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Ghostbusters: Afterlife Stars Celeste O’Connor & Logan Kim on Joining the Iconic Franchise, Developing Their Characters

Ahead of the release of Ghostbusters: Afterlife, 411mania got the chance to sit down and speak with the film’s stars and new Ghostbusters team members, Celeste O’Connor and Logan Kim. They were actually cast in the film and wrapped production over two years ago, as the film experienced multiple delays due to the pandemic. However, they now finally get to enjoy the experience of the film’s release, along with a screening with the fans that took place last month at New York Comic-Con. Here’s what the actors had to say about joining the iconic franchise.
Celeste O’Connor (Lucky)
Celeste O’Connor also recently starred in last year’s Freaky opposite Vince Vaughn and Kathryn Newton. In Ghostbusters: Afterlife, they portray Lucky. During the film, Lucky grew up in the small Oklahoman town that Phoebe and her family are forced to move to near the start. Lucky soon catches the attention of Phoebe’s older brother, Trevor. As the story progresses, Lucky is drawn into the mystery that’s unfolding in her town.

Lucky (Celeste O’Connor), Trevor (Finn Wolfhard), Podcat (Logan Kim) and Phoebe (McKenna Grace) in Columbia Pictures’ GHOSTBUSTERS: AFTERLIFE.
Jeffrey Harris: Since principal photography of the film finished up about two years ago, how does it feel knowing that it’s finally coming out in theaters now?
Celeste O’Conoor: I am beyond excited. It’s been filmed two years ago, so it’s been it’s been a long time of keeping this secret, and I’m just like so excited that it’s like finally, finally being shown. I’m glad that, you know, I was definitely disappointed at first, but I’m happy that people will be able to see it in theaters because it really is the best way to see this movie.
Jeffrey Harris: Do you remember what you were doing when you got the call that you were going to be in Ghostbusters?
Celeste O’Connor: Yes, yes, I do. I was in the shower, and I missed the call, and then I got out and I called my agent and managers back when I got the news, and I was just so excited. I started calling everybody I knew like, “Dad! Mom! Friend, friend friend! This director I worked with in the past! Guess what?” Like, I was just so excited.
Jeffrey Harris: In creating the character of Lucky, it turns out lucky has an interesting backstory in connection with the town in the film. How do you like the discovery process for Lucky and learning more about her backstory?
Celeste O’Connor: Yeah, the discovery process was really fun. I got to work on it with Jason [Reitman], and then working with Bokeem Woodbine, who plays my dad in the film, we got to talk a little bit. And it was just really cool to have this character who is a lot different from me. She grew up in a really small town, and her family has been in this town for four generations, and she is looking for some adventure and excitement.
Jeffrey Harris: Have you seen the action figure for Lucky yet?
Celeste O’Connor: I have, I have. It’s a really, really cool. It’s awesome.
Jeffrey Harris: Now in using the gear, the props, the proton packs, the neutrona wands. I’m curious, how functional are they on set? Like when you use them on set? Do they make the sounds? Do they light up at all, or does that all kind of get added in later?
Celeste O’Connor: For the proton packs, it actually lit up on set, and that was really cool. So, a lot of it is really practical. That’s another thing. There were so many practical effects on film, and that’s why it was really fun and hands-on to be a part of it because there wasn’t a lot that was green screen, and a lot of it was built and functioned to a certain degree.
Jeffrey Harris: The relationship that Lucky has with Trevor (Finn Wolfhard); it’s a very important part of the film, and it’s a big driving force for the narrative. How did you like getting to play this relationship with Finn that would later bring Lucky into the Ghostbusters team?
Celeste O’Connor: It was the most exciting news of all time, honestly. I read the script, and I just fell in love with all the characters. I also fell in love with Trevor and Lucky’s relationship, and I thought that their dynamic was really beautiful. It was something we worked on with Jason because I think Jason really captures the authenticity of teenage relationships, where I think a lot of the times it’s [depicted] like, “Oh, we’re friends,” but this also feels like something more, “I don’t want to ruin the friendship, but I think I like you.” And there’s that kind of sweetness and honesty to their relationship.
Jeffrey Harris: Was there ever a very spooky moment on set where it just felt eerie and weird, and like a ghost just might actually pop out?
Celeste O’Connor: I didn’t personally experience any spooky moments, but Logan [Kim] and Mckenna [Grace], like plastic bones kept popping up around their trailers. And we never found out who it was that was putting the bones all over their trailers. But somebody was pranking them through the whole shoot.
Jeffrey Harris: So it wasn’t you, correct?
Celeste O’Connor: For the record, it was not me, Logan and Mckenna, if you’re reading this.
Jeffrey Harris: Did you get to keep any props or costume items that you took home from the set?
Celeste O’Connor: No, I wish, but we did get a little gift for our props department, and we got our own ghost traps. So, I have my own ghost trap with my name on it, and it’s up in my room right now.
Logan Kim (Podcast)
Newcomer Logan Kim makes his big-screen debut in Ghostbusters: Afterlife in the role of Podcast. Podcast is a young boy and classmate for Phoebe, who she meets in summer school. Aptly nicknamed, Podcast hosts his own podcast about mysteries of the unknown, and he’s obsessed with the world of the supernatural, and he becomes a great foil for the scientifically minded Phoebe as their friendship develops.

