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Join 411’s Live WWE Smackdown Coverage

December 16, 2022 | Posted by Robert Winfree
WWE Smackdown Image Credit: WWE

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Hey there people, time for another episode of Smackdown. Tonight we’ve got the Intercontinental title match when Gunther defends the belt against Ricochet, they had a pretty good match when Gunther won the belt a few months back and now it’s time for the rematch. Also we’re getting a triple threat tag team match when Legado del Fantasma, Hit Row, and the Viking Raiders will all square off. Tegan Nox and Liv Morgan will be getting a crack at the women’s tag team titles as well, because that division clearly needs to exist. Our Tribal Chief and Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns will make his first appearance since War Games tonight, and there’s a pretty good chance we’ll get the feud between Bray Wyatt and LA Knight continuing after their interaction last week. Do keep in mind though, this is a double set of events as next week is close to Christmas so they’re taping next weeks episode tonight. Whenever we get these it feels like one of them is stuffed with filler, so we’ll have to wait and see if that’s this episode or next weeks. But anyway that’s the preamble so let’s get to the action.

Up first we see the arrival of Sami Zayn and the Usos, Sami does appear a little trimmed up and groomed as the three of them enter the arena. Long video intro follows, per usual when we get that longer opening we’re not exactly hurting for time.

Up first, here comes Liv Morgan and Tegan Nox for their title match. Still zero crowd reaction for Nox during her entrance.

Match #1 – Women’s Tag Team Title Match: Damage CTRL (Iyo Sky and Dakota Kai) w/ Bayley vs. Liv Morgan and Tegan Nox

Morgan and Kai start us off, Morgan with a drop kick then some corner work and Nox tags in. Nox and Kai start trading strikes before Kai lands a scorpion kick and tags in Sky. Sky cant’ keep the momentum and Nox hits a sit out gordbuster then tags in Morgan and they hit a double suplex for a 2 count. Cheap shot from Kai to Morgan, Morgan follows Kai out of the ring and gets a kendo stick. Nox stops Morgan from using the stick so they don’t get disqualified. Some more offense from Morgan and Nox, they send Kai and Sky out of the ring then Liv misses a baseball slide but Nox is able to hit a top rope crossbody onto Kai and Sky to send us to break.

We come back to Nox and Kai fighting over Nox trying to get a tag. Kai hits a double stomp for a 2 count. Sky tags in, and Nox takes some double team offense. Nox misses an enzigrui, but lands a headbutt and both women are down. Both women tag out and Morgan runs wild on Kai with kicks. Drop kick from Morgan, then a cheap shot to Sky but that sets up a pump kick in the corner from Kai. Sky tags in, and Liv takes a double powerbomb but Nox breaks up the pin. Kai with a kick to Nox, sort of as Nox botched it, then Morgan ejects Kai. Morgan with a Codebreaker to Sky, then Nox tags in and Sky takes another Codebreaker followed by a Shiniest Wizard but Kai breaks up the pin. Morgan then hits a Sunset bomb from the ring to the floor on Kai. Sky with a flying drop kick to Morgan, but back in the ring Nox retains control with a corner senton. Palm strike from Sky sends Nox out of the ring. Sky then tries an asai moonsault but Nox blocks it. Bayley tries a cheap shot, but someone in a drawn hoodie kicks Nox in the head. Back in the ring Over the Moonsault from Sky connects and we’re done.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Damage CTRL retained the titles

Rating: 2.5 stars

Sloppy, but with Liv and Nox that’s kind of to be expected. Damage Control continue to be booked pretty weak, they had maybe 2 minutes of control time this whole match and were saved by either Ronda Rousey or Shayna Baszler coming through the crowd in a hoodie to save them. Well, to be fair, I’m assuming about Ronda or Baszler and it could be someone else looking to start a feud with Nox.

A video hype package for Gunther is next, setting up Gunther vs. Ricochet for later tonight. I appreciate the use of classical music here as well. Gunther talks a bit, he calls Ricochet one of the most gifted high fliers he’s ever seen, but that doesn’t matter in the face of physicality. He’s going to chop Ricochet into pieces.

After this break we’ll get a video, apparently it will show us what happened between Bray Wyatt and LA Knight last week after the lights cut out when Knight was looking for Bray Wyatt.

We get a Ricochet hype package as we come back from break.

