wrestling / Columns

Your News, My Views 7.01.08

July 1, 2008 | Posted by Larry Csonka

Welcome back to the news report kids! My apologies for missing last week, but I had to go and have my tonsils out on Monday. But you were all in good hands with Ryan, so no worries there. I got to kick back a bit, relax, recoup, drink an insane amount of smoothies and overall it was a simple experience. But I am back and now it is time to get to work!

BUYS or NO BUYS is a new feature here, similar to what I used to do in discussing random events and small bits of wrestling news. BUYS or NO BUYS is a phrase I use all the time, even outside of wrestling. In a way it is just another way of ranking GOOD or BAD. So each week I will kick off the column with BUYS or NO BUYS, discussing the world of wrestling, this website and my life.

We start off the week with great news, and that is the fact that Christi got a new job! She is thrilled, and with this new job means a move for the Csonka family. We’ll be packing up the house, having a moving sale and on July 20th we’ll be leaving the confined of Warsaw and headed over near Charlotte, NC (WOOOOO!). This is a great thing for our family and we are ready to start this new portion of our life.
But with the joy of the new job and new home, comes the realization that I have to pack up all of the shit in this house. We had a string of 5-years where we moved, and stayed here for 6½. Moving is the devil, and I hate it to an insane degree. But I plan on selling off a ton of shit to limit the packing. Fuck packing.
MANY BUYS to 411’s Mike Campbell! Mike got married this past weekend to his lovely fiancée Erin. Why she puts up with Mike I’ll never now, he’s a croc wearing homo. But anyway, congrats to the happy couple and I hope that they have many years of joy ahead of them.
Speaking of weddings, I had one to run here in Warsaw this past weekend. Truth be told everything went very well for it. No drama, hot bridesmaids, great food, good pay; it was golden. With the exception of the rehearsal dinner. As we sat there, the world’s worst waitress spills an entire PEPSI into my crotch. I remained calm, but she never really cleaned it up nor did she ever once apologize. Later on as I was trying to get an adult beverage, she skipped over me and went to leave, I was like, “HEY…WHAT ABOUT ME?” She looks at me like I have inconvenienced her, and says, “What could you possibly want?” My reply, “You got some dry pants in the back, bitch?”
Hey kids, just how awesome was Ryan’s report last week? Not only was he cool enough to come out of retirement to help me out, but also the man jumps in like he NEVER missed a beat and delivered an awesome column. Ryan is a damn fine writer and I am just sorry that his new job doesn’t allow him to write more often. Excellent work Ryan and thank you again for the help last week.
Man, when Ashish asked if I could cover the Supplemental Draft live I didn’t even think twice. Although if I knew this shit would have lasted THREE HOURS I would have. The only thing worse that waiting three hours for the results were the fucking idiots in the WWE Fan Nation deal where they were announcing the draft picks. THE FINK so didn’t want to be there, you could just tell. Finally, good work WWE. That piece of shit crashed every 5-minutes. Unprepared much?
One thing I have fallen in love with since moving to North Carolina is the eastern NC style of BBQ. That shit is just addictive. After the wedding Saturday, I was invited to the family’s home for what they call a PIG PICKIN. A giant BBQ’s pig on the grill and you just go up and “PICK” what you want. Outstanding. And Sunday we had a special lunch at the church where we had southern BBQ chicken. Again, tremendous stuff. I’ll miss that when I move.
With the move it appears as if I will be losing WWE 24/7. This is a tragedy in my opinion as I have fallen I love with the channel over the last few months. Hopefully they begin to carry it soon over there, but I am indeed a sad panda with this news.

Today in Wrestling History
1965 – Dan & Dr. Bill Miller defeated Gorilla Monsoon & Cowboy Bill Watts for the WWWF Tag Team title
1984 – The Spoiler defeated Brad Armstrong for the Georgia National Heavyweight title
2003 – Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin defeated Eddie Guerrero & Tajiri for the WWE Smackdown World Tag Team Titles

1994 – Died – George “Crybaby” Cannon of cancer at 62

QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Ted Dibiase’s Music, YA or NAY?

