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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 8.16.24

August 16, 2024 | Posted by Robert Winfree
WWE Smackdown 8-16-24 Roman Reigns Image Credit: WWE
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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 8.16.24  

It’s time for another episode of WWE Smackdown. Things have been looking up for the blue brand over the last couple of weeks, last week Roman Reigns returned, wrecked Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa then nearly reclaimed his ula fala but Solo managed to scurry away with it still in his possession. Solo really has been coming off rather weak lately, there’s just no comparison between his presence and even Cody’s much less Roman’s. I believe we’re still waiting on official word as to if Jacob Fatu was legitimately injured at SummerSlam, a lot of word came out that he as always supposed to sell some kind of injury to prevent him interacting with Roman but he was also seen with a walking boot just out in the world so that’s still unclear. But minus the real star of the new Bloodline Solo’s crew is woefully underprepared to deal with Roman. Speaking of our Tribal Chief, he’ll be here tonight and should get some mic time to actually explain what happened after he lost the title at WrestleMania. Cody Rhodes will be defending his belt against Kevin Owens soon and Owens gets a match with Grayson Waller tonight after Austin Theory volunteered Waller for it, that Waller and Theory team is headed for splitsville sooner rather than later it seems. Nia Jax will get her celebration ceremony and we’ll get a restroom break, Andrade and Carmelo Hayes are still going at it but I’m not complaining, Naomi meets Blair Davenport and one has to imagine the Unholy Union plus Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair will be on hand for shenanigans. Santos Escobar and LA Knight are set for a US title match, AJ Styles still hasn’t been seen in a while, ditto Shinsuke Nakamura actually, and Giovanni Vinci is stuck with every rich European gimmick ever apparently if the promo package from last week was any indication. Anyway there’s still stuff to do to continue building for Bash in Berlin, so let’s get to the action.

We get a recap of last week and Roman just running over Solo and company. I did say it last week but it bears repeating because we haven’t seen it in a while, but righteous fury Roman is all kinds of awesome.

We get a view of Solo entering the arena, only with Tama Tonga in tow though. We’re in Orlando, Florida tonight.

First we see Tiffany Stratton in the ring which is all set up with pink and unicorns for Nia Jax. She’s got Pretty Deadly there too for some reason. Tiffany then brings out Jax. Jax does not have her belt with her as it’s in the ring, for whatever it’s worth the crowd is pretty much dead silent for this. Tiffany hands Jax her belt while Kit Wilson and Elton Prince bow. OK, now that Jax is actually in the ring things have woken up just a bit. Jax gets a mic and says Tiffany shouldn’t have gone to all this work, Tiffany just wanted to give back to Jax. Jax says there’s an awful lot of pink here. She appreciates Tiffany, but this isn’t really her style. Her style is more destruction, she brings up beating Bayley for the title but in a very redundantly phrased way. Everyone in the locker room better bow down to her. And the best way to start would be with Tiffany. She wants Tiffany to bow to her, right now. Tiffany deflects, she’s got a song that Pretty Deadly will perform before everyone bows down. This is painful. Oh, wait, now they’re singing horribly, now this is pain. Michin shows up with a kendo stick to lay waste to this travesty, she drives off Tiffany and Jax then does to Pretty Deadly what Pretty Deadly did to music. Well that segment just kind of sucked.

In the back Naomi, Bianca Belair, and Jade Cargill talk. They’re going to celebrate beating their adversaries as we see Carmelo Hayes walk in the back. Hayes asks if they’re showing up to his after party, they make fun of his record against Andrade then head off. Hayes turning into Charlie Brown is definitely a choice.

To the ring here comes Andrade. Andrade and Hayes will wrestle after this break.

Post break we get a recap of some NBA related media. Are we really needing to stretch time this badly?

Back to the ring and here comes Hayes.

Match #1: Andrade vs. Carmelo Hayes

Hayes hides in the ropes right away then takes a powder. Andrade chases Hayes around for a bit then kicks him in the face but Hayes crotches him on the top rope. Some control from Hayes but Andrade starts chopping away at him only to get caught with the springboard clothesline. A bit of corner work from Hayes but then he runs into a dropkick. Hayes to the apron, Andrade punches him the hits a second rope moonsault to the floor. Back in the ring Hayes rolls right back out but Andrade pulls him up only to get snapped over the top rope. Hayes gets tripped up on the second rope, Andrade then climbs up with him but Hayes shoves Andrade to the floor and we head to break.

