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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 10.11.24

October 11, 2024 | Posted by Robert Winfree
WWE Smackdown Roman Reigns Solo Sikoa 10-11-24 Image Credit: WWE
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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 10.11.24  

Hey everyone, it’s time for another episode of WWE Smackdown. We’re post Bad Blood now, most relevant for the blue brand from that card was Roman Reigns and Cody Rhodes defeated Solo Sikoa and Jacob Fatu with Roman pinning Solo to do so. Jimmy Uso returned to stand beside Roman, then The Rock showed up for nebulous reasons. After the event Kevin Owens attacked Cody Rhodes in the parking lot so that pretty well sets up Cody vs. Owens again as his program while Roman and Jimmy take further aim at the new Bloodline. AJ Styles returned last week, then promptly got injured during a match and we’re still waiting on news if that was purely storyline or not but either way that match probably gets Carmelo Hayes a shot at LA Knight and his US title. Nia Jax is still women’s champion and she’s bullying Tiffany Stratton, Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa remain tag team champions as well. Tonight Roman will be here to talk, Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair will defend the women’s tag team titles against Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson from NXT. Crown Jewel will be coming up very quickly, and we know the WWE and World Heavyweight champions will battle over the Saudi Blood Money Memorial belt. No word yet on if Gunther will be dropping his belt so Goldberg, who’s big in Saudi Arabia, will get to hoist that green eyesore or not. Since that Saudi card is coming up one also has to imagine Logan Paul might show up again. Still no sign of Shinsuke Nakamura, and after weeks of vignettes Giovanni Vinci seems to have disappeared very quickly. That’s the state of things right now, so let’s get to the action.

We’re in Greenville, South Carolina and commentary tells us we will get LA Knight defending the US title against Carmelo Hayes plus the women’s tag team title match. After that, our first recap of Bad Blood this one focusing on the main event.

Out first, Jimmy Uso to a decent if still somewhat muted pop. Once again we’re all reminded that Jimmy is not Jey, Jey’s reunion with his family is going to be nuclear. Jimmy will be in action against Solo Sikoa later tonight, but for now he gets a mic and plays with the crowd for a bit. He’s been on the shelf for 6 months, put there by his little brother Solo Sikoa. And that wasn’t even done face to face, Solo and Tama Tonga jumped him from behind. So tonight is about big brother getting even with little brother, but this is interrupted by Roman Reigns who gets a predictably huge pop. Roman takes his sweet time soaking in the moment before getting the mic from Jimmy. Loud “OTC” chants for Roman who then says he normally runs things by the system but tonight there’s a little change, and he provides the audience to join him in acknowledging “big Jim”. It takes a second effort from Roman but the crowd does. Moving on, Roman understands where Jimmy is coming from, Jimmy has gotten another mic now. Roman isn’t an older brother so he doesn’t fully get that, he’s not a wise man yet, he’s not a manipulator, he’s the Tribal Chief and that means he takes what’s his. For 4 years now that’s what they’ve been doing, he wasn’t playing around and they had it all, the money power and respect. Everyone feared them, they had titles, they had money, and now Roman doesn’t like where they’re at. He doesn’t like being out of control. He’s the greatest of all time, and he wants everyone to what it means when they’re here. Jimmy says they’re not though. The crowd responds with “yes you are”, and Jimmy asks how. He sees a chief with no tribe, no ula fala, he came back because Roman needed him. They still need help, and that gets a “yeet” chant. Jimmy knows one person they can get help from, another “yeet” chant. Roman says “no yeet” to some boos. Jimmy says Roman will always be his Tribal Chief, but he’s the only one in the family that still acknowledges Roman. Jimmy heads out leaving Roman to consider his situation. Pretty strong stuff here, Roman’s character work remains top notch and I can’t wait to see him and Jey try to hash things out.

In the back LA Knight walks, he’ll be taking on Carmelo Hayes after this break.

We get a few more highlights from Bad Blood.

Carmelo Hayes heads to the ring, followed by LA Knight. Commentary is indicating that AJ’s injury from last week is legitimate, including a little isolated replay of AJ’s ankle turning.

