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Louis James On Starring In New Film Escape, Being Inspired By Sylvester Stallone
The 411 Interview: Louis James
Louis James is an actor, director, and producer who has been working in movies and television, according to imdb, since at least 2010. James has appeared in such short films as If Found, The English Teacher, Santa for Hire, C600: Infiltration, My Dead Husband, and Snowdrop, among others, as well as the feature films Help, A Night in 97, H.P. Lovecraft’s Monster Portal, and Vipers. James has also appeared on such TV shows as Dillon Jones: Former Child Star, Humans, All About Casey, and The Midnight Hour. James’ latest movie is the action thriller Escape, directed by Howard J. Ford and set to hit theaters and Video On Demand on March 15th, 2024 from Saban Films. In this interview, James talks with this writer about making Escape, working with Escape director Howard J. Ford, and more.
Bryan Kristopowitz: How did you get involved with Escape?
Louis James: I was very fortunate to have bumped into Howard J Ford at a party in Cannes. He said he was looking for a ‘charmer’ and I fit the bill perfectly. He asked me along to some test shots and asked if I would open a door in one of the scenes. So, it really is Howard who helped open the door to my career!
BK: How did you approach your character Jude?
LJ: I was aware that Howard saw qualities in me that he also envisioned ‘Jude’ would embody – a charm which reminded him of a young Jude Law, hence the name. Once I was cast we discussed Jude’s background and we were able to add layers to justify his motives, so much so that Jude ends up being a major player in the story. That’s the beauty of collaboration and having a director who gives you the freedom to explore a character from the ground up.
BK: What was it like working with the cast of Escape?
LJ: The cast of Escape was extremely committed and hard working. Everybody who was signed on wanted to maximize the experience and enjoy the ride. This is thanks to Howard carefully selecting people he knew he wanted to come onboard for the love of filmmaking and the adventure.
BK: What was it like working with director Howard J. Ford?
LJ: I could probably write a book on this question alone- maybe one day I will! Working with Howard isn’t like working with any other director I’ve encountered. It’s more like working with an adventurer who is in love with life as much as he is with filmmaking. You can see the glint in his eye which is reminiscent of a teenager picking up a film camera for the first time. As a director he is kind, collaborative and passionate.
BK: What was the hardest part of making Escape for you as an actor? What was the easiest?
LJ: I honestly cannot remember any hardship on the shoot. Each and every day I was eager to wake up and get going. The locations, accommodation, food and company were all wonderful.
BK: Is Escape an action movie or is it more appropriate to call it a thriller?
LJ: Escape is an action thriller and more! Much like a good roller coaster ride there are moments you’re racing downwards and at others there are suspenseful twists and turns.
BK: According to imdb you’ve produced a number of movies over your career. How did you get into producing movies?
LJ: Producing movies really came from the actor in me wanting to take charge of my career. The “make it happen for yourself” outlook of Sly Stallone has always inspired me to seek out other creatives who want to take action rather than just talk. If you want something in life you have to go and get it! That’s advice for everyone, not just actors.
BK: According to imdb you’ve directed two short films in your career, If Found and Blink of an Eye. Is directing something you intend to pursue in the future?
LJ: Sure! It would have to be a story I felt connected to. I wrote Blink of an Eye so I could already see it visually as I was dreaming up the scenes. Having a talented crew you can trust and collaborate with helps a director to shine.
BK: Do you enjoy working in genre movies?
LJ: I enjoy working in movies full stop. A movie is more than a genre, it’s how the story is told. When you’re surrounded by talented, passionate people, magic in any genre can happen. That being said, I do love action!
BK: Any moviemaking heroes?
LJ: Tom Cruise is a moviemaking legend. The career, work ethic and choices still have him riding high today and I’m sure for many years to come. I hope to collaborate with him one day. Sylvester Stallone is another man I greatly admire who has forged his own destiny in the movies.
BK: Any upcoming projects you can tell us about?
LJ: I’m very excited about River of Blood, which is also directed by Howard J Ford and written by Tom Boyle. We shot in Thailand at the end of 2023 – audiences are going to love it! I produced a horror movie with the wonderful Lucas A Ferrara called The Manor which is in the final stages of post- production. It was directed by my friend Blake Ridder.
BK: What do you hope audiences get out of Escape?
LJ: After watching Escape I hope, in fact I’m sure, audiences will be saying to themselves “What the hell just happened?!”
BK: Where is your favorite place to go on vacation?
LJ: There’s lots of the world left to see but as of now I love being in Cannes at the time of the film festival. It’s buzzing with creatives and glamour all on the backdrop of French rustic streets, cafés and restaurants.
A very special thanks to Louis James for agreeing to participate in this interview and to david j. moore for setting it up.
Escape is set to hit theaters and Video On Demand March 15th, 2024 from Saban Films.
Check out Louis James’ Facebook page here!
Check out Louis James’ imdb page here!
Louis James headshot courtesy of Louis James. Escape poster image courtesy of Saban Films. All other images courtesy of Howard J. Ford.