Dixieland Developments and Diatribes:
Your News: Angle injured…AGAIN!

My Views: Kurt Angle injured again, it seems like a headline that never changes because the man is perpetually injured. At last week’s Impact tapings he pulled up lame again, this time with a knee injury. A lot of people have been quick to defend the company, because for the most part you can’t predict a knee injury, and to that point I agree. But the fact is that I DO blame the company here. Angle has the injured neck, and the plan was to rest him up and only have him work PPV while keeping a place on TV. Instead, they have let Angle talk them into letting him work. This from the man that said he went to TNA to work less. This from the company that pledged to make his health a #1 priority. This from Dixie Carter who said if Kurt was injured he would site until he was recovered. In the end it was all bullshit. Kurt is still Kurt and forcing his way into the ring, and TNA is allowing it in hopes of cracking that 1.3 rating one day. It’s pathetic really, and once again I have to say that Kurt Angle winning the gold medal with “a broken FRICKEN neck” may have been the worst thing to ever happen to him, because now the man has a Superman complex, one that may end up killing him in the ring.

Your News: Is the return of Double J upon us?

My Views: While it has been discussed from tome to time that Jeff Jarrett would be returning to the ring eventually for TNA, last week the rumors got a bit more steam behind them as the UK SUN reported that Jeff Jarrett would be returning to the ring on the company’s 2009 UK Tour alongside Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, AJ Styles, Abyss, Awesome Kong, Curry Man, Shark Boy and others. This is the closest thing that we have had to a confirmation of a return, and really, it isn’t a bad idea. JJ has stayed home, taken care of his kids and worked on the business side of TNA, which for once is doing very well as they are making money. I tell you this, I figure he is laying back right now and waiting. I know he is working out and getting in ring shape, and with Angle seemingly falling apart, Jarrett is likely waiting to make his return when he is needed. Partly because they’ll need another name that can go, and partly because I feel that he wants to in part, play the hero for the company he began. With the death of his wife, he has been on the sidelines and that has to hurt when you have to sit back and watch a company that you began.

Your News: Steiner down with major knee injury…

My Views: In more injury news, Scott Steiner went down and down hard with a torn ACL last week. Steiner tweaked the knee first in the Sacrifice main event vs. Joe and Kaz. He had severe swelling, but the MRI showed nothing wrong. This was partly due to swelling. Steiner took time off and was then feeling better and went back to working house shows when Angle went down. This is when the ACL tear happened they feel. A lot of people have been quick to mock Steiner for the injury, make the steroid jokes and all of that, saying he deserved it. But what these people don’t realize is that during his TNA run, Steiner has busted his ass and been the model citizen. The man’s work has been better than you could expect from a man his age and with his physical limitations, he has never screwed the promotion by not showing up and has done the job when asked, without any complaints. I hope that he recovers and if he chooses to come back to TNA, I will have no issue with it. My question now is, where does little Petey Pump go?

Your News: More VISA issues…

My Views: Hey guess what everyone? TNA is still having problems securing work VISAS because they fucked up and waited too long! This time it is Volador Jr. and Averno, who didn’t make the last set of Impact tapings because their paperwork hadn’t gone through yet. The good news is that the paperwork is done and completed. But it WAS completed late. Right now there is a hold up at the U.S consulate in Mexico City, basically due to the fact that they are having to process so many work VISAS right now. The hopes are that the paperwork will be complete and finalized this week. Word from TNA is that there is no fear that they will miss the Victory Road PPV, which is where the final two matches of the World X-Cup will be held. I won’t hold my breath. I believe nothing until they show up at the PPV, and really, you can’t blame me. Unfortunately these are the kinds of things that TNA constantly messes up, I just hope that they have finally learned their lesson.

