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Heather Locklear Arrested For Domestic Violence

TMZ reports that Melrose Place star Heather Locklear was arrested last night for felony domestic violence and battery on a police officer. Police were called to a home in Thousand Oaks, California, after someone reported a domestic disturbance. When she was being arrested, she began to fight back and attacked a cop. That led to three counts of misdemeanor battery on a cop.
The incident began after Locklear’s brother went to her home and saw her fighting with her boyfriend. He called 911 and police saw the boyfriend had a visible mark. When they tried to take her in custody she began to flail, kick and struck three deputies. She was taken to the hospital for evaluation.
She has had issues in the past with substance abuse and prescription drugs, previously getting arrested for DUI. She’s also had domestic violence issues. In 2011, the LAPD went to Jack Wagner’s home, who was dating her at the time, after an argument turned physical. At the time, a cop said that “she lost it on him and he retaliated.” No charges were filed at that time. Police are not saying who she attacked this time, but she’s currently working on posting bail.