After that we get a recap of Matt Riddle being written off via Solo Sikoa violence, and how Kevin Owens is becoming a problem for the Bloodline. After that we see Sami Zyan and the Usos in the back and everyone approves of Sami getting his hair done and his beard trimmed. Sami wants to know where Solo is, apparently he’s coming with Roman Reigns. Jimmy encourages Sami to breathe, and Sami heads off to get some water. Jey says Sami is about to become a full blown uce. Jimmy says he doesn’t think Roman is making Sami tonight, and asks if Jey cleared this with Roman. Jimmy thinks they might be setting Sami up for disappointment. Jey just says tonight is going to be a good night. They’re hinting pretty hard at Sami taking a brutal beating tonight.

Next is a recap of LA Knight looking for Bray Wyatt last week, and finding him in his devil mask. Well now we’re getting video of what followed the commercial break from last week. We see a messed up video feed and hear Uncle Howdy quoting the Three Little Pigs. LA Knight is tied up in the devil mask and apparently gagged as well. Our camera man, presumably Bray, removes the mask and pats Knight’s face. We cut away to our live feed and LA Knight is stalking through the back looking both nervous and pissed as we head to break.

We come back to LA Knight in the ring, he wants to talk to us then tells the crowd to shut up. He doesn’t need to go over this in detail, but he’s been blind sided and cheap shotted the last few weeks, but he’s still here knocking on Bray Wyatt’s front door. Bray is one of the biggest starts in wrestling, a former champion, and his return was the most hyped up ever. But since then Bray has just looked stupid and talked and talked without going anywhere, and attack Knight from behind. Knight knows it was Bray who attacked him, now all he needs is for Bray to put on whatever mask or costume he needs to to walk down here and get stomped out! Yeah! Well, that’ll do it as here comes Bray. Bray has a mic and mocks the “Yeah” on his way out of the entrance way. He pauses on the entrance ramp with his mic and plays with the crowd. He’s missed the crowd, but is sick of LA Knight. Bray is walking to the ring now, he’s sick of this game they’re playing, he knows Knight doesn’t believe him but he’s being honest when he says Knight is barking up the wrong tree. Bray hasn’t touched Knight. And they both know how this story ends. Bray is on the apron but not in the ring yet. Well since they both know how this ends, he’s giving Knight one more chance to deliver his message, and make it worth is while. Knight attacks Wyatt and lays in stomps in the corner. Punches from Knight, and Uncle Howdy’s video breaks in on the tron. He wants to know what the little pig has done. You want to see something really scary? Bray just laughs in the corner, as new music hits and here comes Uncle Howdy to the stage. He poses there and laughs, which seems to freak out Knight. Knight bails as Bray laughs in the corner looking between Howdy and Knight. Bray seems a little disturbed by Howdy’s appearance as well as we head to break. OK, we took a pretty big step here in this Bray story and I appreciate that. No idea who was under the Uncle Howdy get up, it’s way too full a cover up to glean too much.

As we come back we see Roman Reigns, Solo Sikoa, and Paul Heyman arrive at the venue.

Oh, apparently it was Xia Li who attacked Tegan Nox. Well, at least it’s something for her to do.

Here comes Ricochet, hopefully this match gets time because we could get something really cool out of these two. Imperium follow and Adam Pearce is here and immediately ejects Giovanni Vinci and Ludwig Kaiser from the proceedings. I’d rather Gunther have sent them back himself, but no shenanigans for this match is a good thing. Super special ring announcements follow.

Match #2 – Intercontinental Title Match: (c) Gunther vs. Ricochet

Ricochet circles and looks for some leg kicks but Gunther catches one, only for Ricochet to avoid a lariat and they reset. Gunther sprawls on a single leg attempt and yanks on the leg of Ricochet but Ricochet gets to the ropes quickly to break the hold. So, leg work from Gunther tonight it seems. I like it. Arm wringer from Gunther then ah hip toss and he looks to ground Ricochet. Some arm work from Gunther, but Ricochet escapes the arm wringer only for them to wind up in the ropes. Gunther picks up Ricochet by the legs and tosses him around. Ricochet avoids a chop and lands some leg kicks then a headlock takeover. They hit the ropes and Gunther wont be dropped then shoves at Ricochet on the ropes, Ricochet skins the cat then flips out of a German suplex and lands a kick. Gunther eats a drop kick and Ricochet looks to unload with strikes in the corner but he’s sent to the apron then Gunther boots him to the floor. Gunther follows Ricochet and hits a sick release back suplex to drop Ricochet on the apron then chops the soul out of him against the barricade as we head to break.

