 count. Holliday starts attacking the arm of Ki, but Ki with a victory roll then a double stomp to the chest. Holliday wont be deterred though and hits a backbreaker to keep Ki from building momentum. Punches from Holliday, then he runs into a kick. Ki after that leg assisted choke from the back, Holliday staggers to the ropes to force the break. Kicks and chops from Ki, he’s kicking the leg of Holliday now. Holliday lands an elbow to stop Ki. Holliday tries the 2008, Ki with a knee to the head to break the attempt. Enziguri from Ki, Holliday rebounds off of the ropes to land a clothesline and both men are down. Ki avoids a rush, and lands some flying forearms then a spinning back kick to the chest. Holliday avoids a switchblade kick, and hits a pop up sit out powerbomb for a near fall. Ki drives Holliday to the corner and then up to land elbows to the head. Holliday escapes, and hits a spinebuster for another near fall. Another 2008 attempt from Holliday, Ki blocks it then hits a shotgun drop kick. Holliday is down, Ki up top and hits the Warrior’s Wrath double stomp for the win.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Low Ki pinned Richard Holliday at 9:19
Rating: 2 stars
One of the better Holliday matches I’ve seen. Ki winning was, I wont say obvious but the easy call given the other side of the bracket.
Post match Ki poses with Holliday’s Caribbean title to mock Holliday further before tossing the belt at him.
We get an update on an upcoming event, we’ll get Lio Rush vs. Myron Reed for the middleweight title. Reed video in the wake of that, he says the man of the hour and the young goat will finally square off. Two of the best middleweight’s in the world will find out who the best is and says Rush will not take the title from him.
Match #4 – Tag Team Title Bout: (c) The Von Erich’s (Ross and Marshall) vs. Jacob Fatu and Simon Gotch
We get brawling to start. The bell hasn’t rung yet and we’re brawling around the ring. Gotch and Ross finally get into the right to start the match. Ross with a running kick in the corner, Fatu wanders around the apron because Ross sets Gotch in the wrong corner for offense. Fisherman suplex from Ross, Gotch tags in Fatu though. Fatu lands a right to Ross, then one to Marshall on the apron. They isolate Ross in the corner and Fatu lays into him then lands a super kick but Ross is by the ropes. Gotch tagged in, he goes for an armbar but Ross into the ropes again. European uppercuts from Gotch and he tags Fatu back in. Both men lay into Ross, Fatu with headbutts to the chest and stomach. Marshall wants a tag, but Fatu keep Ross isolated. Kicks now from Ross, then an enziguri but he can’t make the tag before Fatu assaults him again. Fatu bites the hand of Ross to keep him from tagging out. Gotch tagged in and lands a kick to the body of Ross. Stomps from Gotch, he tries a jackknife pin but Ross kicks out and then Gotch lands elbows.
Gotch working a face crank, Ross gets to the ropes to force another break. Kicks from Gotch then a suplex and Fat is tagged in. Stomps now from Fatu. Ross low bridges Fatu on a charge and starts crawling to the corner. Marshall avoids a rush from Gotch and then tags in. Marshall runs over Gotch for a bit after Gotch tagged in. Clothesline from Marshall, then an awkward spinebuster but Fatu with a senton to break up the pin. Ross in illegally to land kicks, he hits a hurricanrana onto Fatu. On the outside Marshall gets Gotch and hits a claw slam through a spare ring board. Team Filthy runs in and we’ve got a DQ.
OFFICIAL RESULT: No Contest via interference at about 7 minutes
Rating: 1.5 stars
That might have been able to turn into something match wise, but they weren’t about to sacrifice Gotch and Fatu or take the belts off of the Von Erich’s so a schmoz it is.
Garrini, Ku, Lawlor, and Jordan Oliver attack the Von Erich’s as the episode ends.
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