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Tremendous Tirades: SHIMMER Women Athletes Vol. 6

June 30, 2008 | Posted by Larry Csonka
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Tremendous Tirades: SHIMMER Women Athletes Vol. 6  

SHIMMER Women Athletes Vol. 6
Thanks to the people at Big Vision Entertainment for sending this review copy along.

  • The reason for going back like this is as mentioned above. Big Vision sent me review DVD’s and they get first priority in the review pile. I hope to review Volumes 17 and 18 after we move on the 20th of July, so stay tuned.
  • This is the Big Vision version, so it may be different from the original release. There are no entrances on the DVD.
  • The first thing I notice is how dark the picture is, due to lighting, as compared to the newer DVD’s. I do not like this old lighting, no sir, I surely don’t.

    Amber O’Neal vs. Serena Deeb

    O’Neal defeated Deeb on Volume 5, by holding the tights. So that’s why we get the rematch here. I really enjoy O’Neal’s shtick. Lock up, to the corner they go and Deeb breaks clean. They lock it back up, Deeb gets her down and they continue to work the hold, O’Neal rolls her over for 2 and they roll to the knees, and O’Neal gets a side headlock and control. Deeb gets to her feet, off the ropes and a shoulder block by O’Neal. Deeb trips her up as she celebrates and gets the front facelock. O’Neal up, to the corner and chops by O’Neal. She checks her nails, misses a chop and Deeb works the chops. She then misses a chop off the ropes, O’Neal sells and a back slide by Deeb gets 2. Deeb then tries a backdrop and O’Neal slams her down by the hair. O’Neal chokes her out in the ropes and claps for herself. Snap mare and a kick to the back by O’Neal. “WHAT’S UP SERENA?” Kick. To the corner, but Deeb counters the charge of O’Neal with a sunset flip for 2. Eye rake by O’Neal, who then lams Deeb to the mat face first. Chinlock by O’Neal, with the knee in the middle of the back. Deeb works to her feet, elbows out but then gets slammed down by the hair. O’Neal goes back to the choke in the ropes, and then whip her back to the mat and covers for 2. Off the ropes, counters and Deeb comes back with the big spear. Both ladies are down as the ref counts, they fight to their feet and trade chops mid-ring. Off the ropes and a flying forearm by Deeb. A northern light suplex follows for 2. O’Neal counters a neck breaker and gets a suplex, but Deeb cradles the legs and gets the roll up victory.

    Winner: Serena Deeb @ 7:30 via pin

  • It was an OK opener, I can tell from watching this that Sernea Deeb has improved a lot since this volume. They were off a few times, but O’Neal did a good job of keeping it together. I dig her gimmick big time.
    RATING: *½

    The Experience (Lexie Fyfe and Malia Hosaka) and Amazing Kong vs. Ariel, Josie, and Cindy Rogers

