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BG Says: PWG Free Admission (Just Kidding)

April 29, 2006 | Posted by Brad Garoon
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BG Says: PWG Free Admission (Just Kidding)  

Free Admission (Just Kidding)

November 13, 2004 – Los Angeles, California

Your hosts are Disco Machine & Excalibur. For the first three matches the audio is out and the commentary track is mandatory. After that the sound comes back on and you can turn off the commentators if they’ve been bothering you.

With that in mind, I tried to lay ratings down on the soundless matches, but it was just too weird so I’m regretfully taking a pass.

Disco MachineExcalibur VS. Los Rojo Locos
Disco Machine & Excalibur VS. Los Rojo Locos
Disco and Uno start. They lock up and Disco grabs a headlock. He hits a shoulder block for 1. Uno hits a shoulder block of his own and taunts Disco. Uno gets a roll up for 2. Disco hits a stiff kick to the back and a back bodydrop. Uno hits a backdrop for 2. Excalibur and Dos tag in. Excalibur grabs a wristlock but Dos reverses to his own. Excalibur gets his back on and bites the hand. He puts on a chinlock but Dos comes back with a roll up for 2. Excalibur hits a dropkick for 2. Dos armdrags Excalibur out of the ring so Excalibur tags to Disco. Disco dodges a monkey flip but gets hit with a legsweep off the second rope. It gets 2 for Dos when Excalibur breaks it up. Excalibur hits a neckbreaker for 2. He puts on a surfboard stretch and hits a knee to the gut for 2. Disco comes in with a top rope splash for 2. He puts on a front facelock but gets rolled up for 2. Disco hits a dropkick for 2. He hits a snap suplex for 2. He tries to rip off the mask and then Excalibur comes in for the double-team. They slam Dos’ head to the mat for 2. Excalibur puts on a camel clutch but Uno breaks it up. Disco comes in and puts on the hold. He sits on Dos’ back for 2. Excalibur knocks Uno off the apron and Disco stretches out Dos. Excalibur comes off the top rope with a double stomp to the groin for 2. Dos suplexes Excalibur into Disco in the corner and everyone is down. Uno finally gets the tag and cleans house. Los Rojo Locos hit a series of dropkicks for 2 when Disco saves. Disco hits a chokeslam on Uno (or Dos) for 2. Dos (or Uno) hits a northern lights bomb for 2 when Excalibur saves. The luchadors hit the double inverted DVD for 2 when Excalibur saves. Excalibur grabs one of the masked men and hits him with Tiger Driver ’98 for the win at 14:04. This was a bit weird to watch without sound, but the commentators tried to keep me entertained. The match itself was solid, if a bit shaky in places.
Rating: N/A

After the match Supa Badd & Topgun Talwar attack Los Rojo Locos. They unmask them to reveal that they are the Ballard Brothers! Human Tornado takes off his Supa Ballard jersey and puts the boots to them. Human Tornado makes the save.

Puma VS. Tony Stradlin
Puma VS. Tony Stradlin
Stradlin grabs a wristlock but Puma reverses to his own. Stradlin puts Puma on the mat with a wristlock but Puma comes back with a hammerlock. Stradlin rolls him up for 2. He puts on a headlock and shoulder tackles Puma across the ring. Puma kicks out his thigh and Stradlin bails. Back in the ring they knuckle up and Puma grabs a headlock. He gets a drop toehold and puts on a leglock. They fight it out on the mat and Puma puts on a cravat. He hits a dropkick and a seated dropkick for 2. He puts on a chinlock and switches to a surfboard stretch. Stradlin kicks Puma’s arm and then goes to work with a hammerlock. Puma gets a roll up for 2 and Stradlin gets one of his own for 2. Stradlin goes back to the arm and gets another roll up for 2. He hits a back elbow but Puma fires back. He hits a back heel kick and gets a victory roll for 2. He goes for another but Stradlin reverses to a spinning side slam. Puma hits a kick to the head and climbs the ropes. Stradlin moves so Puma flips down. Stradlin hangs him over the top rope and then comes off the top with a senton for 2. That was contrived as all heck. Stradlin hits a kick to the face but walks into a German suplex getting 2 for Puma. Puma climbs the ropes but Stradlin cuts him off with a spinning kick. Puma fights him away and goes for a dragon rana. Stradlin blocks and puts on a Boston crab. Puma gets to the ropes and then rolls Stradlin up for the win at 11:12. The finish looked a little awkward and there was that segment near the end that looked goofy, but other than that this was a pretty enjoyable outing.
Rating: N/A