Hayes heads up top as we come back, Andrade chops him but Hayes lands a headbutt as they fight for position on the ropes. Andrade tries a superplex, Hayes fights that off and lands a few headbutts but Hayes and Andrade head all the way up top and Andrade hits a Spanish Fly for a near fall. “This is awesome” chant, seems generous but they haven’t had the commercial break. Hayes hits a superkick but then Andrade catches him with the 3 Amigos, well at least two of them then Hayes counters the third with maybe the worst looking version of Black Crush I’ve seen. Andrade avoids a flying nothing, they fight over pinning predicaments for a bit then Hayes lands a knee to the head. Spinning back elbow from Andrade connects but again only a 2 count. Andrade goes up top for a moonsault, he lands on his feet after Hayes avoided him then they fight over a few spots leading to Hayes catching a Rana pin for the 3 count.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Carmelo Hayes won in 9:38

Rating: 3 stars
Thoughts: Good enough but the commercial break hurt this and they clearly struggled a little bit down the stretch. Despite that these two have demonstrated great chemistry and this little program has been a great benefit to both men.

Post match Hayes wont leave Andrade alone celebrating and Andrade slaps the crap out of him. They start brawling and officials come out to separate them. “Let them fight” chant which is always a good sigh.

In the back Solo ponders his thumb then gets the ula fala from Tama Tonga. Tama says he’s going to rip Roman apart, which is funny, but Solo says he’s the Tribal Chief now and if Roman takes the ula fala back then he loses that status, and if that happens Tama and Solo will acknowledge Roman. But that’s a big “if” Roman can take it from him.

Naomi heads to the ring, she’ll take on Blair Davenport after this break.

We come back to a recap. . . of the Giovanni Vinci promo package. OK then.

Back to the ring and Naomi waits for Blair. Blair still can’t buy a crowd reaction.

Match #2: Naomi vs. Blair Davenport

They start trading strikes pretty quickly, Blair is able to club Naomi down but Naomi fights back and sends Blair out of the ring. Jumping guillotine leg drop from Naomi to Blair on the floor. Back into the ring and Naomi heads up top for a crossbody which connects for a 2 count. That’ll also send us to break.

Blair’s in control as we come back. Naomi with a, well let’s be charitable and call it a head scissors then a double crossbody spot and both women are down. Now Naomi looks to fire up with strikes including a springboard kick. Jumping split leg drop from Naomi gets 2. Blair fights away from the shoulders of Naomi but then eats a kick to the head. Corner dropkick from Naomi, she wants the split legged moonsault but Blair grabs her hair and pulls her into a tree of woe then stomps her into the mat. Knee to the face from Blair gets the pin.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Blair Davenport won in 6:52

Rating: 1.5 stars
Thoughts: These two just don’t seem to work well together, they had several execution issues and a few points when they weren’t on the same page.

In the back Grayson Waller warms up for his match with Kevin Owens, Austin Theory hypes him up and they make fun of what Owens has done recently. Owens walks up behind Waller and rests a hand on his shoulder. He agreed with Waller, he admits he doesn’t deserve a title match based on his win loss record. This will apparently be an easy win for Waller, and Owens is indeed an idiot, a loser, and a moron, now they have to go prove it.

We head to break with a tribute to Afa Anoa’i who passed away earlier this week, his brother had passed not too long ago.

Post break here comes Kevin Owens. Waller and Theory follow.