    Kong is ready, the faces keep tagging out, but Ariel will begin. Kong takes her down and tags Rogers back in. They both attack and Kong takes them down. Josie in, Kong catches her and then Rogers and Ariel tackle her down. Kong is up and pissed. Ariel looks for a suplex, um, no. Charges at her and nothing. Lock up and Ariel is tossed down. Off the ropes and a Vader attack levels Ariel. GIANT SWING by Kong! Lays the boots to her, and Hosaka tags in. She works the arm, Ariel rolls through and reverses it and has the wristlock. Reversal by Hosaka and into the cross arm breaker. Ariel reverses it into a hammerlock, tags in Rogers and she snap mares Hosaka down and works the chinlock. Into a surfboard variation, and Hosaka rolls that into a pinning combo for 2. Josie tags in, she’ll go to the arm as well. Hosaka grabs the hair, but Josie arm drags her down. Hosaka back up, but Josie takes her back down. She’ll tag Rogers back in, Hosaka battles back and shoots her off the ropes and gets a clothesline. To the corner and Hosaka rakes the eyes of Rogers off of the top rope. Shoots her to her corner, shoulder ram and Fyfe tags back in. Snap mare and a kick to the back, chops and into a surfboard hold. Rogers works to her feet, gets a neck breaker and then tags in Ariel. She covers Fyfe for 2. Off the ropes and a clothesline by Ariel. Takes Fyfe to her corner, kicks to Fyfe, shoulder rams and a tag to Josie. Off the ropes and a double back elbow, Josie covers for 2. Fyfe rakes the eyes and then chokes her in the ropes. Hosaka in and they get a double team clothesline. Camel clutch by Hosaka now, even uses the hair and Rogers in, but she distracts the ref and Kong tags in. Clubbing shots to Josie, to the corner and a whip and corner splash wipes out Josie. Leg drop by Kong and then a body slam. Off the ropes with a big splash by Kong, which gets 2. Josie tries to fire back with forearms, but is taken down with the clothesline. Fyfe tags in and covers for 2. Boston crab by Fyfe, who then releases and tags in Hosaka. She stands on the hair and pulls Josie up, that had to suck. Chops by Hosaka, knee to the throat and she mocks the other faces. Josie fires back with rights, Hosaka rakes the eyes and then works the camel clutch variation. She then slaps Ariel, Rogers tries to get in but the ref is distracted and Josie gets beat down. Fyfe tags in and lays the boots to Josie. Knees to the back of Josie, hammerlock applied on the mat and then Fyfe ties up the legs and Fyfe stretches her. Fyfe breaks, tags in Hosaka and she and Josie chop back and forth, but Hosaka takes her down and then to the corner. Kicks by Hosaka, and Kong is over to choke her out with the boot. Hosaka joins in as the ref works to keep Rogers on the apron. Hosaka covers for 2. Hosaka chokes out Josie in the ropes, the ref is working again to keep Rogers and Ariel out as Kong works over Josie. Off the ropes and Josie gets a sunset flip for 2. Suplex by Hosaka for 2. Josie manages a tag to Rogers. She cleans house, Ariel and everyone else in and Kong is down! Hosaka tosses Ariel to the floor and Kong kills her. The Experience gets the double gourd buster as the ref was down, tag to Kong, Amazing Press and that is all.

    Winners: The Experience and Amazing Kong @ 16:45 via pin

  • This was a pretty basic formula tag, not that it is a bad thing. The heat on Josie seemed to last forever, and the ref bump was not needed in my opinion. Pretty good overall.
    RATING: **½

    Lorelei Lee vs. Nikki Roxx

    Lee gets a roll up right away for 2. Lock up, small package by Roxx for 2. Lee works the arm bar, arm drag by Roxx into the arm bar. Lee rolls out and reverses it into a hammerlock. Kip up by Roxx, reverses the arm bar and Lee counters that, and gets the top wristlock. Roxx bridges back up and takes Lee down. She bridges up and am arm drag by Roxx takes her down. A whip to the corner, counter by Lee and a slam on Roxx for 2. To the corner and Lee slams Roxx several times to the buckle and covers for 2. To the corner again, Roxx avoids the handspring elbow and then gets clubbing shots to the back of Lee. She slams Lee to the corner, slams her in with shoulder blocks and then tosses her out and covers for 2. Forearms by Roxx, off the ropes and a clothesline by Roxx. Off the ropes and a back elbow by Roxx drops Lee. She then gets a side slam and cover for 2. A slam by Roxx, followed by a cover for 2. Rights by Lee, off the ropes and a clothesline by Lee and a cover for 2. Back elbow by Roxx, and a cover for 2. Off the ropes and something of a side Russian leg sweep by Lee gets 2. She picks Roxx up, forearm shots connect. Off the ropes and a clothesline connects and a cover for 2. A slam by Lee and cover for 2 again. Snap mare by Lee into a body scissors. Lee rolls her into a pinning try for 2. Roxx works to escape, she does and shoots her off the ropes and gets a northern lights suplex for 2. Japanese arm drag by Lee for 2. A boot by Roxx, and she nails the Barbie Crusher for the win.

