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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 8.13.21

August 13, 2021 | Posted by Robert Winfree
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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 8.13.21  

Another Friday, another episode of WWE Smackdown. Summerslam is coming up rather quickly and WWE is trying to get us invested in the matches set to take place. To that end tonight we’ll have a contract signing between Bianca Belair and Sasha Banks, and some kind of face to face meeting between Roman Reigns and John Cena. Seth Rollins and Edge will probably have some kind of interaction, odds are Big E stands around in the back with his briefcase, one of the Usos will wrestle one of the Mysterios if the trend holds, and it’s confirmed that Shinsuke Nakamura will get his shot at the Intercontinental champion Apollo Crews. Baron Corbin will probably be here in some capacity, and we’ll have to see if Finn Balor has a response after Roman choked him unconscious at the close of last weeks episode. Smackdown has been in a little bit of a slump lately, but last week was better than the one before it and hopefully this show continues the upward trend.

We’re in Tulsa, Oklahoma for the evening and here’s John Cena to get the show started. Nice of him to be here, you know after not being on the show last week (I know he was present but not used, but I’m still going to give him grief for it). We get a video recap of how Cena stole the title opportunity for Summerslam from Finn Balor, then Cena welcomes us to the show. He reminds us of what the video package just recapped, then says that in honor of school starting back up he’ll give Roman a report card. He calls Roman a D, a below average D, a D head, a D bag, and a huge D isappointment. For 10 years the WWE has been selling Roman, and the only one buying is Roman. That’s why Cena is here, to give Roman an F at Summerslam. He plays with the crowd for a bit, asking if the crowd things Roman will beat him at Summerslam. Pretty clearly a “no” from the crowd, but Cena knows Roman will beat the hell out of him at Summerslam but he also knows Roman will lose at Summerslam and there’s nothing Roman can do. That brings out Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman. If the usual pattern holds we’ll cut to commercial and come back as Roman gets to the ring. Yep, on que commentary reminds us of what’s on deck tonight then we head to break. Decent promo from Cena, but Roman’s point about him doing a nostalgia act still rings true.

We come back to Roman standing at the foot of the ring steps, then slowly making his way into the ring. Cena then introduces Roman Reigns and thanks him for joining him in the ring. Heyman takes his hip mic and gives it to Roman. Roman tells Cena not to waste his time. Cena isn’t going to waste his time, but he’s going to wait until Summerslam to get physical. Roman seems bored, and asks if that’s all Cena’s got. Cena says that’s all he needs, because he sees a guy who thinks Smackdown is his show and his company when everyone knows it belongs to the fans. Yeah, sure John, how’s the last guy you put over doing? Cena says he’s the only one who can shut Roman up after a decade of a push that’s suffered failure after failure. Roman’s so protected that no one other than Cena has a chance. “They” asked Cena to come back and he’ll give Roman a big slice of humble pie at Summerslam. The fans know they’ve got one week left to choose between them, and Tulsa has chosen Cena pretty clearly. Roman smirks, and thought we could get something original from Cena, instead we get penis jokes, and he implores Cena to give him something. Cena reiterates that Roman is going to beat his ass at Summerslam, but Cena doesn’t need to prove himself to Roman he just needs to pin him. Because if Cena can hold that title one more time it’ll be number 17 and that would make him the most decorated champion of all time, and all he needs to do that is 3 seconds. As fun as that would be for Cena, he’s here to help Roman. Roman laughs at that, and says he’s not like Cena, he’s not going to bury his opponent and beat a bum, he’s got respect for Cena. Roman does compelling story telling, and puts over Cena as someone actually doesn’t get enough respect and calls him the best, on a Mount Rushmore he might take every spot, Cena can even juggle Hollywood and wrestling, then mentions all of Cena’s movies out right now. Cena is good enough to verbally joust with anyone, good enough to main event Summerslam, good enough to win the WWE title, but not good enough to win the Universal title. 20 years of missionary might have been enough for Cena, but it wasn’t good enough for Nikki Bella. Roman’s going to smash Cena and send him back to Hollywood, he wants the fans to enjoy what might be the last time Cena is here and tells Cena to take them home. Cena brings up the hypocrisy of Roman mocking his dick jokes and making sexual position references, then calls Roman protected from his hair to his soap bar teeth. Cena runs down all of the system protections Roman has, how he almost ruined Rollins and ran Ambrose out of town, got Heyman and lackey’s and years of WrestleMania main events but he needs to be embarrassed. He reminds us that Heyman knows better than anyone that Cena can take damage and as long as he hangs in there he can get the 1, 2, 3, and if Cena pins him Roman will be the biggest failure in WWE history. All Cena has to do is hang in for a pin, take the title, jump the barricade and run out of the stadium as fast as he can and might even blow Roman a kiss (clear Punk reference). Cena calls it inevitable, no one can protect Roman anymore, and at Summerslam the champ is gone, then heads out. OK, that was pretty darn good from both men in the back half of their interaction. Roman wanting something compelling from Cena, and Cena delivering it by pointing out how little he needs to upend everything Roman has built was good stuff. After this break we’ll get the IC title match.

