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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 2.14.25

February 14, 2025 | Posted by Robert Winfree
WWE Smackdown 2-14-25 Cody Rhodes Damian Priest Image Credit: WWE
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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 2.14.25  

Hello everyone, it’s Valentine’s Day and here we all are watching WWE Smackdown. That’s a pretty damning indictment on us all, isn’t it? Anyway tonight we should get clarity about Charlotte Flair’s WrestleMania opponent, she’s waiting to see what happens between Tiffany Stratton and Nia Jax tonight as Tiffany defends her title against Jax. And we all know we should be deeply interested in what Poochie is doing, especially when she’s not on screen. We know that Jey Uso has challenged Gunther so tonight should provide clarity on Charlotte, unless they want to draw this out until Monday for some reason. Speaking of Mania clarity, it’s largely been reported that The Rock wont be able to make Mania this year, and you have to imagine that threw several plans into chaos. Hey, remember when he showed up at the end of a PPV, stood around, cut the feed, then cut a promo on Instagram, all of which now seems to be leading to nothing? Good times, good times. Unfortunately for WWE champion Cody Rhodes that means he’s stuck with Solo Sikoa again. Solo returned and dropped the champion last week and we all collectively rolled our eyes. While I get that this is likely just filler until after Elimination Chamber I’m beyond sick of Solo in this kind of spot, but you have to imagine Cody will have some kind of response tonight. We’re also getting Damian Priest vs. Braun Strowman vs. Jacob Fatu for a spot in the Chamber, and boy am I pulling for Fatu because he’ll do some crazy stuff given the chance. On the women’s Chamber side of things Naomi takes on Chelsea Green for a Chamber spot. We’re also getting Los Garza vs. the Motor City Machine Guns and the entire tag team scene is a tangled web but in this case I mean it as a compliment. Still no word on who took out Jade Cargill, Miz is still trying to find a friend but the Wyatt Sicks still aren’t showing up so does he really need one? There was a brief Wyatt flicker during Alexa Bliss’s match last week so maybe they will show up at some point. Katana Chance and Kayden Carter are on Smackdown now, for whatever that’s worth. Also still no sign of Randy Orton, and at this point he might wind up waiting until after Mania to return for Owens. Aleister Black/Malakai Black and Miro/Rusev are both gone from AEW so it’s not impossible for either of them to show up tonight, though I am a little skeptical of that actually happening. Anyway that’s the preamble so let’s get to the action.

We see several wrestlers arriving as commentary also run down aspects of the card for tonight. Vic Joseph is here in place of Joe Tessitore tonight.

Next a recap of the stuff with Cody and Jey from last week including the return of Solo to a collective groan.

Cody Rhodes heads to the ring first, suited and booted. Cody gets a mic, and for the record this crowd is rocking early so let’s hope that energy maintains for the full 3 hours. Per usual Cody wants to know what we want to discuss. We could talk about Mania and how his opponent will be determined in the Elimination Chamber. He plays with some of the names in the Chamber to get reactions, Logan Paul got big heat, CM Punk got a pop, Drew McIntyre gets a mixed reaction, and John Cena seems to get the biggest reaction. Well Cody knows it wont be Solo Sikoa, weak boos for Solo which is appropriate. Solo is out in the cold for the Chamber match, and Cody thinks the Spike he got last week wasn’t really for him. Drew McIntyre comes out now, also not in wrestling gear, and he takes his sweet time getting into the ring and gets a mic. Drew objects to being addressed almost as an afterthought by Cody, Cody says that’s fair and apologizes then does it again with a little enthusiasm which gets some heat for Drew. Now Drew brings up his list of accolades including two Chamber wins, and then brings up some of his recent history with Cody. Drew doesn’t know Cody’s deal but feels this has been made personal and he’ll have to remind Cody who he is. Cody can count on one hand the men who have beaten him since he came back, and Drew is one of them which Cody has not forgotten. Now Jacob Fatu’s music hits and out comes the Samoan Werewolf with his gremlin behind him. Fatu has a mic as he gets in the ring, loud “Fatu” chants as he stares down Drew then he says Drew has a spot in the Chamber while Fatu is all gas no brakes tonight and he’ll dog walk Braun and Priest then he’ll head to Mania after the Chamber. And when he’s done with Mania he’s bringing the WWE title back to his family, where it should have always been. Drew thinks people want to see the psychopath and the Werewolf throw down tonight, the people agree, but it’s not going to happen because Drew has his spot, and Drew heads out. Now Fatu and Cody stare down, Fatu circles Cody and looks at the title. Cody says when Fatu qualifies for the Chamber and wins that match then the two of them can fight over the title. We see someone arriving in the back, it’s Solo driving himself. Cody goes to the back, Fatu stops and says if anyone is talking to Solo it’s him on family business, Cody says Fatu can have the first word but Cody will have the last. That does send Fatu and Tama to the back to confront Solo.