    Winner: Nikki Roxx @ 8:50 via pin

  • This was a fine little match here for the most part. Lee needs a lot of work as a few times it seemed like she couldn’t keep up with the more experienced Roxx.
    RATING: **

    Nikita vs. Daizee Haze

    Nikita is of course Katie Lea Burchill. They shake and here we go. Lock up and a go behind and hammerlock by Haze. Into the front facelock and Nikita escapes, rolls through and now has the arm bar. Haze reverses that, but Nikita reverses it right back. Drop toehold by Haze and into a side headlock. Nikita tries to roll her over for a cover, but Hazed releases the hold. They circle, lock up again and a go behind by Nikita. She slams Haze down, side headlock applied. Haze works to her feet, they exchange counters again and haze gets the side headlock takedown. Nikita now works the leg scissors, but Haze works that into a pinning combo and gets 2. They shake, but then Nikita attacks her from behind. HEEL! She lays the boots to her, snap mare and kicks to the back. Clubbing shots to the back now, snap suplex and Nikita mocks the crowd. She then covers Haze for 2. Off the ropes and a clothesline by Nikita, who then mocks the crowd again. Rights by Haze, goes for a cross body, blocked and into a back breaker for 2. Camel clutch by Nikita, with a sleeper as well. Nikita works the back, and then puts Haze into the tree of woe. Nikita then gets a dropkick and then chokes out Haze with her shin. An Irish whip and then a hip toss by Nikita. Clubbing shots by Nikita, slams Haze to the corner and then works knee strikes to the back. Another Irish whip, Nikita charges in and then hip tosses Haze out. To the corner, sunset flip by Haze and a cover for 2. Off the ropes and a head scissors by Haze! RANA blocked and Nikita right into the Boston crab. Nikita transitions into a CURB STOMP~! She covers for 2. Suplex countered into a face buster by Haze! Both ladies are down and struggling to their feet. Forearm strikes by Haze, and then a clothesline. Dropkick by Haze, another clothesline and a cover for 2. Off the ropes, boot by Nikita, Uranage blocked by Haze, and then Haze counters a Samoan Drop. Heart punch countered and a northern lights suplex by Nikita gets a close 2! Rights by Haze, and the tornado Daizee cutter connects for 2. A whip, yakuza (which you could hear her call) by Nikita lands. Uranage back breaker is countered into a sunset flip and bridge by Haze for the win.

    Winner: Daizee Haze @ 11:40 via pin

  • A damn fine little match here to really kick the card up a notch. Good work from both ladies, Haze as a face is always fun and Nikita really got to shine here, even in loss.
    RATING: ***

  • We get highlights of Volume 3, where Knox Danger previously met. Knox got the win after pulling a Shawn Michaels and faking a knee injury. We also see clips of Volume 5, where Knox beat Haze by holding the ropes two times. This OFENDED Danger.
  • Daffney also debuts on commentary for this match.

    PURE WRESTLING RULES MATCH: Rebecca Knox vs. Allison Danger
    There is a 20-count on the floor, and three rope breaks. A closed fist will get a warning, the second will cost a rope break and the third will be an automatic DQ.

