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Chris Claremont Wishes Fox Had Done His X-Men Stories Right

October 8, 2019 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Dark Phoenix

The Fox era of the X-Men is over, and there are plenty of mixed opinions on them. But Chris Claremont, the man behind many of the films’ stories, wasn’t particularly mixed in his assessment at New York Comic-Con. As reported by AiPT! Comics on Twitter, Claremont — who wrote such stories as the Dark Phoenix Saga, the Wolverine Japan story that served as the basis for 2013’s The Wolverine, “Days of Future Past,” “God Loves, Man Kills” which was the inspiration for X2 and more — opined on the Fox films during a panel at the convention.

After talking about how good it’s been to see Stan Lee’s stories adapted to film, Claremont said, as you can see below, “I wished they’d gotten my films right.”

The X-Men films leave a clouded legacy, with several of the movies like Logan, the first two Bryan Singer-directed films, First Class and Days of Future Past enjoyed by many (if not all) fans. However, on the flip side there were the much less-beloved X-Men: Apocalypse, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, X-Men: The Last Stand, and this year’s Dark Phoenix. The rights to the X-Men are back with Marvel now that Disney owns Fox, with Kevn Feige teasing the arrival of “the mutants” down the line at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con.