Match #1 – US Title Match: (c) LA Knight vs. Carmelo Hayes

Knight with some right hands to start then Hayes hits the ropes but eats a clothesline. Hayes slings Knight into the middle rope but Knight recovers and clotheslines Hayes out of the ring. We see Hayes get into a war of words with Andrade who’s in the time keepers area, that allows Knight to land a sliding dropkick to the floor and send us to picture in picture.

Knight bounces Hayes off of the announce table several times then gets distracted by Andrade allowing Hayes to attack from behind. Hayes with control as they fight on the floor then head back into the ring. Jumping leg drop from Hayes then some corner work. Knight fights back with a kick and a clothesline but Hayes hits the springboard clothesline to get back in control. A slightly awkward spot off the ropes then Hayes grabs a chin lock as we come back to the broadcast. Knight is able to fight free and starts laying in jabs followed by a Manhattan Drop and a discus clothesline. Pop up slam from Knight then a jumping elbow drop for a 2 count. Knight starts stomping away at Hayes but Hayes fights back with a superkick then they trade roll ups for a bit until Knight hits a jumping neckbreaker. Knight to the top rope for a jumping elbow drop that gets another 2 count. Hayes avoids a Blunt Force Trauma with a handstand then hits a scissors kick followed by a Black Crush for a near fall. Graves for about the third time confuses who he’s talking about. Knight avoids Nothing But Net, they trade roll ups again then Hayes flips out of a back suplex only for Knight to then nail Blunt Force Trauma to retain the title.

OFFICIAL RESULT: LA Knight retained the title in 9:01

Rating: 3 stars
Thoughts: A clever finishing sequence but not quite as good as Knight and Andrade from a few weeks ago. Still, any configuration of these three guys has been good to very good depending on circumstances.

Post match Andrade mocks Hayes for losing.

In the back Jimmy Uso walks and finds Cody Rhodes. Cody thanks him for helping at Bad Blood, Jimmy says there wont be any more favors for Cody. They commiserate for a bit then separate.

We’re reminded about the Crown Jewel title in 3 weeks.

A video highlight for Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson because most people probably aren’t too familiar with them. That title match will be up next.

Post break, here come the challengers. Their entrance is interrupted by Kevin Owens who has a mic and says he was told not to come here tonight. His promo is cut off as he tris to use a mic, Cody comes out and a bunch of security has to keep the two of them apart. Nick Aldis is here, as is Randy Orton and Randy kind of plays peacemaker then holds Owens back. Owens elbows Randy so Randy lays Owens out. That shocks Owens who rolls out of the ring and then slowly exits through the crowd while Randy stews in the ring and we head to break.

Post break we see Trick Williams in the crowd and Chelsea Green and Piper Niven are standing by commentary. The champs then head to the ring. Apparently Belair and Jade had a confrontation with Green and Piper at gorilla before this match, that’s why those two are here.

Match #2 – Women’s Tag Tam Title Match: (c) Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair vs. Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson

Pearl Harbor job from Lash and Jackson to isolate Belair. Lash with a slam to Belair for a 2 count. Jackson tags in and hits a rolling senton off of Lash onto Belair. Lash tags back in and they set for their finish which connects but Jade breaks up the pin. Jade and Lash square up briefly then Lash punches Jade out of the ring. Jackson tags in, they go for some floor work then Lash pump kicks Green instead. Belair is able to fight back and then tags in Jade. Jade disposes of Lash then Jackson takes the double team finish from Jade and Belair to let the champs retain.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill retained the titles in 2:10

Rating: 1.5 stars
Thoughts: Bordered on a dud, these belts are in need of help and 2 minute matches like this aren’t going to do it. Jade’s hot tag routine is still pretty good though.

In the back Nia Jax and Tiffany Stratton walk, there will be Jax mic time after this break.

Post break a recap of what happened between Owens, Randy, and Cody from earlier. In the back Randy tells Cody to leave, he’ll go talk to Owens and try to fix this. Nick Aldis reminds Cody that he’s got Gunther in just 3 weeks and to focus on that. Randy will find Owens and try to cool things down. Cody does get on his bus, and Aldis notes how odd it is to see Randy Orton as the voice of reason.

