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Join 411’s Live WWE Raw Coverage

June 24, 2024 | Posted by Tony Acero
WWE Raw 6-24-24 Image Credit: WWE

Join Micheal Ornelas, and his Fine Dining Podcast and bask in the glory of his supbar rapping skills and advanced mastication abilities.

Then! Now! Forever! Whenever! Wherever! We’re meant to be together!

We are in Indianapolis, and Michael Cole is without Pat McAfee. In his stead is The Miz! Looks like he’ll be with us for the evening, and that should be fun.

Cole is ready to start talking about the end of the show, but Drew McIntyre walks in front of the camera and into the ring, throwing Cole off.

Drew enters the ring with a scowl as Cole and Miz wonder if he really did quit, or it was all a ruse.

A loud CM PUNK chant starts as Drew grabs a mic. He smirks, then says that last week, everyone was talking about how he quit, but they aren’t anymore, are they? They’re talking about what happened on Smackdown. It was so good, he’d like to see it again.

Drew is pissed. Punk ruined his life, in front of his family, and yet they stil cheer his name. We are all dead to him. So he wants to talk to Punk directly. He hopes Punk is uncomfortable and in pain and being fed through a straw, because he did that. He put him there. He took his dignity, and he took this: a bracelet with Larry and AJ’s name on it. It’s worth about 50 cents, says Drew. No meaning, a fan made it, but to Punk, it is priceless. Punk wears it to take them with him.

We get a LARRY chant.

Punk wears this so he doesn’t feel alone, but he is alone, because of Drew. Drew will enter the MitB match and Punk will be forced to watch, alone and in pain, Drew win. Drew knows what it feels like to be alone. He feels alone as everyone chants Punk’s name, as management accepted him, but he isn’t alone anymore.

Drew puts the bracelet on.

He now has Punk’s dog. Punk’s wife. Punk’s family in his corner now, and at MitB, he’ll win the contract, cash in that night, and Punk will watch alone and in pain while the family is by his side and he becomes the champion in spite of Punk’s arse.

We get a recap of The Wyatt fam goin wild at the end of RAW, then head live to an SUV pulling up. It’s Chad Gable and the moment he sees the camera, he proclaims that he is not doing this right now, and shields his face from the camera. Some security guides him through the back as he continues to shield his face.

After the break, but before the entrances for the next match, we are outside Gable’s dressing room, which is donned by two security guards. The beautiful Cathy Kelley is waiting outside, and we will continue to try to get to the bottom of what is going on with Gable.

Further backstage, Jackie Redmond is with Ludwig Kaiser. Kaiser calls Bron strong, fast, and he experienced that last week when he attacked him. But tonight, he’ll prove he is destined for greatness. He will prove that Bron is no Ludwig Kaiser.

Bron Breakker vs Ludwig Kaiser

Bron is quick to corner Kaiser. The ref breaks it at 2. Ludiwg shoves his face and this pisses Bron off. Bron shoves until Kaiser kicks then hits a hard slap. Hard clubbing to the back, right hand, another. Another. Bron attacks the head, gets some over and over. Headlock from Kaiser, Bron hits the ropes, again, big splash to Ludwig! Bron gets a headlock, Kaiser backs him into the ropes, grabs the left arm and pulls it into the ropes. Big kick. He mounts for some rights then stands proud. Bron lifts him up and drops Kaiser in the corner for some shoulders. Bron lifts Kaiser, hits some more shoulders. Kaiser wraps himself up in the ropes. Ref tries to break them two up but Kaiser gets a thumb to the eye. Kick to the shin and Kaiser mounts with some punches. Kick to the hammy. Kaiser shoves Bron into the corner shoulder first, hanging ihm upside down in the process. Kaiser hits the ropes and gets a diving dropkick to the corner.

Both men outside. Bron shoves Kaiser into the apron, back first. Bron to the apron, flies, and hits a clothesline across the neck while Kaiser is seated on the announce table!

