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Botched!: Sin Cara, Alicia Fox, Legs on Fire, More

July 21, 2018 | Posted by Steve Cook
Sin Cara

Hi, hello & welcome to Botched! It’s been an Extreme week in the world of wrestling! I think the most extreme moment didn’t happen at Extreme Rules. Here’s some of the slip-ups from the past week…

1. Close Enough, I Guess: Sin Cara & Andrade “Cien” Almas went out and had what the kids call a “banger” of a match on the Extreme Rules Kickoff Show. As with most Sin Cara matches (no matter who’s under the hood), there was a moment of botch. Cara tried to headscissor or maybe even arm drag Almas to the floor & it didn’t go too well.

The degree of difficulty was a bit high though.

2. Lots Behind That Fox Superkick: Alicia Fox hasn’t gotten a lot of ring time lately. She had to be a bit excited to get in there with Bayley & Sasha Banks, and her eagerness was on full display when she delivered this superkick to Bayley.
Alicia delivered the kick with so much force that she fell after giving it.

3. Gulak Backdrop Drives Foo: Business has been picking up on 205 Live lately, and Drew Gulak needs to keep up with the Joneses by dumping this poor local competitor on his head.

That would have gotten a “DANGEROUS” from Jimmy Bauer back in the day.

4. Dude Sets His Leg On Fire

We don’t do nearly enough deathmatch wrestling in this column, mostly because it all blends together at some point. This one was new to me. Angel Azul apparently does this gimmick called the Guillotine of Fire, where he sets his leg on fire & delivers a legdrop to his opponent. He attempted the move this past Sunday on a MWE event in Mexico. The result wasn’t great for him.

He said on Facebook that he’d been doing the move for six years and this was the first time he’d ever had that happen. I wonder how people come up with these ideas. Drugs are likely involved, but you’d think it would take a lot of drugs to think that setting your leg on fire is a good idea.

5. Random Referee Bump: Reader Daniel chimes in with our final entry of the week!

This happened in the new promotion Dojo Pro, Wheeler Yuta vs Corey Hollis, then Hollis tries to punch the referee in the face but he fails for a few centimeters however the ref falls and they give us a nice botch.

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It looks like Hollis was supposed to swing wildly & miss, and the referee decided the best way to avoid it was by taking a bump. An interesting decision, but then we’re all used to officials making interesting decisions.

Thanks for reading! If you see (or hear) anything wrong in the world of wrestling, let me know via Twitter or e-mail at [email protected]. Have a good weekend!

article topics :

Alicia Fox, Botched!, Sin Cara, WWE, Steve Cook