We come back to both men in the ring for introductions.

Match #1 – Intercontinental Title Match: (c) Apollo Crews w/ Commander Azeez vs. Shinsuke Nakamura w/ Rick Boogs

Crews with some strikes early then a suplex. They run the ropes with Nakamura landing a jumping kick. Good Vibrations in the corner, but Azeez distracts Nakamura and Crews is able to hit a drop kick. Crews stays in control with strikes, but Nakamura hits him with a knee to the body then the running knee to the body in the corner. Nakamura up top with Crews, he wants a superplex but Crews fights him off and headbutts him down. Boogs with the distraction on the apron now, but the ref ejects Boogs. The ref catches Azeez getting into the ring and tosses him as well. Nakamura and Crews will resume after the break both sans their assistants.

We come back to Nakamura getting a near fall. Nakamura heads up top but he’s intercepted by an enziguri. Crews climbs up onto the top rope with Nakamura, he tries a superplex and gets it but takes too long on the cover and Nakamura can kick out. Nakamura fires up and they trade strikes then Crews hits a powerbomb, and a second one that’s a sitout but he still only gets 2 on the pin attempt. Commentary tries to sell us on the history of the IC title, should tell you how badly it’s been damaged over the last 2 years or so. Crews up top, wants a Frog Splash but Nakamura gets the knees up in time. Enziguri from Crews, then a school boy with the ropes to assist but the ref catches him and reads him the riot act. German suplex from Crews but that only gets 2 as well. Nakamura counters an Angle Slam and hits a series of kicks then a Landslide for a near fall. Reverse exploder suplex from Nakamura, he wants the Kinshasa and gets it to win the belt.

OFFICIAL RESULT: King Shinsuke Nakamura won the Intercontinental Title

Rating: 2.5 stars

The break really hurt this, but they did the best they could with the middle cut out of their match. Crews’ title reign was a total dud, might as well see if Nakamura can breathe some life back into it the title.

Nakamura, Boogs, and McAfee celebrate the title win.

We get a recap of the Alpha Academy ruining the Street Profits. The Profits are at gorilla, Kayla asks them if they’re worried about Otis after what Otis did to them. Ford calls what happened to him the most painful thing he’s dealt with, but now he’s back and he’s not worried he’s excited. Dawkins says Ford is more like family than anything, and now the Profits are back and they want the smoke. That sends the Profits to the ring, that match between the Profits and Academy will be up after this break.

Post break Gable and Otis are most of the way to the ring.

Match #2 – Tag Team Match: Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford) vs. Alpha Academy (Chad Gable and Otis)

Ford and Gable start us off. They trade arm wringers and escapes, Gable gets the better of that and starts working the arm. Spinning drop toe hold from Gable and he’s still working the arm for control. Ford out of the corner with a back handspring then arm drags and a school boy for a 1 count. Gable goes after the leg now, but Ford is able to hit the enziguri. Otis tags in and stalks Ford. Ford hits a drop kick, then more kicks but Otis shoves him off and hits a pop up Worlds Strongest Slam but Dawkins had tagged in and starts running wild but again Otis side steps him and hits a fall away slam. Otis starts laying in shoulder strikes in the corner and the Academy start isolating Dawkins with quick tags and rib work. Charging avalanche from Otis, then a weird non-tag but tag and Gable is legal. Ford flies onto Otis outside while Dawkins hits Gable with a double underhook rolling neckbreaker to win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Street Profits won

Rating: 1.5 stars

The ending was odd, they’re trying to protect Otis while heating the Profits back up so this was kind of all they could do. This was also too short to really be anything that matters.

In the back Rollins is complaining to the production guys, pity he’s not chewing out Kevin Dunn for those stupid rapid fire cuts. Rollins will be out after the break.