Mr. Gary Grooberson (Paul Rudd) with Podcast (Logan Kim) and Phoebe (Mckenna Grace) in Columbia Pictures’ GHOSTBUSTERS: AFTERLIFE.
Jeffrey Harris: It’s been a bit of a wait for this movie. So, how are you feeling that audiences are finally going to get to see it next month?
Logan Kim: Well, we filmed it in 2019, so it’s been two years. Now that it’s finally coming out, I’m just so excited. I was really nervous about what people would think of the movie. I knew it was good, but I didn’t know how fans would react. I was really assured when we did the screening at [New York] Comic-Con. Everybody loved it.
Jeffrey Harris: I’ve already seen the movie twice, and I really enjoyed Podcast, and I really enjoyed how he’s excited about mysteries into the unknown. Do you think Podcast, as a character, had a had a favorite podcast in this that maybe inspired him to start doing it himself?
Logan Kim: My little version of how he started his podcasts, I think he grew up watching these these movies. And I’m this is my story, of course, that I made up in my mind. Yeah, I think he grew up watching these movies, and he went around and he just found all sorts of comic books. Like he was sucked into that kind of world of, you know, conspiracies and aliens and ghosts and all that stuff. And I think that’s what brought him to do his podcasts. And you know, eventually, he actually does experience the supernatural without Phoebe in the movie.
Jeffrey Harris: Phoebe and Logan’s relationship, and the growth of their friendship, is central to the narrative of this film. How did the importance of that friendship make you feel?
Logan Kim: Yeah, I feel great about it. I mean, you know, we’re such different character. Mckenna does a really good job. It’s so funny because in real life, we were like best friends from day one, and she’s so different from her character in real life and she did a great performance. But I was, you know, me as podcast, starting conversation with her was a weird thing for her because she was an introverted person, and I was this like expert who is like really weird and nobody wanted to talk to me. So, it just kind of started up. And as you can see throughout the film, Phoebe kind of gets used to podcast and opens up to him.
Jeffrey Harris: What you were doing when you found out you were going to become a Ghostbuster?
Logan Kim: Well, let’s see. I believe I was in my living room, and my mom got the call. And we jumped up from the couch and ran around the house and screamed for five minutes I’d say. Yeah.
Jeffrey Harris: Once you got started on, did you ever have a, “I have to pinch myself because I must be dreaming,” type of moment?
Logan Kim: Yes, I remember meeting everybody, and I just I died inside, I was so scared. And I had to be calm and collected. So on the outside, I had to be like really chill, but on the inside, I was like, “*Screaming* How are they right in front of me?!”
Jeffrey Harris: Was there ever a night on set where it actually felt genuinely creepy? And did anyone ever try to actually scare someone on set for real?
Logan Kim: I remember we were at a foundry, and the foundry was super creepy because in some places it was really quiet, but when the crew filled it up, it was much more normal. And I remember there were some sets that they built. I not gonna say too much, but they were pretty large scale and they were really creepy. And they had this weird vibe and really Ghostbuster-y. But somebody scaring somebody else? I mean, other than the fact that I sometimes went in McKenna’s trailer and then like scared her, just randomly. I think she that used to that, so I stopped doing that because she got just too good at resisting the fear. Other than that, I don’t really remember any scares, but yeah.
Jeffrey Harris: How did you just like getting to ride around in Ecto-1? It’s such a great scene in the movie, it must have felt like being a kid in the candy store?
Logan Kim: Oh yeah. I remember driving — not driving because I was in the backseat, we did like a little, a little stunt. And we went around the corner super fast in the Ecto. It was just so fast, but it went around the corner really fast, they needed to strap me on. And that was like my one favorite like quote, unquote stunt, I guess. Yeah.
Jeffrey Harris: Do you know, Podcast’s real name?
Logan Kim: I do, I do know his real name. It was originally in the script, and they took it out for mysterious purposes.
Jeffrey Harris: When are you guys going to start work on the sequel?
Logan Kim: Well, I don’t know anything about a sequel yet, but we’re just waiting to see how this movie does. But yeah, if they do make another one, I’m down to do it again.
Thank you to Celeste O’Connor and Logan Kim for taking the time to speak with us. Ghostbusters: Afterlife is in theaters now. You can check out our official review of the film HERE. You can also check out our exclusive interviews with Ghostbusters: Afterlife star, Mckenna Grace, and co-writer and executive producer, Gil Kenan.