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Csonka’s Impact Xplosion Review 1.13.18

Csonka’s Impact Xplosion Review 1.13.18
– Eddie Edwards defeated Kiyomia @ 8:13 via pin [**¾]
– Lashley & KM defeated Moose & Eddie Edwards @ 12:40 via pin [**¼]
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Eddie Edwards vs. Kiyomia: Kiyomia is from Pro Wrestling NOAH. They lock up to begin, Kiyomia works a click escape and then gets a headlock takeover, and they work into a stand off. Kiyomia hits a shoulder block, but runs into an overhead belly to belly. Edwards lays in chops, they trade strikes and Kiyomia hits a flying forearm. Kiyomia takes control, hitting a hip toss and covering for 2. The elbow drop follows for 2. Kiyomia works a headlock, Edwards fights out but runs into a forearm strike. Edwards counters a suplex, dumps Kiyomia and follows with a plancha to the floor. Back in they go, and Edwards hits a running forearm, and then the blue thunder bomb, covering for 2. Kiyomia fires up with forearm strikes, but gets cut off. Edwards connects with kicks to the face, but Kiyomia hits a suplex and we get a double down. Kiyomia charges in, lays in forearm and follows with a missile dropkick. The reverse DDT follows for 2. Edwards counters out of the play of the day into the tiger bomb for 2. Edwards finishes things with the Boston knee party. Eddie Edwards defeated Kiyomia @ 8:13 via pin [**¾] Kiyomia is basically a NOAH young lion, who had been working on excursion in Canada for the last half of 2017 before returning to NOAH this month. This was a pretty god outing from him, he’s still putting the pieces together, but shows a lot of promise and Edwards gave him a lot here, and was the perfect guy to pair him with.
– We get an Around the Ring with Petey Williams. They talk about Williams creating the Canadian destroyer, and Eli Drake being the first man to kick out of it. Williams says it was the biggest match of his career, and he thought he brought the title to Canada, but Eli Drake is legit. They talk about Williams getting to work BFG in Canada, and Williams says it will never be better than that, in terms of the reaction he received. He’s having a ton of fun this time around, and just enjoying his latest run. He addresses his three-year retirement; he had a son and was ready to be done. He works with the DEA, but was happy to come back and says he never should have left. He didn’t want to be the guy who retired that came back, but he did and he’s happy with the decision. Williams says his fiends like Chris Sabin were happy he returned to wrestling. In his free time, Williams likes to play guitar, and had a band with Sabin & Shelley. He has three kids, and works out a lot.
– We go back to TNA Genesis 2009 for Champions Lethal Consequences vs. Beer Money Inc vs. Abyss & Matt Morgan. It’s a 15-minute match, which is a **½, perfectly solid match which was hurt as it was really crowded and disjointed. Beer Money won the titles, Out of this match, Creed is in WWE as Xavier Woods, Lethal is in ROH, Storm is a free agent, Roode is WWE US Champion, Morgan is out of wrestling and Abyss is still with Impact. They show the full match here, which is nice for a show like this.
From Impact Wrestling 11.11.18 – Lashley & KM vs. Moose & Eddie Edwards: Lambert & ATT are at ringside as our tag match starts with a brawl. Moose & Edwards take control, working over KM but Lashley cuts off Edwards. That allows KM to take the heat. Lashley is in and working over Edwards. The delayed suplex follows, and Lashley covers for 2. KM tags in, but Edwards fights him off and dumps Lashley to the floor. Moose tags in and they double-team KM. They follow with a double team senton for 2. Moose follows with head butts, Edwards tags back in and KM cuts him off. Edwards fires back but gets pulled to the floor by Lashley. Lashley tags back in, and maintains control by keeping Edwards grounded. KM tags in, but Edwards manages to hit a desperation suplex. Lashley tags in and cuts off Edwards from tagging in Moose. Lashley mocks Moose, and then gets cut off by a boor and missile dropkick from Edwards. KM tags in, but Edwards manages to tags in Moose. Moose runs wild on KM, hits the corner dropkick and hen the go to hell, but Lashley makes the save, but gets dumped to the floor. Edwards dumps Moose and hits a suicide dive. Back in and Lambert distracts Edwards, allowing KM to hit project Ciampa for the win. Lashley & KM defeated Moose & Eddie Edwards @ 12:40 via pin [**¼] This was an ok match, with very little fire and providing a flat effort overall. Edwards & Lashley especially felt wasted in this setting as the ATT angle continues on like the Zombie corpse Shane Walsh.
– End Scene.
– Thanks for reading.

“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”
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