We come back to a recap of the issue between Belair and Banks, then here’s Seth Rollins. Rollins gets a mic, and plays with the crowd a little bit before playing the role of party pooper but Edge will no be here tonight. He’s as disappointed as all of us, because he’d love to punch Edge for all the lies Edge told about him last week. Rollins laughs at being called Edge-lite last week, the most narcissistic thing he’s heard but it makes sense because Edge has done everything there is to do but he can’t stand that Rollins has been just a little bit better. That’s not just his opinion, he’s got evidence to show to all of us. We get a career retrospective of Edge and Rollins, how Rollins took everything Edge started and improved upon it at every step. Edge arrived as a member of factions with moderate success, Rollins led the most dominant faction in WWE history The Shield. Edge was the first to win Money in the Bank and cash in to win, but that’s nothing compared to Rollins cashing in at WrestleMania 31. Twice Edge has won the Royal Rumble only to lose at WrestleMania whereas Rollins on the Rumble then went on to become The Beast Slayer. Rollins doesn’t need to be Edge, because he’s better than Edge. Back to live, Rollins sees no lies in the video he put together. He did have a bit of a revelation while watching that, Edge should be thanking him. No, not just Edge, all the fans as well. Because if Rollins had stomped Edge back in 2014 we wouldn’t be having this conversation, this dream match wouldn’t be on the table, all of those moments from Edge’s comeback would never have happened, no acting career, and Edge’s kids would be pushing him around in a wheelchair. But now Edge has pushed Rollins too far, he’s making Rollins be a person he doesn’t want to be, but Edge has put himself between Rollins and the Universal title too many times. He reminds Edge this isn’t 2014 anymore, at Summerslam he will not hesitate or hold back, he will stomp Edge’s head into the mat and if that puts him out for good then so be it. Rollins doing the same thing he always does, it’s as middle of the road as you can get.

The Mysterios are at gorilla, Dominik is getting a little cocky and Rey chastises him, reminding him to stay hungry and humble. They hug, then head out to the ring. For the first time in a couple of months we don’t have some Mysterio vs. Uso permutation, they’ll be taking on Ziggler and Roode post break.

We come back to Ziggler and Roode getting into the ring.

Match #3 – Tag Team Match: Rey and Dominik Mysterio vs. Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode

Rey and Roode start us off. Roode starts in with strikes but runs into a kick and Rey with a head scissors take down. Roode hits a tile a whirl backbreaker to take over. Ziggler tags in and hits a Stinger Splash then they double team Rey to get a 2 count. Rey fights out of a chin lock but Roode is able to tag in and set Rey on the top rope. Ziggler back in, but runs into a few strikes then Rey with a seated senton and tags in Dominik. Dominik with a cross body then a neckbreaker. School boy from Dominik but Ziggler is able to hit a Fame-Asser for a near fall. Enziguri from Dominik, then he wants a 619 but a video of the Usos in the back interrupts the proceedings. Roode tags in, Rey shoves Dominik out of the way of a charging Roode and Dominik gets a Victory Roll to pin Roode.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Rey and Dominik Mysterio won

Rating: 1.5 stars

Too short to really be anything, but nobody botched anything. The Usos congratulate them on winning, and remind us they’ll see them at Summerslam.

A recap of Roman and Cena from earlier tonight then here comes Baron Corbin. Corbin wanders to the ring, he’ll make a final plea to raise money because he’s about to have to declare bankruptcy. That will be up after the break.

Corbin is in the ring with a mic, and boy does he look bad. He says this is so much worse than you can imagine, he’ll have to file bankruptcy soon, then chastises the crowd for cheering that. This is what’s wrong with society, you want to keep someone down once they fall, and this will be the last time he asks for help. He’s used to a certain way of life and he needs each of us to contribute a minimum of $1,000. He’s got a credit card scanner for his phone to make this easier, and here’s Kevin Owens to disrupt things. Owens has a mic, Corbin knows he’s out here to contribute, and Owens interrupts him. He’s not here to help, he’s here to tell Corbin to stop begging the people for money and embarrassing himself. Owens thought Corbin might have learned from his mistakes and wanted to learn from them, but no he’s here trying to milk sympathy. He ruined Balor’s title match trying to get a payday, then he mocks Corbin for asking Drew McIntyre for a hundred thousand dollars, because who asks for that much money? Corbin isn’t leaving this ring until he gets a thousand bucks from Owens. Owens says he’ll give it to Corbin, if Corbin can beat him in a match right now. But there’s one more condition, if Owens wins then this begging stops and Corbin starts helping himself. Corbin thinks about it, but accepts eventually and says he wouldn’t be here in the first place if not for Owens being a cheap- Owens cuts him off with a Stunner. They’ll start that match after the break, but before that we head to the back where Sasha Banks is walking around, leading to another recap of Banks jumping Belair from a few weeks ago, and don’t forget there’s a contract signing to close the episode. We head to break, Owens and Corbin will be up when we get back.

