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WWE News: NXT Stars Give New Year’s Resolutions, Daniel Bryan Appearance Canceled, James Ellsworth Interview

January 4, 2018 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Roderick Strong WWE NXT

– WWE.com spoke with several NXT stars and got their New Year’s resolutions. Some of the highlights are below:

Roderick Strong: “I’d like to focus on the little things. I want to be the best father and husband I can be. I want to continue to have optimal health, but more specifically, work on my gut biome. I want to volunteer and spend more time with kids who come from a similar background as I did. I want to continue to strengthen my weaknesses such as my physical mobility, break more backs on NXT, Raw or Smackdown LIVE, and become a World Champion. And, finally, meet Will Ferrell.”

Lacey Evans: “My New Year’s resolution is to master juggling life as a wrestler, a mother and a wife and give all three roles 100 percent of what I have. What is a successful career without a happy family? My family is my fuel and my motivation. I know what I’m capable of, and so do they. My goal is to make sure I set the example for my daughter and show her that anything is possible.”

Lars Sullivan: “My New Year’s resolutions are as follows: I plan to win an NXT championship. If you’re in this business and your goal isn’t to win a championship, get out. In fact, I would suggest anyone in my path to just get out anyway — it’ll save you the pain and anguish I will cause you. I anticipate this becoming a reality by SummerSlam. Number two, become Stephanie McMahon’s favorite wrestler. Mrs. McMahon is a true visionary and pioneer in sports-entertainment. Mrs. McMahon has always been my favorite authority figure by virtue of her principles, values, morals and ethics. I’d love to have the opportunity to compete on Raw, Mrs. McMahon. [Smiles] My third resolution is to put at least two people through a table. I won’t lie, when [Killian] Dain splashed me through the table, it hurt, but I liked it. I’d like to share that feeling with others, so they can feel the pure ecstasy and pleasure that I did.”

– World of Wheels in Chattanooga, Tennessee has announced that Daniel Bryan’s appearance has been cancelled “due to circumstances beyond our control.”

– James Ellsworth spoke with Rolling Stone about his WWE run and what’s next to him. You can see the interview at the link.