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Ben Affleck Reportedly Interested In Playing Hulk Hogan In New Movie

August 2, 2024 | Posted by Joseph Lee
Hulk Hogan Saturday Night's Main Event 5-27-89 Hulk Hogan Image Credit: WWE

PWInsider reports that Ben Affleck is looking to play Hulk Hogan in an upcoming biopic about Hogan’s legal battle against Gawker. A screenplay about the ordeal is moving forward in Hollywood with Affleck and Matt Damon’s Artist Equity to produce. The film is called Killing Gawker and is looking to begin production in January. Damon would play Peter Thiel, who funded Hogan’s lawsuit against Gawker.

The script was written by Charles Randolph (The Big Short), based on the book Conspiracy: Peter Thiel, Hulk Hogan, Gawker, and the Anatomy of Intrigue by Ryan Holiday. Hogan sued Gawker after it made his sex tape publicly available, a tape which Hogan was not aware was being filmed. It was stolen and leaked. Hogan ended up winning the case and Gawker eventually folded.

article topics :

Hulk Hogan, Joseph Lee