Your News: Nash vs. Joe and championship doubts…

My Views: While there was the rumor going around, TNA has changed their mind and axed the proposed Kevin Nash vs. Samoa Joe main event at Bound for Glory. The company still plans to do the match, likely in August or September, but not at Bound for Glory. The company smartened up and realized that if they want to make Bound for Glory their WrestleMania that they need a big time/kick ass main event for that show, and Kevin Nash vs. Samoa Joe is NOT that main event. I completely agree with this. If Kurt Angle lives until the time of that show, Angle vs. Joe vs. AJ would be a cool main event.

Finding a big time main event isn’t the only problem Joe has right now. While most are supportive to his face, many behind the scenes are questioning Joe as a champion and draw. The main thing is that people are questioning his look, because he doesn’t have that, “traditional headlining physique.” But while many are questioning this, Joe is drawing and shutting people up it seems. With Kurt Angle out of action, TNA is drawing well for house shows and Joe is selling a lot of Polaroid’s after the shows. He is not selling at the Kurt Angle level, but main event level with some of the others like Booker T.

I think people need to relax and give Joe a chance. The facts are that Jarrett didn’t draw and improve ratings, Sting didn’t, Christian Cage didn’t and Kurt Angle didn’t. And they have the branded name advantage. Joe is doing fine, although perhaps showcasing him a bit more and allowing him to be the fighting champion that he said he wanted to be would help a bit.


My Views:Rumors are that Frank Trigg will be wrestling at some point in TNA, something I speculated a while back. I actually joked that he could replace Angle and no one would know, like AJ when he attacked Trigg. But in all seriousness, I actually like the idea of Trigg training to wrestle. He is training every time he is in Orlando and is reportedly a natural in the ring. Trigg was a one time Olympic hopeful, who didn’t make the team, but found great success early on in UFC. He is already good on the mic and if he can back it up to any degree in the ring, this could work. I am not proclaiming that he will be great. Training 4-6 times a month with Angle, AJ and others won’t make him perfect over night. But he should be passable to begin with, and have the ability to grow into a pretty good wrestler.

~Special Essay I~

TNA and OVW: A partnership that needs to happen…

Do you know who Cody Dreamer is? No, not a clue huh. Well let me tell you. Cody Dreamer is an Ontario Independent wrestler, who is currently under contract with TNA Wrestling and has been for a while. He is a guy that they feel has a lot of upside, but why haven’t we seen him? Well, first of all the TNA roster is rather packed up right now. There’s no room for the young man. So he is up in Canada, chilling with Scott D’Amore, still working the Indies and just waiting.

TNA at one time did a very small-scale version of “Tough Enough” at a weekend event, and they signed two talents from there. The big bitch that eventually came in as Sirelda, and Joe Doering. They both spent their time with Scott D’Amore, and worked his Indy company. Sirelda came in and did “ok” for her experience, and was then gone again. Doering worked with D’Amore, but outside of some PPV pre-shows he got to do jack and shit. He is now in All Japan and doing VERY well for himself.

It shouldn’t be that way. Many people have said that the notion of TNA having a developmental system is a bad one, that they don’t need it and that they can just rely on taking from the Indies and the cast offs from WWE and just be fine. And while that has worked to a point, the Indies will dry up eventually. WWE will only start casting off shit, and then, then where does this leave TNA? It would leave them screwed with no real homegrown talents.

Back when TNA was known as the “NWA-TNA,” I proposed a bold plan that would see TNA as the center of the NWA Universe. TNA would control the titles as they did, they would have the chance to use anyone under the NWA Banner and basically, the territory system that is the current day NWA could have been a developmental system for the company. But this never happened, and the whole NWA deal ended up meaning nothing in the end.