In the back we also see Naomi and Bianca Belair walking, Naomi is in action after this break.

Post break we see Tama Tonga walking in the back looking for Solo, a PA doesn’t know so Fatu assaults him and storms off still in pursuit.

Naomi is in the ring as we cut back to action. Wade Barrett talks to Trish Stratus who’s sitting ringside, Trish says it was great to be in the Rumble and says she’ll be at the Elimination Chamber but wont be in action. Chelsea Green’s music hits to somewhat interrupt that.

Match #1: Naomi w/ Bianca Belair vs. Chelsea Green w/ Piper Niven

Quick roll ups from Naomi early but she can’t find a 3 count. Green begs off and slaps Naomi. Naomi with a mule kick then they have to repeat an ax kick spot. Spank from Naomi then a Meteora for a 2 count. Green takes a powder so Naomi sets a baseball slide but Piper pushes Green out of harms way then Green lands a pump kick to take over as we go picture in picture.

They head back into the ring and Green retains control, including hitting the knee of Naomi the stomping her face into the bottom buckle for a 2 count. Some more corner work from Green then she puts Naomi up top and slaps her before climbing up top as we come back to broadcast. Naomi fights Green off and shoves her down then hits a crossbody. Some clotheslines from Naomi then a side kick and spinning bulldog. Scissor’s kick from Naomi gets a 2 count. Naomi can’t find a Heatseeker but lands a head kick then hits the Heatseeker but misses a split legged moonsault. Rough Rider from Green gets a 2 count. Naomi avoids Unpretty Her, they trade roll ups but neither finds a pin. Green hits a Backstabber out of the corner but still can’t pin Naomi. Green goes up top and tries the flipping Unpretty Her but they screw that up and Naomi hits an X-Factor then the split legged moonsault to win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Naomi won in 8:30

Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: Perfectly acceptable match, Green’s character work is still good and she and Naomi actually work pretty well together.

Belair and Naomi celebrate together.

We get a recap of Kevin Owens spiking Sami Zayn with a Package Piledriver a couple of weeks ago. Sami has a video response to Owens, he’s not doing great in the aftermath of that attack, his neck is messed up with nerve damage. He’s still trying to come to terms with what happened with Owens, admitting it’s a joke how many times they’ve turned on each other but they both know this one feels different. This attack wasn’t about sending a message or getting ahead, this was Owens trying to end his career. And over what? A wrestling match? Like Owens didn’t see Sami out there checking on him during that match, worried about him, but apparently the only thing Owens cared about was Sami helping him win. The long and short of it is Sami isn’t sure when he’ll be cleared, but when he is he and Owens will fight and it wont be fun.

The Machine Guns head to the ring next and we’ll have a tag team match after the break.

Post break we get a recap of Michelle McCool going into the Hall of Fame. That’s, well it’s a choice. Not a bad choice, but just a choice.

Los Garza head to the ring, Santos Escobar is with them briefly but doesn’t join ringside.

Match #2 – Tag Team Match: Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley) vs. Los Garza (Angel and Berto)

Sabin and Angel start, Angel with early offense but Sabin tags out and Shelley with a kick to the arm of Angel then a cheap shot to Berto. Angel lands a knee then tags out, Shelley sends Berto all the way to the floor then Angel takes the Facial combination. Sabin sets to dive but Angel intercepts with a super kick and both Angel and Berto land kicks then Angel removes his pants as we head to break.

