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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 4.22.22

April 22, 2022 | Posted by Robert Winfree
WWE Smackdown Drew McIntyre, Raw Image Credit: WWE
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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 4.22.22  

Hey there people, Friday is here again and so is another episode of WWE Smackdown. Tonight WWE will be taping next weeks show as well as the live broadcast so this is the last chance Smackdown has to build towards WrestleMania Backlash. Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns will be back this week, so hopefully we get some direction for his titles with the PPV/PLE coming up in just a couple of weeks. Ronda Rouse will be back, and I’m sure she and Charlotte will trade totally realistic dialogue. As for action we’ve got Drew McIntyre vs. Sami Zayn in a lumberjack match, hopefully ending this detour for both of them, Madcap Moss will wrestle Angel, and we’ll probably get some kind of interaction between the Usos and RKBro. These double shot episodes tend to be filler heavy, but hopefully we get some narrative direction for Roman if nothing else. With that out of the way, let’s get to the action.

Michael Cole and Pat McAfee welcome us to Albany, New York, for this event.

Up first is a contract signing, because of course. Adam Pearce will officiate the signing of the I Quit match between Charlotte Flair and Ronda Rousey. Charlotte comes out first, as she’s coming out we get a recap of what’s led up to this point. Ronda comes out after that, thankfully no recap during her walkout. Pearce doesn’t have the contract for them to sign, here comes Drew Gulak with the contract, apparently he’s interning to be Pearce’s assistant. Gulak is excited about the opportunity then asks the crowd to watch a brief power point presentation about an I Quit match. Charlotte tells him to shut up, Ronda tells her to shut up, Charlotte then decides to explain the rules to an I Quit match. Who in the world thinks this is good writing? Charlotte has been fantasizing about how she’ll make Ronda quit, provides a few examples of ways she might do so, but ultimately the method doesn’t matter because Charlotte always finds a way to win. Charlotte signs the contract. Ronda and Charlotte trade “I beat you at WrestleMania” with “You tapped out” and the fake boos can’t even make this interesting. There wont be a ref in this match, Charlotte is going to have to abandon her baby and say “I quit”. Ronda goes to sign, mostly does then Charlotte flips the table and gets a kendo stick. Pretty quick reversal from Ronda and she unloads on Charlotte with the stick as Charlotte runs away. Drew Gulak gets involved, telling Ronda she didn’t sign yet. Ronda hits Gulak with Piper’s Pit then locks in the armbar on Gulak as she signs the contract. That was painful to watch all the way around.

We get a recap of how Butch is a loose cannon, a mad dog, and how he plays by his own rules.

New Day head to the ring, after this break we’ll get a match between Xavier Woods and Butch.

We’re back and here comes Scrappy Doo Butch along with the rest of the Eastie Boys.

Match #1: Xavier Woods w/ Kofi Kingston vs. Butch w/ Sheamus and Ridge Holland

Woods goes for roll ups off the bat but can’t keep Butch down. Chops from Woods then he starts laying in punches, and hits a discus clothesline for a 2 count. Butch drops Woods with a right then lays in mounted punches and starts going after the left arm. Some finger manipulation from Butch then Woods flips out of a back suplex. They trade reversals attempting an Irish whip, then Butch fishhooks Woods and slams him into the corner. Now Butch goes after the nose of Woods, but he winds up sent out of the ring. Woods hits a diving drop kick then we get a bit standoff leading to Butch flying off of the ring steps and taking out Woods to send us to break.

Butch is working a modified hammerlock as we come back. More arm work from Butch as he looks to keep Woods grounded. Woods fights upright and starts laying in elbows and chops. They hit the ropes and Woods eventually hits Butch with a rolling elbow then a leg sweep and a senton. Butch grabs at the ear of Woods then chops him into the corner and hits a flipping release suplex. Woods rolls to the apron but Butch keeps kicking him down but Woods comes jumping in from the apron then transitions a tornado DDT into the Back Woods small package and pins to win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Xavier Woods won

Rating: 2.5 stars

These two have some solid chemistry, which shouldn’t surprise anyone. I object to the booking, this makes Butch look incredibly weak as Ridge Holland was handling Woods easily a few weeks ago. Post match Butch is mad, he grabs a security guard out of the crowd and tosses him around before walking off through the crowd. Despite the large spotlight on Butch Sheamus and Ridge claim they’ve lost Butch again.

In the back Aliyah puts over Ricochet and his Intercontinental title reign. Ricochet is grateful, then says he wants to be an all time great. Jinder Mahal objects to Ricochet’s desire to be an all time great and wants a rematch. Ricochet has no problem taking on Jinder or anyone else, which leads to Shanky saying he’d like a shot and Ricochet agreeing. Jinder isn’t happy about Shanky usurping his spot.

Ludwig Kaiser hypes up GUNTHER on the entrance ramp, then here comes GUNTHER who will be in action after this break.

