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Hall’s AEW Dynamite Review 9.18.24

September 19, 2024 | Posted by Thomas Hall
AEW Dynamite Ricochet 9-18-24 Image Credit: AEW
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Hall’s AEW Dynamite Review 9.18.24  

Date: September 18, 2024
Location: Mohegan Sun Arena, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We’re a week away from Grand Slam and the big story is a change to the World Title match, in that we won’t be having one. Instead we might be seeing Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuinness, plus the #1 contendership will be on the line as Darby Allin faces Jon Moxley. That should be enough to make for a big build this week so let’s get to it.

Chris Jericho vs. Orange Cassidy

The Learning Tree and the Conglomeration are here too. They all get in and slug it out with the non-participants going to the floor, where Cassidy hits a big springboard flip dive. Jericho teases a dive but Cassidy comes back in with the Orange Punch for two. A middle rope hurricanrana is countered into the Walls but Cassidy reverses into a small package for two. Jericho’s running powerslam gets two more and they go outside, where Jericho commandeers a camera and stomps away.

Back in and the Lionsault gives Jericho two but Cassidy is back with the Stundog Millionaire. Jericho is sent outside but the dive is sent into the barricade. A belly to back suplex through a table has Cassidy in more trouble and we take a break. Back with a slugout leaving both of them down until Cassidy knocks him into the corner for some stomping. Jericho scores with a clothesline before countering the tornado DDT into the Walls.

Cassidy gets the Walls but here is Big Bill to kick him in the face. Kyle O’Reilly kicks him to the back, leaving Jericho to hit a Death Valley Driver for two. The tornado DDT and diving DDT give Cassidy two but the Orange Punch is countered into the Codebreaker for two more. Cassidy hits the Beach Break for two but cue Mark Briscoe and Bryan Keith for the brawling distraction. That’s enough for Jericho to pull out a roll of quarters, which Cassidy takes away for the Orange Punch for the pin at 19:30.

Rating: B. The match was a long, back and forth fight with Jericho doing as well as can be expected of him these days. I’m still not sure why we needed to go back to this story with the jacket after years away, but the bigger problem is the story continuing long after it needs to. If this is it for Jericho and Cassidy then it’s fine, but that doesn’t tend to be Jericho’s style.

Last week, Pac and Claudio Castagnoli were unhappy with Wheeler Yuta for not talking to them since All out. Jon Moxley, with Marina Shafir, comes in to say Yuta needs to decide what kind of man he needs to be.

Yuta isn’t sure what to do but he’s willing to fight at WrestleDream (it’s at Grand Slam, because Yuta’s mind isn’t clear) and he even forgot his title in the locker room.

Hook vs. JD Ink

Non-title. Suplexes and crossfaces set up the Redrum for the tap (from Ink) at 1:01.

Komander and Private Party are accepting the open challenge for a Trios Title shot next week.

Christian Cage is ready to win the World Title and wants Nick Wayne to win a title as well. Kip Sabian interrupts and Cage threatens to kill him.

Serena Deeb/Mariah May vs. Yuka Sakazaki/Queen Aminata

Deeb shoulders Sakazaki down to start and they trade covers for two each. Sakazaki is back up with a kick to the face so it’s off to Aminata, whose leg is dragon screwed in the ropes. May comes in for a running dropkick of her own and we take a break. Back with Sakazaki coming in to slam both of them down, followed by an exchange of German suplexes. Sakazaki hits a bit dive out to the floor, setting up the Magical Girl Splash but May breaks it up with the belt for the DQ at 8:04.

Rating: C. Ignoring that it was another eight minute match with a break because that needs to be a thing, Sakazaki is just the next person coming after May. She has been gone for five months but her first match back saw May on commentary mocking her. I’m not sure what lets her jump the line, but it’s a bit difficult to be interested when she was hardly featured before her injury earlier this year.

Post match May whips Sakazaki with the belt and kisses her on the cheek.

Mina Shirakawa is back, just like Mariah May wants. This might mean more if she hadn’t wrestled twice on Rampage in the last month.

Video on Nigel McGuinness vs. Bryan Danielson (which airs after some technical difficulties).