Sabin gets a hot tag as we come back, he gets to run through some offense on Berto including an enziguri. Shelley tags back in and Berto takes a dropkick assisted Flatliner and Angel breaks up the pin. Sabin tags back in, but gets clotheslined down as they stack Shelley and Sabin on Angel then Berto hits a springboard kick to set up a powerbomb and falling slam but only a 2 count. Kick to Shelley then Angel moonsaults onto him on the floor. In the ring Berto goes up top for a moonsault but Sabin gets his feet up then superkicks Angel. Shelley opens the ropes and Sabin hits a suicide dive onto both men then sends Berto back into the ring. Shelley tags in, they set for Skull and Bones which connects and that’ll do it.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Motor City Machine Guns won in 7:27

Rating: 2 stars
Thoughts: The commercial break hurt this one but these two teams could clearly do something pretty awesome if given real time to do so. The tag team scene on Smackdown is in a pretty good spot overall.

Damian Priest hype video which sends us to break.

As we come back Fatu is still walking and yelling in the back while looking for Solo. Eventually he finds him. Fatu asks what the hell is going on after Solo ghosted him. Solo needed time off, losing the ula fala meant he hasn’t been himself, and he admits he let everyone down. But he’s OK now and is ready to go, and take over just like before. They can only do that together, and he hypes up Fatu winning the title at Mania. Fatu seems uncertain, Solo says he love’s Fatu and Fatu just walks off. Tama is still there and glares at Solo before walking off.

Shinsuke Nakamura heads to the ring next, it’s about time we got his next program off the ground. Nakamura gets a mic and speaks Japanese before says he’s been waiting for anyone to grow a spine and challenge him but no warriors have emerged. LA Knight does come out now with a mic and wants to talk to us. Knight says Nakamura has indeed been hiding, but calls BS on Nakamura wanting a test because the last time they wrestled Knight nearly had him before half the isles of Samoa and Tonga interfered. Well since then Knight has been beating everyone and wants another shot at the title. Miz interrupts now because who doesn’t love revolving door stuff. Miz tries to run down Knight, then admits he was wrong a year ago when he said Knight was a fad because here we are with the fans still eating out of Knight’s hand. Which really just proves the fans aren’t educated. He calls everyone basic, in fact he sees what Nakamura sees, no one being worthy. Knight interrupts and mockingly runs down Miz’s resume including doing his Miz impression which is still pretty good. He says Miz hasn’t been relevant for 10 years, which is about the same time he’s been doing the same old thing, but Knight is glad to see Miz because he forgot he was here. Knight says Miz should pull a Cena and announce a farewell tour. Miz fake cries at the animosity of the crowd then says last week Knight said men could cry so he’s going to. Knight says that’s good, but it’s just like Miz to miss the point and calls Miz the biggest crybaby in WWE. Miz says at least he’s been to the top so he can tout his resume and guys like Knight can’t measure up. When the dust settles on Miz his resume will stand for itself. Well if Cena can call a shot then so can Miz, Miz wants a US title match. His goal is to elevate the title and forge his way to Mania. Knight chuckles at that and thanks Miz for watching everything he does and brings up that Logan and Nakamura together have fewer title defenses than Knight did and the title needs Knight more than he needs it. Then there’s Miz, who sucks. The most impotent dork in the locker room. Miz tries an attack but that backfires and Miz powders. Nick Aldis comes out to talk, and says if those two want a fight while Nakamura wants a challenger then Miz and Knight can wrestle for a shot at Nakamura’s US title as we head to break.

Match #3: Miz vs. LA Knight

Joined in progress as Knight is stomping down Miz in the corner. Running knee attack from Knight gets a 1 count. Miz fights back with a kick and some chops but Knight with an up and over then a power slam for a 2 count. Knight tries Blunt Force Trauma but Miz shoves him off then hits a Stun Gun. Some usual work from Miz as he starts to lose the crowd. Chin lock from Miz, Knight fights back but gets caught with a neckbreaker. Knight fights back with punches then sends Miz out of the ring and hits a diving dropkick then starts bouncing Miz off the announce table. Nakamura and Knight stare off which allows Miz to ram Knight into the ring steps as we go picture in picture.