Match #2: GUNTHER w/ Ludwig Kaiser vs. Teddy Goodz

You know, good on Teddy for being featured in this role for both AEW and WWE in rapid succession. GUNTHER goes after the arm of Teddy and slams him down right away. Teddy misses a drop kick when trying to fight back then GUNTHER boots him down. GUNTHER lays in uppercuts then chops Teddy when he’s on the top rope. GUNTHER suplexes Teddy back into the ring then chops him down. Another chop from GUNTHER, then a scoop slam. GUNTHER with a back chop, that’s just mean, then he grabs a Sleeper hold to weaken Teddy then hits a folding powerbomb to win.


Rating: Wendehals. . . SQUASH

Delicious squash.

We get a recap of the Usos and RKBro to set up Riddle vs. Jey Uso for later tonight. In the back RKBro are here, and Riddle rambles before saying hi to Drew McIntyre. Riddle wants to defuse the tension, he signed up himself and Randy to be lumberjacks in Drew’s match tonight. Drew says he saw Randy stand up to the Bloodline last week, and anyone who’s willing to do that is good in his book. Randy agrees that they’re good and everyone walks off. Sami Zayn pops up from the background, something about this interaction has given him hope for the lumberjack match apparently.

Riddle and Orton head to the ring, we get winged fish this week instead of the grasshoppers from last week. After this break we’ll get Riddle vs. Jey Uso.

When we come back Xia Li says she used to be the protector but no one is worthy of it, so now all she protects is herself. Whiplash booking, I’m kind of surprised Li hasn’t been cut yet.

Back to the ring here comes Jey Uso. Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman are watching from Roman’s locker room.

Match #3: Riddle w/ Randy Orton vs. Jey Uso w/ Jimmy Uso

Riddle with a mat return then rolls into a rear naked choke but Jey gets to the ropes and forces the break. Jey grabs a side headlock then shoulder blocks Riddle down. Riddle catches a running Jey with another rear naked choke attempt but Jey slings him down then lands a right hand. Jey starts laying in punches then Riddle fights back with a kick. Gutwrench suplex from Riddle then they hit the ropes again this time with Jey landing a back elbow to take over. More strikes from Jey then Riddle fights back with a kick but Jey avoids the follow up punt attempt. Jey rolls out of the ring, Riddle follows but gets slammed into the ring steps for his trouble, then Jey hits a back suplex onto the announce table and mocks Randy Orton as we head to break.

Riddle fights out of a chinlock as we come back, only for Jey to land an enziguri. They start trading strikes, eventually Riddle gets the best of this and kicks Jey down. Rolling kick from Riddle then he picks up the pace with running blows before hitting an exploder suplex. Jey avoids a kick, avoids a moonsault, then avoids a senton. Riddle flips out of a back suplex and hits a Final Flash. Riddle up top for the Floating Bro, he connects but only gets a near fall. Jey avoids a Bro To Sleep and is sent to the apron leading to Riddle hitting the draping DDT. Jimmy jumps up to distract Riddle, but Orton gets him from behind and suplexes him onto the announce table. Jey avoids an RKO and hits a back suplex into a neckbreaker but only gets a near fall of his own. Both men slowly regain their feet but Jey runs into a flying knee then lands a super kick. Jey heads up top, tries the Splash but Riddle gets the knees up before catching a small package and pins Jey.


Rating: 3 stars

They gave two talented guys time to wrestle, it’s not surprising we got something good out of it. There wasn’t much of a story here but everything was clean and these matches have done a solid job of getting us interested in the tag team match. In the back Roman is not happy.

We get a recap of Naomi and Sasha Banks defending their tag team titles on RAW. That dovetails into Naomi and Banks heading to the ring. They’ll have some promo time, and presumably their PPV opponents will be revealed, after this break.

When we come back and Kayla is in the ring to interview Banks and Naomi. Kayla puts them over and asks if this everything they thought it’d be. Naomi says they’re just getting started, and they get a half hearted “You deserve it” chant. They backed up everything they said they’d do. Banks puts them over again, calling this a sisterhood rather than just a tag team. They’ve got each others backs and say they have no competition. Naomi runs down beating Carmella and Zelina, then Rhea and Liv, all of which predictably brings out Natalya and Shayna Baszler. Natalya says they’re the two women they haven’t beaten yet. Banks mocks them for their performance at WrestleMania. Natalya calls her adorable, then Naomi mocks Natalya’s world records. Baszler promises to stretch and snap every bone in their bodies and end their fun. Baszler then shoves Banks, Naomi holds her back from retribution then invites the opposing team to come and take the titles. Everyone stands around awkwardly, feels like there was a timing issue.

In the back Happy Corbin walks up on Madcap Moss. Corbin congratulates him on his win last week, then says it’s time for Moss to return to his employ. Moss ponders, then says there’s a better chance of Corbin growing a full head of hair again than him coming back. After that here comes Madcap Moss for his match. That match will be up after this break.

When we come back we get a brief highlight for Raquel Rodriguez, back when she was Raquel Gonzalez in NXT.

Back to the ring, here come Los Lotharios and their Kiss Cam. Angel is coming to the ring without the tear away pants, so you know he means business. They find the plant quickly, she at least looks somewhat happy to be there.