Ricky ReyesRocky Romero VS. Hook BomberryApollo Kahn
Ricky Reyes & Rocky Romero VS. Hook Bomberry & Apollo Kahn
Excalibur and Disco actually give a heartfelt apology about the sound being screwed up during this and the previous match, but not their own match because they didn’t like it. Romero and Hook start. Hook powers Romero to the corner and slaps his face. Romero comes back with strikes and puts on a cross armbreaker. Hook gets to the ropes. Kahn and Reyes tag in and lock up. Reyes grabs a hammerlock and puts Kahn on the mat with an armbar. Kahn grabs a front facelock but Reyes reverses out and tags to Romero. Kahn puts Romero on the mat and gets a roll up for 1. Romero kicks the thigh but Kahn comes back with a cloverleaf. Romero gets to the ropes. Hook tags in and gets trapped in a Mexican chinlock until Kahn breaks it up. Reyes tags in and gets a headlock takedown. He tags in and hits a stiff kick to the back. He puts on a surfboard stretch but Hook escapes and chops the back. He hits a stiff kick to the back for 2. He puts on a front facelock but Romero powers him to the corner. Kahn tags in and hits a series of snap mares. He puts on a chinlock but Romero reverses and gets a pin fall for 2. Kahn comes back with an armdrag into an armbar. Reyes tags in and gets shoulder tackled out of the ring. Back in the ring Reyes puts on a front facelock. Kahn powers up and tags to Hook. Romero distracts Hook and Reyes hits a spinebuster. Romero comes in with a kneedrop while Hook is draped over Reyes’ knees. Romero hits a back elbow and tags to Reyes. Reyes hits a dropkick to the face and a butterfly suplex for 2. He hits a backbreaker and puts on a chinlock. Romero tags in and puts on an octopus stretch. Kahn comes in and breaks it up. Romero hits a vertical suplex for 2. Reyes tags in and gets caught with a sunset flip for 2. He comes back with a leg lariat and holds Hook so Romero can hit a stiff kick to the back. Reyes hits a back suplex but Hook dodges a second and hits an enziguiri. Kahn tags in and cleans house with armdrags. He hits an STO on Romero for 2. He hits rolling snap suplexes but Romero rolls him up for 2. Romero kicks Kahn to the apron but Kahn comes back with a final snap suplex for 2. Hook and Kahn hit a modified Total Elimination for 2. Romero catches Kahn with a kick to the face and tags to Reyes. Kahn hits Reyes with a spear for 2. Hook and Romero fight on the floor and Reyes puts a sharpshooter on Kahn. Hook runs in and breaks it up. He tags in legally and gets a drop toehold and a dropkick to the face for 2. Reyes hits him with an overhead suplex for 2. The Pitbulls hit an inverted guillotine DDT for 2. Kahn hits a second rope spear on Romero and puts Hook on top for 2. Romero puts a hammerlock guillotine choke on Romero but Hook reverses to a northern lights suplex for 2. The Pitbulls hit the Cuban Missile Crisis moments later for the win at 21:09. This was solid for the most part, but far too long for a match without sound.
Rating: N/A