A lot of stalling from Miz now as they slowly head back into the ring. Knight counters a suplex with a neckbreaker after all of Miz’s stalling but Miz hits a Kitchen Sink knee lift to retain control. We come back as they both counter back suplex spots then Knight lands a clothesline and a jumping neckbreaker. Bit of a pop up slam from Knight then a jumping elbow drop for a 2 count. Miz avoids a suplex then hits his corner combination Flatliner for a 2 count. Knight ducks a kick then grabs a Victory Roll for 2, then trade roll ups before Miz hits a kneeling DDT for a 2 count. Miz wants his finish but Knight fights free of that with elbows then hits a Blunt Force Trauma and punctuates things with the jumping elbow drop to get the win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: LA Knight won in 10:17 shown

Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: Miz and Knight are a little too similar to wind up making something great but this was acceptable and I’m OK with Knight and Nakamura again.

Post match Nakamura gets in the ring and holds the belt up as he and Knight go face to face but no blows are traded.

In the back Alexa Bliss finds Nia Jax and Candice LeRae, Bliss wishes that Jax can have fun tonight. Wyatt video glitch. Anyway Bliss says she and Jax might have a Mania rematch then heads out.

R-Truth heads to the ring rapping his song. Truth is still pretty over as he walks around the ring playing with the crowd, he’ll take on Carmelo Hayes after this break.

Post break we see Miz walking in the back. Andrade finds Miz and says he watched the match and would love to teach him something if Miz needs help. Carmelo Hayes wanders over and commiserates but when Miz offers to team Hayes just walks off leaving Miz alone again.

To the ring and here comes Hayes.

Match #4: R-Truth vs. Carmelo Hayes

Hayes attacks at the bell, this was started because Truth’s comedy came around Hayes declaring himself “him” and some miscommunication there. Anyway Hayes mimes shooting a ball but Truth fights back with the Cena 5 Moves of Doom but Hayes lands a superkick to cut off the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Truth with a Stunner but Hayes hits a Codebreaker for a 2 count. Hayes goes up top but misses the flying nothing and Truth with a School Boy for 2 then tries an Attitude Adjustment but Hayes slips free and hits an enzui clothesline. Now Hayes up top again, Nothing But Net connects to win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Carmelo Hayes won in 2:21

Rating: Pattypan squash
Thoughts: Meh, they’re trying to rebuild Hayes which isn’t a bad idea but Hayes still has no direction.

That sends us to break.

Street Profits video, they should be mad after everyone has made them liars. Once Dawkins is fully cleared they’ll put everyone else in the dirt. Ford loves the passion, and everyone’s going to know their anger and frustration. They’ve been acting happy while nothing is OK. Well they’ll show the world, and lord have mercy on their souls because the Profits want the smoke.

Pretty Deadly are with Byron in the back, they’ll get their tag team title match next week. They feel great and say they’re done being underestimated. DIY wander over and are just disappointed. They do some gaslighting and Ciampa promises that their dreams will die next week, but they’ll make sure they get their moment of silence.

We get a video from Kevin Owens in his car. He says he’s not doing good either, in the last 6 months his heart has been broken by three men he considered brothers, men he’d have taken a bullet for. Well Sami has no idea what real pain is. . . but he’ll show him. If Sami wants to go again then Owens will oblige him in Canada where it all started for them. Elimination Chamber, cleared or not, Sami can find Owens and come to know pain.

Tiffany Stratton walks in the back.

No pop for Charlotte Flair as we see her seating herself in a VIP area. She just doesn’t look healthy at this point.

After this break we’ll get that title match.

Post break here comes Nia Jax with Candice LeRae.

After Jax’s entrance we get a hype video, then Tiffany’s entrance and then super special ring introductions.

Match #5 – WWE Women’s Title Match: (c) Tiffany Stratton vs. Nia Jax w/ Candice LeRae

Jax quickly corners Tiffany and lays in shoulder blows then tosses Tiffany around. Corner avalanche from Jax but Tiffany cartwheels out of a slam and then tries to evade Jax but gets caught with a pop up headbutt. Tiffany fights back with kicks then a low dropkick but she gets caught with a Samoan Drop. Jax with a headbutt. Tiffany tries to fight back with strikes but Jax cuts her off with a scoop slam then hits a leg drop for a 2 count. Jax retains control with an elbow drop as we head to break.