Match #4: Madcap Moss vs. Angel w/ Humberto

Angel comes out quickly with a strike, but Moss returns it then hits a mat return. Some awkward strikes from Moss, then they run the ropes and Moss lands a back elbow. Humberto distracts Moss, but when Angel tries to capitalize he’s sent out of the ring and onto Humberto. Back in the ring Humberto ties up Moss long enough for Angel to take over with strikes. The crowd is dead for this match. Moss catches a jumping Angel and hits a fall away slam. More strikes from Moss then a shoulder block in the corner. Running shoulder tackle from Moss, he wants to end things and hits the Punchline then pins to win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Madcap Moss won

Rating: 1.5 stars

The crowd didn’t care about this at all. Moss only seems to work when he’s opposite Corbin, on his own he’s floundering. Post match Corbin jumps Moss and the crowd kind of wakes up. Corbin lays in stomps then hits the End of Days. Not content with standing tall Corbin moves to the Andre the Giant statue and carries it off. Once a bum always a bum I guess.

In the back Sami Zayn walks up to the door to Roman’s locker room, mimes rehearsing, and we go to break.

Post break Roman isn’t happy with Jimmy and Jey, but Paul Heyman shows up to tell him that Sami Zayn wants an audience. Roman is bored by this. Sami shows up and sucks up to Roman, Roman remains almost as bored as I am. Sami tells Roman that Drew McIntyre was getting chummy with RKBro and slanders the good Scotsman before saying he wants to win to regain his respect. Ultimately he asks for help from Roman, and he’d be very willing to help out in return. Sami thinks he could be a valuable ally to Roman, and says again that he acknowledged Roman. No words from anyone and Sami heads out. Once he’s gone Roman doesn’t like people on his show running their mouths about him. He tells Jimmy and Jey to handle it. Roman believing anything Sami says diminishes him as a character.

Time for the next part in the Lacey Evans story. She talks again about growing up without her mother and how she learned that if you want something done right you have to do it yourself. She started wrestling when she was 15 and had to motivate herself because no one else in her life supported her. All of what she overcame has made her strong, and proved what she can overcome. This all turned her into everything she is, then closes with the same couple of lines she’s been using on all of them.

The lumberjacks head to the ring for our main event, which will be up after the break.

Post break the talent has surrounded the ring, then here comes Drew McIntyre. As Drew is coming to the ring we get a recap of the last couple of weeks and Sami Zayn’s abject cowardice. After that Sami Zayn heads to the ring. After Sami gets to the ring the Usos shows up to join the ranks of the lumberjacks.

Match #5 – Lumberjack Match: Drew McIntyre vs. Sami Zayn

Sami tries to run away right away, only for New Day to send him back into the ring. More running from Sami, again he cannot evade the lumberjacks. Drew tosses Sami around then lays in strikes. Sami low bridges Drew, who winds up between Ridge Holland and Sheamus, Drew eats some cheap shots before the faces menace the heels as we head to break.

Sami is kicking Drew out of the ring as we come back, he takes some more abuse from the bad guys then is sent back into the ring. Drew lands a headbutt to floor Sami and both men slowly regain their feet. Belly to belly throws from Drew, I hope Ridge Holland is taking notes on how to do this safely (you bum). Drew wants the Claymore, but Sami rolls out of the ring. Jimmy and Jey jump Riddle and Orton with super kicks then head out. The lumberjacks all start brawling with each other, Sami tries to run away but Drew catches him. Drew sends Sami back into the ring, Shanky’s uncoordinated self shows up for a few seconds, and we get more brawling. Back in the ring Sami has run away again, Drew can’t find him and so instead just dives onto the full pile of humanity on the outside. Sami decides he can run away safely and again heads into the crowd. But Adam Pearce interrupts things with a mic. Pearce tells Sami Zayn that next week he’ll wrestle Drew in a steel cage.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Drew McIntyre won via shenanigans

Rating: 1.5 stars

Post match Jinder and Shanky jump Drew, but Drew fights them off with a couple of headbutts. Drew sets to Claymore Jinder, and hits it. Drew points his sword at Sami and threatens him. Commentary tells us what’ll be going down “next week” to end the episode.

The final score: review Not So Good
The 411
This show might as well have been titled "Treading water" because that's all it did. The Usos and RKBro continued their feud but there wasn't much added to it, Sami Zayn and Drew McIntyre are wasting everyone's time with this angle (that's a booking critique not on either wrestler), Ronda and Charlotte are trading dialogue that would be more at home in a mid 2010's Nickelodeon show about middle school girls, and we still don't have a concrete direction for Roman Reigns just a couple of weeks out of the next big event. The upside this week was Jey vs. Riddle and to a lesser degree Butch vs. Xavier Woods, because talented wrestlers were given time to wrestle. GUNTHER killing someone is always a good time, and moving to Banks and Naomi vs. Baszler and Natalya was inevitable but had some errors of execution. This was a lot of filler, and I'm honestly expecting next week to be worse.

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WWE Smackdown, Robert Winfree