Gunther lands a couple of chops as we come back to action. Ricochet’s chest is already a mess. Another chop from Gunther then some kicks to the back. Ricochet lands some strikes but is launched chest first into the corner by Gunther. Scoop slam from Gunther then he grabs a Boston Crab right in the middle of the ring. Ricochet is able to slip back through the legs and lands strikes and kicks to get Gunther to drop. Kicks from Ricochet now, then Gunther crushes him with a back suplex into a backbreaker then another Boston Crab from Gunther. Gunther drops the Crab and tries a crossface but Ricochet gets to the ropes and forces a break. Now Gunther with some trash talk as he pulls Ricochet up. Ricochet with some headbutts but Gunther counters one into another ridiculous chop then the Sleeper hold. Ricochet is able to hand fight and keep the choke from getting locked in. Another choke attempt from Gunther, but Ricochet spins into him but Gunther chops him and grabs the Sleeper again. Ricochet is fading, then is able to land kicks to the head of Gunther to break the hold. Gunther tries a Powerbomb, Ricochet counters but his back is compromised and Gunther lands a chop then a butterfly suplex for a 2 count. Another chop from Gunther, good grief, he hits him with another one and Ricochet just drops to the mat. Ricochet avoids a chop and lands an enziguri then fires up with strikes of his own and another enziguri. Drop kick from Ricochet then another flurry of strikes. Ricochet tries a suplex, can’t do it though with his back and Gunther drops him with a gordbuster then a drop kick. Powerbomb from Gunther but Ricochet counters with a head scissors to send him out of the ring then follows up with a drop kick from the apron to send Gunther into the barricade. Gunther fights back with a chop, but Ricochet lands a couple of kicks from the apron then looks for a big springboard moonsault which connects and both men are down as we head to break.

We come back to Ricochet kicking Gunther to the floor again, he sets for a dive and hits it. Back in the ring Ricochet heads up top but Gunther chops him when he’s up there. Gunther heads up for a super German suplex, but Ricochet flips out of it and lands a knee strike but Gunther floors him with a big boot then a Lariat to follow up for a near fall. Stomp from Gunther then he heads up top for a Splash but Ricochet gets his feet up to kick Gunther in the face. Ricochet with a chop then powers up Gunther for a suplex and a 2 count. Ricochet is on fire now, he heads up top again and connects with a Shooting Star Press for the closest of near falls. Now Ricochet goes to striking, he lands palm strikes and he’s got Gunther covering up now. More kicks from Ricochet, then a chop and a super kick. Another super kick from Ricochet but he runs into a sick chop from Gunther. Gunther with a Folding Powerbomb, but only a near fall! They start trading slaps, Gunther is pissed and drills Ricochet with the Last Symphony to finally put him down and retain the title.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Gunther retained the title

Rating: 4 stars

Gunther can basically do no wrong, the closing stretch here was amazing and these two showed off great chemistry. More of this if at all possible, preferably without the commercial breaks because this was really good. Ricochet has really gotten to show off his versatility lately, and he more than held up his end of things here against Gunther. My hat is off to both men, this is one of the better WWE TV matches all year.

Imperium come down to celebrate with Gunther. Gunther orders them to hoist Ricochet up, but before anything can come of it here comes Braun Strowman. Imperium take a powder to just celebrate as Braun stands in the ring. Braun pulls Ricochet up and poses with him as they stare down Imperium.

Roman, Solo, and Paul Heyman are in the back. Jimmy comes up and wants to know what’s going on tonight. Roman just smiles as Jimmy wants to know the plan. If Sami is about to become Sami Uso then Jimmy is down, he likes Sami, but he loves his family. Jimmy loves the Bloodline, and if Roman doesn’t want to make Sami because of Sami’s history with Kevin Owens. . . Roman’s facials through all of this are great as always. Jimmy heads out. Roman tells Heyman to call Adam Pearce as we head to break.