Frankie Kazarian VS. Super Dragon
Frankie Kazarian (c) VS. Super Dragon [PWG Championship Match]
The sound comes back on just in time for a title defense, extremely early in the show. Excalibur says it’s because he and Dragon had to catch a flight to a CZW show an hour after the match. The crowd is heavily behind Super Dragon, who earned this match by beating Joey Ryan in a fantastic iron man match on the previous show. They lock up and Kazarian grabs a hammerlock. Dragon reverses to a front facelock but Kazarian takes him to the corner. Dragon gets a headlock takedown and takes over so Kazarian bails. Back in the ring Dragon grabs a headlock. He gets a roll up or 2 and a backslide for 2. Kazarian gets a roll up for 2. They trade more roll ups and hit dropkicks at the same time. Kazarian grabs a wristlock but Dragon reverses to his own. Dragon gets an armbar and beats Kazarian in the corner. He hits a Koppo kick and a back elbow for 2. He puts on the Mark Nulty Special but Kazarian flips out and steps on Dragon’s head. Dragon goes for the Psycho Driver so Kazarian bails. Dragon follows him out and ends up going face-first into the post. Back in the ring Kazarian hits a dropkick. He hits the momentum kick and works over Dragon’s shoulders. Dragon hits an enziguiri and rolls Kazarian to the floor. He follows him out with a tope and then runs him into the post. Back in the ring Dragon puts on a butterfly hold. He pounds Kazarian around and puts on a leglock. He switches to an STF but Kazarian gets to the ropes. Kazarian blocks the Curb Stomp and gets a leglock of his own. Dragon gets to the ropes so Kazarian rams his leg into the post. He puts on a ring post crab and then hits a double stomp. He dropkicks the knee, twice, but then eats a dropkick himself. Dragon blocks the Wave of the Future and hits another dropkick. He hits the Curb Stomp but his knee gives out. He slowly makes the cover for 2. Kazarian blocks a blind charge but eats a forearm from the second rope. Dragon hits a dragon suplex for 2 when his knee craps out. Kazarian blocks a clothesline and hits a thrust kick for 2. He puts on a half crab but Dragon gets to the ropes. Dragon crotches him on the top rope but Kazarian comes back with a kick to the groin. He hits an electric chair drop for 2. He puts a half crab on in the ropes and the referee breaks. Dragon blocks a momentum kick and hits a clothesline. Kazarian hits the Wave of the Future out of nowhere for 2. He goes for another but Dragon reverses to the Psycho Driver for 2. He climbs the ropes but Kazarian cuts him off with a dropkick. He climbs up and hits Dragon with the Flux Capacitor for 2. Dragon hits a roaring forearm and climbs the ropes. Kazarian dodges the double stomp and goes for a roll up but Dragon reverses to a sunset flip for the win and the title at 24:46. This was mostly just Kazarian and Dragon throwing moves at each other with hardly any flow to speak of. Typical of Kazarian’s title reign as a heel, which is to say it was disappointing and I’m glad it’s over.
Rating: **1/2

Christopher Daniels VS. Jack Evans
Christopher Daniels VS. Jack Evans
They lock up and Daniels powers Evans to the ropes. Daniels grabs a headlock and shoulder tackles Evans out of the ring. Back inside Daniels grabs an armbar but Evans rolls him up for 1. He grabs a wristlock but Daniels reverses to his own. Evans tries to flip out but Daniels holds on and grabs a hammerlock. Evans elbows out and gets a roll up for 2. Daniels goes back to the arm but Evans comes back with a dropkick. He hits a back elbow for 2. He hits another dropkick and a running kneestrike sending Daniels to the floor. Evans follows him out with a springboard twisting plancha and rolls him back into the ring. Daniels catches him coming back in with a powerslam. He hits a series of bodyslams for 2. He hits a delayed vertical suplex for 2. He knees the back but Evans comes back with a springboard moonsault press for 2. He hits a leg lariat but walks into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Daniels holds on for four more tilt-a-whirl backbreakers and gets 2. He puts on a Boston crab and then switches to a bow and arrow lock. Evans gets to the ropes. Daniels runs Evans hard into the turnbuckle. Evans blocks a blind charge and hits a head scissors takedown into a DDT. He hits a leaping elbow for 2. He hits a leg lariat for 2. He hits a dropkick and a standing twisting shooting star press for 2. He hits a senton for 2. Daniels comes back with an enziguiri for 2. Evans blocks the Angel’s Wings and catapults Daniels to the floor. He follows him out with a springboard 450 plancha. Both men get back into the ring at 19 and trade strikes. Evans hits a handspring elbow and a springboard kneestrike for 2. Daniels gets a roll up for 2. Evans gets one of his own for 2. They both go for small packages but tire out before either can get a count. Evans hits a spinning kick and climbs the ropes. He misses the 640 senton and Daniels hits a backbreaker and the triple jump moonsault for the win at 20:29. There was a ton of creative stuff in there, but Evans was far from convincing in the offense department at this point.
Rating: ***1/4

