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Joe and Anthony Russo Think A Superman Movie Would Be Difficult

December 14, 2018 | Posted by Joseph Lee
Superman 1

In an interview with Business Insider, Avengers: Endgame directors Joe and Anthony Russo spoke about which superheroes would be difficult to adapt for a movie, with Superman being the most difficult. Here are highlights:

Anthony on which heroes are difficult: “The more powerful a character is, the more difficult to deal with that character on a narrative level. As storytellers, and the way we explore characters, we always look for vulnerabilities in characters because that’s where characters become interesting. They’re superficially interesting in their strength, but they get much more depth when you find where they don’t have that kind of strength. In general, the more powerful a character is, the more tricky that is.”

Joe on Superman: “He’s a very difficult character. You have to find an emotional flaw or weakness in the character in order to make them vulnerable.”

article topics :

Superman, Joseph Lee