We are BACK from break and Kaiser is in full control. Bron is on one knee. Kaiser kicks him in the chest. He shoves the face then smacks Bron across the face. Bron is pissed. He stands and Kaiser hits a bunch of chops, but Bron hits some hard rights, hits the ropes, back elbow from the air! Exploder out of the corner! He locks up from behind. Bron hits a release German! Bron sits Kaiser up in the corner then climbs, but Kaiser shoots him off. Bron runs up the corner, hops up high, and hits the Frankensteiner! More than recovered from last week! GOOZLE!!! Bron presses Ludiwg up, Kaiser slinks down behind him, hits a hard right, but Bron sends him over the top rope. Bron leaves the ring…he’s smiling. It’s time! Bron rushes around the corner and Kaiser sends him into the steps! Kaiser rolls in, leaves the ring towards the ramp, then circles the ring for a dropkick against the steps, but


Winner: Ludwig Kaiser
When the match started, I knew a Sheamus run-in was going to happen. But the match got so damned good that I forgot about the potential run-in and really got into it…only for Sheamus to run in at the perfect moment. Great times.
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time: 10:06

Sheamus grabs Ludwig Kaiser, brings him over to the table, lifts him up for a powerbomb, but Bron Breakker runs into him with a spear!!!

We head backstage where The Judgment Day are playin WWE2k on a new Playstation. In comes Damien Priest to tell them to stop playing around. Dominik Mysterio says all this stuff is from Liv Morgan. Priest tells Dom he needs to stop messing with her, then he gets a message, presumably a nude, from Liv. He shows the guys, and everyone is all shocked. Priest tells Dom to deal with this. Tonight. He then tells the others that Braun Strowman is walking around proudly.

Finn Balor stands tall and agrees wit Priest, saying they need to deal with Braun once and for all.

We return from break and Bron is pissed. He knocks on Pearce’s door, says he would have beaten Kaiser if it wasn’t for Sheamus, and beaten Sheamus if it wasn’t for Kaiser. Do something.

Sami Zayn is standing by. If Bron wanted to challenge for the title, no one is here to interrupt now. Any time, any place, name it.

Bron says Sami v Bron, MitB. Sami tells Pearce to tell Bron Breakker he’s got his match.

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match
Lyra Valkyria vs Shayna Baszler vs Kairi Sane

Lyra starts hot, sending Shayna away then Kairi into the corner. Shayna drops Lyra then hits a high knee in t h corner. Cover onto Sane for 1.2..NO! She rolls outside. Lyra gets a northern lights into a bridge for 1..2NO!!! Kairi holds the brain of Lyra, shoots herself from the ropes to Shayna and double teams. Sane to the top rope. Sane flies outside onto both girls.

We are BACK and sane is hitting Shayna with a suplex off the apron to the floor outside. Lyra dives through the ropes with a dropkick to Sane. Lyra rolls her into the ring and climbs up to the top rope. Dropkick off the top! Fisherman’s! Cover! 1..2..NO!!!! Shayna back in to break it up. Iyo with a snapmare to Shayna. She drags Sane to the corner, Sane to the top rope. Elbow drop attempt but Shayna kicks her arm on the way down. She locks in The Clutch but Lyra rolls up Shayna for 1..2.NO!!! Kick to Baszler! Lyra tries for an enziguri, Sane tries to counter, but Lyra flips her upside down and hits a slam into a pin for 1..2nO!! Shayna runs wit a kick and a pin for 1..2.NO!!!

Sane with a sick backhand to Shayna. She climbs, Shayna kicks the arm, Lyra locks up from behind. Elbow to the face, misses a right, Lyra with a fireman’s, Shayna with The Clutch!!!!

Shayna drops down to her back! Lyra rolls through. INSANE ELBOW TO SHAYNA FROM IYO!!! NIGHTWING TO IYO! Cover! 1..2…3!!!

Winner: Lyra Valkyria
They really love this girl! Great match with non-stop ass-kickery and a hot crowd.
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time: 8:35

Drew McIntyre is backstage with Pearce, and he says he deserves to be in the MitB match! Pearce says he doesn’t. Drew gives him attitude, and we switch gears to

Liv Morgan walking with a smile. She’s headed to the ring nw.

We are back and Liv bats her eyes and says, “ohhhhh Dominiiiikkkk.” Since she couldn’t catch him backstage, she thought she’d call him out here. She hopes he likes the gifts, but hopes he likes the text even more. She knows he is playing hard to get, but she promises she has so much more in store once he realizes what she has to offer.

Rhea has never cared about him. So, Daddy Dom, will you please come out here to thank her? She’s got one more to give.

Instead, Zelina Vega comes out.

She’s got a gift for everyone here, and that is shutting Liv the hell up. She doesn’t know why Liv is so obsessed with Rhea’s sloppy seconds, but that’s not why she is out here. She is out to talk about something Liv has forgotten about. So while she is running around chasing dirty D, she’s out here chasing the title.