The Blackpool Combat Club comes into the arena but get jumped by Private Party. That means the beatdown is on, with Private Party getting wrecked. Komander comes in but Castagnoli cuts him off. Moxley whips out a hammer and yells about Private Party being in the same place they’ve been in since the beginning. Then he crushes Kassidy’s hand with the hammer. Cue Darby Allin to go after Moxley, who bails from the threat of the skateboard. Allin promises to run through him at Grand Slam and go on to WrestleDream.

Video on Jack Perry since All Out.

Ricochet vs. The Beast Mortos

Ricochet slugs away to start but gets knocked into the corner for a shot to the face. Mortos’ running knee misses though and he crashes out to the floor, where Ricochet hits a big dive. The running shooting star press gives Ricochet two and they trade armdrags. Ricochet sends him into the ropes and out to the floor, where a big flip dive is countered into an apron bomb.

We take a break and come back with Ricochet fighting out of a chinlock but getting caught in a pop up Samoan Drop for two more. Mortos’ running monkey flip doesn’t work as he crashes out to the floor, where Ricochet grabs a Code Red. Back in and a springboard 450 gives Ricochet two but Mortos gives him a super gorilla press for two of his own. Ricochet is right back with the ax kick (which didn’t appear to connect) and Vertigo for the pin at 11:31.

Rating: B. This was a very simple formula and it is something that will pretty much always work. Ricochet is someone who flies around and uses his special set of skills to take out a monster like Mortos. It worked well here and Ricochet looked good in the match that was designed to make him look good. They had a layup of an idea here and it worked well.

Video on Hangman Page’s recent actions.

We look at FTR beating the Grizzled Young Veterans on Dynamite.

Here is Hangman Page for a chat. Page has promised to hurt anyone who held him back from getting revenge on Swerve Strickland. While he was suspended, he heard Tony Schiavone cheering for Strickland, but here is Jeff Jarrett for the save. The fight is on with security breaking it up. Jarrett promises to take Page out.

Ricochet comes up to see Will Ospreay, who will face him at the anniversary show on October 2.

Will Ospreay/Kyle Fletcher/Konosuke Takeshita vs. Elite

Fletcher runs Matt over to start and Ospreay comes in for some double kicks, sending Matt bailing to the corner. Okada comes in and shoulders Ospreay down so Takeshita tags himself in, which doesn’t sit well with Ospreay. The Elite are sent outside for stereo dropkicks through the ropes and stereo slingshot dives as we take a break.

Back with Fletcher hitting a double clothesline on the Bucks and a brainbuster for two on Matt. A Michinoku Driver plants Okada and it’s Takeshita coming in for a middle rope backsplash. The Bucks come in for the save but get sent outside, leaving Okada to get triple dropkicked for two. Okada is back up with his own dropkick to Takeshita for a breather as we take another break.

Back again with the Bucks taking over on Takeshita, setting up the triple middle finger. The EVP Trigger is blocked though and a double German suplex drops the Bucks. Okada is back in and the Bucks hit a double stomp to the back into a sitout powerbomb for two on Ospreay. The Bucks superkick Ospreay down but Fletcher is back in for an assisted middle rope cutter. Takeshita hits a big running flip dive on Okada but Nick gets in his slingshot X Factor and moonsault from the apron. Fletcher hits the spinning Tombstone though and Ospreay adds the Hidden Blade, setting up the Coriolis for the pin on Matt at 19:35.

Rating: B+. This is where AEW tends to shine, as they had a bunch of people out there going nuts until one of them got pinned. It’s something they have done since the beginning and it worked well again here. Takeshita vs. Okada is coming and Fletcher/Ospreay vs. the Bucks is already set and both stories looked good here. Awesome main event, with some nice Grand Slam implications.


Orange Cassidy b. Chris Jericho – Orange Punch with a roll of quarters
Hook b. JD Ink – Redrum
Yuka Sakazaki/Queen Aminata b. Serena Deeb/Mariah May via DQ when May used the title
Ricochet b. The Beast Mortos – Vertigo
Will Ospreay/Kyle Fletcher/Konosuke Takeshita b. Elite – Coriolis to Matt



Head over to my website at kbwrestlingreviews.com with thousands of reviews from around the world and throughout wrestling history.

The final score: review Amazing
The 411
They went with the wrestling heavy show this week and the big important show is all set up. This week was the kind of show that makes AEW feel entertaining and it went well, with nothing bad, an outstanding main event and two other strong matches throughout. Throw in the lack of anything bad and this was a big upgrade over last week.

article topics :

AEW Dynamite, Thomas Hall