To the ring and here comes Nia Jax with Tiffany Stratton in tow. Jax is dressed in her ring gear, Tiffany is not. Jax will take on Liv Morgan in 3 weeks, just like Cody and Gunther, for the Saudi blood money show. Jax gets a mic in the ring and notes she’s a busy woman but has a few things to say. She gives credit to Bayley for putting up a fight last week, even making Jax sweat, but she lost just like everyone else. No one can beat Jax, especially not Liv Morgan. That little girl wants to face the women’s champion, well at Crown Jewel she’ll annihilate Morgan just like everyone else, and once she’s done that Tiffany will cash in on Morgan. Naomi interrupts this with her own mic and says the only reason Jax is still champ is because her broke down Barbie helped her again. Jax can’t win without Tiffany, who’s not even a good sidekick. Naomi reminds us that she pinned Jax a few weeks back. Jax remembers it took Naomi and Bayley to pin her, and asks if Naomi needs another partner to help her get a win. Naomi claims she doesn’t need help, and challenges Jax to a match right now. Jax accepts and out comes a ref. But following the ref comes Liv Morgan, Raquel Rodriguez, and some unwashed dude. Morgan wanted to make an example out of Jax but instead they’ll just hang out ringside while Naomi beats Jax. We head to break, and I’m already dreading Jax and Morgan interacting in any way, this just feels like the wrong kind of heel vs. heel dynamic.

Match #3: Nia Jax w/ Tiffany Stratton vs. Naomi

Joined in progress, non-title affair. Naomi with some evasive moves then a mule kick but she fails a Sunset Flip and has to then land a kick. Corner avalanche from Jax then a standing avalanche to drop Naomi. Surfboard from Jax to slow things down then she rams Naomi into the corners. Jax then squishes Naomi’s head against the ring post from the apron, that looked gnarly. That all gets 2 and Jax grabs a chin lock. Headbutt from Jax but then Naomi with a body kick and a spike headscissors but Jax rolls to the apron. Leg drop from Naomi and Jax rolls all the way out of the ring, then Naomi lands a kick through the ropes. Jax is wandering over towards the Judgement Day people then Naomi with a dropkick from the apron that knocks Jax into the ring post. Jax picks up Naomi and hits a Samoan Drop on the floor then correctly calls Dom’s hair greasy as we head to break.

Back from break and in the ring with Jax still in control. Naomi avoids a senton then lands a kick out of the corner. Superkick from Naomi then she bulldogs Jax into the corner and follows with a crossbody for a 2 count. Naomi with a springboard kick to send Jax out of the ring, she follows with a corkscrew plancha right in front of commentary. Back in the ring for Jax, but Tiffany kicks Naomi only for Raquel to take her briefcase which allows Naomi to land a head kick. In the ring Naomi gets caught on the top rope and slammed down, Jax sets for the Annihilator but Raquel distracts the ref so Morgan can whack Jax with the briefcase a few times setting up Naomi hitting a powerbomb to get the pin.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Naomi won in 9:43

Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: These two have had plenty of matches lately, this was definitely one of them.

Dom, Morgan, and Raquel laugh at this but Rhea Ripley shows up to wipe out Raquel. Morgan runs into the ring but Ripley kicks Jax away and unloads on Morgan. Dom distracts things so Morgan can escape and Ripley stands tall.

Carmelo Hayes walks in the back, he finds Nick Aldis and complains about things. Aldis says he and Adrade need to settle things in a seventh match, winner gets another US title shot. Legado del Fantasma walk up to remind us that they exist. Santos Escobar complains that Hayes and Andrade getting title matches, Aldis says he’s just been waiting for Escobar to bounce back from losses. Escobar is talking about all of them, not just himself. Aldis says Los Garza can have a match next week against a team he’s hand picked, and if you can get through them you’ll be worthy of a title shot. No word on who that team is, though the Murder City Machine Guns might be due an appearance.

Solo Sikoa talks in a recorded segment, Jimmy might be the big brother but Solo is the Tribal Chief and Jimmy will acknowledge him. Underwhelming stuff from Solo as we head to break.

Post break another video hype package for a mystery debut next week, at this point I’m guessing the MCMG of Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley but we’ll see.

We get a recap of Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa retaining the tag team titles last week.

In the back the Street Profits and DIY are arguing and Nick Aldis praises the ladder match last week but that was their shot at the belts. He’s got a new team coming in next week. Everyone keeps arguing for a bit longer and Aldis is distracted by something off camera and runs off to find Kevin Owens stomping down Randy Orton outside the building. They call for medics to help Randy.