Jax is working a rest hold as we come back. Tiffany fights back with some elbows then they screw up a Manami Roll for a 2 count. Sort of a spinebuster from Tiffany, boy that was ugly, but she follows up with a running double stomp for a 2 count. Tiffany with a handspring back elbow but Jax catches her and slams her down then hits a leg drop to the back for a 2 count. We do see Poochie watching on and trying to emote unsuccessfully. Jax tries an avalanche Samoan Drop but Tiffany flips to the apron and sweeps her into the ropes then hits a lovely double stomp for a 2 count. Tiffany goes up top but Jax crotches her then lands a headbutt. Jax climbs up top and they trade strikes before Jax hits the avalanche Samoan Drop for another near fall. Again Jax climbs the ropes and hits a second rope leg drop but still can’t keep Tiffany down. That sends us to break again.

Tiffany sends Jax to the floor as we come back then climbs up and hits a beautiful moonsault to land on Jax, Charlotte can’t be happy with Tiffany doing that so much cleaner and safer than she does. Back in the ring Tiffany hits a Swanton Bomb for a near fall of her own. Tiffany tries to lift Jax but collapses under the weight and Jax starts bouncing her head off the mat. Jax tries to set for the Annihilator but Tiffany tries to counter, Jax headbutts her to the apron and Tiffany yanks the ropes so Jax tumbles to the mat. Tiffany ducks a clothesline and hits the sort of spinebuster. Prettiest Moonsault is interrupted by Candice and the match is thrown out.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Tiffany Stratton won via disqualification in 16:57

Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: The breaks hurt this, and turning the end into more of an angle than a match hurt as well. God forbid Jax take a clean loss I guess.

Post match Jax attacks Tiffany and hits the Annihilator.

Candice gets a chair but Trish shoes up to dispose of Candice and Jax. Trish and Candice trade blows, Trish doing this in those shoes is impressive, but Jax squashes Trish in the corner as officials show up to try and restore order. Jax does hit one more leg drop on Tiffany. Charlotte makes her way down to the ring to again very little reaction. She gets a mic and picks up the discarded chair, which she sets up and sits in before pretending Tiffany is unconscious. That’s just a bad read on her selling. Anyway Charlotte does choose Tiffany to bury at Mania.

In the back Nick Aldis talks with Naomi and Bianca Belair, there’s been a development with Jade. He’s got a video from an anonymous source of the attack, which shows Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez walking away from the aftermath of the attack. Nick says this doesn’t actually prove they attacked Jade but he’ll talk with Adam Pearce about this. Belair says they’ll handle this themselves on RAW.

Damian Priest walks in the back for our main event, after this break.

Post break we get a recap of what just happened with Charlotte choosing Tiffany to wrestle at Mania.

Tiffany walks in the back and Byron finds her, that man changes clothes between every commercial break. Tiffany promises to make Charlotte know it’s Tiffy time but she’s still got to focus on Jax and Candice. Trish walks over and offers to team up with Tiffany against them at Elimination Chamber. Tiffany is very happy at this and accepts.

We see Drew find Jimmy Uso, Drew makes fun of Jimmy for not having a path towards Mania and for flubbing having brother and brother both wrestling for the two titles. Drew can see Jimmy’s anger and tells him that while his career is going really bad he’s at least married. Jimmy drops Drew with a superkick and walks off.

Braun Strowman walks and talks to the ring, he wants us to remember he’s been a world champion but it’s been 5 years since he held gold and he’s going to run through everyone until he gets there. That sends Braun to the ring. His entrance sends us to break.

Post break commentary runs down next weeks card including the tag team title match and now Jimmy Uso vs. Drew McIntyre after their last interaction.

Back to the ring and Braun waits as Jacob Fatu heads to the ring. Damian Priest follows.