But TNA has the chance to take control of their future and actually get a developmental system underway, and that chance is OVW. Let’s face the facts, a better opportunity will never come TNA’s way. OVW is running full steam right now. They have their own facilities, they are running multiple training classes with different levels of skill in each class, they have a TV deal and they have an established house show loop, which allows for 3-4 days of work for their guys each and every week.

So how does TNA get involved in this? It is simple, and it SHOULD stay simple. TNA doesn’t need to have an insanely large developmental like WWE does. Here is what I would do.

  • TNA pays OVW a base of $500,000 a year to be their developmental system: This gives something for OVW, they have to make out in some way for the deal. This also secures that they stay operating at peak proficiency. I would break it up over 12-months ($41,667 a month).
  • TNA then covers pay for the contracted developmental talents, as well as salary for the trainers that train their wrestlers: This is simple. TNA pays their contracted talents as well as covers the pay for the trainers. Rip Rogers, Danny Davis, Rob Conway and Nick Dinsmore are all down there and are doing a great job, as they always have.
  • TNA obtains the rights to 10-workers under their developmental system: There is no reason to go crazy with this thing. You want to be preparing for the future, not doing something just like WWE. 10 is a great number.
  • TNA provides contracted talents to OVW for their shows: WWE did this for years, and TNA should do it as well. It is simple. You look at the upcoming PPV card and say to yourself, “Well, we aren’t using Curry Man, Kip James, BG James and Johnny Devine this month.” What you do is sent them to OVW and let them work the house shows and train with the up and coming talents. First of all this will give the trainees a chance to work with guys with a lot of in ring experience. Secondly it would help the OVW house shows draw even better, because of the name talent on the show. Thirdly, it will keep the TNA talents happy that aren’t being used, because they would have definite booking from the company, who would be paying for them.
  • TNA provides top talent for Six Flags: WWE did this for years, and TNA should also work this agreement. Allowing Angle, Booker, AJ, Joe and others to work Six Flags will help OVW and keep the good will.

    This is something I feel needs done and needs done right away. You can only rely on the Indies and WWE for so long. Steiner is injured, Angle is falling apart, Nash is old, Booker is old, JJ is old; there are five guys that could be gone at any minute. You have some guys that they have established, but that won’t be enough. You have to make stars, you have to create talent and you need to prepare for the future.

    As for the 10-people to sign? Well they have Cody Dreamer, so he would be sent there right away. Josie and Serena Deeb, who work SHIMMER also work OVW a lot right now should be signed. They were part of a Kong challenge, and are both rather talented. Sign them and keep them where they are for now. You already have three, and you go from there. TNA and OVW is a partnership that SHOULD be made as soon as possible, unfortunately I doubt that it will ever happen.

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    Stamford Occurrences and Outbursts:
    Your News: JBL’s injury status.

    My Views: Things are not all sunshine and MAMAJUANA for JBL these days. I have been one of the people not high on his ring work since his return, and there is apparently a reason for that. The short of it being that his back, which caused his retirement in the first place, is STILL causing him a ton of pain. So much pain that that JBL can’t perform as well as he would like, and so much pain that it is believed that JBL cannot train properly. If that is the case I ask, what the FUCK is he doing wrestling then? If he is having that much back pain, which can be so bad that it can take you out of action on a regular basis, he should not be performing, at all. Allowing him to work in this much pan is just asking him to use painkillers to get through the day, and that would go against the so called wellness policy, wouldn’t it? Please retire JBL, go back to the announce booth and rest up.

    Your News: Umaga to speak?

    My Views: Apparently there is talk of slowly transitioning the Umaga character to a speaking role. Yes, the Samoan savage could be talking for himself soon. I don’t know about this kids, I really enjoy the whole savage deal and feel that they should put Armando Estrada back with him since he isn’t doing jack shit right now. The only way that this works is if when he comes out, he has a prepared statement and the old man half glasses to wear and reads eloquently in a pseudo British accent. Otherwise, NO BUYS!