Match #3: Kevin Owens vs. Grayson Waller w/ Austin Theory

Owens with a quick dropkick then he unloads on Waller in the corner. Waller with some cravat knees but Owens runs him over with a back elbow then a senton. Corner cannonball senton attempt but Theory pulls Waller to safety so Owens follows him and clotheslines him down on the floor. Owens tosses Waller around the ringside area for a bit then tosses Waller into the ring. Theory distracts Owens so Waller hits a sliding clothesline to the floor then celebrates in the crowd but Owens pulls himself up behind him for a nice visual then launches him back into the ringside area. Clothesline to Theory then he tosses Theory over a barricade for good measure. That does allow Waller to recover though and Waller shoves Owens into the ring post then DDTs him on the floor, all of which leads to a 2 count in the ring. Waller with the rope walk elbow for another 2 count. Waller tries to superplex Owens but you can’t superplex Owens, he punches Waller a few times then headbutts him down to the mat and squashes him with a Swanton Bomb for a 2 count. Owens tries a Stunner but Waller avoids it and lands a right hand. Waller snaps Owens over the ropes and tries a Rolling Flatliner but runs into a Stunner. No cover though from Owens, he soaks in the crowd reaction and then spikes Waller with a pop up powerbomb to get the 3 count.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Kevin Owens won in 4:43

Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: A little bit too short to really find a rhythm, but for a sub 5 minute match it was fine.

Post match Owens keeps up the attack on Waller, he yells at Waller about wanting the old KO, and Theory saves Waller from an apron powerbomb. Theory gets a couple of chairs then he and Waller flank Owens in the ring with them but here’s Cody Rhodes to even the odds. Cody and Owens get the chairs and smack away Waller and Theory to stand tall. Owens does consider hitting Cody with the chair though, ultimately he thinks better of it but you could see the thought. Owens picks up the WWE title and holds it for a second before handing it to Cody and heading out.

Tama puts the ula fala on Solo in the back, Solo loves Tama and tonight Roman needs to acknowledge Solo. I can’t stress this enough but Solo sounds like he’s convincing himself not anyone else. Anyway that sends us to break.

Post break we see Titus O’Neil in the crowd. He’s got a book coming out, good for him.

Legado del Fantasma video now, Angel gets a lit talky and Santos Escobar quiets him. They’ve gotten complacent with being disrespected, ignored, or belittled. Don’t allow everyone to let them forget who they are, Legado del Fantasma. That’s not just a name, it’s a legacy that he will not allow to be diminished. Next week he’s taking the US title from LA Knight. They need to remind everyone what fear tastes like. These LDF segments are usually solid and this was no exception.

To the ring and here’s LA Knight to a big pop. Knight has a mic and hangs out on the entrance stage to talk to us. He jokes about how much fun that LDF dinner looked like, all Escobar is doing is trying to be like Knight. Escobar might not forget who he is, but next week he might forget where he is after taking a Blunt Force Trauma from Knight. He doesn’t have time to be worried about a crosseyed halfwit calling him trash. Well that doesn’t matter, call him whatever you want but next week this trash is putting Escobar on his ass and keeping the US title.

In the back Michin leaves the office of Nick Aldis, Chelsea Green and Piper Niven run up on her and congratulate Michin on breaking up that thing. Michin got a title match after breaking that up. Jax comes over and attacks Michin but Aldis walks over and Jax avoids him.

To the ring and here come the Street Profits. They’ll take on DIY after this break, the winner will then get a tag team title shot assuming we figure out what’s up with those belts since Fatu and possibly Tonga Loa are out of the picture at the moment.

Post break DIY head to the ring.

Match #4: Street Profits (Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins) w/ B-Fab vs. DIY (Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano)

Ford and Johnny start, Johnny escapes an arm wringer and works a front headlock as he’s out wrestling Ford. Johnny with an arm wringer, Ford’s turn to escape then they trade sweeps and lateral presses then each man avoids some offense and they stand off then shake hands. Ciampa wants in, as does Dawkins. Ciampa hits the ropes but can’t knock over Dawkins but Dawkins lands a shoulder block. Rope running from Dawkins then a back elbow and he tags in Ford. Dropkick from Ford then an assisted splash and a double flapjack for Johnny when he tried to get involved. Dawkins tags in and runs around the ring to run over Ciampa on the floor and we head to break.

Johnny is making his own save as we come back and gets both Ford and Dawkins down. Kick to Dawkins then a slingshot Spear to Ford which gets a 2 count. Ciampa tags in and Ford flips out of the back suplex then tags in Dawkins. Ciampa cares not and tries to fight them off but gets Pounced into a back suplex for a 2 count, nicely executed spot. Dawkins goes up top, but eats canvas on a Swanton Bomb and Ciampa then hits a running knee for a 2 count. Johnny tags in and Dawkins takes some corner offense but Dawkins blocks One Final Beat and tosses Johnny overhead. Ford tags back in now but Johnny avoids The Revelation and we get Johnny and Ford with stereo plancha’s. Johnny and Ford start trading strikes now, that escalates to superkicks and Johnny falls into a cover for a 2 count as we head back to break.