Liv says OMG she hasn’t forgotten. This is the most important thing in her life, she took out Rhea for the title. She put Becky into early retirement for the title.

Zelina says Liv schemed for her opportunities, and she starved for hers. Zelina’s why will always top her libido. What does sound fun is Liv putting that title on the line. How does that sound?

Liv says maybe next week, but Vega doesn’t want to wait till next week.

Here comes Dominik Mysterio to stop the fun.

He tries to speak, but of course the crowd doesn’t want to hear it.

Liv asks if he likes the gifts. He says he got them but he doesn’t like them.

Liv holds the ropes for Dom. Haha nice.

Vega wants to know what is going on here, as the crowd chants SLOPPY SECONDS. Lol.

Vega wonders if Liv was too afraid to fight, she didn’t have to bring her man. Dom says she is not her man. He says if Vega is going to fight for the title, he wants to help. He knows Rhea and Zelina have had their differences, but he’d rather see anyone but Liv with the title.

Vega doesn’t need his help and doesn’t want him anywhere near her match


Here comes Rey Mysterio to grab Liv of of Vega. Dom shoves Rey on his ass. Dom leaves and Liv follows, laughing.

We head back to Gable’s locker room where Cathy confirms that the medical team has come in to check on Gable. Pearce has also been in, and here comes Pearce now, out of the locker room.

Pearce says he is shaken up but medically cleared. Regarding the attack, it’s not his story to tell, and Gable isn’t in a position to tell it right now, either.

Video package for Seth v Damien

Backstage, Liv tries to stop Dom from walking away. She wants to thank him for being her hero. Now she knows he wants this. Dom says no, he just doesn’t like Rey. He’s a deadbeat. She says thank you anyway.

R-Truth comes up to ask if that was Tom or Nick. He’s always had a soft spot for them. He thinks they should do something nice for him. Liv says she is going to try and get Dom a match against Rey, but maybe she can get Dom’s friends a match for the tag team titles.

Truth says he was cool with Finn at one point, but he hates JD. Liv asks Truth if he could just go make the match official.

Truth says he will. Liv walks away and Truth says he has always loved Carmella.

Before the next match, Chad Gable comes out with a mic.

He wants to know if we believe in miracles, because the rumors of his demise were greatly exaggerated. Sure, he was left bludgeoned and for dead by a bunch of monsters last week. One problem: Chad Gable cannot be killed. In an act o true bravery, he has come down to face two more monsters. Much like last week, he will persevere.

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match
Braun Strowman vs Chad Gable vs Bronson Reed

Gable starts the match with chops to Braun, but Braun no-sells them. Reed hits a chop to Gable, then Braun drops him with a hard right hand. Gable rolls outside, leaving the big guys to tango. LOCKUP! Side headlock from Reed. Braun hits the ropes, ducks a clothesline. Reed with a tackle to Braun, but Braun hits his own, only for Reed to send Braun to the outside! Gable is back in and he locks up from behind. He tries for a German but Reed lifts him and tosses him outside into the arms of Braun. Reed with a suicide dive to both men!

We are back and Gable is hitting big splashes to each big man in the corner. Reed hits his own then whips Gable into a boot by Braun. Braun hits the ropes, shoulder block to Reed. Big boot to Gable. Braun tosses Gable INTO Reed! Reed rolls outside. Braun is hyped. Gable rolls out. Braun leaves and he trucks through Gable, then Reed. Braun to the apron. He rushes the corner, Gable from behind! GERMAN! Cover to Reed! 1.2…NO!!! Gable to the top rope! Braun picks the ankle. Gable is crotched. Braun sends Reed into the buckle. He lifts Reed up and slams him down hard on the outside!

The Judgment Day runs down the ramp to attack Braun Strowman, stomping him all the way up to the top of the ramp. Stomps from Dom, from Finn, from JD and Carlito.

IN the ring, Gable is recovering in the corner, stands tall and hits a moonsault. Cover for 1..2…3!!!

Winner: Chad Gable
Fun enough triple threat, but about half went down during the break. Gable winning was interesting, as I fully wanted it, but unsure of what it does to the debuting faction that attacked him.
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 8:20

And just as I type my after-match review, the lights go out while Gable is standing in the ring. Fog fills the ring as the fireflies light up the arena. Gable stands in the center, holding his head, confused.

In comes Sister Abigail crawling towards Gable, and forcing him out of the ring. She is left in the center on her hands and knees, crawling through the fog. She slides out of the ring and grabs a box that is nearby, then offers the box to Michael Cole. She then walks through the crowd, and we see someone laid out on the commentary booth before following her through the fans and towards some steps.