El Generico VS. Kevin Steen
El Generico VS. Kevin Steen
Steen attacks Generico before the bell. He hits a back elbow for 2. Generico comes back with a pair of armdrags and a hurricanrana. He hits a rope running DDT and Steen bails. Steen comes back in as Generico rolls to the floor. Steen catches him coming back in with an Ace Crusher for 2. He hits a neckbreaker for 2. He hits a legdrop and puts on a crossface. They dance around a bit and Steen reverses the rope running DDT to a nasty backbreaker. He hits an elbowdrop for 2. He hits a back bodydrop for 2. He hits a clothesline to the back of the head and dodges a dropkick. He hits a somersault legdrop for 2. He hits a short-arm clothesline and a spinning back suplex for 2. He puts on a chinlock and Generico fires up. Steen crotches him on the top rope and hits an enziguiri. He hits a sit-out powerbomb for 2. Generico comes back with an Asai moonsault. He hits a dropkick and a leg lariat. He hits a German suplex for 2. Steen hits a kneedrop for 2. Generico hits a Michinoku driver for 2. Steen hits a stun gun and a superkick for 2. Generico hits a big boot in the corner and follows it up with another on the other side of the ring. Steen bails and Generico follows him out with a tope con hilo. Steen hits a flatliner from the apron to the mat for 2. He hits the package piledriver but pulls Generico up at 2. The fans chant that he f*cked up, making them my favorite crowd ever. He goes for another but Generico flips away and hits an exploder into the turnbuckle. He hits a half nelson suplex and a brainbuster for the win at 13:32. They sprinted through a nice little match there, although from what I’ve seen Steen can’t do much more with other opponents.
Rating: ***

American Dragon VS. Scott Lost
American Dragon VS. Scott Lost
I’ve been pretty excited about this match because Dragon is one of my favorite guys on the indies right now (I realize this match is well over a year old) and Lost is my favorite PWG wrestler. They lock up and Dragon goes to the ropes. They knuckle up and Dragon gets a takedown. He puts on a half crab but Lost gets to the ropes. Lost puts on a wristlock but Dragon reverses to his own and forearms Lost’s elbow. Lost grabs a headlock but Dragon comes back with a roll up for 2. Lost gets a takedown and puts on a leglock. Dragon grabs an armbar to escape. Lost looks for a handshake so Dragon asks the crowd. They approve but Lost catches him with a slap. Dragon hits a dropkick and stands on Lost’s head. He puts on a cravat and hits a kneelift. He puts on a bow and arrow lock but has to break when the referee catches him pulling on the face. He unloads with kicks and but gets caught with a gutbuster. Lost hits a vertical suplex for 2. Lost pulls at Dragon’s eyes as the commentators make me laugh my ass off with video game references. Lost shoves Dragon into the corner and hits the Superman spear for 2. He puts on a legvice but Dragon reverses to an inverted Boston crab. Lost gets to the ropes and hits an elbowdrop. He hits a gutbuster and a second rope elbowdrop for 2. Dragon blocks a blind charge and hits a second rope European uppercut. He hits a kick to the chest and puts on the Mexican surfboard. He pulls Lost down into a dragon sleeper but Lost gets to the ropes. He fires up a short airplane spin and hits a Finlay roll. He climbs the ropes and hits a diving headbutt for 2. He kicks at Lost’s thigh but Lost comes back with a back suplex to the floor. Lost follows him out and they fight into the crowd. Dragon tosses Lost through a huge section of chairs and kicks him into a garbage can. He rolls back into the ring and Lost struggles to escape the can to beat the count out. Lost hits a crossbody and both men fall to the floor. Dragon airplane spins Lost around the ring and both men collapse on the floor. They get back into the ring at 19 and Lost blocks a roaring forearm. He hits a spinning kick and a spear. He goes for the sharpshooter but Dragon reverses to a roll up for 2. Lost hits a superkick for 2. He climbs the ropes but Dragon crotches him. Dragon hits a back superplex for 2. He puts on the Cow Killer but Lost powers out. He puts on the sharpshooter but Dragon gets to the ropes. Dragon blocks a superkick and slaps Lost around. He hits a European uppercut and puts a sick legvice around Lost’s head for the win at 20:06. Really good main event here, as I’d expect from two of my favorites. This had all the great stuff you’d expect from each guy all gelled together nicely.
Rating: ***3/4

The Reference
Some shows charge for admission. Some will let you in free. This show got your hopes up and then milliseconds later dashed them away.
–Reader Patricia had this to say about the reference: The reference is a joke on another promotion that ran a free show that weekend.

The 411BG Says

The vacuum of space that keeps the sound of the first three matches is something of a deterrent to me recommending this DVD. The matches are solid, but it's hard to appreciate them when you can't hear any of the action. The commentators to their best but that only goes so far. It's something of a slow trudge to the main event, but the final three matches are all fun and Dragon and Lost entertain to wrap up the show. Mild recommendation here. You can pick this up at Blue Thunder Video, PWG's Website or Highspots.com.

Final Score:  6.5   [ Average ]  legend

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Brad Garoon

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