Match #6 – Triple Threat Match: Damian Priest vs. Braun Strowman vs. Jacob Fatu

Everyone stares off to start and the crowd is behind Fatu. Everyone takes some early offense as they fight for an edge, Braun’s size seems to be working early before Fatu and Priest start landing punches and knock him out of the ring. Fatu and Priest square up now and start throwing hands. Headbutt from Fatu then chops to follow but Priest lands a jumping back elbow only for Fatu to crush him in the corner and hit a running back elbow to drop him. Fatu with a scoop slam for a 1 count. They start trading hands then Braun shows up with a double crossbody then clotheslines both men out of the ring and tears the shirt off to send us picture in picture.

Some ringside brawling now with all three men getting their shots in. Priest and Fatu are back in the ring and Priest lands a superkick then a Falcon Arrow but Braun breaks up the pin. Braun with a corner avalanche to Fatu then a hard corner whip for Priest. Fatu launches Braun into the corner and Braun rolls to the floor. Fatu jumps onto Priest from the apron but Priest blocks some table work and bounces Fatu into it a few times before sending him back into the ring. Priest then rams Braun into a ring post and heads back into the ring. Some corner work to Fatu but Fatu avoids a splash as we come back to action. Fatu wants a hip attack but Braun yanks him out of the ring and slams him into the barricade. Braun runs at Fatu but just winds up eating the ring steps. Fatu gets the steps and rams them into Braun. Back in the ring Priest fires up and starts punching away at Fatu then lands a flurry of strikes but Fatu wont go down then fires up only to run into a wheel kick. Priest with a corner splash then a superkick for Braun. Kick to Fatu then Priest climbs up for his Old School variation but Braun intercepts briefly so Fatu can pull Priest down into a Samoan Drop then Fatu hits a suicide dive onto Braun and a Swanton Bomb for Priest but only a near fall. Man when Fatu hits that extra gear it’s impressive. Priest boxes the ears of Fatu but Fatu lands a superkick then puts Priest on the top rope. A few chops from Fatu then he climbs up there, they fight for position and Fatu tries the superplex but Braun shows up to make it a Tower of Doom spot and everyone’s down.

Priest rolls out of the ring, he go the worst of that. Braun looks to regain momentum and runs over Fatu a few times including a back body drop. Fatu rolls to the floor and lands a right hand to Braun. Priest with a Flatliner to Fatu onto the table but Braun then comes jogging over and knocks Priest over the announce table then chokeslams Fatu onto the table which does not give. Back into the ring now Braun eats a superkick from Fatu, then another and Fatu hits a flurry of hip attacks. Fatu then goes out of the ring and gets a chair before heading back into the ring and putting it around the neck of Braun then he sets for another hip attack but Braun boots him away then cracks him with the chair a few times. Braun wraps the chair around Fatu’s head and goes for his own hip attack but Solo Sikoa lands a Samoan Spike to Braun. Fatu up top, moonsault of the regular variety rather than double jump. Cody Rhodes runs down now and gets to brawling with Solo. Tama runs down to attack Cody and hold him but Cody avoids a Spike and Solo hits Tama. That gets Fatu pissed off and Priest rams Fatu into Solo. Cody with a Cross Rhodes to Solo on the floor. In the ring Priest avoids a powerslam from Braun then posts him, hits South of Heaven and gets the win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Damian Priest won in 16:13

Rating: 3 stars
Thoughts: A fun little brawl there, I’m a little surprised they’re pulling the trigger on Fatu and Solo right now as I’d have thought Fatu in the Chamber was kind of obvious given what he’s capable of and it’s the kind of setting where you can eat a pin without looking bad if structured right. That said, Fatu beating Solo (which he absolutely should) might make for a decent program for him.

Post match Cody gets in the ring with Priest and they share a moment looking at the sign before Cody offers a handshake which Priest accepts. That’ll end the episode.

The final score: review Good
The 411
I think the fun hoss fight at the main event pushed this just enough to get to Good territory. This was an episode that didn't seem quite like it had enough for 3 hours, a few matches felt a little long and the Hayes and Truth match was entirely unnecessary. That said we got some decent stuff with the tag team action, Tiffany vs. Jax was fine before the finish because we're still protecting Jax for some reason, and we had a solid main event. Toss in a little narrative momentum with Solo about to wind up on the outside looking in on everything, Belair and Naomi taking aim at Liv and Raquel again, and I'll let this one sit at Good even if only barely.

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WWE Smackdown, Robert Winfree