We come back to RAW, with Cole standing alone at the booth. He has new security and tells us that the box is addressed to Pat McAfee. Cole opens it and there is a VHS tape inside that says PLAY ME. Cole hands it to someone to see if they can take it to the truck to play it.

Chad Gable is running frantic backstage. He finds a door and knocks. Otis answers and Gable is elated to see him. He asks for the rest of the Academy, and Otis calls for Maxxine and Akira Tozawa. He says after last week, all he could see was them three. He apologizes from the bottom of his heart, but family sticks together. Otis says yes, family does, but anyone that hurts Akira or Maxxine isn’t family. He is sorry what happened to Gable, but he meant what he said.

Otis and Akira leave. Maxxine is left, and says he hurt all of them but really hurt Otis. They are glad he is ok, what happened must have been terrifying. She’ll try and talk to Otis. They are happy he is ok.

Gable turns and The Creed Brothers and Ivy Nile are there to ask if he is ok. Gable says he is not alright, and he does need help.

Kayden Carter and Kitana Chance vs Isla Dawn and Alba Fire

We come back from a break and Fyre and Dawn are double teaming Carter, but she reverses and kicks Fyre in the face. She spins Dawn then tags in Chance and they hit a keg stand and a cover for 1.2..NO!!! Fyre breaks it up! Fyre pulls Carter out of the ring, Chance off the top rolls through then gets kicked in th face.

Tag to Fyre, and they double team Chance with a combo Side Russian/Gory Bomb finisher. Cover for 1..2.3!!!

Winners: Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn
More than half of this match was during a commercial break, and what we did see was minimial quality at best.
Total Rating: ½*
Match Time: 8:02

Backstage, Damien Priest walks up to Judgment Day’s locker room. Liv leaves the room, chewing gum. She says hello then goodbye to Priest. Priest walks in and Finn Balor is alone playing video games. Just him. Priest admits this looks sketchy. Finn says its not what it looks like. Liv came in and ot Priest a match with Rey Mysterio and also got a title match for Finn and JD. Priest is not fully sold on it but wishes Finn good luck for his title match.

Backstage, The Miz finds Truth. Truth says it’s official. He says he did it for love. He wonders why Miz ain’t dressed, then compares Liv and Dom’s love to Shrek. Miz says this is about them. Truth says he loves Miz, but only as a friend.

Priest is in the ring, has his title, and grabs a mic. He gets what Seth Rollins sees in him, and he knows what he sees in Seth: A man he does not want to become. He doesn’t want to stand in this ring and see someone bigger, stronger, and better. Seth is great. He’s awesome, but Priest is the champion of the world ,and as long as he remains this, Seth will never see the mountain top again.

Seth Rollins comes out proving that he spent a bulk of his time off buying new clothes.

Seth speaks to the crowd first, telling them Royal Rumble is coming their way. But tonight is Monday, and it’s still his show. Priest wants to come down here and run his mouth? Is that the deal? He says as long as he is champion, Seth will never get it back. Seth doesn’t like this. He says it’s bold, the problem is he doesn’t believe Priest. He doesn’t even know if Priest believes it. Do we believe it?

Priest says he he is holding the title, Seth, representing the past, is holding a whole lot of nothing.

Seth: “For now.”

He says he has a lot of respect for Priest, but doesn’t appreciate being one-upped. Priest challenged Seth for a title match, that’s a bold move. But he is here tonight to one-up Priest. He wants to sweeten the pot at MitB. How bout if somehow, Priest beats Seth, Priest gets his wish – as long as Priest is champ, he’ll never challenge for the title again. But when he beats Priest, Priest must leave The Judgment Day.

Priest says the way he sees it, he is the champion, so The Judgment Day needs him more than he needs them. As far as the stip, he accepts.

They shake hands.

Gunther is here!!!!

He understands there is a lot on the line here. Good luck to both of them. He cannot wait to see this match. May the better man win. But make no mistake; the better man out of them two will be the lesser man when they step in the ring with him.

Time to see what’s on the tape!!!

It’s Uncle Howdy! He asks if someone is happy. How has he been since the loss? Does this person feel as though he/she has been forgotten?

WE see that someone is seated in a chair.

Uncle Howdy asks if this person even remembers who they are.