    Your News: Questioning Flair’s return…

    My Views: It seems that some people behind the scenes agree with me in that the return of Ric Flair a few weeks ago was a horrible idea. The reason he was brought back was because HBK wanted the week off to sell his injuries, which I agree with. You can’t be tossed through a TV and then come back the next week. But I hated that they brought Flair back, because you can only do the comeback ONE TIME. They blew it, and the only thing worse than that was the next week when he came to the ramp, stood there while Vince dialed the phone and then got to “WOOO!” Talk about shitting on Ric Flair.

    Your News: USA wants more, and is willing to help…

    My Views: The USA Network wants the RAW ratings to improve, and the thing is that they are willing to help WWE accomplish this. Throughout the after noon and evening they did live cut-ins to the arena, hyping the three hour RAW and the million dollar giveaway. USA wants those valuable ratings because they love to be number one, but the thing is that they seem willing to give and help to get that. While ratings are dropping, it seems as if the network is fully supporting the product, and that is a good thing for WWE.

    Your News: Supplemental Draft Thoughts…

    My Views: We had the supplemental draft this week, which I covered for three hours. I thought I would drop my thoughts on the moves that many people don’t care about.

    To Raw:
    *Jamie Noble (from Smackdown) – Right away when I see this draft pick I think horrible move. Noble will be completely lost on Raw, and will be nothing but job fodder. I think a move to ECW would have been better. Number one the size thing would not be as much of a factor and secondly, he was working as an agent on Smackdown. He would be a great fit for ECW, which is being used to groom a lot of younger stars. With his experience, working as a wrestler and agent on the ECW show would have been better for the company I feel.
    *Deuce (from Smackdown) – Deuce Shade, Jimmy Snuka Jr, oh yeah, not that excited about this. Deuce is one of those guys that has not improved at all over the years. He is sloppy, he hurts people and he isn’t over. I figure Deuce will be a low match on the car guy, likely appearing a lot on ECW when they make the switch to traveling with Raw.
    *Chuck Palumbo (from Smackdown) – They like Chuck Palumbo. He’s a big guy and works the style they like. But he is in his late 30’s and there isn’t a lot of perceived up side with Palumbo. I figure he’ll be on ECW more than Raw down the line, maybe the occasional IC Title feud.
    *Matt Striker (from ECW) – The Matt Striker does nothing for me. He is a boring wrestler, but does have the ability to talk and that is where they need to utilize him. Let’s hope that they work to his strengths and but him with someone that needs a mouthpiece. A better move than most if he is used properly.
    *Layla (from ECW) – This was basically a move to mix up the women I heard. Layla shaking her ass live every week? Yes please.
    *Kofi Kingston (from ECW) – And to close out the moves to Raw there is Kofi Kingston. I am not high on the move to be honest with you. It has nothing to do with Kofi’s skills, he is fun as hell and is slowly getting over well, but I think the move to Raw could be one that allows him to get lost in the shuffle. I mean, he is the bottom of the barrel as far as faces go. Right now you have Cena, Batista, HBK, Rey, Kane and Punk as the main faces before you even get to Kofi. It may have been better for him to stay in the small pond a while longer and gain experience as well as getting a chance to flourish. Even with a Batista heel turn, which should be coming, he has a lot of other faces before him. And thankfully WWE realized this and did the title change to Kofi on Sunday. They weren’t having Jericho defend the title as he is one of those guys that they feel is above the belt, but he had it anyway. They sure the hell weren’t going to have he and HBK feud over it, unfortunately, so they did the change with the HBK run in. Kofi did win with his finish so it wasn’t a fluke deal, and he got to look good out there with Jericho. I just hope that they stay behind Kofi and don’t abandon him because he has a ton of upside.