    They play the crowd to begin, and Knox gets pissed because they don’t like her. She throws a fit on the floor for a bit, and then comes back in as the ref was working the 20-count. Danger grabs Knox’s flag, and teases the bullfighter deal, and then blows her nose on the Irish Flag. Nobody NOSE the Irish like Allison Danger, huh? They begin with a test of strength, Knox rolls out and gets an arm bar, YES! She steps over, rolls Danger down and into the cross arm breaker. Danger locks the hands and tries to roll out, decides not to use her rope break and cradles up Knox for 2. Knox bitches that Danger used the ropes, but she didn’t. They lock up and a full nelson by Knox. Danger breaks and reverses it into a cool roll up for 2. Side headlock by Danger, Knox rolls out and gets the head scissors. Danger works it into a cover for 2. Front facelock by Knox, and she rolls into a guillotine. Danger escapes and Knox kicks the thighs, and works a funky figure four variant on Danger. Danger rolls it into a pinning combo for 2. Knox maintains the hold, and Danger finally escapes. Back to the arm goes Knox, Danger then counters it but Knox takes control back. They trade a few times, snap mare by Knox but Danger gets the arm again. Side headlock by Danger, some good chain stuff here, very clean. Takedown by Danger with the headlock. Knox to her feet, breaks Danger down and bends Danger over her knee and then into a cover for 2. Side headlock by Knox, forearms to Danger, and then a closed fist when the ref couldn’t see it. Danger counters the hold and into a side headlock of her own. Takes her back down but Knox gets the head scissors. Danger escapes and they back off. Lock up, to the corner and as the ref breaks them up Knox uses a closed fist. Danger does in return and gets busted for it. Knox does it again as the ref was telling the announcer, and Danger gets caught again, loses a rope break and is close to a DQ. HEEL! Danger tackles Knox and lights her up with forearm strikes. She works the side headlock again, Knox escapes but Danger gets the fujiwara arm bar. Knox has to use a rope break, so they both have two left. Danger misses a charge, Knox takes out the leg and then goes to work on it. Thigh kicks and into the knee bar. Knox now works the Indian deathlock and continually drops back. A Boston crab now by Knox, Danger escapes and Knox continues her attack. To the corner and Knox slams Danger in, chops follow but Danger now fires back. But the knee is bothering her and Knox kicks it out from under her and then gets a dragon screw leg whip. Knox then goes back into another knee bar variation, breaks and delivers knee drops to the bad knee of Danger. Leg kicks to the bad leg, DDT with the leg and into a Brazilian style heel hook. She then transitions into an inverted figure four, and Danger has to use her 2nd rope break. T BONE by Knox, and a cover for 2. Leg drop by Knox and a cover for 2. Elbow drop, and another cover for 2. Knox lays the boots to Danger, but Danger back with a love lace choker and a cover for 2. Danger struggles to get to her feet, gets the STO and Knox uses her 2nd rope break to save herself. Knox lays the boots to Danger and kicks her to the floor. She slams Danger to the ring apron, delivers uppercut but Danger fires back with some forearm shots. Danger has the Irish flag, and slams Knox face first into it. Back into the ring, and Knox catches Danger with a kick to the face as she enters the ring. Back suplex by Knox, and a cover for 2. Knox then gets some kind of cool ass octopus hold variation in the middle of the ring, but Danger is able to roll her up out of it for 2. Knox works for the cross arm breaker, cant; get it so Knox works a modified Muta Lock, and Danger has to use her final rope break. Knox then locks in another leg submission and holds the ropes since Danger has no rope breaks. She’ll break, and dumps Danger with a suplex, covers with her legs on the ropes for 2. Danger with a snap mare and into the stretch plum choke. Sweet. Knox looks for the ropes and gets them using her last break. Knox lays the boots to Danger, and then chokes out Danger in the ropes. She’ll get a charging knee to the back, pick her up and then charges in with a forearm strike. Danger gets a boot, to the 2nd rope, cross body by Danger but Knox rolls through and gets the win.

    Winner: Rebecca Knox @ 25:45 via pin

  • A VERY good match right here. I dare say better than most ROH Pure matches I have seen, simply for the fact that they played the stipulation so perfectly. Great wrestling and storytelling by both ladies right here, with a slightly anti-climatic finish. But very good stuff overall.
    RATING: ***¾

    The Minnesota Home Wrecking Crew (Lacey and Rain) vs. Sara Del Rey and Mercedes Martinez