WE switch gears to Bo Dallas sitting in a chair. He says he is nobody. Uncle Howdy asks him how it felt when his brother died. Bo says it was like the most important thing in his life was taken away from him. Like nothing ever was going t omatter again.

Uncle Howdy says maybe he’s exploiting his brother’s legacy. Bo says all he ever wanted his whole life was to be like his brother. He looked up to him and wanted to be him. He worked his entire career so he could have opportunity to work there next to him. They were gonna rule together. They were there. They had it. Then it was taken away from him. There is no one on this earth that feels more hurt than him. No one feels what he feels. What is he supposed to do now? Become a mosoleum? Let everyone forget what he fought for? What he believed in?

They wanted to forget about him, about all of them. They made us remember. Al lof us.

Howdy says, “yes we did.”

WE zoom out and see Bo seated, facing Uncle Howdy.

Kofi Kingston vs Karrion Cross

Kofi sends Cross outside and dives onto him from the ring! Cross rolls inside, Kofi tries to attack, Kofi misses, Cross flips him up onto his shoulders then hits a DVD. Cover for 1.2..NO!!!

we are BACK and Kofi is putting the hurt on Cross. A kick, another, a third is thwarted as Cross drives Kofi into the corner. Kofi kicks off the apron, to the top rope ,flies with a crossbody. Cover for 1..2.NO!!! BOOM DROP!

We look to the screen where Authors of Pain and Ellering are attacking Xavier Woods. Cross uses the distraction to hit The Final Prayer and cover for 1.2..3!!!

Winner: Karrion Cross
Another match cut into pieces by a commercial break, and too short to mean anything. Still, this was more a storyline tan a match, so I won’t be so upset, even if I am completely uninterested.
Total Rating: *
Match Time: 5:49

WWE World Tag Team Championship Match
The Awesome Truth vs The Judgment Day (Finn Balor and JD McDonagh)

Truth and JD to start. JD is quick to tag in Finn. Truth spins him, kicks, and gets a scissors kick to the neck. Truth hits the. Corner, flies with a splash to Finn in the corner. Tag to Miz. Double elbow, and another elbow drop. JD in and gets tossed over by a hip toss from Miz and Truth, then hit a flapjack to Finn.Clothesline to JD and both men are outside now as Truth grins.

Liv Morgan is here. She walks down the ramp and smiles at Finn and JD.

We are back from the break, and Truth tags in Miz. JD gets a tag. Miz with kicks in the corner over and over and over, stomping JD down until the ref stops him. Miz hits the corner and runs with a clothesline. Finn tries to attack him but Miz trips him up and face plants him.

Out come Carlito and Dom. Miz sends Carlito over the announce table then kicks JD from the apron. Springboard crossbody to JD. Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Miz with knees to the face, Finn comes in, kick to him. Double DDT! Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Miz stands, but Dom is on the apron for a distraction. JD rollsup for 1.2..NO!!! JD misses a right hand, Miz kicks Dom into the table outside, double underhook to JD> Skull Crushing Finale! Cover! 1.2..NO!!! Foot on the ropes! Carlito is the man to do it! Miz grabs him by the hair and turns to JD who hits him with a huge headbutt then goes down. Both men down.

The music of Braun Strowman hits as we see Liv holding Dom, who is laid out on the floor. Braun chases Carlito and Dom through the crowd. Finn is on the apron. Liv is near the ramp. Miz tags in Truth. Tag to Finn. Truth with a shoulder tackle off the ropes, another, Protobomb! Five Knuckle Shuffle! But Finn kicks him n the head! He sends Miz off the apron. Drop toe hold from Truth. STF!!! JD stops the move. Miz flies off the top rope into a dropkick! Truth grabs JD, hits him with a protobomb, Finn rolls him up for 1.2..NO!!! Truth hits HIM wit a Proto bomb! Truth with a Ten Knuckle Shuffle! JD to the outside Finn turns, Truth looks to finish it.

Liv hops on the apron! Truth looks over to her. Liv wants to hug him! She gives him a hug then hangs Truth up on the top rope! Finn with a shotgun dropkick to Turth! COUP DE GRACE!!! Cover! 1..2…..3!!!!!!!

Winners: The Judgement Day
Interesting choice, giving Liv more and more credibility and continuing to plant the seeds that it’s Finn she’s helping. Fun enough match, and Miz and Truth weren’t doing much with the belts anyway.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 11:29

Finn and JD hold their titles high at the top of the ramp and Liv smiles and holds hers up too next to them.

End Show

article topics :

RAW, WWE, Tony Acero