    To Smackdown:
    *Trevor Murdoch (from Raw) – Michael Hayes is a big fan of Murdoch, and reportedly wanted him on SD and got him with little argument. Murdoch has a lot more chance to succeed on SD than Raw, but I don’t see a lot happening right now. Hayes also reportedly loves the singing gimmick, so if you hate that, tough shit, it’s staying.
    *Big Daddy V (from ECW) – Big Daddy V to Smackdown is a confusing move to me. You already have Khali and the Big Show there as the monsters, and to me Big Daddy V gets lost in that shuffle. A move to Raw would have been better I feel.
    *DH Smith (from Raw) – So much for Harry’s shot with the second-generation stars. I don’t think that the company has any clue what to do with him right now, and they probably figured a move would at least get his name out there. Personally I hope for a pairing with Natalya and the possibility of TJ Wilson getting called up so that they can form a tag team.
    *Brian Kendrick (from Raw) – And the continued middle finger to tag team wrestling continues. Last year’s supplemental draft moved London and Kendrick to Raw, and with the move any and all momentum they had was gone. They floundered as a team and with WWE not caring about tag teams, the split isn’t surprising. Separated London and Kendrick mean nothing, and that is a shame.
    *Maria (from Raw) – Once again this was basically a move to mix up the women I heard. Maria in SD is different and she’s a better fit with the “Divas” title, in name if anything. Nothing wrong with mixing up some of the ass from time to time.
    *Shelton Benjamin (from ECW) – So does this mean Shelton Benjamin push #47? I’d love to say that I see big things for Shelton, but history is against him. I wish him luck, but I don’t see anything changing for him anytime soon.
    *Carlito (from Raw) – Speaking of things not changing, we come to Carlito. I figure his move was simply to replace Rey as a Hispanic presence on the show and to pacify him by moving him and promising him another push. Unless he ups his game big time, nothing will change for him either.

    To ECW:
    *Mark Henry (from Smackdown) – The Mark Henry move may have telegraphed the ECW Title change, but I do feel that it was the right move. First of all it gets Henry off of Smackdown and away from Michael Hayes, so we limit some drama. Secondly it gets him in the ECW title match and now the ECW Title is back on a guy from ECW. I see no harm in giving Henry a short reign of terror, only to lose tone of the up and coming faces; or Matt Hardy.
    *Hornswoggle (from Smackdown) – I really don’t care about the midget. He was moved because Finlay was moved.
    *Super Crazy (from Raw) – On the surface this is a great move for Super Crazy. He was in the hell that was Heat, and with that show gone I figure it is only fitting that he goes to ECW.
    *Finlay (from Smackdown) – As previously mentioned, ECW is being used to groom a lot of younger stars and they need someone to work with, and I can’t think of a better guy than Fit Finaly. While I think Finlay could still be used on Raw or Smackdown as a mid-card/IC/US Title guy, they obviously want him to help train guys and he seems to be perfectly fine with it, so it works. I will gladly enjoy Finlay beating down young up and comers in an effort to make them learn shit the right way.

    ~Special Essay II~

    Bret Hart: Still a bitch…

    There has been a lot of discussion of Bret Hart recently on this website. Now let me say that I have always been of the opinion that Bret Hart was a tremendous wrestler, but also that he is a whiney little bitch that is way too full of himself. I know that he claimed to be “the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be” but in my opinion, I cannot listen to the man talk these days. Watching his WWE DVD release was an exercise of “I am so great/poor me” and I just couldn’t stand it. Well this past weekend Mr. Hart did nothing to change my mind.

    This past weekend Bret Hart was at the Hall of Fame dinner in Waterloo, IA. He was giving a speech, accepting the Hall of Fame honor for father Stu, which had to be an honor, I mean, I would be if I were accepting an award for my father. So during the speech, Hart noted Greg Oliver of SlamWrestling, who was there to be given the Jim Melby Memorial Award for wrestling journalism along with writing partner Steve Johnson. Keep in mind, Oliver wasn’t there as a fan or just there as a mark, he was being rewarded for HIS accomplishments as a writer in the wrestling business, and as well he should. His work with SLAM has been excellent, and his books on Heels and Tag Teams were excellent.