    Sara and Rain will begin. Lock up and a side headlock by Rain, off the ropes and Sara levels her with a shoulder block. A slam by Sara, Lacey tags in and rushes Sara, and then backs off. Snap mare and a top wristlock by Sara. To their feet, chops by Sara and a tag to Martinez. Off the ropes and a double back elbow to Lacey. To the corner and chops by Martinez. Suplex by Martinez, and a cover for 2. Tags back to Sara, she lays the boots to Lacey, gets a back elbow and then tags in Martinez, double team suplex and a cover for 2 on Lacey. Chops by Martinez, off the ropes and a big right by Martinez. Tag to Sara and some more chops to Lacey. Snap mare by Sara, knee drop and another and then a third. That gets a cover for 2. Head butts by Sara, off the ropes and Lacey drops down with the split but takes a dropkick. Rain gets the tags, and she’ll eat forearms by Sara. Off the ropes, Lacey knees Sara and then gets a neck breaker in the ropes on Sara, Rain covers for 2. Corner dropkick by Rain and a cover for 2. Tag back to Lacey, she gets a full nelson into a camel clutch and Rain gets a dropkick and Lacey covers for 2. Kicks to the back by Lacey, and then chokes out Sara in the ropes. Martinez in, the ref holds her back and Rain chokes out Sara in the ropes. More kicks from Lacey, chops now in the corner and Sara gets pissed and head butts Lacey three times and both are down. Lacey grabs Sara, gets the tag and they double team leg sweep her for 2. Rain kicks away at Sara in the corner, gets a corner knee charge and Lacey tags back in. Back to the ropes and another choke on Sara. To the corner now, kicks by Lacey and kicks her all the way down to the mat. Chops by Lacey, charges in and misses a knee, but then gets a spin kick that drops Sara and gets a cover for 2. Lacey chokes out Sara in the ropes again, distracts the ref, allowing Rain to choke out Sara as well. Lacey gets a cover for 2. Sara battles back with chops now, eye rake by Lacey and then takes Sara to the corner. Kicks to the back of Sara and a neck breaker follows and a cover of 2. Tag to Rain, a whip by Lacey and Rain and Lacey both get charging knee strikes to the back, slams her down and covers for 2. Lacey works the choke on Sara again, to the corner and a tag to Rain. Chops by Sara, off the ropes and a double-handed strike to Lacey. Lacey stops a tag try, drop toehold to the ropes and Lacey once again works the count and choke on Sara. Tag to Rain, double Japanese arm drag to Sara and a cover for 2. Lacey tags back in, a neck breaker on Sara and then into the butterfly lock. Sara gets the blond tag, but Rain had the ref distracted, and it does not count. As the ref holds Martinez back, Rain gets a dropkick to Sara who was tied up in the ropes. Lacey tags back in and lays the boots to Sara. Hair mare by Lacey and a cover for 2. Tag back to Rain, corner knees to Sara but she POWERBOMBS her to escape! Both are looking for a tag now…and Sara tags in Martinez! Lacey in and Martinez starts to clean house. Powerslam on Lacey. Spinebuster on Rain! Rain pulls Sara to the floor, lung blower on Martinez by Lacey and then one by Rain and a cover for 2! Sara in and kicks Martinez by accident. Sara dumped and Lacey gets the implant DDT for the win!

    Winners: The Minnesota Home Wrecking Crew @ 15:50 via pin

  • A good tag match here with the Crew working great heel stuff all through out the bout. The heat on Sara was long but never tedious, which is a bonus. A big win for the Crew here over at the time, two of the big names of SHIMMER.
    RATING: ***

  • We get highlights from Volume 1 where MsChif defeated Melissa. In Volume 3 Melissa distracted MsChif, allowing Lexie Fyfe to defeat MsChif. In Volume 4 Melissa and MsChif brawled into the crowd in a falls count anywhere match, where MsChif was busted open. They brawled all the way outside in that match. Melissa won that match. At the ROH Supercard of Honor they battled as well. At Volume 5 MsChif came to the ring and distracted Melissa, allowing Danger to defeat Melissa. They brawled after that match.