We come back to the match starting.

Match #4: Baron Corbin vs. Kevin Owens

Corbin with a school boy for 1. Owens lays in chops then gets caught in a small package for a 2 count. More strikes from Owens, then a senton. Owens is in full control laying in strikes. Corbin slides out of the ring and back in but eats a super kick. Cannonball senton from Owens gets another 2 count. Owens up top, but Corbin catches him there and Owens heads to the apron but jumps into a right hand from Corbin. Corbin has knocked Owens out of the ring and is looking for a count out win. Owens back in the ring but Corbin is laying strikes. Corbin punches Owens to the apron, then sets for a suplex but Owens fights free only to get back dropped onto the apron when trying for a powerbomb. Owens falls to the floor as we head to another break.

We come back to Corbin looking for a superplex, but Owens fights him off and headbutts him down then lands a Swanton bomb for a near fall. Corbin avoids a pop up powerbomb, and hits a chokeslam for a 2 count. Owens lands rights to avoid an End of Days, but runs into a Deep Six for another 2 count. Corbin is able to post Owens, then with a school boy with feet on the ropes but only a 2 count. Owens misses a Stunner but gets a Sunset Flip and pins to win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Kevin Owens won

Rating: 2 stars

Lethargic start but down the stretch this picked up a bit. Post match Owens hits a Stunner because he can. Commentary puts over just how low Corbin has sunk now that he can’t even beg.

In the back Big E is holding a white board while Bianca Belair practices spelling her name. OK, that was a very odd choice. The contract signing will be up post break.

Corbin walks around in the back, and here’s Kayla to ask him what’s next. Corbin doesn’t have an answer, but charges off and steals the Money in the Bank briefcase from Big E. Dear God, really?

Sonya Deville is here to try and hype the crowd for the contract signing, Sonya is almost painfully mediocre in this role. I wanted to give her plenty of time to grow into it, but she’s just not really suited for this. Well, her suit game is strong but you know what I mean. Sasha Banks is out first. Bianca Belair follows, they have some production issues with the overlay on Belair’s entrance. Both women take seats at the provided table, and both have complimentary microphones. Belair asks Banks if she’s ready, or is she going to run away again. She calls Banks still petty and jealous, she should have listened to herself and predicted Banks stabbing her in the back, but all Banks had to do to get a rematch was ask. Banks objects to this, and they start arguing until Sonya yells over them and notes how poorly these contract signings have gone lately then demands they both sign. Banks goes to sign, but before she does she wants witnesses. That’s what Sonya is here for, but OK, here’s Carmella and Zelina Vega. This seems stupid on the part of Banks, given the legal precedent set a few weeks ago about how flimsy these contracts are. Banks says she’s always 2 steps ahead of Belair, then signs. OK, so Carmella and Vega are just stupid then? Belair signs next, then we get a brawl. Belair does well at first but eventually the numbers game catches up to her and Banks hits the ugliest Back Stabber you’ve ever seen. Banks hangs out with the belt while Carmella and Vega beat down Belair, then sends them away and beats down Belair some more. To close Banks stands on top of Belair as she’s prone on the table before hooking a Bank Statement assisted by Belair’s braid.

The final score: review Good
The 411
I feel comfortable calling this one Good. The opening bits between Cena and Roman were really good stuff, Nakamura winning the IC belt was probably the right call, even Corbin and Owens got a decent little match given their closing stretch. The stuff with Corbin's promo and stealing the briefcase I could do without, but WWE loves to have the MITB winner lose a ton of matches before cashing in. The Belair and Banks stuff still isn't clicking for me, there's just not a lot of verbal chemistry between them. Also, I can't help but think the way this contract signing went makes Carmella and Zelina Vega look like the biggest goofs in the world, we know management will just go with whoever signs these things apparently and they just stood by while Banks did so. The stuff with the Profits and Academy was alright but lacked direction, and the Mysterios taking on Ziggler and Roode wasn't great, but overall nothing was actively bad. And these days that's something to celebrate.

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WWE Smackdown, Robert Winfree