Post break Roman is still in the back and here comes Adam Pearce. Roman asks him to sit. Heyman then takes over, saying Roman is going to bless Pearce’s entire life after all the stuff from RAW this week. Imagine Roman Reigns and Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens and anyone of Owens choosing. Pearce asks if they want to do this tonight, Roman laughs. Pearce brings up the Royal Rumble, but Heyman instead suggests doing it in a couple of weeks in Tampa, Florida. Roman thinks that sounds better than Chicago. Heyman congratulates Pearce on securing a big tag team match for FOX. Pearce says he’ll let Owens know and heads out. Well I guess we’re not pulling a Fredo on Sami Zayn tonight after that.

We get a promotional bit for the Tribute to the Troops show that will be coming up, celebrating it’s 20th anniversary. John Cena narrates the hype package. That show will air tomorrow on FOX.

Here come Legado del Fantasma, that triple threat tag team match will be up after the break.

Post break Hit Row are mostly in the ring, who thought these guys should be faces? Anyway here come the Viking Raiders to complete our overstuffed match.

Match #3 – Triple Threat Tag Team Match: Legado del Fantasma (Cruz del Toro and Joaquim Wilde) w/ Santos Escobar and Zelina Vega vs. Hit Row (Top Dollah and Ashante the Adonis) w/ B-Fab vs. Viking Raiders (Erik and Ivar) w/ Valhalla

Ivar boots down Dollah then starts off with Ashante. Some evasive moves from Ashante then he lands a drop kick to send Ivar out of the ring. Everyone takes turns getting sent out of the ring, Dollah stands tall and teases a dive but runs into an elbow from Erik. Double drop kick from Cruz and Wilde then stereo dives onto everyone on the outside sends us to another break.

Dollah is running wild as we come back, but Erik and Ivar take him out then smash down Cruz and Wilde. Ivar with a boot to Dollah, then they hit an assisted German suplex on him. Wilde breaks up the pin and hits a DDT onto Ivar. Cruz tags in and hits a drop kick to Dollah, then a Phoenix Splash for a near fall. Wilde tags back in but Ashante breaks up the double team move and hits the Rock’s float over DDT but Erik kills him with a German suplex. Time for everyone to get their stuff in, Dollah’s big boot leaves a lot to be desired. Dollah teases another dive, and horribly botches it by hanging himself up on the top rope and badly cracking his head on the apron. Vega with a hurricanrana, B-Fab with a super kick to Vega then Valhallah takes her out. The ladies all fight on the outside. Ashante tags in, and the Heavy Hitter to Wilde gets the win.


Rating: 1.5 stars

Not good, some obvious botches, timing issues, a few production issues as well with camera angles and cuts. To say nothing of Hit Row just not being all that good.

In the back Raquel Rodriguez gets an interview, she’s coming back early because this is personal and she’ll be in the gauntlet match next week. Ronda and Baszler come in and attack her arm to leave her laying.

Well after this break, Roman Reigns will be here.

Post break, and here comes our Tribal Chief, the head of the table, the uWu champion, Roman Reigns. The whole Bloodline is here for the main event segment. Roman gets a mic from Heyman, and gives Chicago the chance to acknowledge him which they graciously do. He hasn’t seen the Bloodline since War Games, and in case you forgot they dominated that match. Roman goes down the line hugging everyone, including Sami. Every night is a good night for the Tribal Chief, and it was going to be a good night for everyone else, but there’s a problem The Bloodline have a Kevin Owens problem, Owens wont stop stalking Sami Zayn and wont stop dragging Sami down. But don’t worry, Roman has a solution, the tag team match in a couple of weeks against Kevin Owens and a partner. Roman and Sami are going to smash them and we’ll never see Kevin Owens again. Sami has a mic, he says Roman is right and likens Owens to a cancer but Sami is his only friend. That draws attention. Sami corrects himself to put that in the past tense, he used to be the only friend of Owens. John Cena on the tron interrupts this. Cena says everyone loves a good holiday surprise, including Cena himself. He was surprised when he got a text from Kevin Owens asking to team up on Smackdown, bringing up that Cena has had at least one match on WWE TV every year for 19 years, but he hasn’t had one in 2022. Cena wont let that streak end, but on the last Smackdown of the year on December 30th he’ll team up with Kevin Owens against Sami Zayn and Roman Reigns. They will bring the fight to the Bloodline, so make your list and check it twice as Cenaclause is coming to town. It’s not fair that Cena can be that good at this. Roman is obviously less than pleased by this as the Bloodline is in shock mode as we end the episode.

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WWE Smackdown, Robert Winfree