    LAST WOMAN STANDING MATCH: Cheerleader Melissa vs. MsChif

    The two start brawling at the bell. HATE! To the floor they go and MsChif slams Melissa to the railing. MsChif then tries to do it again, but Melissa reverses it and MsChif hits the railing. They continue the brawl and MsChif tosses Melissa into the crowd. MsChif tells Melissa to stay down, she refuses and Melissa is back with forearm strikes. Melissa bends MsChif around a chair, which has to suck! Melissa is basically working a surfboard around the chair, and finally releases her. MsChif makes it to her feet and Melissa drags her to the merchandizing area and beats her down. Melissa slams MsChif on the floor and allows the ref to count. MsChif makes it to her feet, knee strikes to Melissa and then clubbing shots to the back. MsChif tosses her back ringside as the ref counts on Melissa. She’s back up, and back into the ring we go. Kudo Driver try, countered and MsChif gets the CODE GREEN on Melissa! The ref counts on Melissa, she’s up at 9 and as MsChif charges, Melissa gets the Samoan Drop. Both ladies down and trying to answer the count. They do and Melissa gets a slam and looks for the inverted cloverleaf, but MsChif kicks her away. Melissa will settle for a Boston crab and then sits back all the way down, bending MsChif in half. Chop by Melissa and both women are down. Melissa up and tosses MsChif back to the floor. She allows the ref to count for a while, Melissa back to the floor as well and delivers nasty forearm strikes. MsChif battles back and clubs away at Melissa. Baseball slide dropkick by MsChif makes Melissa slide under the guardrail. MsChif follows and they trade forearm strikes from their knees. Double stomp by MsChif, lays a chair on Melissa and now works a submission on her. That has to suck. MsChif now allows the ref to count, Melissa up and MsChif grabs her and now Melissa with rights and lefts. She lays the boots to MsChif, sets a chair on her and works a camel clutch with the chair. Innovative. The ref now counts on MsChif as Melissa sits in the chair. MsChif is up so Melissa slams her over the railing, bending her in half! She’s bendy. Melissa gets a regular folding chair, back ringside with MsChif and tosses her back in the ring. She tosses the chair in the ring as well and lays it down. Kudo driver try, MsChif counters and MsChif gets the desecrater! The ref counts on both ladies as they work to their feet. She’s up and MsChif slams her to the corner. MsChif with leaping double stomps on Melissa. Backs off and does the panic attack! DELIRIOUS~! The ref counts on Melissa, but she is up and eats a charging forearm strike. MsChif tosses her to the floor and allows the ref to count. They brawl ringside now and then back into the ring they go. MsChif counters a suplex, grabs the ropes and Melissa sets her up top and then gets a SICK Hangman’s neck breaker! Shit. The ref counts, Melissa is up and MsChif barely beats the count! Clubbing shots by Melissa, KUDO DRIVER countered and forearms by MsChif! DESECRATER ON THE CHAIR~! Both ladies are down now. The ref counts, MsChif struggles to her feet and uses the ropes to get up and beats the count for the win!

    Winner: MsChif @ 20:20

  • A damn fine way to end the show. The video package before the match was a great addition to people that didn’t know the full history, I include myself in that. It makes you feel up to date instead of being an outsider. I feel that both ladies played the stipulation well and really made you feel as if they hated each other, so good work by all, I dug this.
    RATING: ***½

  • Nikki Roxx is here to tell us that she wants to be in the main event. She gave Kong everything she could handle in Volume 5 and while she lost, she felt like she accomplished a lot. It is only the main event for Nikki Roxx.
  • Rebecca Knox talks shit to Allison Danger, and says that she is clean as a whistle and the best wrestler in SHIMMER. It doesn’t matter what style of match it is, it doesn’t matter because she’ll give you a lesson, straight from the K-NOX.

    Bonus Attraction Matches:
    Matches taped at AAW, the night before Volume 7 was taped.

    LuFisto vs. Josie

    Lock up and a takedown by Josie. LuFisto up and gets a hammerlock, side headlock and Josie shoots her off the ropes and they collide. They do it again, off the ropes and a spinning wheel kick by LuFisto. Arm drag and then another. Drop toehold by LuFisto, double stomp and then rights follow. Wristlock and to the ropes and chops by LuFisto. Off the ropes and a clothesline by Josie. Josie works a stump puller on LuFisto and then gets a front driver on her and covers for 2. Clubbing shots by Josie, forearms now and to the corner they go. A whip and overhead belly-to-belly suplex by Josie connects for 2. A whip again, boot by LuFisto and then runs into a Samoan drop for 2. Jose back to the arm, LuFisto escapes and gets a northern lights suplex for 2. Josie with a right to the gut of LuFisto, chops follow. Charging forearm by Josie, to the other corner and LuFisto ducks and chops for Josie. Charging knee strokes by LuFisto, face wash follows and Josie is rocked. LuFisto sets and gets the emerald frosion for the win.