Back to the ring and here comes Solo Sikoa with his goons as well as the emergent star Jacob Fatu. Solo will take on Jimmy Uso after this break.

Post break we get a recap of CM Punk and Drew McIntyre from Hell in a Cell. I can’t help but feel for Drew’s lower back when he ran into those ring steps on that missed Claymore.

Back to the ring, here comes Jimmy Uso.

Match #4: Solo Sikoa w/ Tama Tonga, Tonga Loa, and Jacob Fatu vs. Jimmy Uso

Just about 25 minutes between the end of the last match and start of this one. Solo points out that Jimmy is surrounded, he tells Jimmy he’s the Tribal Chief and that he’ll acknowledge him. Jimmy starts laying in strikes and chops, but then he runs into a back elbow. Jimmy low bridges Solo then hits a suicide dive. Back in the ring Jimmy goes up top but flies into a right hand from Solo. Solo yells that he’s not little anymore, I’m sure his tailor can attest to that. Fatu with a cheap shot to Jimmy. Jimmy to the apron, Solo then headbutts him before trying to post him but Jimmy fights free and slams Solo into the corner. Solo blocks a suplex from the apron then clotheslines Jimmy on the apron. Jimmy with a gamen giri but he’s hit again with a punch from Solo which sends Jimmy to the floor where Fatu with a running headbutt to floor Jimmy and send us to picture in picture.

Stomps from Solo once Jimmy gets into the ring, but then Loa with a terrible looking punch that passes for a cheap shot. Fatu gets a cheap shot in again. They start trading punches, Jimmy then runs into a headbutt to the chest. Solo tries a hip attack as we join the broadcast again, and he hits it. Some trash talk from Solo but Jimmy fires up with punches but Solo lands a spinning heel kick to floor Jimmy. Another Fatu cheap shot to Jimmy, and Solo demands acknowledgment from Jimmy but Jimmy wont do it. Jimmy avoids a Samoan Drop and hits a DDT to put both men down. Punches and chops from Jimmy now but Solo with a Spinning Solo and a 2 count. Solo tries another hip attack and again it connects. They’re losing the crowd a bit at this point, Solo tries another hip attack but this time Jimmy intercepts him with a superkick and both men are down. More strikes from Jimmy now then Solo avoids a Samoan Drop only to get caught with an enziguri. Jimmy tries a hip attack, Solo sends him to the apron but Jimmy lands a kick then goes up top and hits a crossbody for a 2 count.

Time for things to break down, Jimmy has to deal with Fatu and Loa, but he then avoids a Samoan Spike and hits a Samoan Drop for a 2 count. Jimmy goes up top again, Tama distracts the ref so Fatu can crotch Jimmy to set up the Samoan Spike from Solo to get the pin.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Solo Sikoa won in 14:00

Rating: 2 stars
Thoughts: This didn’t need 14 minutes, it was very drawn out and slow at times.

They attack Jimmy after the match but here’s Roman Reigns to even the odds. Roman with a Superman punch to Fatu then disposes of the goons. Solo and Roman stare down then start swinging but Fatu takes out Roman from behind. Fatu hits Roman with a hip attack. Jimmy enters the frame again but Fatu superkicks him down then hits the double jump moonsault to handle Jimmy. Roman gets set up for a Samoan Spike and Solo hits it to leave Roman and Jimmy laying. The Bloodline head out and pose while Roman and Jimmy have to regroup, with Roman seeming to agree that they need help as the episode ends.

The final score: review Average
The 411
This was a story over wrestling episode, which isn't the end of the world but isn't my preferred wrestling television in general. That said the relatively subtle way they've handled Owens and Cody is a nice change of pace, and in general the way they've set up Roman and Jimmy now having to go to Jey for help is quite solid. It's more the execution, 14 minutes of Jimmy and Solo was about 4-6 too many to get the point across. I'm still a little baffled by turning Tiffany Stratton into a bullying victim but they're committed to the bit at this point, more troubling is that Jax and Morgan seem to have no fan interest based on the reactions here. Heel vs. Heel is always kind of a tough sell and these two just don't seem to be resonating. All in all this felt Average, with some time allotment that I don't agree with, but most of the stories seem fairly strong and like they're moving rather than treading water so that's a positive.

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WWE Smackdown, Robert Winfree