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WWE News: Seth Rollins Opens Coffee Shop in Hometown, Stock Up

March 1, 2019 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Seth Rollins Royal Rumble

– WWE Now has a new video looking at Seth Rollins opening a new coffee shop in Davenport, Iowa which his his hometown. You can see it below. Rollins co-owns the shope, which is called 329 Dport and is located near his Black & Brave Wrestling Academy.

“Ah man, you know in my travels we’re fortunate enough in this gig, I’ve traveled around the world and I’ve been able to experience coffee shops,” Rollins said (per Ringside News). “Myself and Cesaro, we used to travel together we’d go to all these towns in every country, in every state and we’d try these coffee shops and it was so good. Then I would come home to Iowa in Davenport and they just didn’t have anything like that here. So I went for a hunt trying to find it trying to find anything that remotely as delicious as the places I was visiting and I couldn’t find anything. So I thought, ‘To hell with that I’m gonna open my own place.”

– WWE’s stock closed at $85.58 on Friday. That price is up $1.88 (2.25%) from the previous closing price. The market as a whole was up 0.43% for the day.

article topics :

Seth Rollins, WWE, Jeremy Thomas