    Winner: LuFisto @ 5:00 via pin

  • That was a damn enjoyable little match right there. It was almost a TV style match, and I mean that in a good way. Both ladies looked good and it was just fun.
    RATING: **¼

    Cheerleader Melissa and Nattie Neidhart vs. The Dangerous Angels (Sara Del Rey and Allison Danger)

    Sara and Melissa to begin. Lock up and a go behind by Sara, snap mare and into a roll up for 2. Melissa gets a hammerlock and knee drop to the shoulder. She keeps the hold, Sara with a drop toehold and then into the front facelock. Melissa gets the takedown abut Sara gets the arm again. They trade counters and Sara gets the arm drag and knee to the face. Melissa to her feet, head butts by Sara and then a whip, boot by Sara and then another that drops Melissa. A slam by Sara and knee drop follows, and a cover for 2. Tag to Danger, front facelock applied and then gets the wristlock. Melissa with a forearm, they trade them and then a head butt by Danger. Neidhart tags in and forearms to Danger, mounted rights follow and then an elbow to the back of the head. Chops follow, forearms and then gets a slam and cover for 2. Snap mare by Neidhart, tags Melissa back in and they get a double suplex on Danger. Leg splitter also on Danger as Sara was distracting the official accidentally. Melissa works the knee of Danger with an elbow drop and knee bar. Tag back to Neidhart, clubbing shots to the back of Danger and then chokes her out in the ropes. Neidhart lays down the law to the ref and then goes for the sharp shooter, but changes her mind and slams down the knee of Danger and says that we don’t deserve to see the sharp shooter. Tag back to Melissa, who remains on the attack to the knee of Danger. She pulls down the kneepad and drops numerous elbows to the knee. Danger tries to fire back with rights, to her feet but Melissa wraps her leg in the ropes and cranks on it. Dropkick to the knee by Melissa and gets a cover for 2. Neidhart tags back in and lays the boots to the knee of Danger. Neidhart drops down into the chinlock, Danger works to her feet and gets the love lace choker and gets the tag but the ref doesn’t allow it as he didn’t see it. Neidhart then gets a Michinoku driver, goes for the sharp shooter and gets it. Sara in and KICKS HER HEAD OFF. That’ll break that up. Melissa tags in and stops Danger from tagging Sara. Forearms by Melissa, chops follow. Melissa charges in and MISSES the leaping forearm. Sara tags in and clean house on Neidhart and Melissa. Backdrop suplex on Melissa. Chops by Neidhart to Sara, to the corner and Melissa is back in and they double-team Sara, but she gets a cross body to both. Head butts to Neidhart, slams her and Melissa together and then gets a DOUBLE octopus! Danger over and joins in for the double team octopus on both ladies. The ref breaks that up, Danger now tags back in and all four are in. GERMAN by Neidhart on Sara, they brawl to the floor and Melissa gets the inverted cloverleaf on Danger. Danger has to tap!

    Winners: Cheerleader Melissa and Nattie Neidhart @ 12:45 via submission

  • That was a really good tag match with good work by the heels and good face in peril work from Danger. Another nice addition to the DVD.
    RATING: ***

  • There is also a photo gallery as part of the bonus features, taken from the tapings of this event.

    Next SHIMMER Tapings!
  • The 411: The first thing to air in the only real complaint of the DVD I have and that is the production. The darkness of the show was very annoying to me, and I am thankful that SHIMMER has changed that for the better as I love their current production. Prazak and Danger do a good job as always on commentary, working for the SHIMMER fan as well as helping the new fans feel welcomed and up to date. The card has seven matches on it, and four of them easily clock in at *** or better. The “bad” wasn’t cringe worthy bad, just not that good. The bonus matches were a very good addition, with a fun match and another really good tag match. A lot of good wrestling to be had, and I think that makes this a must own DVD.
    Final Score:  7.8   [ Good ]  legend

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    Larry Csonka

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