    The story goes that Hart was discussing sacrifices and that some people here didn’t sacrifice anything. He then proceeded to go off on Oliver in his speech, and continued talking about the sacrifices the wrestlers have made and loved ones lost in the business and said that one of us doesn’t deserve to be here and said either he goes or I go. Yes, during a speech that was supposed to honor his father, Bret decided to SHOOT on Journalist Greg Oliver. In my opinion this was the wrong place for this kind of thing.

    Some of the older wrestlers in attendance gave Hart a standing ovation. Oliver didn’t leave, but Johnson did leave to try and diffuse a bad situation. Some feel that Oliver was in the wrong for staying, and to that I say BULLSHIT. Greg Oliver was there by invitation and was there to receive a prestigious award and it isn’t his fault that Bret was so insecure that HE was the one that ruined the evening.

    Bret did leave when Oliver didn’t, and many of the wrestlers left with him and some said this caused a bad scene. This is all stemming from the fact that Hart hasn’t liked Oliver dating back to Oliver’s book, “Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame: The Canadians.” Hart was personally insulted when Oliver listed him No. 14 in the list of greatest Canadian wrestlers ever. Now while we could argue all day his placement, the list was Oliver’s opinion, and Hart never respected that. The book did acknowledge him as the best known of all the Canadian wrestlers but said “Hart can hardly claim to be the best ever.” Hart also saw the tag team book earlier in the day, and was apparently upset at the placement of he and Neidhart.

    In my opinion Bret Hart is nothing but a whiney bitch, and nothing will be changing my mind of that. Don’t get me wrong, I feel bad for Bret. He got “screwed” in Montreal, his WCW career sucked, Owen died, he had to retire due to concussions, Bulldog is dead, the family exploded, he got divorced and he has a stroke. I get that his life sucks and I really do feel bad for him. I can only imagine how I would feel in that situation, but shit like this is what turns me off of him. I will never deny that he was a great wrestler, when he throws what amounts to a childish fit and wants to take his ball and go home, he comes off as a whiney little bitch. Basically, fuck you Bret Hart. Grow up and accept that not everyone will kiss your ass and drink the Kool-Aid and spout off the catchphrase “the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be” in regards to you. Grow up Bret, and then maybe you’ll get the respect that you THINK you deserve.

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    Independent Insights~!
    Your News: The return…OF THE WARRIOR~!

    My Views: Not a lot of Independent news I want to discuss this week, nothing really caught my eye to the point that I wanted to comment on it. And really, why give one line on stuff that I am not caring about. But one thing that did happen was the return of the WARRIOR. I figure that’s enough to talk about.

    Many of you have likely seen the workout videos that the man had put out through his Warrior TV. A 50-year old man working out like a maniac, ripped to shreds; that’s not healthy. Seriously, the man was shredded Dave Batista style, just without the mass. That isn’t a good thing, and you have to think that he wants a WWE comeback, because I cannot see him putting in all of that effort for ONE match, with Orlando Jordan. All of that work for a comeback match with Orlando Jordan! Wow.

    So I saw the match, and the first thing was how pathetic the WARRIOR’S entrance was. Limping down to the ring at a slow run and looking no less than 76-years old. Word is that he suffered a knee injury while training, those vitamins are a bitch huh Jim? But it was bad, and really sad when I think about it. The match itself was, something. I didn’t really know what to expect, and in ways it was so bad that I never want to see it again, yet, it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be considering who was in the match.

    But the fact of the matter is that the guy got a big ass payday for his comeback and the promotion made a lot of money on these recent tours, selling an ass-load of tickets and making new TV deals. So while it may not be what everyone wanted, and while it was no classic, it made money and that is the name of the game. He made the comeback and made money and proved that he had something left. Whether or not he makes a North American comeback and makes any money here is another question.

    A Beautiful Sendoff…

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