Ciampa knees Dawkins off the apron but Ford hits him with a Zig Zag. Ford up top, gets stalled by Johnny for a moment but ultimately Ford with a 450 Splash only for Ciampa to block him with knees. Johnny tags in, they hit the Shatter Machine but Dawkins breaks up the pin. Ciampa tags back in, they want Meet in the Middle but Dawkins and Johnny wind up fighting. Ford with a jumping knee to Ciampa then he tags in Dawkins, Revelation connects but now Johnny breaks up the pin. Johnny tosses Ford out of the ring then Ciampa and Dawkins start trading punches. Johnny with the blind tag and kicks Dawkins in the face, Dawkins takes more kicks then Ford gets launched out of the ring when he tries. Superkick and Fairy Tale Ending tandem move connect on Dawkins, but Dawkins kicks out! Johnny dives at Ford on the floor but Dawkins catches Johnny with a spinning slam. Ford tags in, Doomsday Blockbuster connects and Dawkins blocks Ciampa from getting involved so Ford can get the pin.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Street Profits won in 15:12

Rating: 3 stars
Thoughts: The crowd got a treat here, my hunch is this was easy 3.5 maybe even into 4 star territory without the commercial breaks. Give me a rematch at some point without those interruptions please.

Next week we’ll get the six women in tag team action as the Big 3 take on the Unholy Union and Blair Davenport, plus LA Knight’s US title on the line against Santos Escobar.

Solo heads to the ring with wannabe Tasmanian Devil Tama Tonga in tow. We’ll get some kind of confrontation with Solo and Roman after this break.

Post break Solo has a mic and wants Orlando to acknowledge him. At this point that’s just cheap heat for him, might as well mock the local sports team. Solo sees that they don’t want to acknowledge him, well fine he knows one man who needs to acknowledge him. Roman Reigns, and he fumbles his words just a bit, but if Roman wants the ula fala back then come take it from him. Roman’s music does hit, I still think it’s a downgrade from Head of the Table, and here comes the Tribal Chief. Roman heads to the ring, he gets there and frankly his presence just swallows up Solo and Tama making them look small. Solo takes off the ula fala and hands it to Tama then tells Tama to get out of the ring. Solo and Roman start trading hands, Tama is just standing in the corner, Roman lands a jumping clothesline and Tama gets involved. Tama isn’t that guy though and Roman spikes him with a Uranage then launches him out of the ring. Roman follows him out of the ring and takes apart the announce desk, he goes to powerbomb Tama through it but Solo breaks up the attempt. Solo with punches to Roman then pushes him into the ring, he wants the Samoan Spike but Roman ducks and then lays out Solo with a Superman Punch. Spear to Solo and Roman is standing tall. Roman goes to reclaim the ula fala, it’s in the corner, he’s got it and puts it back on with a look of supreme relief on his face. But here’s Jacob Fatu with a superkick to Roman. Bless Fatu, he’s wearing the medical boot but still kicking Roman’s ass! Fatu posts Roman then hits a hip attack. Someone explain to me why Solo’s the one they’re behind? Fatu tosses Roman out of the ring, then Solo is able to Shield Bomb Roman through the table. That’s not enough though, Fatu sends Roman into the ring then Solo gets the ula fala and poses over the fallen Roman with Tama and the real star of this whole thing in Fatu. That ends the episode.

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
Smackdown with Roman back continues to feel like a show worth watching. This was a solid show and I have a hunch the live crowd was treated to 2 very good matches with Andrade vs. Carmelo Hayes as well as the Street Profits vs. DIY being very good even with commercials in play. There was some dull stuff though, like the opening segment, and Naomi vs. Blair continues to be something that clearly isn't working for anyone. But we closed strong with a good match and Jacob Fatu being an absolute madman, the money is him and Roman so let's get around the Solo stuff quickly please. This one gets to Very Good on the strength of two matches and the closing segment, but I can't go any higher between an opening segment that was just death and that Naomi vs. Blair match being what it was.

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WWE Smackdown, Robert Winfree